Film Analysis # 2

History 148—Film Essay Journal
Due Dates:
Essay # 1 = Tuesday, April 23rd
Essay # 2 = Tuesday, April 30th
Essay # 3 = Wednesday, May 15th
Essay # 4 = Thursday, May 23rd
Essay # 5 = Thursday, May 30th
Your entire Film Analysis Journal is worth 50 points. Each of the 5 essays is worth
10 points. Those 10 points will be graded by the following rubric:
1) Details & Strong Examples = 5 points
2) Answers based upon the Film & NOT from lectures = 3 points
3) Writing quality = 2 points
Journal Instructions:
1) Using a folder, write your full name on the outside cover.
2) Staple the grade rubric to the inside of your folder.
3) Place each essay inside of your folder. Save all graded essays in the folder.
Essay Instructions:
1) Write a 3 page essay (typed, 12 point font, double spaced) that answers all
of the questions below. Use quotes or describe specific scenes in the film
or documentary to defend your answer.
2) Your Film Analysis Journal will include 5 essays.
3) Each essay is worth 10 points, for a total of 50 points for the entire Journal.
Film Analysis # 1, “Paths of Glory”
This feature film—directed by Stanley Kubrick in 1957—tracks the trench warfare
of World War 1, the challenges of soldiers and their commanders, and the trial of
soldiers accused of cowardice.
 How does this film present the specific physical violence and psychological
destruction that was unique to World War I? Refer to specific scenes and
the actions of the film’s characters as you defend your answer.
Film Analysis # 2, “Splendor in the Grass”
This feature film—directed by Elias Kazan in 1961—follows the relationship
between two teenagers in Kansas in the 1920s.
 How did the time period of the 1920s and the Great Depression affect the
love story between the two teenagers? Refer to specific scenes in the
movie and actions of the characters in order to defend your answer.
 What are the social expectations of Bud and Deanie? How do both of their
families (and society of the 1920s) teach Bud and Deanie the appropriate
roles for a teenage boy and girl during the 1920s?
Film Analysis # 3, “Band of Brothers—Episode ‘Why We Fight’ ”
This episode from the HBO miniseries “Band of Brothers” follows the soldiers of
Easy Company as World War II nears completion.
 What ideas do the men have about their life when they get back home?
How are those ideas shaped by their experience in the war?
 At the end of the episode, Nixon walks through the concentration camp
and sees the wife of the SS officer whose house he had walked through,
and she is now burying corpses. She and Nixon exchange long glances.
What do you think each one was thinking?
 Why is the young soldier named O’Keefe crying at the end of the episode?
Film Analysis # 4, “I Love Lucy—Job Switching”
This episode of “I Love Lucy” was made in 1952 and explores Lucy and Ricky
Ricardo’s attitudes about work in 1952.
 How does this episode produce gender role expectations for 1950s
housewives and husbands?
 What does this episode tell you about the value 1950s society placed on
women and men in the workplace and in marriage?
 In what ways does the class status of the Ricardo family affect the gender
expectations that society has placed on Ricky and Lucy?
Film Analysis # 5, “The Drum Major Instinct” by Martin Luther King Jr.
Martin Luther King delivered this speech just two months before he was
assassinated. The speech was delivered on February 4, 1968.
 Explain how people who lived through the Civil Rights era would have
responded to Martin Luther King’s message. Explain two different
responses: People who would have agreed with Martin Luther King’s
message, and people who would have disagreed with his message.
 Martin Luther King delivered his speech in support of the Civil Rights
Movement. However, this speech reflects other in U.S. history. Explain
how he applies the Drum Major Instinct to the Cold War, the consumer
revolution of the 1950s, the Vietnam War, and issues of social class in the
United States.
 How can you fulfill Martin Luther King’s message about service in your own
Film # 1, Paths of Glory
Due: Tuesday 4/23
Examples/Details from Film
Analysis of Examples
Writing Quality
Total Grade
Film # 2, Splendor in the Grass
Due: Tuesday 4/30
Examples/Details from Film
Analysis of Examples
Writing Quality
Total Grade
Film # 3, Band of Brothers, “Why We Fight”
Due: Wednesday 5/15
Examples/Details from Film
Analysis of Examples
Writing Quality
Total Grade
Film # 4, I Love Lucy, “Job Switching”
Due: Thursday 5/23
Examples/Details from Film
Analysis of Examples
Writing Quality
Total Grade
Film # 5, Martin Luther King Speech, “The Drum Major Instinct”
Due: Thursday 5/30
Examples/Details from Film
Analysis of Examples
Writing Quality
Total Grade