Reading Fluency Rubric for ____________________________ Date___________ Passage Title____________________________________________________________ Criteria Accuracy Prosody (expression) Fl Fluidity/ S Smoothness Loudness 1 Mispronounc es most of the words. Frequently substitutes words for other words. 2 Frequently mispronounces words. Frequently substitutes words for other words. 3 Seldom mispronounces words. Seldom substitutes words for other words. 4 Correctly pronounces most of the words exactly as they are written. Uses no variety in tone or uses inappropriat e voice tones. Uses little variety in voice tone. Uses some appropriate voice tones. Reads choppy (word by word) Infrequentl y pauses for punctuation marks or inappropriat ely pauses. Reads too softly for audience to hear. Infrequently chunks phrases. Occasionally pauses according to punctuation marks. Reads the text by chunking some phrases. Usually uses appropriate pauses according to punctuation marks. Reads most of the text loudly enough for audience to hear. Mostly uses appropriate variety of tones to convey emotions of characters or story events. Reads most of the text like natural speech. Pauses appropriately for most punctuation marks. Reads with inconsistent volume. Reads entire text loudly enough for the audience to hear. 5 Correctly pronounces and enunciates all of the words exactly as they are written. Uses appropriate variety of voice tones to convey emotions of characters or story events. Reads the entire text like natural speech. Appropriately pauses according to the types of punctuation marks. Reads entire text adjusting volume to create emotional effect G. Paredes 2007 Hawthorne School District