SEE-GRID-SCI PSC03 meeting, Bucharest 15-16 Jan - Indico

SEE-GRID-SCI PSC03 meeting, Bucharest 15-16 Jan 2009
Accent on applications review, workshop for METEO VO
Presentations uploaded on
No action point created/pending for CERN
Technical execution plan (Ioannis Liabotis)
NA2, Comments to NGI blueprint
o DNA2.2, NGI cookbook finalizing
o GE, AM good progress in setting up NGI (GE NGI kickoff in april)
o NGI assessment for end of april,
o Training events status, VO specific materials, status of central web-pages, VO webpages
o Training in GE, AL,MD
o Estimate metrics for NA3Q
o MNA3.4 finilize for end of Jan
o DNA3.3a and 3.4a for end of april, all partners should give input
o Discuss User Forum and Regional Operations Training
o Review status of Applications,
o Meteo: porting models
o Seismo: issues with data transfer, status of SDS iterators, collaboration of two
o MOU to be finalized soon
o ASG creation, Helpdesk groups
o NA4 metrics to be presented
o Organizing EVO meetings, review of first EVO meetings
o First review of applications to be in April, candidates will be defined
o Start Applications in Production, define deployment plan
o DNA4.2 for end of April (applications to be deployed in advance)
o Status of infrastructure, are resources sufficient
o SEE interoperation activities, integration of helpdesk and monitoring, hgsm and gocdb
o Status of application accounting, input to DNA4.2
o SLA signatures
o Progress of sites in AL, MD, GE and MN
o SA1 metrics to be presented
o DSA1.1b, end of april
o VO support must be in place
o Produced to deliverables DJRA1.1 and DJRA1.2, defined services and applications
o Follow Development and deployment plan
o JRA1 metrics will be presented
o DJRA1.3 end of april
o Discuss proposed aps service and tools
Applications has to be deployed by the end of the year 1,
SA1 needs to provide support
Training material and dissemination schedule to be clarified
6 deliverables by the end of april, TOCs in March
All metrics to be stable in mid-March
For review : choice of ASs and ATs and applications to be made
NA1 (Ognjen Prnjat)
Review of NA1 activities given
DNA1.1 delivered
MNA1.2 coming up, first year review
Meeting organization: meteorology workshop in Bucharest 01/09 (Sofia for enc, Istanbul for
next PSC04 meeting Sofia 10th of May
Review + PSC05 mid June in Croatia (Zagreb or Dubrovnik)
Each third party should be paid trough form C, not trough contractor account, maybe contract
amendment should be made regarding third parties
MoUs: EELA2, belief signed, EGEE3, GENSI-DR finalizing, EDGES to start
EAB: …
Reporting: integrated report from each contractor, covering third parties, deadline for input is
20 days after the end of quarter
Deliverable delay issue is now critical! Deadlines must be respected: 15 working days before
submission the first draft must be circulated
Personnel and skills in Albania and Moldova
NA4 applications status unclear, to be clarified on this meeting
AP defined
NA2 and EGI: All countries to apply to EGI call at sep 2009, funding proportional to the size of
NGI; Specific Support Center to support specific application clusters, like Earth Science – our
scientist should join
NA2 (Gabriel Neagu)
NGI reports and EVO meetings, international collaboration
NA2 Overview given, objectives, tasks, deliverables and milestones
DNA2.2 is finalizing (M09), document for larger public, has to be made available
Next deliverable for M12 DNA2.3, ICI is in charge
Metrics presented, with details on EGI membership metrics
Rules and guidelines for NGI monitoring presented
NGI development overview for Q2 and Q3: statistics from reports, requirements and
membership status of countries, reported progress in NGIs
NA2 AP status reviewed
Future action plan presented (new APs defined)
NA3 (Miklos Kozlovszky)
One milestone to be finalized: Standardizing training material, env input for templates needs to
be updated, meteo and seismo input available and updated
Reminder of commitments presented
Review of past regional events, training and dissemination, round the table about past and
future events in the first year
Not all events are documented on the web! – all the events have to be added; event
documenting procedure was discussed
Action Plan presented
NA4 (Can Ozturan)
Status of tasks, first phase finished (study Grid applications), and moved to second phase: Adapt
Grid applications and support the deployed applications
Application review process presented: for each VO Application Review Committee formed to
review applications progress
Application Support Group reviewed – members listed and objectives defined:
VO activities: EVO meetings (minutes should be uploaded, to be organized monthly or
Plan and status of dissemination of application presented (papers and conferences with
proceedings); Application web-pages should be created
Gridification guideline needs to be updated and extended , main contribution from AGS
VO MoU template was created,
Collaboration with EGEE NA4: plan is fixed, all information on application are sent from our side,
they should provide general info and guidelines
Collaboration with GENESI-DR: MoU is finalized, crucial points presented
NA4 Metrics planned for review are presented, it should be proven that M12 metrics are
DNA4.2 Application deployment and support will be prepared
AP Status reviewed, new APs defined
METEO VO Overview (Vassiliki Kotroni)
Applications listed: (REFS and WRF-2aps)
Objectives (scientific, social and technical) were presented
Activities, time-plan, progress for applications presented
Action points in the first project year overviewed
METEO Workshop was held during this PSC03; WRF-ARW and REFS applications were presented
in detail, with overview of current progress and future APs for each partner involved in this
application; WRF to be presented at review; users should properly register to ensure M12
SEISMO VO Overview (Can Ozturan)
Summary of work is given: there are problems with data collections, SDS application service in
its final phase, several dissemination events already given
Data collection status was overviewed with per country details (for already involved countries),
rest countries can still commit to providing data and they should provide seismologists contact
Application status was overviewed; selection of applications for yearly review should be made,
preliminary selection is : ELF+SDS + SDA; all data should be uploaded by mid February 2009
Metrics for review should be provided
ENVIRON VO (Emanouil Atanassov, Todor Gurov)
Current status of VO activities is overviewed, metrics are good so far, but more effort is needed
in the next year; first scientific results are already published
Training in RO is held, in BG is planned for the end of January, other countries should plan
Overview current status and future plan of six application is given
Users and developers must register to VO (so far 23 registered)
Preliminary selection for 1st Review Demo: MSACM + JTS(JRA1)
JRA1 Overview (Branko Marovic)
Status overview: all pre-existing APs are closed, several new ones created in meantime; two
deliverables produced and problems with late arrival of contributions was encountered, 7 OTs
and 11Ass (development in progress for most), some new tools are proposed
Metrics according to DoW are good
Proposal for JRA1 metrics was presented, JRA1 Metrics with weightings should be sent by
Branko till 1st February
Recommended code repository for EGEE-SEE SEE-GRID-SCI developers is SVN-Trac Repository at
2 OT and 2 AS for Y1 review should be selected; proposed OTs: JTS, NMTT and BBmSAMeX;
proposed AS: SDSAS, Work Binder, ULMON, ESIP Platform
Progress since last PSC was presented for Logwatch-G, NMTT, CWRE, SDSAS, Work Binder
ULMON was presented
DJRA1.3 - Application services design report – ToC to be circulated by 10. Mar
SA1 Overview (Antun Balaz)
Resource commitments to be met by all countries. M12 is approaching and metrics should be
met, dedicated resources for SEE-GRID VOs have to be declared in HGSM
Operational and monitoring tools improvements and new tool WMSMON were presented
Justification of countries not meeting the commitments will be needed.
Sites are advised to add support to all NA4 VO s.
At least one of the NA4 VO in all sites
SEE-OPS VO to be installed on all sites!
New version of Helpdesk to be deployed now for SEE-GRID only.
Job success rates for metrics to be implemented soon.
GOOD Templates functionality in Nagios to be implemented soon
A number of APs is behind schedule, effort should be made to close them