
Interpretive Guide
Initiative involves identifying a problem, obstacle or opportunity and taking appropriate action to address
current or future problems or opportunities. As such, initiative can be seen in the context of proactively
doing things and not simply thinking about future actions. Formal strategic planning is not included in this
Behavioural Level
1. Addresses Current Opportunities or
Recognizes and acts upon present
opportunities, overcomes obstacles to
a d d r e s s p r e s e n t p r o b l e ms q u i c k l y a n d
Acts quickly and decisively in a crisis
( w h e r e n o r m i s t o w a i t , “ s t u d y, ” h o p e
problem will resolve itself).
2. Acts 1–3 Months Ahead:
- C r e a t e s o p p o r t u n i t i e s o r mi n i mi z e s
p o t e n t i a l p r o b l e ms b y a u n i q u e e x t r a
e f f o r t ( n e w p r o g r a m, s p e c i a l t r a ve l ,
etc.) occurring within a one to three month time frame.
3. Acts 4–12 Months Ahead:
- Anticipates and prepares for
a specific
opportunity or problem that is not
o b vi o u s t o o t h e r s .
Takes action to create an opportunity
or avoid future crisis, looking ahead 4–
12 months.
4. Acts Over a Year Ahead:
- Anticipates situations 1 –2 years
or more and acts to create opportunities
o r a v o i d p r o b l e ms t h a t a r e n o t o b v i o u s
to others.
Brought to you by the
BC Public Service Agency
Interpretive Guide
Did the candidate take the initiative to address current
problems? Did the candidate go out of his or her way to
act on current opportunities? Was the candidate willing
to take reasonable risks to address these opportunities or
problems? To score at this level, the candidate identified
ways to address current problems and then took steps to
address them.
Did the candidate identify any new opportunities or
minimize potential problems that would occur in the next
four months? Did the candidate take appropriate action,
such as setting up timelines, identifying resources to meet
the goals of the plan? To score at this level, the candidate
took personal responsibility for addressing potential
problems or opportunities, even when not required to do
Did the candidate take advantage of a specific opportunity
or problem not obvious to others? Did the candidate find
new ways to minimize the problem or generate new ideas
to act on the opportunity? To score at this level, the
candidate took action to take advantage of potential
opportunities or avoid any future problems in the
medium term (e.g., next six months to a year).
Did the candidate think ahead about new opportunities or
problems that others may not see? Did the candidate
think about the impact of the problem or opportunity for
the longer term (e.g., between one to two years)? To
score at this level, the candidate anticipated potential
situations and put in place a plan or action which
resulted in improved performance or stability for the