Plate Tectonic Intro Have you ever dropped an egg and the shell broke into an irregular pattern of broken pieces? Earths solid outer shell or lithosphere is much like a cracked eggshell Scientists are studying the Earth s crust including continents and ocean floors. Scientists use: Seismographs Sound Waves Submersible vehicles (robots are even more helpful) Scientists took the information they have found and they noticed an interesting pattern Earthquakes and volcanoes tend to occur in the same areas around the world as well as deep valleys Trenches: Deep valleys under the oceans Ridges: Long underwater mountain ranges. The mountain range in the middle of the Atlantic Oceans was very important in the development of Earth’s surface- Mid Atlantic Ridge The rock at its top was younger than the rock on the surrounding ocean floor and the edges of the continents Sea Floor Spreading: magma rises up and flows out at the ridge. The further the rock is away from the ridge the older it is. The earth is not expanding as other areas of the sea floor is moving deep into the trenches. Strong evidence for their theories 1. Most earth quakes and volcanoes are concentrated in specific areas 2. Large areas on Earth where few or no earthquakes and volcanoes occur 3. Ocean floor is spreading away from the mid- ocean ridges The ocean floor is moving down into deep trenches on or near the edges of continents Theory - When all the evidence was pieced together, scientists suggested the Theory of Plate Tectonics - Lithosphere broken up into large pieces called plates - Carry both continental and oceanic crust - Slowly moving on a semi-solid layer of crust (partly melted layer of the mantle below the lithosphere: asthenosphere) - Boundary: Where the edge of the plates meet Snack Tectonics Fruit roll-up – oceanic crust Graham cracker – continental crust Frosting – asthenosphere 1. Divergent Boundaries Students will need two pieces of “oceanic crust.” They should place the two pieces of crust on the frosting with the edges touching. Explain that these two plates are being pulled apart. Have the students pull the pieces apart. Students should draw the results of the plate motion on their loose-leaf sheets. Student Question 1. What happens to the molten rock as the two pieces of crust move away from each other? The frosting, or molten rock, should rise up in between the plates as the move apart. Explain that this is how new oceanic crust is formed. Explain that two continental plates can also move away from each other, but it is less common. Student Question 2. If new crust is being created at these divergent boundaries, why isn’t the Earth expanding? This should lead students think about subduction zones and the recycling of crust. Transform Boundaries Students will need the two pieces of continental crust. Place them side by side on the frosting. Push one plate up and the other down Students should draw the results of this activity in plan (bird’s-eye) view. Student Question 3. What happened to the edges of the graham crackers as they moved? The graham crackers crumbled slightly due to the friction of the two plates. Rocks at these boundaries can be crushed and broken. Because of the large amount of friction and pressure involved, energy can build up over time and be released in the form of earthquakes. Convergent Plate Boundary (Oceanic – Continental) Students will need a piece of oceanic crust and a piece of continental crust (a fruit roll-up and a graham cracker). Line up the oceanic and continental crust on the frosting, making sure the oceanic crust is pressed firmly into the frosting and the continental is only lightly sitting on it. Gently push the pieces together. (The oceanic crust should slide underneath the continental). Subduction Zone Students should draw the result of this activity in profile. Student Question 4. What happened to the oceanic crust? Because the oceanic crust is more dense than the continental crust it subducted, or sank, beneath the continental crust. Student Question 5. Did the process happen smoothly? There was friction and some resistance on the part of the oceanic crust. Although they are often too deep to be felt by the people living on the Earth’s surface above them, earthquakes are common at modern subduction zones. However, the crust usually doesn’t wrinkle or ripple like the fruit roll-up did. Convergent Boundary (Continental – Continental) The students need two pieces of continental crust. They should soften one edge of each graham cracker by quickly dipping it in the water. Place the continental crust pieces on the frosting with the softened edges touching. Push the two pieces of crust together. (Mountain ranges should build along the margins. Some thrust faulting may also occur.) Students should draw the results of this activity in profile Student Question 6. What happened along the margins of the continental crust? Explain that as the continents collide, heat is generated. This heat softens the rock, which we mimicked by softening the graham crackers in water. Direction of Movement Motion Type Examples Effect Two plates slide against each other in opposite directions Two plates come together and both rising up Transform Boundary San Andreas Fault Earthquakes Convergent Boundary: continental crust to continental crust Converging Boundary: ocean crust to continental crust Divergent Boundary Himalayas Rock mountains Mountain ranges Mariana Trench Trenches Earthquakes Volcanoes Mountains Mid Atlantic Ridge Volcanoes Tsunami Two plates come together, one sliding under the other Two plates move apart