
India-Latin America and Caribbean Conclave
Strengthening India-LAC Business Ties: Align; Integrate; Invest; Engage; Explore
8 – 9 October 2015, Hotel Taj Palace, New Delhi
Day 1: Thursday, 8th October 2015
0800 hrs
Venue: Taj Palace Hotel, S P Marg, New Delhi
1015 – 1130 hrs
Opening Remarks by Session Chairman Mr Chandrajit Banerjee
Director General, CII
Setting the Context
Mr Dhruv Sawhney
Chairman, CII LAC Conclave; Past
President, CII and
Chairman & Managing Director
Triveni Engineering & Industries Ltd
Special Address
Ms Rita Teaotia
Commerce Secretary
Ministry of Commerce & Industry
Government of India
Address by Honorable Ministers
H. E. Mr. Rodolfo Nin Novoa
Minister of Foreign Affairs
Government of Uruguay
H. E. Mr. Alexander Mora Delgado
Minister of Foreign Trade
Government of Costa Rica
H.E. Mr. Diego Aulestia Valencia
Minister of International Trade
Government of Ecuador
B2B meetings will be held parallel throughout the two days at the conclave.
India-Latin America and Caribbean Conclave
Strengthening India-LAC Business Ties: Align; Integrate; Invest; Engage; Explore
8 – 9 October 2015, Hotel Taj Palace, New Delhi
H. E. Mr Orlando Solórzano Delgadillo
Ministry of Development, Industry and
Government of Nicaragua
Keynote Address by Chief Guest
H. E. Ms. Ana Helena Chacón Echeverría
Vice President
Government of Costa Rica
Vote of Thanks by Session Chairman
1130 – 1145 hrs
Tea/Coffee Break
1145 – 1300 hrs
Leveraging Regional Groupings
This session will deliberate upon the key economic policies, trade policies,
product/sector profiles which the alliance focuses on. The discussions will provide
the Indian industry an opportunity to understand the dynamics of this economic
integration and identify the areas through which India can align with the group and
leverage it for trade and investment.
Session Chair and Moderator
Mr Dammu Ravi
Joint Secretary
Department of Commerce
Setting the Theme
Dr. Ignacio Bartesaghi
Latin America-Asia Pacific Observatory
Perspectives: MERCOSUR
Mr Luis Bianchi
B2B meetings will be held parallel throughout the two days at the conclave.
India-Latin America and Caribbean Conclave
Strengthening India-LAC Business Ties: Align; Integrate; Invest; Engage; Explore
8 – 9 October 2015, Hotel Taj Palace, New Delhi
Foreign Trade
Government of Paraguay
Perspectives: Pacific Alliance
H.E Mr. Francisco de Rosenzweig Mendialdua
Vice Minister of External Trade, Ministry of
Government of Mexico
Perspectives: SICA
H.E. Mr. Rodrigo Vielmann
Vice-Minister of Foreign Relations
Government of Guatemala
Vote of Thanks by Session Chairman
1300 – 1400 hrs
1400 – 1515 hrs
New Opportunities: Leveraging Financial Institutions In India and LAC Region For
Creating New Business Opportunities
The session will discuss the various opportunities which the Indian industry can
capitalize on by engaging with the financial institutions in LAC as well as dwell on
the financial funding mechanisms available in India for companies looking at LAC for
The discussions during the session will highlight the pre-requirements, process and
procedures, which the industry on both sides will need to have to establish
connections and engage with the financial institutions in order to gain market
access, obtain project funding etc. The session will also illustrate future areas of
cooperation between India and LAC.
B2B meetings will be held parallel throughout the two days at the conclave.
India-Latin America and Caribbean Conclave
Strengthening India-LAC Business Ties: Align; Integrate; Invest; Engage; Explore
8 – 9 October 2015, Hotel Taj Palace, New Delhi
Session Chair and Moderator
Mr David Rasquinha
Deputy Managing Director
Export Import Bank of India
H. E. Mr. Diego Aulestia Valencia
Minister of International Trade
Government of Ecuador
Mr German Rios
Corporate Director of Strategic Affairs
Mr Julio Angel-Mejia
Operations Principal Leader, Office of
Outreach and Partnerships
Inter-American Development Bank
Vote of Thanks by Session Chair
1515 – 1530 hrs
Tea/Coffee Break
1530 – 1645 hrs
Opportunities of Cooperation in the Energy Sector including Renewable & Solar
Environment and Climate Change is an important issue which needs to be
collectively addressed by the international community. India and Latin America have
developed individual programme and models to overcome challenges of climate
change. Through this session we aim to identify joint long-term agreements focusing
on enabling policies, drafting appropriate environment laws to achieve carbon
neutral economies. The joint agenda will be based on sharing of experiences, role
and contribution of private sector in developing sustainable industrial practices,
B2B meetings will be held parallel throughout the two days at the conclave.
India-Latin America and Caribbean Conclave
Strengthening India-LAC Business Ties: Align; Integrate; Invest; Engage; Explore
8 – 9 October 2015, Hotel Taj Palace, New Delhi
formulating measures, tools, technology collaborations, incentives and developing
financial mechanisms to effectively overcome the challenges of climate change.
Energy efficiency is a critical enabler for sustainable development and Renewable
Energy will play an important role in expediting energy efficiency process. The
session will also aim to highlight how India and LAC can build synergies in this sector;
develop technologies and processes to mitigate effects of Climate Change.
Session Chair & Moderator
Mr Deepak Bhojwani
Former Ambassador
Venezuela and Cuba
H.E Mr Yuri Viamontes Lazo
Vice Minister of Energy and Mines
Government of Cuba
Mr Anant Naik
Mrs Tatiana Amaran Bogochaova
General Director
Department of Electricity
Government of Cuba
Mr Ruben Figuera
PDVSA - Venezuela
Vote of Thanks by Session Chairman
1645 – 1700 hrs
Tea/Coffee Break
B2B meetings will be held parallel throughout the two days at the conclave.
India-Latin America and Caribbean Conclave
Strengthening India-LAC Business Ties: Align; Integrate; Invest; Engage; Explore
8 – 9 October 2015, Hotel Taj Palace, New Delhi
1700 - 1815 hrs
Exploring business synergies in Pharmaceuticals, Chemicals and Fertilizers
The session will focus on fostering industry to industry and industry to government
connects in promising sectors of pharmaceuticals, chemicals and fertilizers. The
objective of the session is to deliberate on evolving enabling polices, regulation
framework to overcome obstacles, encourage foreign investments, technology
cooperation, R&D, these sectors.
Session Chair and Moderator
Mr Sudhansh Pant
Joint Secretary
Department of Pharmaceuticals
Government of India
Mr Jorge Antonio Romero
Senior Advisor - Federal Commission
for the Protection against Sanitary Risk
Mr Arun Khanna
Chief Operating Officer & Executive
Emcure Pharmaceuticals Ltd
Mr Ranjeet Chaturvedi
Chairman, & MD
Mr Garial Biguria*
General Manager
AGEXPORT - Guatemala
Ms. Silvia Benítes
B2B meetings will be held parallel throughout the two days at the conclave.
India-Latin America and Caribbean Conclave
Strengthening India-LAC Business Ties: Align; Integrate; Invest; Engage; Explore
8 – 9 October 2015, Hotel Taj Palace, New Delhi
4caffe Eicor S.A - Uruguay
Mr Guillermo Jose Figueredo*
DOSIS SRL, Paraguay
Vote of Thanks by Session Chair
1815 hrs
Close of Day 1
1830 hrs
Cocktails and Dinner - Venue: Hotel Taj Palace
Day 2 : Friday, 9 October 2015
1000 – 1100 hrs
Session Chair & Moderator
Ambassador R Viswanathan
Former Ambassador to Argentine,
Uruguay & Paraguay
Remarks by
H.E Mr Carlos Orlando
Ambassador of Uruguay
Presentation by
Mr Pablo Pereira
Uruguay XXI
B2B meetings will be held parallel throughout the two days at the conclave.
India-Latin America and Caribbean Conclave
Strengthening India-LAC Business Ties: Align; Integrate; Invest; Engage; Explore
8 – 9 October 2015, Hotel Taj Palace, New Delhi
Mr Ruben Azar
Honorary Consul General of India in
Uruguay & President
Group RAS
Concluding Remarks
1100 – 1215 hrs
Ambassador R Viswanathan
Cooperation in Services Sector: IT and Telecom
Banking and IT are two fundamental sectors to build a strong industry base. It is
therefore evident that both the sectors should be technologically equipped and
updated to adequately reduce transaction, procedural costs.
This session will focus on the new technologies cooperation programme, R&D
modules and transfers which can be developed between India and LAC. The
session will also result in identifying investment opportunities for the Indian
banking and financial institutions in LAC and vice-versa.
Session Chair & Moderator
Mr Vimal Wakhlu
Chairman & Managing Director
Mr M Ammayappan
Senior Manager – Delivery
Mr Sandeep Kohli
General Manager – Business
Development & Strategy, LAC
Vihaan Networks Ltd
Mr Sushil Chaudhry
B2B meetings will be held parallel throughout the two days at the conclave.
India-Latin America and Caribbean Conclave
Strengthening India-LAC Business Ties: Align; Integrate; Invest; Engage; Explore
8 – 9 October 2015, Hotel Taj Palace, New Delhi
Chairman & Managing Director
Mann Technologies
Mr Avishek Nigam
Adhrit Solution – Brazil
Mr Ranjeet Goswami
Country Manager – Corporate Affairs
Tata Consultancy Services
Mr Guilherme Mota
Business Development
Mr Rodrigo Blanco
Trade and Investment
Concluding Remarks
1215 – 1230
Tea/Coffee Break
1230 – 1330 hrs
Mr Vimal Wakhlu
Chairman & Managing Director
India & LAC: The Way Forward
India and LAC have witnessed strong affinity in commercial and economies
relations. Both the regions have expressed a greater need to be involved across
diverse sectors to add momentum to the economic cooperation. This session aims
B2B meetings will be held parallel throughout the two days at the conclave.
India-Latin America and Caribbean Conclave
Strengthening India-LAC Business Ties: Align; Integrate; Invest; Engage; Explore
8 – 9 October 2015, Hotel Taj Palace, New Delhi
to highlight the vision of partnership envisaged by two regions and formulate a
roadmap to realize it.
Opening Remarks by Session Chairman Mr Chandrajit Banerjee
Director General, CII
Address by
Dr Naushad Forbes
President Designate, CII &
Director, Forbes Marshall Ltd
Address by
Guest of Honor from LAC (TBC)
Valedictory Address
Dr Arvind Panagariya*
Niti Aayog
Vote of Thanks by Session Chairman
1330 hrs
Close of the Programme
B2B meetings will be held parallel throughout the two days at the conclave.