Sermon Notes - Poplar Springs Baptist Church

Psalm 21
Wednesday, February 18 2015
Bruce McGee
Title: The Joyful King
The title of this Psalm is the same as several others: To the Chief Musician. A Psalm of David. It logically
connects with the previous Psalm (20). It would seem that the victory prayed for and trusted in has been
realized, and now David thanked God for the victory given.
A. A grateful, joyful king.
1. (verses 1-2) The king's joy in God's strength.
The king rejoices in Your strength, O LORD: King David had many reasons to take joy
in the strength of God. Perhaps this joy came from preservation and success in battle
or some other deliverance.
You have granted him his heart's desire: The strength and salvation of God came to
David in response to both the desire of his heart and his spoken prayers.
o Unanswered prayer should be regarded as a warning signal that there may be a
problem in one or more of the following reasons for unanswered prayer.
 Not abiding in Jesus (John 15:7)
 Unbelief (Matthew 17:20-21)
 Failure to Fast (Matthew 17:21)
 A Bad Marriage Relationship (1 Peter 3:7)
 Not Asking (James 4:2)
 Selfish Praying (James 4:3)
 Disobedience (1 John 3:22)\
 Not Praying in God's Will (1 John 5:14-15)
 Unconfessed Sin (James 5:16)
 Cold, Passionless Prayer (James 5:16-18; 2 Kings 20:5)
 Prayerless & Lack of Persistence in Prayer (Luke 18:1-7; Psalm 55:17)
 Sin Against Others (Matthew 5:23-24)
 Lack of Unity (Matthew 18:19)
 Not Praying in the Name of Jesus (John 14:13-14)
 Pride (James 4:6, 1 Peter 5:5, Proverbs 3:34)
 Lying and Deceitfulness (Psalm 17:1)
 Lack of Bible Reading and Bible Teaching (Proverbs 28:9)
 Trusting in the Length or Form of Prayer (Matthew 6:7)
2. (verses 3-7) Reasons for the king's joy.
You came to greet him with rich blessings: King David could see that the goodness
of God had come to meet him. God brought it to him, more than David chasing down
these rich blessings.
o God's goodness and grace comes to meet us all the time.
 The grace of His love loves us before we ever loved Him.
 The grace of restraint keeps us back from committing sins that would put
us even more out of reach of the Gospel.
 The grace of salvation comes out to meet us, bringing us the goodness of
God and making able to receive the Gospel.
The grace of ministry prepares us a thousand ways for what God has for
us in the future.
The grace of service prepares the ground where we work before we ever
get there.
You have made him glad with the joy of Your presence: David proclaimed that he
was most blessed forever, but it was the presence of God Himself that was his
greatest blessing and gladness. David was more thrilled with the presence of God than
with the crown of royalty or victory.
o We can think of many reasons why Jesus is so happy.
 He never sinned, and sin is the mother of sorrow.
 He never was pained by His conscience.
 He never endured in Himself hatred, envy, bitterness or unforgiveness.
 He had perfect peace in the wisdom and power of God the Father.
 He was a giving, generous man and knew the joy of giving.
 He completely finished His work and knows the satisfaction of that.
 He rejoices over every sinner that comes to repentance.
 He rejoices in seeing His people at work for Him.
B. The judgments of God defend His people.
1. (verses 8-10) What God will do to His enemies
Your hand will lay hold on all Your enemies: David recognized that even though he
was victorious in battle, God was done finding and judging His enemies.
The LORD will swallow them up in His wrath: David confidently his confidence that
God would judge His enemies, and he expressed that same confidence in the strongest
terms - even that God would also judge those who fight against Him.
2. (verses 11-12) Why the enemies of God deserve judgment
They plot evil against You: The strong statements of judgment in Psalm 21:8-10 seem
to demand an explanation. Why such a severe judgment? Because they intentionally
rebelled against God and His people, even though their plans were bigger than their
ability to perform (they devised a plot which they are not able to perform).
You will make them turn their back: David sees the enemies of God running away on
the field of battle, with their back turned against the advancing armies of God.
3. (verse 13) Praising the God of strength.
Be exalted in your strength, Lord; David worshipped God directly here. He exalted
the Lord who had this great strength within Himself, and never needs to rely on an
other for strength.
We will sing and praise Your might: After the direct statement of praise, David
expressed the determination that he and the people of God would continue to praise
God, and to do so in song.