ACRIS Landscape Function Update 2006-2010 Updated information to that provided in Rangelands 2008 – Taking the pulse Gary Bastin1, Phil Thomas2, Paul Novelly2, Mike Fleming3 and Craig Baulderstone3 1 2 ACRIS Management Unit, CSIRO, PO Box 2111, Alice Springs NT 0871 WA Department of Agriculture & Food, Locked Bag 4, Bentley Delivery Centre, WA 6983 3 SA Department of Environment & Natural Resources, GPO Box 1047, Adelaide SA 5001 This project is supported by Ninti One Limited, through funding from the Australian Government's Caring for our Country. 1 © Australian Government 2011 This material is copyright © Commonwealth of Australia, except where otherwise indicated. Apart from any use as permitted under the Copyright Act 1968 , all other rights are reserved. ISBN: 978-1-921733-55-0 This notice is not to be erased. You may download, store in cache, display, print and reproduce the material in unaltered form only (retaining this notice, or links to it where they appear) for your personal, non-commercial use or use within your organisation. You may not deal with the material in a manner that might mislead or deceive any person. You are not permitted to use the Caring for our Country website to sell a product or service or to increase traffic to your website. You are not permitted to re-transmit, distribute or commercialise the information or material without seeking prior written approval from the Commonwealth. Requests for further authorisation should be directed to: Department of Sustainability, Environment, Water, Population and Communities Public Affairs GPO Box 787 Canberra ACT 2610 Australia phone: +61 2 6274 1111 The views and opinions expressed in this publication are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect those of the Australian Government or the Minister for Sustainability, Environment, Water, Population and Communities. While reasonable efforts have been made to ensure that the contents of this publication are factually correct, the Commonwealth does not accept responsibility for the accuracy or completeness of the contents, and shall not be liable for any loss or damage that may be occasioned directly or indirectly through the use of, or reliance on, the contents of this publication. 2 Landscape Function Landscape function defines the capacity of landscapes to regulate (i.e. capture and retain, not leak) rainwater and nutrients, the vital resources for plant growth which, in turn, provides food and shelter for fauna. Continued ground-based pastoral monitoring in Western Australia and South Australia allows more recent reporting of change in landscape function over a significant part of the Australian rangelands. Key points Landscape function is monitored using a resource capture index as part of the Western Australian Rangeland Monitoring System (WARMS). To enable cross-jurisdictional reporting however, we infer landscape function from the persistence of perennial vegetation measured in different ways by the separate monitoring systems of WA and SA. Sites are reassessed at a three-to-five year interval in WA and this allows reasonable confidence in attributing seasonal and management effects as likely causes of detected change. Explaining probable causes of change is more difficult in SA because of the longer period between assessments (generally >10 years). Based on the vegetation data used to infer landscape function: The majority of grassland monitoring sites in northern WA bioregions had maintained or improved landscape function between 2006 and 2008. Approximately one third to a half of monitoring sites were similarly categorised in the southern shrubland bioregions. A decline in landscape function in the southern Western Australian rangelands was attributed to poorer seasonal quality. The density of longer-lived perennial vegetation species was maintained or increased at one half to two thirds of pastoral monitoring sites in the southern pastoral bioregions of SA. Allowing more explicitly for seasonal quality, ~25% of reassessed sites in the Gawler bioregion (SA) and ~30% of sites in the Coolgardie 3 sub-IBRA (WA) had an increased density of perennial vegetation (and inferred increase in landscape function) following poorer seasonal quality. This increase in landscape function may relate to good management as a decrease in landscape function was expected under poor seasonal conditions. Elsewhere in WA and the southern rangelands of SA, change was mostly as expected during drier years (i.e. a low proportion of sites with an inferred increase in landscape function). The following caveats accompany these general findings of the change in landscape functions across parts of the Australian rangelands: (i) monitoring is confined to pastoral areas within bioregions, (ii) sites don’t represent all parts of the landscape, 3 (iii) sites in some bioregions are confined to a particular sub-region and reporting is only for that area, and (iv) bioregions (or sub-regions) had to have at least 12 reassessed sites for reporting. More detail on the changes in landscape function for particular regions based on various data types is provided in the body of this update. 4 Table of contents Key points ............................................................................................................................................ 3 Tables ................................................................................................................................................... 6 Figures .................................................................................................................................................. 6 Landscape function .............................................................................................................................. 8 Site-based monitoring of landscape function ................................................................................... 9 More recent changes in landscape function ......................................................................................... 9 Gross change – all seasons ............................................................................................................. 10 Seasonally adjusted change ........................................................................................................ 12 Jurisdictional monitoring data in more detail .................................................................................... 13 Western Australia – WARMS sites ............................................................................................... 13 Grassland sites (northern bioregions) ........................................................................................ 14 Frequency change relative to seasonal quality....................................................................... 17 Shrubland sites (southern bioregions) ........................................................................................ 17 Change in shrub population relative to seasonal quality........................................................ 20 Landscape function based on the Resource Capture Index ........................................................ 20 Change in resource capture index relative to seasonal quality .............................................. 22 Compare indices of landscape function ..................................................................................... 22 South Australian Pastoral Monitoring System ............................................................................... 23 Bladder saltbush as a component of change .............................................................................. 26 References .......................................................................................................................................... 28 Appendix 1. Seasonal quality matrices for change in perennial grass frequency at WARMS grassland sites .................................................................................................................................... 29 Appendix 2. Seasonal quality matrices for change in shrub density at WARMS shrubland sites.... 31 Appendix 3. Seasonal quality matrices for change in RCI ratio at WARMS sites ........................... 33 Northern grassland bioregions ....................................................................................................... 33 Southern shrubland bioregions....................................................................................................... 34 Appendix 4. Seasonal quality matrices for change in landscape function at SA pastoral monitoring sites .................................................................................................................................. 36 5 Tables Table 1. Numbers and types of sites by bioregion used for reporting more recent change in landscape function. Seasonal quality preceding the most recent assessment is also indicated by the percentage of sites classified into each seasonal-quality tercile. ............................................ 10 Table 2. Percentage of sites where the ratio of change in RCI during the most recent assessment cycle was below a specified threshold. ........................................................................... 21 Table 3. Mean time interval and range (years) between reassessment of sites in each bioregion (or sub-region).................................................................................................................................... 23 Figures Figure 1. Dysfunctional (left) and functional (right) landscapes in tropical savanna woodlands near Charters Towers, Queensland. ..................................................................................................... 8 Figure 2. Gross change in landscape function based on perennial vegetation monitored at sites in WA and SA. ................................................................................................................................... 11 Figure 3. Seasonally-adjusted change in landscape function based on perennial vegetation monitored at sites in WA and SA....................................................................................................... 12 Figure 4. Location of WARMS grassland and shrubland sites. ........................................................ 13 Figure 5. Mean and standard error of perennial grass frequency within bioregions at each assessment of WARMS grassland sites. ............................................................................................ 14 Figure 6. Mean and standard error of the ratio of perennial grass frequency from one assessment to the next at sites within bioregions. .............................................................................. 15 Figure 7. Change in site-level perennial grass frequency during the most recent assessment cycle for the Central Kimberley and Pilbara bioregions. ................................................................... 16 Figure 8. Mean and standard error of population growth rate for the second assessment cycle of shrubland bioregions. ........................................................................................................... 18 Figure 9. Change in site-level shrub population during the most recent assessment cycle for the Carnarvon and Gascoyne bioregions. ..................................................................................... 19 Figure 10. Change in site-level shrub population during the most recent assessment cycle for the Murchison bioregion. ............................................................................................................. 20 Figure 11. Ratio of site-level RCI values, averaged across pastoral bioregions, for the most recent assessment cycle. Standard error of the mean is also shown. ................................................ 21 Figure 12. Mean and standard error of the density of perennial vegetation at the first and second assessments of sites grouped by bioregion (or part region). .................................................. 24 6 Figure 13. Mean & SE of the ratio of densities of perennial vegetation at first and second assessments of SA pastoral monitoring sites. The dashed line represents ‘no change’. ................... 24 Figure 14. Change in site-level population of perennial vegetation between the first and second assessments for the Gawler bioregion and Flinders Lofty Block 3 sub-IBRA. ..................... 25 Figure 15. Change in density of bladder saltbush and all perennial species at SA pastoral monitoring sites. ................................................................................................................................. 26 Figure 16. Compositional and structural changes in vegetation between 1993 and 2011 at a pastoral monitoring site in the Broken Hill Complex bioregion of SA....................................... 27 7 Landscape function Landscape function defines the capacity of landscapes to regulate (i.e. capture and retain, not leak) rainwater and nutrients (see the example for a savanna woodland below). Water and nutrients are the vital resources for plant growth which, in turn, provides food and shelter for fauna. Figure 1. Dysfunctional (left) and functional (right) landscapes in tropical savanna woodlands near Charters Towers, Queensland. Dense native perennial grasses (right) slow overland flows during intense rainfall events allowing rainwater to infiltrate the soil surface. Runoff that does occur carries minimal sediment and thus soilborne nutrients are retained on site. The sparse cover on the left means that most rainfall is lost as runoff. Rapidly flowing water has the energy to cause further erosion and loss of vital nutrients for plant growth. Photo: CSIRO Townsville. The relative functionality of landscapes varies with environmental setting. Regions with higher or more assured rainfall generally have higher ground cover with that cover comprising a greater proportion of persistent species (grasses in northern Australia, chenopod shrubs in the south). Ground cover and the proportion of perennial species both decline with increasing aridity with the exception of some spinifex communities which can have a high cover of perennials under arid conditions. Whatever the setting though, functional landscapes have a relatively higher cover of patches of perennial vegetation which are spatially arranged to efficiently capture runoff and resist wind erosion (Tongway and Ludwig 1997). Damaged or dysfunctional landscapes have reduced cover and have lost much of their perennial component. They are generally unproductive for grazing, have low biodiversity value and may remain highly vulnerable to continued erosion. Functional landscapes are likely to maintain their vegetation cover through variable climatic conditions and recover quickly from disturbances (e.g. drought, fire, grazing). Dysfunctional landscapes take longer to recover. Changes in landscape functionality provide useful indicators for assessing the effects of management on rangelands. 8 Site-based monitoring of landscape function Site-based data are used for reporting change in landscape function in WA and SA. Each monitoring system is focussed on pastoral land and most sites are located within an intermediate grazing distance from water (e.g. 1.5-4 km). Western Australian Rangeland Monitoring System (WARMS): Northern grassland sites are assessed approximately every three years and change in the frequency of perennial grasses is reported with respect to seasonal quality. The most recent assessment period was May 2006 to October 2008 (number of sites assessed by bioregion shown in Table 1). Southern shrubland sites are assessed approximately every five years, and were most recently monitored between May 2005 and November 2009 (Table 1). Changes in shrub density are comparable with the data collected at SA monitoring sites. A more direct measure of landscape function is obtained at WARMS sites using the Resource Capture Index (RCI) and changes based on these data are also reported. South Australian Pastoral Monitoring System: Change in the density of longer-lived perennial vegetation relative to seasonal quality in the southern (sheep-grazed) rangelands is reported (see Table 1 for number of sites). Second-round assessment of sites commenced in 2005 and change is evaluated against the first assessment, generally during the 1990s. ACRIS uses a tercile scoring system based on long-term rainfall to indicate site seasonal quality1. Rainfall contributing to the vegetation measured at the most recent assessment is compared to the long-term record and classified as above average, average or below average. Regional seasonal quality at the time of the most recent assessment is indicated in Table 1. More recent changes in landscape function Change in landscape function between 1992 and 2005 was reported in Chapter 3 of Rangelands 2008 – Taking the pulse (Bastin et al. 2008). Here, we update that reporting using further measurements at monitoring sites in the pastoral country of WA and the southern sheep-grazed rangelands of SA. Two sets of maps are used to show changes in landscape function: the first (Fig. 2) shows overall or ‘gross’ changes and the second (Fig. 3) shows changes adjusted for seasonal quality. Although a coloured value is applied to all of the grazed country in each pastoral bioregion, mapped change applies only to the locations of monitoring sites. Change is not reported for bioregions with less than 12 sites reassessed. Seasonal quality and the way in which the tercile scoring system is applied are described in Rangelands 2008 – Taking the pulse (see Box 2.1, page 13 and Ch. 3, page 31). 1 9 Table 1. Number and type of sites by bioregion used for reporting more recent change in landscape function. The seasonal quality preceding the most recent site assessment is indicated by the percentage of sites classified into each seasonal-quality tercile. Bioregion (IBRA) or sub-IBRA No sites assessed % sites in each seasonal quality category above average average below average WARMS grassland sites – northern bioregions (assessment 5: May 2006 to October 2008) Central Kimberley 68 90 10 130 81 19 Northern Kimberley 1 10 60 40 Ord Victoria Plain 80 82 18 Pilbara 99 56 30 Victoria Bonaparte 1 11 100 Dampierland 14 WARMS shrubland sites – southern bioregions (assessment 2: May 2005 to November 2009) Carnarvon Coolgardie 3 125 26 74 30 23 77 Gascoyne 181 36 31 33 Murchison 357 27 54 19 Nullarbor 2 116 17 36 47 38 62 Yalgoo 40 SA pastoral monitoring sites – sheep-grazed rangelands (2nd assessment: 2005 to 2010) Gawler 693 5 43 52 Broken Hill Complex 1 16 38 63 Flinders Lofty Block 3 148 24 53 20 10 90 Stony Plains 1 a a 23 reporting restricted to the area south of the Dog Fence. Gross change – all seasons A score indicating the percentage of sites in each bioregion that maintained or improved their level of landscape function during the most recent assessment cycle is mapped in Fig. 2. In some cases, reporting is restricted to a sub-IBRA of the bioregion. 10 Insufficient or no data % sites with stable or increased landscape function 0 25 50 75 100 Figure 2. Gross change in landscape function based on perennial vegetation monitored at sites in WA and SA. Non-pastoral areas in each bioregion are masked (in grey). Reporting is by sub-IBRA where sites within some bioregions are confined to particular sub-IBRAs. Data sources: DAFWA and SA DENR. Map compiled by the ACRIS-MU. The majority of grassland monitoring sites in northern WA had maintained or improved landscape function between 2006 and 2008 based on perennial grass frequency. Approximately one third to a half of shrubland monitoring sites were similarly categorised. Poorer seasonal quality in the south of the state contributed to the decline in landscape function based on shrub density (Fig. 3). The density of longer-lived perennial vegetation was maintained or increased at one half to two thirds of pastoral monitoring sites in each bioregion (or part bioregion) in the southern sheep-grazed rangelands of SA (i.e. indicated by the shades of green colouring in Fig 2). When interpreting this map of change in landscape function, it is important to note that: (i) to be mapped, bioregions had to have at least 12 assessed sites; (ii) in some areas sites are confined to a sub-IBRA and, where this is the case, only that part of the bioregion is reported on; (iii) sites don’t represent all parts of the landscape and (iv) monitoring is confined to pastoral areas within bioregions. 11 Seasonally adjusted change Adjusting changes in landscape function by seasonal quality provides a useful longer-term view because changes are corrected for recent rainfall. In Fig. 3, the top map shows that ~25% of reassessed sites in the Gawler bioregion (SA) and ~30% of sites in the Coolgardie 3 sub-IBRA had an increased density of perennial shrubs following poorer seasonal quality (decrease expected at this time). insufficient data or no data for below-average seasonal conditions no data % sites with increased landscape function 0 25 50 75 100 (a) Increase in landscape function following below-average seasonal quality insufficient data or no data for above-average seasonal conditions no data % sites with decreased landscape function 0 25 50 75 100 (b) Decrease in landscape function following above-average seasonal quality Figure 3. Seasonally-adjusted change in landscape function based on perennial vegetation monitored at sites in WA and SA. Data source: DAFWA, SA DENR. Maps compiled by the ACRIS-MU. 12 Elsewhere in WA and the southern rangelands of SA, change was mostly as expected during drier years (i.e. few sites with increased landscape function). Note though that when interpreting the top map, any value above 0% (coloured red) would be a positive result, even though red is typically used by ACRIS in other maps to display negative results. Also note that the colour scheme is reversed between the two maps so that in each case, the blue-purple end of the colour scheme represents the most substantial improvement. Excluding the Pilbara bioregion, most WARMS grassland sites experienced average to aboveaverage seasonal quality so change for these bioregions is not shown in the top map. For the reverse situation, all pastoral bioregions in WA and SA had a low proportion (<20%) of sites showing unexpected decline in landscape function when assessed following above-average seasonal quality (Fig. 3, bottom map). Jurisdictional monitoring data in more detail Western Australia – WARMS sites The locations of grassland and shrubland sites are shown in Fig. 4. The majority of sites were monitored during the most recent reassessment cycle. Figure 4. Location of WARMS grassland and shrubland sites. Data source: WA Dept Agriculture and Food. Map: ACRIS Management Unit. 13 As noted earlier, landscape function in the northern grasslands is indicated by the frequency of perennial grasses (i.e. percentage presence in quadrats relative to the total number assessed at each site). In the southern shrublands, landscape function is indicated by the density of longer-lived perennial vegetation. Higher frequencies of perennial grasses (in northern bioregions) and densities of shrubs (in the south) indicate increased landscape function. WA also conducts formal landscape function analysis (Tongway 1994 and Tongway and Hindley 1995) at WARMS sites and these data are also reported here using a resource capture index (i.e. additional information to that presented in Rangelands 2008 – Taking the pulse). Grassland sites (northern bioregions) Perennial grass frequency increased, on average, in the three most northern IBRAs in the 1990s and early 2000s and then stabilised in the second half of the most recent decade above 80% frequency (Fig. 5). By inference, landscape function also increased and then stabilised. In contrast, perennial grass frequency decreased in the Pilbara bioregion, particularly between 2000 – 2002 and 2003 – 2005. This infers considerable loss of landscape function at this time. Note that change in perennial grass frequency is not shown for the pastorally less productive Northern Kimberley 1 and Victoria Bonaparte 1 sub-IBRAs because fewer than 12 sites were assessed in each region. 100 1994-1996 1997-1999 2000-2002 2003-2005 2006-2008 95 90 Frequency (%) 85 80 75 70 65 60 55 50 Central Kimberley Dampierland Ord Victoria Plain Pilbara Figure 5. Mean and standard error of perennial grass frequency within bioregions at each assessment of WARMS grassland sites. Data source: WA Rangeland Monitoring System (WA Dept. Agriculture and Food). Graph compiled by the ACRIS-MU. 14 The period between pairs of assessments is a cycle and the most recent cycle (the fourth) encompasses assessments four (2003-2005) and five (2006-2008). Change in perennial grass frequency at each site is reported as a ratio (1 = no change, <1 represents decrease, >1 an increase) with ratio values for all sites averaged for each IBRA into a cumulative index value (Fig. 6). 1.5 cycle 1 (1994-96 to 1997-99) 1.4 cycle 2 (1997-99 to 2000-02) Figure 6. Mean and standard error of cycle 3 (2000-02 to 2003-05) 1.3 cycle 4 (2003-05 to 2006-08) the ratio of perennial grass frequency from one assessment to the next at sites Frequency Ratio 1.2 within bioregions. 1.1 The dashed line indicates no change. 1.0 Data source: WA Rangeland 0.9 Monitoring System (WA Dept. 0.8 Agriculture and Food). Graph compiled by the ACRIS-MU. 0.7 0.6 Central Kimberley Dampierland Ord Victoria Plains Pilbara The frequency ratio has been consistently above one for the three most northern bioregions. This indicates recruitment of perennial grasses at successive assessments and supports the inference of increasing landscape function. The ratio has decreased since the first two cycles and in two cases stabilised close to one; plausible because increase in perennial grass frequency must slow as it approaches 100%. The frequency ratio for the Pilbara bioregion declined appreciably (and to <1) in cycle 3 in line with the lower perennial grass frequency at assessment 4 (Fig. 5). The small increase in absolute frequency in cycle 4 (Fig. 5) then produced a substantial increase in the frequency ratio (Fig. 6). This is largely attributable to a few sites: perennial grass frequency at one site increased from 9% to 90% and five other sites had an increase of >50%. Site-level change in perennial grass frequency during the last cycle for two bioregions is shown in Fig. 7. The Central Kimberley (top panel) was relatively unchanged compared with the Pilbara (bottom panel). For the latter, there were several sites with a large decrease in frequency during the cycle (bottom right of graph) and other sites with a large increase in frequency (top left of graph). These changes were not always associated with seasonal quality: some sites with a large decrease experienced good seasonal conditions while for a few sites, frequency increased following average or below-average seasonal quality. In interpreting the graphs, ‘c4a1’ means the first assessment in cycle 4 and ‘c4a2’ represents the second assessment. 15 100 above average average Frequency c4a2 (2006, 2007 or 2008) 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 Frequency c4a1 (2003, 2004 or 2005) Central Kimberley bioregion 100 Frequency c4a2 (2006, 2007 or 2008) 90 80 above average average below average 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 Frequency c4a1 (2003, 2004 or 2005) Pilbara bioregion Figure 7. Change in site-level perennial grass frequency during the most recent assessment cycle for the Central Kimberley and Pilbara bioregions. Sites positioned near the 1:1 line were relatively unchanged. Colours and symbols represent seasonal quality preceding the most recent assessment. Data source: WA Rangeland Monitoring System (WA Dept. Agriculture and Food). Graph compiled by the ACRIS-MU. 16 Frequency change relative to seasonal quality ACRIS uses a ‘seasonal quality’ matrix to report the percentage of reassessed sites that had either expected on unexpected change in the attribute monitored for seasonal conditions experienced. Seasonal quality matrices for WARMS grassland sites during the most recent assessment cycle are tabulated by bioregion in Appendix 1. Shrubland sites (southern bioregions) A complete census of shrubs is made at each assessment of shrubland sites and change in density is reported as population growth rate (PGR). Values of less than one mean loss of some shrubs from one assessment to the next and PGR > 1 indicates shrub recruitment. Change in shrub density at WARMS sites for cycle 1 (for most sites, 1994-2000 to 2000-2004) was reported in Rangelands 2008 – Taking the pulse. Cycle 2 change is reported here – 2000-2005 to 2005-2009. Shrub density (i.e. PGR) declined on average in most bioregions between the first and second halves of the most recent decade (Fig. 8). This decline was most marked in the Carnarvon IBRA. The Murchison IBRA had a very small increase in shrub density (PGR=1.05±0.04). The general decline in PGR for the Carnarvon and Gascoyne IBRAs is further illustrated by sitelevel change in shrub population during the second assessment cycle (Fig. 9) where the majority of sites plot below the 1:1 line. Much of this decrease was associated with average to below-average seasonal quality. In comparison, the Murchison IBRA had a more even and generally clumped distribution of sites about the 1:1 line based on change in shrub population (Fig. 10) with some sites that had increased shrub density having experienced below-average seasonal quality. In interpreting the graphs, ‘c2a1’ means the first assessment of cycle 2 and ‘c2a2’ represents the second assessment (duration of each assessment period also shown). 17 1.2 Population Growth Rate 1.1 1.0 0.9 0.8 0.7 0.6 Figure 8. Mean and standard error of population growth rate for the second assessment cycle of shrubland bioregions. Data source: WA Rangeland Monitoring System (WA Dept. Agriculture and Food). Graph compiled by the ACRIS-MU. 18 300 No. plants c2a2 (5/05 to 9/08) 250 200 150 100 50 average below average 0 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 No. plants c2a1 (9/99 to 8/02) Carnarvon bioregion 350 No. plants c2a2 (5/05 to 5/08) 300 250 200 150 100 50 above average average below average 0 0 100 200 300 400 No. plants c2a1 (8/99 to 8/03) Gascoyne bioregion Figure 9. Change in site-level shrub population during the most recent assessment cycle for the Carnarvon and Gascoyne bioregions. Sites positioned near the 1:1 line were relatively unchanged. Colours and symbols represent seasonal quality preceding the most recent assessment. Data source: WA Rangeland Monitoring System (WA Dept. Agriculture and Food). Graph compiled by the ACRIS-MU. 19 450 No. plants c2a2 (9/05 to 9/09) 400 Figure 10. Change in site-level shrub population during the most 350 recent assessment cycle for the 300 Murchison bioregion. 250 Sites positioned near the 1:1 line were relatively unchanged. 200 Colours and symbols represent seasonal quality preceding the 150 most recent assessment. Data 100 source: WA Rangeland above average 50 Monitoring System (WA Dept. average Agriculture and Food). Graph below average 0 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 compiled by the ACRIS-MU. No. plants c2a1 (9/99 to 8/04) Change in shrub population relative to seasonal quality Seasonal quality matrices for WARMS shrubland sites during the most recent assessment cycle are tabulated by bioregion in Appendix 2. Landscape function based on the Resource Capture Index Formal landscape function analysis (Tongway and Hindley 2004) has been conducted at WARMS sites in recent years. This allows a Resource Capture Index (RCI) to be calculated from the vegetation data where the index is the percentage of a measured down-slope transect length that is occupied by resource-capturing patches (mainly perennial vegetation). Change during an assessment cycle is reported as the ratio of RCI values for the previous and current assessments. This allows aggregated data for grassland and shrubland sites to be compared; although RCI values may differ considerably, the ratio provides a comparable index of change. All bioregions with sufficient site-level data for reporting maintained or had a slightly increased RCI value during the most recent assessment cycle (Fig. 11). This suggests that landscape function (based on RCI) was maintained or slightly increased, on average, across all bioregions. Northern bioregions appeared to have a larger increase in landscape function compared to southern IBRAs. Better seasonal quality in the north (Table 1) probably contributed to this result. 20 1.8 1.7 Grassland sites, cycle 4 Shrubland sites, cycle 2 (2003-2005 to 2006-2008) (2000-2005 to 2005-2009) Average Change in RCI 1.6 1.5 1.4 1.3 1.2 1.1 1.0 0.9 la N ul Ya lg oo rb or 2 so ch i M ur as co G n yn e 3 e oo lg ar di C lb ar a ar na rv on C Vi ct o rd Pi ai n ria Pl er la nd pi am D O C en tra lK im be rle y 0.8 Figure 11. Ratio of site-level RCI values, averaged across pastoral bioregions, for the most recent assessment cycle. Standard error of the mean is also shown. Data source: WA Rangeland Monitoring System (WA Dept. Agriculture and Food). Graph compiled by the ACRIS-MU. Grassland bioregions and the Carnarvon IBRA (i.e. shrubland) had relatively large standard errors about their mean ratio of RCI values indicating that while the majority of sites within each IBRA had an increased ratio value, others had a substantial decrease (Table 2). Table 2. Percentage of sites where the ratio of change in RCI during the most recent assessment cycle was below a specified threshold. IBRA / sub-IBRA Type Central Kimberley grassland Dampierland Number of sites assessed in cycle % sites where RCI ratio is < 0.9 < 0.5 69 57 13 grassland 122 56 22 Ord Victoria Plain grassland 78 42 13 Pilbara grassland 93 34 15 Carnarvon shrubland 124 38 2 Coolgardie 3 shrubland 30 37 3 Gascoyne shrubland 180 33 6 Murchison shrubland 352 28 5 Nullarbor 2 shrubland 116 20 3 Yalgoo shrubland 40 28 0 21 Change in resource capture index relative to seasonal quality Seasonally interpreted change in the RCI ratio during the most recent assessment cycle is reported for WA pastoral bioregions in Appendix 3. Compare indices of landscape function Two accounts of landscape function have been provided based on WARMS data: (1) indices derived from perennial vegetation measured across each site (perennial grass frequency, grassland sites and shrub density, shrubland sites) and (2) a resource capture index calculated from the length of resource-capturing patches measured downslope. Although both are based on attributes of the perennial vegetation, they can provide different accounts of change in landscape function. Perennial grass frequency remained relatively high and stable under conditions of predominantly good seasonal quality during the most recent assessment cycle in the Central Kimberley, Dampierland and Ord Victoria Plains bioregions (Fig. 5). The frequency ratio was close to, or a little above, one (Fig. 6) inferring maintenance of, to a slight increase in, landscape function. The RCI ratio suggested a small increase in landscape function for the Central Kimberley and Dampierland bioregions and a more definite increase in the Ord Victoria Plain IBRA (Fig. 11). Trend in landscape function in the Pilbara was more equivocal. The frequency ratio was higher than for other grassland bioregions (Fig. 6) due to a small increase in mean frequency of perennial grasses during the current cycle (Fig. 5, but this cycle’s frequency was much lower than for cycles one and two). The RCI ratio for the current cycle suggested a definite increase in landscape function (Fig. 11), albeit with a considerable standard error about the mean. Of the shrubland bioregions, the Carnarvon IBRA had reduced shrub density (PGR<1, Fig. 8) suggesting a decline in landscape function while there was a small increase in RCI (RCI ratio>1, Fig. 11) suggesting improvement. Probable reasons for this apparent paradox include: 1. Considerable recruitment of perennial species following good seasons but small plant size which had little influence on the landscape’s capacity to hold resources. 2. RCI includes ‘non live or dead’ obstructions such as fallen branches. Such obstacles are included as capture zones at one assessment but may have largely disappeared by the second. 3. Differences in measurement area. RCI is measured along a line transect and plant recordings are within a wider belt. 4. Measurement and data differences apart, RCI provides a direct measure of landscape function while PGR allows inference. 22 Both index values suggested slightly increased landscape function in the Murchison IBRA. PGR was a little above one (Fig. 8), demonstrating shrub recruitment – as was the RCI ratio (i.e. increased RCI throughout the cycle). Landscape function appeared to be relatively stable across other shrubland bioregions given the size of standard errors about mean values of PGR and the RCI ratio. The Coolgardie 3, Gascoyne, Nullarbor 2 and Yalgoo bioregions had maintained or slightly reduced shrub densities on average (0.88 ≤ PGR ≤ 0.97, Fig. 8) and an RCI ratio close to, or a little above, one (1.03 ≤ RCIratio ≤ 1.14, Fig. 11). South Australian Pastoral Monitoring System Compared to WA, there was a longer period between reassessments of SA pastoral monitoring sites (Table 3). There can be considerable rainfall variability during this time and we are less confident that the ACRIS ‘seasonal quality’ matrix appropriately infers whether observed change is likely due to season or grazing management. Nevertheless, we have assigned a seasonal quality score, based on rainfall in the preceding three years, to each site at the time of the latest assessment to emphasise where the direction of change may be counter to seasonal expectations (Fig. 3 and bioregion summaries in Appendix 4). Table 3. Mean time interval and range (years) between reassessment of sites in each bioregion (or subIBRA). Bioregion (or sub-IBRA) Mean interval (years) Range (years) 693 15.1 6 – 17 Broken Hill Complex 1 16 14.4 9 – 16 Flinders Lofty Block 3 148 13.7 9 – 16 20 14.7 14 – 15 Gawler Stony Plains 1 a a Number of sites monitoring sites south of the Dog Fence. Averaged across all reassessed sites in each bioregion (or part thereof), the density of perennial vegetation at individual sites increased slightly in the Gawler bioregion and decreased elsewhere between 1990-2000 and 2005-2010 (Fig. 12). The degree of site-level change is enhanced by calculating a change ratio (density of perennials at 2nd assessment divided by density at 1st assessment, as for the WARMS shrub data in Fig. 8). These data show that there was good recruitment of perennial vegetation, on average, at sites in the Gawler bioregion and Barrier Range subregion of the Broken Hill Complex (BHC1) (Fig. 13). This infers increased landscape function at the time of the second assessment. There was little change in the density of perennial vegetation 23 (and, by inference, landscape function) at reassessed sites in the Olary Spur region (Flinders Lofty Block 3 sub-IBRA) and the small area of Breakaways, Stony Plains (STP1 sub-IBRA). Site-level densities of perennial species and their change over time with respect to seasonal conditions are shown for the Gawler IBRA and Olary Spur (FLB3 sub-IBRA) in Fig. 14. Many sites in the Gawler bioregion that experienced below-average seasonal quality prior to reassessment had maintained or increased their density of perennials. Several sites experiencing average seasonal quality during the same time had a considerably increased plant count at their second assessment. Some sites with recent above-average seasonal quality lost perennial plants between their first and second assessments (further information about change with respect to seasonal quality is summarised in Appendix 4). As noted above, change may have occurred at some sites prior to the three years preceding reassessment that was used to calculate site-level seasonal quality. 400 Figure 12. Mean and 1990-2000 350 standard error of the 2005-2010 density of perennial Count of Perennial Plants 300 vegetation at the first and 250 second assessments of sites grouped by bioregion (or 200 part region). 150 Data source: SA Dept. 100 Environment and Natural Resources. Graph 50 compiled by the ACRIS- 0 Gawler Broken Hill Complex 1 Flinders Lofty Block 3 Stony Plains 1 1.8 Figure 13. Mean & SE of 1.6 the ratio of densities of 1.4 perennial vegetation at first and second assessments of 1.2 Change Ratio MU. SA pastoral monitoring 1.0 sites. The dashed line 0.8 represents ‘no change’. 0.6 Data source: SA Dept. 0.4 Environment & Natural Resources. Graph: 0.2 ACRIS-MU. 0.0 Gawler Broken Hill Complex 1 Flinders Lofty Block 3 Stony Plains 1 24 1500 No. plants (2001-2010) 1200 900 600 300 above average average below average 0 0 300 600 900 1200 1500 No. plants (1990-2000) Gawler bioregion 900 800 No. plants (2001-2010) 700 600 500 400 300 200 above average 100 average below average 0 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 No. plants (1990-2000) Flinders Lofty Block 3 sub-IBRA (Olary Spur) Figure 14. Change in site-level population of perennial vegetation between the first and second assessments for the Gawler bioregion and Flinders Lofty Block 3 sub-IBRA. Sites positioned near the 1:1 line were relatively unchanged. Colours and symbols represent seasonal quality preceding the most recent assessment. Data source: SA Dept. Environment and Natural Resources. Graph compiled by the ACRIS-MU. 25 As noted above, quite long intervals separated most reassessments and we are not confident as to when (or why) actual changes in the densities of perennial vegetation occurred. However it is encouraging that landscape function based on plant density was maintained or increased at many sites in the Gawler bioregion and parts of other bioregions (BHC1, FLB3 and part STP1 subIBRAs) in generally below-average seasons. Bladder saltbush as a component of change Bladder saltbush (Atriplex vesicaria) is an important component of the perennial vegetation across much of the southern chenopod rangelands. This shrub contributed the majority of the recorded change at many reassessed sites in South Australia, as indicated by the general spread of sites along the dashed 1:1 line in Fig. 15. This graph is a little different to the preceding scatter plot (Fig. 14) in that it shows change in the density of bladder saltbush compared to that of all perennial species regardless of seasonal quality. Despite the general correspondence between density of bladder saltbush and all perennial species, there was considerable variation at some sites. Of those sites that had >10% increase in density of all perennial plants (shown by the green squares in Fig. 15), there was limited recruitment of bladder saltbush at many sites and some sites had lost individuals at the second assessment (i.e. sites represented by the green symbols plotting substantially below the 1:1 line in Fig. 15). 800 Figure 15. Change in density 600 of bladder saltbush and all perennial species at SA Density of bladder saltbush 400 -1000 pastoral monitoring sites. Sites positioned near the 200 dashed 1:1 line had similar changes in the density of 0 -500 0 500 1000 bladder saltbush and all perennial vegetation. -200 Colours and symbols represent degree of change. -400 -600 Data source: SA Dept. increase Environment & Natural no change Resources. Graph: compiled decrease by the ACRIS-MU. -800 Density of all perennial plants 26 Conversely, where total plant density declined by more than 10% at sites (red diamond symbols in Fig. 15), bladder saltbush persisted at some sites (shown by the red symbols plotting well above the 1:1 line). Change at some sites was spectacular (Fig. 16) and serves to show how dynamic compositional and structural change can be in the rangelands. The 2011 photo shows that this site was dominated by a palatable biennial (i.e. relatively short-lived) grass, Enneapogon avenaceus) while the 1993 photo had a good cover of chenopod shrubs (low bluebush, Maireana astrotricha, and bladder saltbush). Plant density data confirm that bladder saltbush declined from 92 adults and 296 juvenile plants in 1993 to two adults in 2011. Low bluebush underwent similar change; from 160 adults and six juveniles in 1993 to just 12 adults in 2011. Anecdotal evidence strongly suggests that these changes were due to some very dry years in the last decade. Prior to summer in 2001 and after a dry winter and low levels of ephemeral feed, the lessee removed stock from the site area to minimise potential impacts on the valuable chenopod shrubs if further rain was not received. Drought ensued and the shrubs succumbed to be replaced by the more ephemeral E. avenaceus with recent good rains. This grass provided good ground cover when the site was reassessed but it does not persist like the chenopod shrubs it has replaced and therefore does not provide longer-term stability in landscape function. 1993 2011 Figure 16. Compositional and structural changes in vegetation between 1993 and 2011 at a pastoral monitoring site in the Broken Hill Complex bioregion of SA. Anecdotal evidence strongly indicates that loss of chenopod shrubs (which are evident in the left hand photo) was due to drought during the last decade. Shorter-lived grasses responded to good rains prior to the 2011 photo. In the long-term, chenopod shrubs provide better landscape function than the more ephemeral grasses. Photo: SA Dept. Environment & Natural Resources. 27 References Bastin, G. & the ACRIS Management Committee (2008). Rangelands 2008 – Taking the Pulse. Published on behalf of the ACRIS Management Committee by the National Land and Water Resources Audit, Canberra. Available at: Tongway, D.J. and Ludwig, J.A. (1997). The conservation of water and nutrients within landscapes, Chapter 2. In J.A. Ludwig, D.T. Tongway, D. Freudenberger, J. Noble and K. Hodgkinson (Editors), Landscape ecology, function and management: principles from Australia’s rangelands. CSIRO Publishing, Melbourne, Australia, pp. 13-22. Tongway, D. (1994). Rangeland Soil Condition Assessment Manual. CSIRO Division of Wildlife and Ecology, Canberra. Tongway, D., and Hindley, N. (1995). Manual for the Assessment of Soil Condition for Tropical Grasslands. CSIRO Division of Wildlife and Ecology, Canberra. 28 Appendix 1. Seasonal quality matrices for change in perennial grass frequency at WARMS grassland sites The following tables report seasonally-interpreted change in perennial grass frequency for the most recent assessment cycle (2003-2005 to 2006-2008). Tables are not included for the Northern Kimberley 1 and Victoria Bonaparte 1 sub-IBRAs where less than 12 sites were assessed during cycle 4. Cell values report the percentage of sites in each seasonal quality category that showed decline, no change or improvement in frequency. The red cell in each table emphasises the percentage of reassessed sites that had decreased frequency following above-average seasonal quality (increase expected). Conversely, the green cell highlights where improvement occurred when poor seasonal quality suggested a decrease in frequency. Central Kimberley Seasonal Number of sites Quality Decline. No change. Increase. frequency < 90% frequency between frequency 90% and 110% >=110% Above average 61 15% 69% 16% Average 7 14% 72% 14% Number of sites Decline. No change. Increase. frequency < 90% frequency between frequency 90% and 110% >=110% Below average Dampierland Seasonal Quality Above average 105 9% 69% 22% Average 25 4% 84% 12% Number of sites Decline. No change. Increase. frequency < 90% frequency between frequency 90% and 110% >=110% Below average Ord Victoria Plain Seasonal Quality Above average 66 10% 70% 20% Average 14 7% 93% 0% Below average 29 Pilbara Seasonal Number of sites Quality Decline. No change. Increase. frequency < 90% frequency between frequency 90% and 110% >=110% Above average 55 20% 38% 42% Average 30 20% 43% 37% Below average 14 7% 36% 57% 30 Appendix 2. Seasonal quality matrices for change in shrub density at WARMS shrubland sites The following tables report seasonally-interpreted change in shrub density (based on population growth rate, PGR) for the most recent assessment cycle (2000-2005 to 2005-2009). Cell values report the percentage of sites in each seasonal quality category that showed decline, no change or improvement in PGR. The red cell in each table emphasises the percentage of reassessed sites that had a decreased density following above-average seasonal quality (increase expected). Conversely, the green cell highlights where improvement occurred when poor seasonal quality suggested a decrease in density. Carnarvon Seasonal Number of sites Quality Decline. No change. Increase. PGR < 0.95 PGR between 0.95 PGR >= 1.05 and 1.05 Above average Average 33 79% 6% 15% Below average 92 67% 21% 12% Number of sites Decline. No change. Increase. PGR < 0.95 PGR between 0.95 PGR >= 1.05 Coolgardie 3 sub-IBRA Seasonal Quality and 1.05 Above average Average 7 72% 14% 14% Below average 23 44% 17% 39% Number of sites Decline. No change. Increase. PGR < 0.95 PGR between 0.95 PGR >= 1.05 Gascoyne Seasonal Quality and 1.05 Above average 65 43% 17% 40% Average 57 68% 18% 14% Below average 59 76% 12% 12% 31 Murchison Seasonal Number of sites Quality Decline. No change. Increase. PGR < 0.95 PGR between 0.95 PGR >= 1.05 and 1.05 Above average 96 45% 20% 35% Average 192 40% 26% 34% Below average 69 41% 20% 39% Number of sites Decline. No change. Increase. PGR < 0.95 PGR between 0.95 PGR >= 1.05 Nullarbor 2 sub-IBRA Seasonal Quality and 1.05 Above average 20 40% 25% 35% Average 42 62% 29% 9% Below average 54 48% 32% 20% Number of sites Decline. No change. Increase. PGR < 0.95 PGR between 0.95 PGR >= 1.05 Yalgoo Seasonal Quality and 1.05 Above average Average 15 33% 40% 27% Below average 25 72% 12% 16% 32 Appendix 3. Seasonal quality matrices for change in RCI ratio at WARMS sites The following tables report seasonally-interpreted change in the ratio of RCI for the most recent assessment cycle. Tables are not included for the Northern Kimberley 1 and Victoria Bonaparte 1 sub-IBRAs where less than 12 sites were assessed during cycle 4. Cell values report the percentage of sites in each seasonal quality category that showed decline, no change or improvement in RCI. The red cell in each table emphasises the percentage of reassessed sites that had decreased RCI following above-average seasonal quality (increase expected). Conversely, the green cell highlights where improvement occurred when poor seasonal quality suggested a decrease in RCI. Northern grassland bioregions Assessment cycle: 2003-2005 to 2006-2008 Central Kimberley Seasonal Number of sites Quality Decline. No change. Increase. RCI < 0.9 RCI between 0.9 RCI ≥ 1.1 and 1.0 Above average 62 55% 14% 31% Average 7 72% 14% 14% Number of sites Decline. No change. Increase. RCI < 0.9 RCI between 0.9 RCI ≥ 1.1 Below average Dampierland Seasonal Quality and 1.0 Above average 97 55% 13% 32% Average 25 60% 8% 32% Number of sites Decline. No change. Increase. RCI < 0.9 RCI between 0.9 RCI ≥ 1.1 Below average Ord Victoria Plain Seasonal Quality and 1.0 Above average 64 36% 14% 50% Average 14 72% 7% 21% Below average 33 Pilbara Seasonal Number of sites No change. Increase. RCI < 0.9 RCI between 0.9 RCI ≥ 1.1 Quality Decline. and 1.0 Above average 52 27% 15% 58% Average 30 40% 10% 50% Below average 12 55% 9% 36% Decline. No change. Increase. RCI < 0.9 RCI between 0.9 RCI ≥ 1.1 Southern shrubland bioregions Assessment cycle: 2000-2005 to 2005-2009 Carnarvon Seasonal Number of sites Quality and 1.0 Above average Average 33 27% 21% 52% Below average 91 42% 25% 33% Number of sites Decline. No change. Increase. RCI < 0.9 RCI between 0.9 RCI ≥ 1.1 Coolgardie 3 sub-IBRA Seasonal Quality and 1.0 Above average Average 7 14% 29% 57% Below average 23 44% 39% 17% Number of sites Decline. No change. Increase. RCI < 0.9 RCI between 0.9 RCI ≥ 1.1 Gascoyne Seasonal Quality and 1.0 Above average 65 25% 28% 47% Average 57 39% 28% 33% Below average 58 36% 31% 33% 34 Murchison Seasonal Number of sites Quality Decline. No change. Increase. RCI < 0.9 RCI between 0.9 RCI ≥ 1.1 and 1.0 Above average 93 29% 30% 41% Average 192 26% 31% 43% Below average 67 34% 33% 33% Number of sites Decline. No change. Increase. RCI < 0.9 RCI between 0.9 RCI ≥ 1.1 Nullarbor 2 sub-IBRA Seasonal Quality and 1.0 Above average 20 15% 25% 60% Average 42 19% 29% 52% Below average 54 22% 50% 28% Number of sites Decline. No change. Increase. RCI < 0.9 RCI between 0.9 RCI ≥ 1.1 Yalgoo Seasonal Quality and 1.0 Above average Average 15 33% 60% 7% Below average 25 24% 40% 36% 35 Appendix 4. Seasonal quality matrices for change in landscape function at SA pastoral monitoring sites As for previous appendices, the following tables report seasonally-interpreted change in the density of longer-lived perennial shrubs at SA pastoral monitoring sites. Cell values report the percentage of sites in each seasonal quality category that showed decline, no change or improvement in landscape function. Gawler (assessments between 1990-1999 and 2005-2009) Seasonal Number of sites Quality Decline. No change. Increase. density < 90% density between density > 110% 90% and 110% Above average 36 58% 11% 31% Average 301 34% 13% 53% Below average 356 34% 15% 51% Broken Hill Complex 1 sub-IBRA (Barrier Range, assessments between 1994-1996 and 2005-2010) Seasonal Number of sites Quality Decline. No change. Increase. density < 90% density between density > 110% 90% and 110% Above average 6 50 17 33 Average 10 50% 20% 30% Below average Flinders Lofty Block 3 sub-IBRA (Olary Spur, assessments between 1994-2000 and 2009-2010) Seasonal Number of sites Quality Decline. No change. Increase. density < 90% density between density > 110% 90% and 110% Above average 35 63% 14% 23% Average 79 42% 18% 40% Below average 34 38% 24% 38% 36 part Stony Plains 1 sub-IBRA (Breakaways, assessments between 1990-1991 and 2005-2006) Seasonal Number of sites Quality Decline. No change. Increase. density < 90% density between density > 110% 90% and 110% Above average 2 50% 50% Average 18 33% 17% 50% Below average 37