Autumn Term 1st Half Autumn Term 2nd Half AT HOME AND ABROAD AT HOME AND ABROAD RECYCLING PIRATES Literacy: Handwriting (Letter formation) Non-Fiction Factual Recount (Weekend news – using sequential words to order and open sentences.) Non-Fiction (Identifying features of non-fiction text.) Non-Fiction (Identifying and writing labels and captions related to the body.) Traditional Tales (Reading, retelling and writing the story of Hansel and Gretel.) Fiction (Reading Handa’s Surprise and writing adjectives to describe fruits, characters and settings. Non-Fiction Lists (Writing a shopping list to make a fruit salad.) Literacy: Handwriting (Letter formation) Non-fiction Factual Recount (Weekend news – writing in the past tense. ) Stories with familiar settings (Reading The Jolly Postman) Non-Fiction (letter writing.) Non-fiction (reading books about Guy Fawkes.) Religious Story (Reading, retelling and writing the story of Rama and Sita.) Poetry (using the senses; onomatopoeiac words related to firework sounds) Non-Fiction Information Text (Remebrance) Literacy: Traditional tales (Reading The Three Little Pigs, re-telling the story using the Pie Corbett approach and writing the story). Information Texts (Reading Katie books by James Mayhew to learn about London and Paris) Grammar (Reading and writing a range of connectives.) Non-fiction (reading and learning about famous landmarks and writing an information booklet on landmarks) Reading Comprehension (inference, retrieving information, forming opinions) Word classes (Identifying nouns, adjectives and verbs.) Non-Fiction Instructions (how to do your washing like a Victorian) Literacy: Fiction (Reading Miranda the Castaway.) Non-Fiction Information Texts (Using Dictionaries.) Poetry (Pattern and rhyme; reading and responding to poetry. Composition of poems- acrostic poems and rhyming couplets.) Reading comprehensions (inference, retrieving information, forming opinions) Non-Fiction Factual Recounts and Diaries (Reading about Blackbeard the Pirate, sea explorers and Christopher Columbus. Writing a diary as if they were a sea explorer) Grammar (Using a variety of Punctuation – exclamation and question marks.) Maths: Number and place value. Addition and subtraction. Geometry (properties of 2D shapes). Science: Animals including humans (Naming external parts and the organs inside the Human Body. Maths: Addition and subtraction. Measurement (length and height). Fractions. Geometry (position and direction). Science: Light (Recognising light is needed to see things and the absence of light is dark. Recognising sources of Spring Term 1st Half Spring Term 2nd Half Maths: Number and place value. Addition and subtraction. Measurement (weight and mass). Multiplication: lots of, arrays. Fractions. Geometry (properties of 3d shape). Statistics (data handling). Science: Everyday materials (Identifying materials and their properties, investigating waterproof materials, investigating which material would make a good roof. Link to literacy – three little pigs, make houses from different materials and test how waterproof the roofs are.) Physics Seasonal changes (Observing and describing.) Plants and Trees (Looking at types of plants we see during the spring, making observations of deciduous tree, planting and nurturing seasonal fruits and vegetables.) Summer Term 1st Half Summer Term 2nd Half Maths: Number and place value. Addition and subtraction. Measurement (capacity). Multiplication and division Fractions. Geometry (position and direction). Statistics (data handling). Science: Biology (Animals) (Identifying fish, amphibians, birds, reptiles, pets. Identifying and sorting carnivores/herbivores/omnivores) Biology (Plants) (Identifying and naming plants. Food - Where does it come from? Planting and growing seasonal fruit and vegetables) Physics (Observing and describing seasonal changes) Computing: Handling Data and Researching Information (Create and Autumn Term 1st Half Autumn Term 2nd Half Investigating how we use our 5 senses to explore the world around us. Discussing pets the children have at home) Physics Seasonal changes (Identifying seasonal changes and when they happen in the year.) Plants and Trees (Looking at types of plants we see during this season and making observations of deciduous trees. Discussing seasonal fruits and vegetables.) light.) Physics Seasonal changes (Observing and describing the current season.) Plants and Trees (Looking at types of plants we see during the season of winter and the changes that have occurred to plants in our local environment. Discussing seasonal fruits and vegetables.) Animals including humans (Discussing animals we see in the nativity story and the story of Rama and Sita. Thinking about animals that we see during Winter – in the snow and nocturnal animals – link to light and dark) Computing: Basic skills and procedures (typing, turn on, log on, saving documents). Using the equipment (cameras, beebots, tuff cams, laptops). RE: Christianity (reading stories from the bible and exploring what they mean.) Geography: Locational Knowledge (UK – Locating and naming the countries, capital cities and seas. Locating Harlow on a map and identifying the human and Computing: E-Safety (Using the Internet to search for images.) Digital Literacy (Typing on Microsoft word, using a paint programme to create a picture, inserting and saving images in documents.) RE: Special symbols objects in celebrations: Hinduism (Diwali) Judaism (Hanukkah) Christianity (Christmas) Spring Term 1st Half Spring Term 2nd Half Animals including humans (Discussing new life and identifying animals that are born during Spring – link to Easter.) Computing: Programming (algorithms - Bee Bots) Communication/Digital Literacy – (Cameras and tuff cams.) RE: Special Places (Identifying special places of worship in different religions.) Judaism (Learning about customs and traditions) Christianity (Easter) Geography: Locational Knowledge - UK (Identifying London landmarks. Comparing Parisian landmarks with London’s.) Geographical Skills and Fieldwork (Analysing and drawing aerial views, use and devise maps, plans and keys. Features of environment/ Place knowledge (Local area walk, comparing the seasons) History: Victorians (comparison of everyday life then and now, Whole Key Stage 1 topic on Victorians to be decided.) Famous People (Queen Victoria) Art: Sculpture (Researching Sculptures - look at sculptures the children have seen in Harlow – Henry Moore. Think about sculptures they have seen in the UK and then think about sculptures in France. Children will then design and make their own sculpture using recycled materials.) Art Appreciation (Henry Moore) Collage (Using a range of media - recycled materials to create collages, repeating patterns.) Summer Term 1st Half Summer Term 2nd Half organise digital content – surveys and pictograms.) E-Safety (being safe online) RE: Islam (reading Islamic stories and exploring what they mean.) Buddhism (learning about customs and traditions) Geography: Locational Knowledge Naming and locating the continents and oceans. Geographical Skills and Fieldwork (Using and creating aerial view maps. Identifying climate changes around the globe. Compass directions. ) Features of environment and locational knowledge (Comparing our local environment to Africa. Local Area Walk to compare the seasonal changes) History: Famous People (Researching and learning about sea explorers and Christopher Columbus. Who was he? What did he do? Where did he go? How did he travel?) Art: Textiles (design and make own pirate flag using fabric crayons and weaving) Painting (with different textures.) Drawing (using 2D shapes – boats, islands) DT: Design and make (boats/rafts that float in water) Music: Charanga (Round and Round, listening and appraising Latin music) Charanga (Reflect, rewind and replay. Listen, appraise, Autumn Term 1st Half physical features of our local area. ) Place Knowledge (Home address, identifying types of houses on a local area walk.) History: Changes within living memory (Sequencing the life of Prince George so far. Comparing what I can do now to what I could do as a baby. ) Art: Printing (Body part and fruit printing.) Collage (Make an Autumn collage using leaves) Painting (houses that we have sketched.) Drawing (observational drawings of fruit and vegetables) DT: Making and designing (a healthy snack, learning how to chop, peel and grate) Music: Charanga (Hey You, Keeping the pulse. Appraising rap music) PE: Gym – travelling in a space at Autumn Term 2nd Half Geography: Locational Knowledge (Naming and locate the continents linking with Santa's travels.) History Famous Events – The Gunpowder Plot Art: Printing with leaves. Sculpting clay diwas. Painting (Mixing paint, learning about the colour wheel, blow painting and firework painting) Drawing and decorating mehndi hands. DT: Designing and making (slider Christmas cards looking at different sliding mechanisms.) Design and make (Christmas hats – different ways to join materials) Design and make (a clay diva lamp.) Food (make a chocolate barfi, following a recipe) Music: VE Day Singing KS1 Christmas Nativity PE: Spring Term 1st Half Spring Term 2nd Half Painting (tints and shades, painting on wet paper and sprinkling paint onto it) Drawing (self portraits) DT: Designing and make (shelters and structures – sculptures in the UK and France) French food tasting and cooking. Music: Charanga (In the Groove – blues music, singing, play instruments and composition) Charanga (Rhythm in the way we walk and banana rap) PE: Games – (tracking and bouncing balls in preparation for games.) Games – (rolling balls to a target.) Gymnastics – (balancing on body parts and apparatus.) Expressive dance – (music to be decided, children will sequence movements expressively thinking about how the music makes them feel.) PSHE: Recycling – (why do we need to recycle? Why is recycling good for the community? How do you recycle?) Looking after our environment Healthy Eating Emotional Health and Literacy (to know and understand feelings) Summer Term 1st Half Summer Term 2nd Half perform.) PE: Gym (jumping using body parts and apparatus.) Country dancing. Games (striking with a variety of bats/racquets.) Games – running, hopping and travelling with a ball. PSHE: Looking after pets/animals in the wider world – how do we look after our pets at home? What could we do to look after wild animals e.g. birds in the garden etc. Looking after others – how to be a good friend. Road Safety (safe routes, safe places to play, appropriate behaviour in and around cars) Citizenship (knowing there are a range of environments, to know who people are that keep you safe in and out of school, stranger danger) Autumn Term 1st Half different levels and speeds. Travelling on apparatus. Games – kicking a variety of balls with different parts of the foot. PSHE: Keeping healthy – balanced diet, exercise, looking after our bodies. Healthy snack. Physical Health Medicines – how to store them and use them safely. Personal Hygiene Relationship Education (personal space, growing from young to old and babies’ needs) Autumn Term 2nd Half Games – throwing and catching. Throwing a range of balls using overarm, underarm and chest pass. Expressive dance to the music of Fantasia. PSHE: Safety Keeping safe and being seen in the community linked to Bonfire Night and being out in the dark. Remembrance Emotional Relationships (the roles of individuals in the family, different types of families and valuing oneself) Spring Term 1st Half Spring Term 2nd Half Summer Term 1st Half Summer Term 2nd Half