Disability Services for Students (DSS)

Disability Services for Students
2015 UNH Student Orientation Packet:
Disability Services for Students (DSS)
201 Smith Hall • 3 Garrison Avenue, Durham, New Hampshire 03824
Phone (603) 862-2607 • Fax (603) 862-4043 • TTY Users: 7-1-1 or 800-765-2964 (Relay NH)
Hours of Operation:
Monday-Friday, 8:00am-4:30pm
Summer Hours: Monday-Thursday 8:00am-4:30 pm beginning Friday
Welcome to Disability Services for Students!
The University of New Hampshire and Disability Services for Students (DSS) take great pride in
promoting the development of students and the personal independence necessary to succeed
academically and beyond. We seek to create a welcoming, universally accessible environment
where all students are able to participate in the myriad aspects of the UNH experience.
Students have the right (and responsibility) to self-disclose and make use of the services available. To
begin this process, students are encouraged to contact DSS to discuss what services, resources, and
accommodations exist. The choice – to use or not – is yours. Make an informed choice.
We invite you to connect with us to learn about the options available. If at any time you cannot access
forms or pages on this site, and need to request an accessible format, please
email disability.office@unh.edu; we will provide you with the accessible format.
DSS Mission and Philosophy
Disability Services for Students (DSS) is committed to establishing a community that ensures full
participation for students, and providing assistance that will facilitate independence and academic
progress. Additionally, DSS is a resource for faculty, staff, students, and the UNH community.
We invite you to connect with us to learn first-hand about the variety of options available to students
with disabilities.
DSS is affiliated with the Student & Academic Services (SAS) Division. The office serves a growing
number of students with documented disabilities entering higher education. These students come from
Continuing Education, Thompson School, baccalaureate, Masters and PhD programs. DSS ensures
reasonable academic accommodations and works to ensure equal access to all UNH students with a
documented disability.
Social Media
For the most up to date information on all things DSS, please make sure to follow us on Facebook and
Twitter. DSS will post about office updates, accessibility alerts, available job postings, and the “word on
campus”! Access DSS social media by clicking on the links below.
Tweet us at UNHDSS!
”Like” us on Facebook
When to Register with DSS?
DSS is responsible for determining and ensuring academic and housing accommodations. In addition, we are
a source of information and referral; a resource and collaborative partner for the campus community; and a
point of support and advocacy regarding access issues in general.
Self-identifying with DSS is the first step in both gathering useful information – what DSS offers & what other
resources exist – and establishing accommodations. You will need to provide documentation, make an
appointment to review/discuss it, and identify appropriate accommodations. Creating a faculty
accommodation letter is part of that process. Please see the Documentation Guidelines for direction on what
to provide. If you are unsure, submit/bring whatever you may have so we can review and evaluate it.
There is no deadline to make contact, complete an Intake, or provide documentation. Also, the process of
identifying and determining accommodations is an ongoing conversation. Students should provide additional
documentation and/or talk with DSS as concerns and needs arise, or as the condition of the disability
As part of our effort to be paperless, all documentation should be submitted via ClockWork (electronic
format). Please do not send disability-related documentation to Admissions or Housing. DSS is the central
location for this information.
Eligibility and DSS Documentation Guidelines
The office serves students with documented disabilities ensuring appropriate academic accommodations.
Review of documentation and a meeting with the student, through an interactive process, will determine
appropriate accommodations. Students with both permanent and temporary disabilities are served by DSS.
Accommodations are based on the impact of the disability and determined on a case-by-case basis. There is
no cost for the provision of these academic accommodations.
The University is committed to providing equal educational access and opportunity with full participation for
students with disabilities. Consistent with the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, as amended (1978), and the
Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990, as amended (2008), The University ensures that no otherwise
qualified individual with a disability will be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or
otherwise be subjected to discrimination on the basis of disability under any program or activity offered by
the University.
Obtaining Accommodations
If you believe you need an accommodation, contact Disability Services for Students
(disability.office@unh.edu; 603.862.2607; TTY 711 or 800.735.2964 (Relay NH); 201 Smith Hall). While
we recommend starting this process before the beginning of the semester, you may request
accommodations at any time. Appropriate accommodations that pose no undue burden are provided on
a case-by-case basis, as the nature of the disability and accommodations vary.
It is the student’s responsibility to initiate contact and make a request for accommodations with DSS.
Accommodations are only provided upon request. Once accommodations and the faculty letter are
established, the student initiates sending letters each semester via ClockWork.
Students requesting disability-related accommodations must provide documentation establishing the
presence of the disability and its current impact. Information is necessary to ensure eligibility for
services and to help identify appropriate accommodations. Documentation includes student self-report,
professional judgment, and 3rd party assessments/reports.
Documenting Your Disability
In establishing a disability for accommodations or protection from discrimination, a student must have a
disability as it is defined the ADA Amendments Act, and provide appropriate documentation.
For a complete list of Registration Materials/Guidelines required by DSS, please click on the following
link: http://www.unh.edu/disabilityservices/guidelines-information
ClockWork is a complete online scheduling and data management system designed to meet the
specialized needs of DSS. Clockwork provides 24/7 online access for UNH DSS students and faculty.
ClockWork was implemented in the fall of 2014 to streamline and simplify all DSS processes for both
students and faculty. ClockWork is housed under the University's secure network (HIPPA Compliant) to
protect the integrity of the office and our students.
Students have the ability to initiate registration, request accommodation letters, schedule a meeting
with a DSS staff member, schedule upcoming exams, and much more!
Faculty have access to view and approve student accommodation letters, upload testing materials, and
verify exam information.
ClockWork portals exist for UNH students and faculty users. Parents and other UNH
departments may provide support or assistance to students in completing fields.
In order to access ClockWork, please have your UNH username and password ready and click on the
icon below.
ClockWork for
New Students
For a list of detailed instructions on how to use ClockWork, please click on the link below:
Please note: If you do not have your UNH email at the time of submitting your request, please use an
appropriate, alternative email in its place. Students receive their UNH email during their Orientation
visit. After the conclusion of Orientation, DSS will only contact the student via their UNH email.
Next Steps
When the Intake has been completed, students should make an appointment with DSS to meet to
discuss the documentation and possible accommodations. A determination about accommodations and
a faculty accommodation letter (if appropriate) will be done at the time of the meeting.
Appointments are available during the summer months in person and/or via skype. If you prefer to meet
with a DSS staff member once you are on campus, appointments are available all year round.
DSS Accommodations
Appropriate accommodations are provided on the basis of the disability, its impact, and the course,
program, activity, or facility.
A determination is made through review of the documentation, an interactive process with the student,
and an assessment of the essential elements of the program/activity. A student must be “otherwise
qualified” and is held to the same standards, requirements, and expectations that exist for all students.
Provisional (‘temporary’) accommodations may be provided for 1 semester while additional
documentation is sought to better clarify the needs and appropriate accommodations. These provisional
accommodations will be based on the available information at the time.
An accommodation is deemed to be unreasonable when it:
1. Fundamentally alters an essential elements; and/or
2. Results in an undue financial or administrative burden.
The intent of accommodations is to provide “equal access” and “equal opportunity” for an individual. As
for any student, there is no guarantee for success. Adjustments to policies and procedures may be
reasonable accommodations as well, e.g., no pets policy.
DSS also provides assistance and accommodations to student with temporary disabilities. For more
information on types of accommodations offered by DSS, click on the appropriate links below:
Academic Accommodations: Classroom, accessibility, testing, and Assistive Technology
Mobility-Related Accommodations: Accessibility and Transportation
Housing Accommodations: Accessibility, Animal Assistance Policy
The University of New Hampshire is committed to providing appropriate accommodations and
services to students with disabilities under Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and the
Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 including changes made by the ADA Amendments Act of 2008.
Contact the Affirmative Action and Equity Office, Section 504/ADA Compliance Officer (603-862-2930
voice/tty) if you believe your rights have been violated.
Academic Assistance at UNH
DSS is just one part of your academic success at UNH! Listed below are a few tips from DSS to put
yourself on the path toward success!
The best place to seek help first is with your Professor in the course. Visit the professor's office
hours (usually announced in the first class and published on the course syllabus), or schedule an
appointment. Discuss your experience in the course, and options for improving your mastery of
the material.
Meet with your academic advisor to discuss your concerns.
If the course has a teaching assistant (commonly referred to as the TA), that TA is another good
resource for help. Ask where, when and how you can talk with the TA.
Talk to other people in the course. Try to find a study partner or get a group of students
together to study on a regular basis.
Often students around campus offer tutoring on a private, fee basis. You can find
advertisements offering tutoring services. Look for postings in and around the department of
the course you're seeking help in.
You can post your own "Tutor Wanted" advertisement. Take your advertisement to the
department office and ask if there is a place you can post it. Also ask the Administrator if they
know of anyone in the major or in a graduate program in the department who offers tutoring. At
the Information Desk at the MUB they can tell you how to post advertisements at the MUB. If
you hire a tutor, expect to pay between $7-9/hour for the services of an undergraduate and $
12-25/hour for tutoring from a graduate student.
There is no “special” tutoring through DSS. We utilize existing resources and work with students and/or
tutors to address particular needs and how to be most effective. Tutoring in a particular course or
learning strategies, study skills, and organization/time management, are referred to several resources
on campus. Some of these include:
The Center for Academic Resources (CFAR)
The Mathematics Assistance Center (MaC)
Robert J. Connors Writing Center
The Assistive Technology Lab at DSS
In order for you, the student, to receive the most appropriate and effective support while at UNH, it is
imperative that you contact the DSS office or other appropriate resources as soon as an issue or conflict
For more information about Advising and Course Selection, please visit our site
Transition Strategies to College
As students move from high school to college it is a transition for everyone. What to do with the empty
room. Impact on other siblings. Expectations about phone calls, laundry, and money.
DSS is committed to helping ensure a smooth transition for your student:
Understanding the differences between high school v. higher education;
Navigating the services, resources, and bureaucracy;
Supporting (and developing) individual responsibility
Click here to learn more about the legal differences between secondary and post-secondary education.
Is your child currently on an IEP or 504 Plan?
Students may apply for accommodations regardless of their history of accommodations in K-12. Once
admitted and UNH email and ID received, a student is able to complete the Intake process with DSS
through ClockWork (see instructions at LINK). You are always welcome to visit with a DSS staff member
for assistance or questions.
Please do NOT send documentation to Admissions or Housing. All documentation should be submitted
via ClockWork (electronic format). Any hard copies, faxes, or emails of documentation will ultimately
need to be put into ClockWork.
All prospective students are encouraged to contact DSS early to learn about services and supports
available at UNH. No documentation is necessary until the student is accepted to UNH.
The admissions process for students with disabilities is the same as for all students. Questions about
how the disability and/or high school accommodations/modifications may impact meeting the
Admission Requirements, please contact DSS (603.862.2607, 711 TTY, 800.735.2964 Relay NH).
We look forward to working with you during your time at UNH!