UITS Accessibility Initiative Initial Accessibility Analysis Media Collections Online Mark Notess Library Technologies, IUB Libraries Analyst Torri Stanley, Senior Accessibility Analyst UITS Accessibility Initiative Accessibility Level Major Inaccessibility Several to most features present accessibility barriers. Access Plan needs development. Executive Summary Overall, the Avalon Media System platform was designed with some consideration for accessibility. The usage of lists for grouping content is useful for user navigation. Keyboard-only users will have difficulty interacting with the video player due to controls that are hidden and their inability to start the video without using the mouse. Users of assistive technology will have difficulty searching for content due to unlabeled input form controls. These users with also have difficulty navigating and understanding the platform due to missing effective navigational and structural elements. Resources available for accessibility improvements should be focused on the following concerns: modifying the media player to fully support the keyboard, and improve the semantic and navigational structure of the platform. Results Summary Met 4 of the 13 criteria. Criteria Results 1. An appropriate equivalent for every non-text element or piece of content shall be provided regardless of medium. Not Met 2. All interface elements and content shall be designed so that all information is perceivable regardless of color palette or color contrast ratios. Not Met 3. All content shall be semantically structured so that information, relationships, sequences, and characteristics are understandable regardless of medium or format. Not Met 4. All programmed user interactions and content will never interfere with assistive features of user-provided technology or cause users harm. Met 5. All interactive elements will provide sufficient information about identity, operation, and state regardless of user technology. Not Met 6. All interactive elements will be operable regardless of user input method. Not Met 7. All user interactions and content will be understandable and operable regardless of timing limitations, position, or state. Not Met 8. All content and interface elements will be navigable regardless of user input method. Not Met 9. All programmed user interactions and content will follow appropriate standards and conventions. Met 10. Appropriate support information will be provided for all user interactions and tasks. Met 11. Position information will be available to users at all times regardless of input method. Not Met 12. All presentation of content and user interactions will be customizable to user preferences. Not Met 13. All exceptions to these criteria and special requirements will be explicitly identified in a manner that is understandable and perceivable to all users. Met Initial Accessibility Analysis Media Collections Online 2015-02-26 2 atac.iu.edu/accessibility/uits Description Webpages Analyzed Media Online Collection [Home Page] – https://media.dlib.indiana.edu Media Online Collection [Browse] – https://media.dlib.indiana.edu/catalog?q=&search_field=all_fields&utf8=%E2%9C%93 [untitled] – Media Online Collection [Video] https://media.dlib.indiana.edu/media_objects/avalon:7080 Media Collections Online [Sound Recordings Page] https://media.dlib.indiana.edu/catalog?f%5Bformat_sim%5D%5B%5D=Sound+Recording &q=&search_field=all_fields New York Noise author podcast for Indiana University Press [Audio] https://media.dlib.indiana.edu/media_objects/avalon:7231 Technology Used for Review Operating systems Windows 8.1, 64-bit Windows 7 Assistive Technology JAWS 16 NVDA Web Browsers Firefox 35 Internet Explorer 11 Accessibility Tools W15y Quick Check Web Developer by Chris Pedrick ColorZilla Firebug Initial Accessibility Analysis Media Collections Online 2015-02-26 3 atac.iu.edu/accessibility/uits Results Criteria Not Met 1. An appropriate equivalent for every non-text element or piece of content shall be provided regardless of medium. Implementation Check Not Met 1A: All images and image links have appropriate alternative text descriptions Comments Universal Concern There are graphic links in the footer with alternative text that do not indicate the purposes of their links. Recurring Concern There are graphic links with alternative text that do not indicate the purposes of their links. Unique Concern Affected Page: Video Player Page The media image is missing an empty “alt” attribute (alt=””). Not Met 1B: All time-based media provide appropriate alternatives (transcript, captions, descriptions, etc.) Recurring Concerns This media player does not seem to support audio descriptions. Unique Concerns Affected Page: Video Player Page This media player does not seem to support synchronized captions. Affected Page: Audio Player Page This media player does not seem to support full text transcripts. Not Met 2. All interface elements and content shall be designed so that all information is perceivable regardless of color palette or color contrast ratios. N/A 1C: Interactive presentations/activities provide equivalent information to users Met 2A: Color is never used as the only visual means of conveying information, indicating an action, prompting a response, or distinguishing a visual element Initial Accessibility Analysis Media Collections Online 2015-02-26 4 atac.iu.edu/accessibility/uits Results Not Met Criteria 3. All content shall be semantically structured so that information, relationships, sequences, and characteristics are understandable regardless of medium or format. Implementation Check Comments Not Met 2B:All color contrast ratios have at least a 4.5:1 ratio or a 3:1 ratio if the text is at least 18pt or 14pt bold Recurring Concern There is content with low color contrast ratios. Not Met 3A: Indication of content organization is provided through appropriate markup (headings, ARIA, lists, title, tables, etc.) that adheres to development standards Universal Concerns There is an illogical HTML heading structure. The heading structure starts at heading level 4, and skips heading levels 1 through 3. A declaration of the default human language is missing. The “main” and “banner” ARIA landmark roles are missing. Recurring Concerns There are pages with the same title as the MCO Home page. The <iframe> tag under the “Embed” tab is missing a “title” attribute. Unique Concern Affected Page: Sound Recording Under “Format” under “Browse By,” there is a list with only one list item. [Minor Concern] Met 3B: Multiple means of representation are provided when the sequence or relationship in which content is presented affects its meaning N/A 3C: Multiple means of representation are provided for information about shape, size, visual location, orientation, sound, etc. Initial Accessibility Analysis Media Collections Online 2015-02-26 5 atac.iu.edu/accessibility/uits Results Met Not Met Criteria Implementation Check 4. All programmed user interactions and content will never interfere with assistive features of userprovided technology or cause users harm. Met 4A: standard commands for technology (e.g., touch, keyboard shortcuts, voice commands, etc.) are never modified or disabled Met 4B: Medical conditions (e.g., seizures) are never triggered because of user interaction or content 5. All interactive elements will provide sufficient information about identity, operation, and state regardless of user technology. Not Met 5A: All interactive elements have an appropriate label or other form of identification Met 5B: Multiple means are provided to determine the state of an element (e.g., disabled, collapsed, selected, checked, active, etc.) Not Met 5C: The operation of interactive elements is easily identifiable (label, value, placeholder, etc.) or instructions are provided Comments Universal Concern The “Search” form control is missing a label. Universal Concern The “Indiana University” and “The Trustees of Indiana University” links have dissimilar link text, but share the same destination. [Minor Concern] Recurring Concern The purposes of the “more >>” links in the “Browse By” filters are not understandable out of context. Unique Concerns Affected Page: Home Not Met 6. All interactive elements will be operable regardless of user input method. Not Met 6A: All interactive elements can be activated using the keyboard and other designated alternative input method(s) There are links with dissimilar link text, but share the same destinations. There are links with similar link text, but different destinations. Recurring Concerns The “Stream Quality” of the media player cannot be adjusted solely using the keyboard. This is because Initial Accessibility Analysis Media Collections Online 2015-02-26 6 atac.iu.edu/accessibility/uits Results Criteria Implementation Check Comments its radio button list of available stream qualities is programmed to only appear with a click or a touch. The media player scrub bar cannot be accessed using assistive technology. Unique Concern Affected Page: Video Player Page The video cannot be started solely using the keyboard. This is because the “Overlay Play” button is both a <div> tag, which is not a native HTML interactive element, and it is missing the “tabindex” attribute, which would make the button focusable with the keyboard. Not Met 7. All user interactions and content will be understandable and operable regardless of timing limitations, position, or state. Met 6B: Special states (e.g., hover, pressed, dragging, etc.) of interactive elements can be activated with multiple input methods Met 7A: Specific timing, order, or position is never needed for user interactions Not Met 7B: The timing of any user interaction or the time limit for accessing content can be adjusted Unique Concern Affected Page: Video Player Page The media player controls hide after 3 seconds of no “mouseover” activity. Not Met 8. All content and interface elements will be navigable regardless of user input method. N/A 7C: Moving elements, changes, and updates can be paused or completely disabled Met 8A: User navigation is never trapped or disabled Not Met 8B: Multiple methods are provided for bypassing Universal Concern Methods to skip groups of content Initial Accessibility Analysis Media Collections Online 2015-02-26 7 atac.iu.edu/accessibility/uits Results Criteria Implementation Check groups of content Met 9. All programmed user interactions and content will follow appropriate standards and conventions Met 10. Appropriate support information will be provided for all user interactions and tasks. Not Met 11. Position information will be available to users at all times regardless of input method. Met 8C: If the navigation order affects meaning or operation, the proper navigation order preserved regardless of input method Met 9A: All Programmed interactions and content never produce insurmountable errors Met 9B: All interaction, navigation, and content access methods are consistent and follow known conventions or instructions are provided Met 9C: Specific combinations of technology are never required for any interaction, navigation method or content access N/A 10A: User input or navigation errors are easily identified and understood by users. Support is provided to help remediate errors N/A 10B: User input interactions are reversible, validated for errors, and confirmed before processing N/A 10C: Required user interactions and content are easily identified by users Met 10D: Support documentation and contact information is provided Not Met 11A: User position information for content and interface elements is available in at least two modalities (e.g., visually, Comments are missing. Universal Concern Interactive content is missing clear visual indication of keyboard focus. Initial Accessibility Analysis Media Collections Online 2015-02-26 8 atac.iu.edu/accessibility/uits Results Criteria Implementation Check Auditory, tactically, etc.) at all times Not Met Met Met 11B: User position information for time-based media is available in at least two modalities N/A 11C: Methods for resetting user position to a predetermined origin are never disabled 12. All presentation of content and user interactions will be customizable to user preferences. Met 12A: Users can modify content presentation without effecting functionality or meaning Not Met 12B: User technology which provides content, presentation, and interaction customization is never modified or disabled 13. All exceptions to these criteria and special requirements will be explicitly identified in a manner that is understandable and perceivable to all users. N/A 13A: Known issues and their workarounds are identified and described in a welldocument location N/A 13B: Any alternatives and workarounds provide equivalent and updated content, interface elements and user interactions N/A 13C: If special components (e.g., software, plug-ins, input methods, etc.) must be added by the user, instructions are provided and all other criteria is met by these components Comments Recurring Concern Media player controls are missing clear visual indications of keyboard focus. Universal Concern CSS is being used to suppress the outlining of focusable interactive content. Initial Accessibility Analysis Media Collections Online 2015-02-26 9 atac.iu.edu/accessibility/uits