Minstry of higher education& scientific research Foundation of technical education Learning package in field of FUNDEMENTAL OF NURSING Presented to the 1st. class students of institute of medical technologybaghdad /department of anesthesia Designed by :Batha Mahdi Hassan 2009-2010 A: OVERVIEW 1:Target population This learning package had been designed to the first year students in the anesthesia department of the institute of medical technology-Baghdad. 2:Rational This (unit) will aid those who want to learn the basic nursing concepts that apply to the health field. It is also intended for students who have little or no science background. 3:Central ideas 3-1:definition ,nursing ,nurse ,patients ,hospital,health. 3-2:nursing process 3-3:central nursing care to the patient. 3-4:qualification of nurse . 4:Instruction 4-1: Study the overview carefully. 4-2: Learn briefly the modular unit of this package. 4-3: perform the pre-test of this unit. *. If you get (9) degree or more, you will not need to learn This modular unit.in this case you must contact with your Teacher to inform him about your result. * . But when you get less than (9) degree in this test,you Will need to continue learning this modular unit. 4-4: After you study this modular unit. You must do the post-test *. If u get (9) degree or more , you must go to learn the second modular unit. *. In case you get less than (9) degree, you must return to the same unit in order to learn and understand the steps which you need. *.after you complete the studying, perform the post test examination for checking. D: The modular unit of this package 1: general view about fundemental of nursing A: Definitions: "nursing": a science and art based on scientific principles to society that are therapeutics in that nature,help people to stay well,prevent illness or injury "nurse": is a person who had completed a program of basic nursing ,educated , qualified & authorized in her , his country to practice nursing. "health": (W.H.O) is state of complete physical , mental , social , well being & not meanly the absence of disease or infirmity. "patient": is a person who requires assistance to achieve health and independence or peacfull death. B:Nursing process Assessment: is a process of gathering and establish data about patient. Nursing diagnosis Nursing careplan Implementation Evaluation B: Performance objectives After studying this modular unit , you should be able to 1. define nursing, nurse , patient , hospital , health. 2.list of phases of nursing process 3. enumerate the general nursing care to the patient 4. mention the nurse qualification. C: Pre-test Put circle infront of right sentence: 1. nursing is the science that deals with the studying of : a. patient only b.patient and society that therapeutics in that nature c. patient and society that prevent illness. 2. Health a.state of wellbeing b.it's complete physical wellbeing c.is a state of complete physical,mental,social wellbeing 3.Patient a.person who requires help. b.person who requires dependence c. person who requires assistance to achieve health. *.mention the component of nursing process? *.circle the most correct answer: Nurse qualification include: 1. an integrated personality 2. calm ,clear personality 3.good memory personality 4.mental and physical health Note: compare your answer with the key at the last page. C:General nursing care to the patient *.clean the body,care of hair *.care of mouth and teeth *.care of the eye *. Care of the skin,bed path,back massage *. Comfortable position *.diet and serving of meals *. Check vital signs *. Giving treatment D. Qualification of nurse 1. mental and physical health. 2. well educated. 3. an integrated personality 4. good power of observation 5. a calm , clear , pleasant speaking 6. a sense of personality 7. good memory for details POST TEST Put circle infront of right sentence: 1. nursing is the science that deals with the studying of : a. patient only b.patient and society that therapeutics in that nature c. patient and society that prevent illness. 2. Health a.state of wellbeing b.it's complete physical wellbeing c.is a state of complete physical,mental,social wellbeing 3.Patient a.person who requires help. b.person who requires dependence c. person who requires assistance to achieve health. *.mention the component of nursing process? *.circle the most correct answer: Nurse qualification include: 1. an integrated personality 2. calm ,clear personality 3.good memory personality 4.mental and physical health Note: compare your answer with the key at the last page KEY OF ANSWERS FOR THE FIRST MODULAR UNIT OF LEARNING PACKAGE. *. 1. B 2. C 3. C *1. Assessment 2. nursing diagnosis 3. nursing careplan 4. implementation 5. evaluation *. 4 REFERENCES :....... هيئة التعليم التقني/ اسس تمريض/ نظيرة حسين.1 2. Smith and chips , medical surgery nursing , philadelephia2000 3.spring house corporation ,nursing procedures pub(1992)\ THANKS FOR YOUR LISTENING Ministry of higher education &scientific research Foundation of technical education Learning package in field of Fundamental of Nursing Presented to the 1st class students of Institute of medical of technology_baghdad Of Department of anesthesia Designed by Assist_prof.Batha Mahdie Hassan 2009_2010 A: Over view 1.target population: This learning package had been Desingned to the first Year student in the anesthesia Institute of medical technology_ Baghdad 2-Rationale: This (unit) will aid those who want to learn The basic nursing concepts that Apply to the heath field It is also intended for students Who have little or no Science background 3-Gentral ideas: 3-1 General view about vital signs 3-2 Body temperature 3-3 Pyrexia 3-4 Methods of measuring body temperature 3-5 Pulse, site of taken pulse 3-6 Blood pressure 3-7 Respiration 4-Instrutions: 4-1:study the over view carefully. 4-2:learn briefly the modular unit of this Package. 4-3:perform the pre test of this unit *if you get (9)degree, or more .you will not Need to learn this modular. unit .in this case You must contact with your teacher to Inform him about your results. *But when you get less that (9)degree In this test, you will need to continue Learning this modular unit. 4-4:After you studying this modular unit The post_test you must doing it *if you get (9)degree or more, you must go to learn the second modular unit. *In case you get less that (9)degree. You must return to the same unit in order To learn. And understand the steps which you need. *After you complete the studying perform The post_test examination for cheking. B: performance objectives After studying this modular unit, you should be able to 1-Define vital signs 2-Define body temperature, pyrexia. 3-List method of measuring body temperature. 4-Define pulse 5-List the site of taken pules 6-Define Blood pressure &it normal average. 7-Define Respiration C: Pre test *choose the correct answer: 1-vital signs include the following statement a. body temperature. b. pulse & respiration & blood pressure. c. blood pressure & body temperature. d. (A+B). *Fill the blank with correct answer. 1-……………It’s the balance between heat Production & heat lost. 2-……………the wave of blood in an artery. 3-……………the pressure is excried on the wall of the arteries Due to the left ventirct contraction. 4-……………normal average of blood pressure. *write (5) sits for taken pulse. Note: compare your answer with key at the last page. D: The modular unite of this package 1-Genral view about vital signs A. vital signs:-signs measurement of physiologic functioning specifically , temperature, pulse , respiration and blood pressure. 2-Body temperature A. Define:- It’s the balance between the heat production and heat lost From the body. Normal degree (37C) or (98F) B. pyrexia:- is increase body temperature above (37-2i). C. measuring body temperature -Orally -Axillary -Rectaly 3-pulse Define:-pulse, the wave of blood with in an antery that created by Contraction of left ventricle of the heat. Sites of taken pulse:1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. radial artery apical artery femoral artery brachial artery posterior tibia dorsalis temperal garotid artery poplital artery 4-blood pressure Definition:-blood pressure, the pressure is excried on the wall of The arteries when the left ventricle of the heart Pushes blood in to the qorta. *normal blood pressure (120/80)mmHg. *hypertension: blood pressure is above normal (140/90)mmHg. *hypotentesion: blood pressure below normal (100/60)mmHg. 5-Respiration Definition:-respiration, the act of breathing transport of oxygen from The atmosphere to the body cells and transport of Carbon dioxide from the cell to the atmosphere. *type of respiration _A: exernal respiration. B: lnternal respiration. *Note in observer respiration:1. 2. 3. 4. respiratory rate respiratory depth tidal volume nature of respiration C: Post test *choose the correct answer: 1-vital signs include the following statement a. body temperature. b. pulse & respiration & blood pressure. c. blood pressure & body temperature. d. (A+B). *Fill the blank with correct answer. 1-……………It’s the balance between heat Production & heat lost. 2-……………the wave of blood in an artery. 3-……………the pressure is excried on the wall of the arteries Due to the left ventirct contraction. 4-……………normal average of blood pressure. *write (5) sits for taken pulse. Note: compare your answer with key at the last page. Key of answers *the correct answer (A+B) * 1. 2. 3. 4. body temperature pulse blood pressure [120/80] *site for taken pulse. Radial artery, Apical artery Femoral artery, Brachial artery Temperal artery, Dorsalis artery References:1-perry .potter, clinical nursing, skills & techniques, Fifth edition, mosby 2004 2-smith&chips , medical surgical nursing , Philadelephia -200. 3-spring house-cor –poration nursing procedures pb.1992. Thanks for your Listening Ministry of higher education &scientific research Foundation of technical education Learning package in field of Fundamental of Nursing Presented to the 1st class students of Institute of medical of technology_baghdad Of Department of anesthesia Designed by Assist_prof.Batha Mahdie Hassan 2009_2010 A: Over view 1.target population: This learning package had been Desingned to the first Year student in the anesthesia Institute of medical technology_ Baghdad 2-Rationale: This (unit) will aid those who want to learn The basic nursing concepts that Apply to the heath field It is also intended for students Who have little or no Science background 3-Genral ideas: 3-1 Mechanism of breathing 3-2 Normal process during inhalation 3-3 Normal process during exhalation 3-4 Mechanical ventilation 3-5 Evaluation of respiratory system 4-Instrutions: 4-1:study the over view carefully. 4-2:learn briefly the modular unit of this Package. 4-3:perform the pre test of this unit *if you get (9)degree, or more .you will not Need to learn this modular. unit .in this case You must contact with your teacher to Inform him about your results. *But when you get less that (9)degree In this test, you will need to continue Learning this modular unit. 4-4:After you studying this modular unit The post_test you must doing it *if you get (9)degree or more, you must go to learn the second modular unit. *In case you get less that (9)degree. You must return to the same unit in order To learn. And understand the steps which you need. *After you complete the studying perform The post_test examination for cheking. B: performance objectives After studying this modular unit, you should be able to 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. know the mechanism of breathing normal inhalation process normal exhalation process define mechanical ventilation evaluation of respiratory system C: Pre test *put a circle in front of right sentences: A-During inhalation 1. The ribs move inward & outward. 2. The sternum moves outward. 3. The lung compressed. B-During exhalation 1. The thorax decreases in size & lung compressed. 2. The sternum moves up ward. 3. The ribs move up ward. C-Mechanical ventilation 1. Negative pressure breathing. 2. Automatically negative breathing. 3. Is a positive pressure breathing device. D-List physical examination to check Respiratory function of the patient. Note: compare your answer with key at the last page. D: Evaluation of Respiratory System 1- physical examination, check the A. ventilation B. color C. chest movement D. rate & depth of respiration E. asucltation involved, breath sound & abnormal sound 2- Laboratory examination A. simple spirometry .tidal volume. Vital capacity, end. tidal (CO2) B. checking the tube & catheter position & function C. lung expantion & aeration. D: The modular unit of This package: 1.General view about mechanism of breathing a. During inhalation the following process normal occur. 1. the diaphragm relaxes. 2. the rids move up ward and out ward. 3. the sternum moves out ward. 4. the thorax larges, and the lung expand. b. During Exhalation 1. 2. 3. 4. the diaphragm relaxes. the rids move down ward and in ward. the sternum moves in ward. the thorax decreases in size and thus the lung are compressed. c. Mechanical ventilation Definition:-is aposative pressure breathing device which can Maintain respiration automatically for Prolonged period of time. C: Post test *put a circle in front of right sentences: A-During inhalation 1. The ribs move inward & outward. 2. The sternum moves outward. 3. The lung compressed. B-During exhalation 1. The thorax decreases in size & lung compressed. 2. The sternum moves up ward. 3. The ribs move up ward. C-Mechanical ventilation 1. Negative pressure breathing. 2. Automatically negative breathing. 3. Is a positive pressure breathing device. D-List physical examination to check Respiratory function of the patient. Note: compare your answer with key at the last page. Key of answers For the modular unit of learning package. *A-2 B-1 C-3 *1-check ventilation, color , chest movement , rate & depth Of respiration , breath sound , abnormal breath sound. References:1-perry .potter, clinical nursing, skills & techniques, Fifth edition, mosby 2004 2-smith&chips , medical surgical nursing , Philadelephia -200. 3-spring house-cor –poration nursing procedures pb.1992. Thanks for your Listening Ministry of higher education &scientific research Foundation of technical education Learning package in field of Fundamental of Nursing Presented to the 1st class students of Institute of medical of technology_baghdad Of Department of anesthesia Designed by Assist_prof.Batha Mahdie Hassan 2009_2010 A: Over view 1.target population: This learning package had been Desingned to the first Year student in the anesthesia Institute of medical technology_ Baghdad 2-Rationale: This (unit) will aid those who want to learn The basic nursing concepts that Apply to the heath field It is also intended for students Who have little or no Science background 3-Gentral ideas:3-1: General view about vital physical examination 3-2: Methods of physical examination 3-3: Purpose of physical examination 3-4: Body olignment 4-Instrutions: 4-1:study the over view carefully. 4-2:learn briefly the modular unit of this Package. 4-3:perform the pre test of this unit *if you get (9)degree, or more .you will not Need to learn this modular. unit .in this case You must contact with your teacher to Inform him about your results. *But when you get less that (9)degree In this test, you will need to continue Learning this modular unit. 4-4:After you studying this modular unit The post_test you must doing it *if you get (9)degree or more, you must go to learn the second modular unit. *In case you get less that (9)degree. You must return to the same unit in order To learn. And understand the steps which you need. *After you complete the studying perform The post_test examination for cheking. B: Performance objectives After study this modular unit, should be able to: 1. 2. 3. 4. Define physical examination. Know method of physical examination. List of the purpose of physical examination. Define body olignment. C: Pre test A-put a circle around the right definition: 1. Physical examination. a. To know the diagnosis. b. To check deformity c. To know right diagnosis of health status 2. Body olignment. a. is that olignment of body part permits good muscule skeletal balance. b. is that olignment promotes physicologic action. B-List of the purpose of physical examination. C-Fill in the blanks with correct answer. 1. ……….by looking 2. ……….by hand (touching) 3. ……….by tapping with finger 4. ……….by hearing with stethoscope Note: compare your answer with key at the last page. D: The moduar unit of This package: 1. General view about physical examination Definition:-To know the right diagnosis of The health status of the patient. 2. Methods of physical examination A-Inspection: by looking . B-Percusion: by topping with finger. C-Palpation: by hand (touching). D-Ascultation: by hearing with stethoscope. 3. Purpose of physical examination A-To obtain base line data about the patient. B-To obtain data that will help the nurse establish, Nursing diagnosis and plan the patient care. C-To evaluate the physiologic out-com of health care. 4- Body olignment:Is that olignment of body part which permits Good muscule skeletal balance and operation And promotes good physical function. C: Post test A-put a circle around the right definition: 3. Physical examination. a. To know the diagnosis. b. To check deformity c. To know right diagnosis of health status 4. Body olignment. a. is that olignment of body part permits good muscule skeletal balance. b. is that olignment promotes physicologic action. B-List of the purpose of physical examination. C-Fill in the blanks with correct answer. 5. ……….by looking 6. ……….by hand (touching) 7. ……….by tapping with finger 8. ……….by hearing with stethoscope Note: compare your answer with key at the last page. Key of answers For the modular unit of learning package. A1. C 2. A B- 1.To obtain base line data about the patient 2.To obtain data that will help the nurse establish Nursing care diagnosis & plan the patient care. 3.To evaluate the physiologic out com of health care. C- 1.Inspection 2.Palpation 3.Percusion 4.Ascultation References:1-perry .potter, clinical nursing, skills & techniques, Fifth edition, mosby 2004 2-smith&chips , medical surgical nursing , Philadelephia -200. 3-spring house-cor –poration nursing procedures pb.1992. Thanks for your Listening Ministry of higher education &scientific research Foundation of technical education Learning package in field of Fundamental of Nursing Presented to the 1st class students of Institute of medical of technology_baghdad Of Department of anesthesia Designed by Assist_prof.Batha Mahdie Hassan 2009_2010 A: Over view 1.target population: This learning package had been Desingned to the first Year student in the anesthesia Institute of medical technology_ Baghdad 2-Rationale: This (unit) will aid those who want to learn The basic nursing concepts that Apply to the heath field It is also intended for students Who have little or no Science background 3-Gentral ideas:3-1: General view about fever 3-2: causes of fever 3-3: sings and symptoms of fever 3-4: nursing management 3-5: complications 4-Instrutions: 4-1:study the over view carefully. 4-2:learn briefly the modular unit of this Package. 4-3:perform the pre test of this unit *if you get (9)degree, or more .you will not Need to learn this modular. unit .in this case You must contact with your teacher to Inform him about your results. *But when you get less that (9)degree In this test, you will need to continue Learning this modular unit. 4-4:After you studying this modular unit The post_test you must doing it *if you get (9)degree or more, you must go to learn the second modular unit. *In case you get less that (9)degree. You must return to the same unit in order To learn. And understand the steps which you need. *After you complete the studying perform The post_test examination for cheking. B: Performance objectives After studying this modular unit, you should be able to: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Define fever. List causes of fever. Describe signs and symptoms of fever. List nursing management during fever. Mention complications of fever. C: Pre test A-put a circle in front of right sentence: 1. 2. 3. 4. Fever mean hypothermia Fever is decrease body temperature above normal Fever is increase body temperature above (37C) Fever is decrease body temperature below (37C) B-List five cause of fever C-Answer with (True) or (False) for this statement. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Emotional stress causes of fever. Dehydration didn’t cause fever. Exercise cause heat production. A rapid rise or fall in temperature cause febrile seizure. Call for emergency medical assistance, if the aseizure lastes longer than (10) minutes. 6. Rapid pulse signs of fever. 7. Loss of appetite signs & symptoms of fever. 8. Place anything in your children mouth to stop seizure. 9. Decreased constrated urine during fever. 10.Signs & symptoms of fever flused face. Note: compare your answer with key last page. D: The modular unit of this package: 1.Genral view about fever Fever:-fever occurs when the body internal “thermostat” raises The body temperature above its normal level, the Thermostat is found in the part of the brain called Hypothalamus ,normal body temperature around (98.6) Fahrenheit , or about (37)degree celsius. 2.causes of fever - Prolonged and acute pain. - Acute infection disease. - Acute inflammatory condition. - Emotion stress. - Hysteria. - Truma. - Injury. - Dehydration. 3. signs and symptoms of fever. - Flushed face - Rapid shallow respiration depth - Dry hot skin - Rapid pulse - Headche - Nusea - Dry lips - Loss of appetite - Diarrhe - Constipation - Constrated urine - Thirst - Increased heart rate 5. Nursing management during fever. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Record body temperature Decrease heat of environment Limit activity Increase the amount of fluid in take Decrease in take of carbohydrate Cold application Good nutrition 5. Complications A rapid rise or fall in temperature cause febrile seizure in A small percentage of children younger than age(5). If seizure occurs:1. 2. 3. 4. Lay your child on his her side. Remove any sharp objects. Loosen tight clothing & hold your child to prevenl injury. Don’t place anything in your childes mouth or Try to stop seizure. 5. Call for emergency medical assistance if the seizure Lasts longer than (10)minutes. C: Post test A-put a circle in front of right sentence: 5. 6. 7. 8. Fever mean hypothermia Fever is decrease body temperature above normal Fever is increase body temperature above (37C) Fever is decrease body temperature below (37C) B-List five cause of fever C-Answer with (True) or (False) for this statement. 11.Emotional stress causes of fever. 12.Dehydration didn’t cause fever. 13.Exercise cause heat production. 14.A rapid rise or fall in temperature cause febrile seizure. 15.Call for emergency medical assistance, if the aseizure lastes longer than (10) minutes. 16.Rapid pulse signs of fever. 17.Loss of appetite signs & symptoms of fever. 18.Place anything in your children mouth to stop seizure. 19.Decreased constrated urine during fever. 20.Signs & symptoms of fever flused face. Note: compare your answer with key last page. Key of answers For the modular unit of learning package. A- 3 B- 1. Prolonged & acute pain 2. Emotional stress 3. Dehydration 4. Acute infection disease 5. Truma C- 1.T 6.T 2.F 7.T 3.T 8.F 4.T 9.F 5.T 10.F References:1-perry .potter, clinical nursing, skills & techniques, Fifth edition, mosby 2004 2-smith&chips , medical surgical nursing , Philadelephia -200. 3-spring house-cor –poration nursing procedures pb.1992. Thanks for your Listening Minstry of higher education& scientific research Foundation of technical education Learning package in field of FUNDEMENTAL OF NURSING Presented to the 1st. class students of institute of medical technology-baghdad /department of anesthesia Designed by :Batha Mahdi Hassan 2009-2010 A: OVERVIEW 1:Target population This learning package had been designed to the first year students in the anesthesia department of the institute of medical technology-Baghdad. 2:Rational This (unit) will aid those who want to learn the basic nursing concepts that apply to the health field. It is also intended for students who have little or no science background. 3.Central ideas 3-1:General view about physical examination. 3-2:Methods of physical examination . 3-3:Purpose of physical examination. 4:Instruction 4-1: Study the overview carefully. 4-2: Learn briefly the modular unit of this package. 4-3: perform the pre-test of this unit. *. If you get (9) degree or more, you will not need to learn This modular unit.in this case you must contact with your Teacher to inform him about your result. * . But when you get less than (9) degree in this test,you Will need to continue learning this modular unit. 4-4: After you study this modular unit. You must do the post-test *. If u get (9) degree or more , you must go to learn the second modular unit. *. In case you get less than (9) degree, you must return to the same unit in order to learn and understand the steps which you need. *.after you complete the studying, perform the post test examination for checking. B:performance objectives After studying this modular unit, you should be able to: 1-Define physical examination 2-know methods of physical examination 3-list of the purpose of physical examination 4-define body alignment. C: Pre-test A* put a circle around the Right definition:1.physical examination a.To know the diagnosis b.To check deformity c.To know right diagnosis of health status. 2.Body alignment. a. is that alignment of body part permits good muscle skeletal balance. b. is that alignment promotes physiologic action. B* list the purpose of physical examination. C* fill in the blanks with correct answer. 1-………………………by looking 2-……………………….by hand(touching) 3-……………………….by tapping with finger 4-………………………..by hearing with stethoscope. Note:- compare your answer with key at the last page. D: The modular unit of this package: 1.General view about physical examination Definitions:- to know the right diagnosis of the health status of the patient. 2.Methods of physical examination a. inspection : by looking b.percusion :by tapping with finger c.palpation: by hand(touching) d.Ascultation: by hearing with stethoscope 3. Purpose of physical examination a. To obtain base line data about the patient . b. To obtain data that will help the nurse establish ,nursing diagnosis and plan the patient care. c. To evaluate the physiologic out-come of health care. 4.Body alignment Is that alignment of body parts which permits good muscle skeletal balance and operation and promotes good physiologic function. C- Post-test A* put a circle around the Right definition:- 1.physical examination a.To know the diagnosis b.To check deformity c.To know right diagnosis of health status. 2.Body alignment. a. is that alignment of body part permits good muscle skeletal balance. b. is that alignment promotes physiologic action. B* list the purpose of physical examination. C* fill in the blanks with correct answer. 1-………………………by looking 2-……………………….by hand(touching) 3-……………………….by tapping with finger 4-………………………..by hearing with stethoscope. Note:- compare your answer with key at the last page. Key of Answers for the modular unit of learning Package A. 1.c 2.a B. 1-To obtain base line data about the patient. 2-To obtain data that will help the nurse establish nursing care diagnosis & plan the patient care. 3-To evaluate the physiologic outcome of health care. C. 1.inspection 2.palpation 3.percusion 4.Ascultation REFERNCES (1)Smith &Chips, Medical surgical nursing / philadiliphia 2000 (2)Perry Potter, clinical nursing skills, Techniques, fifth edition Mosby 2004 (3)Springhouse-corporation, nursing procedures pb.1992 THANKS FOR YOUR LISTENING Minstry of higher education& scientific research Foundation of technical education Learning package in field of FUNDEMENTAL OF NURSING Presented to the 1st. class students of institute of medical technology-baghdad /department of anesthesia Designed by :Batha Mahdi Hassan 2009-2010 A: OVERVIEW 1:Target population This learning package had been designed to the first year students in the anesthesia department of the institute of medical technology-Baghdad. 2:Rational This (unit) will aid those who want to learn the basic nursing concepts that apply to the health field. It is also intended for students who have little or no science background. 3-Central ideas 3-1: General view about fluid intake and output 3-2: Fluids introduce to the body &fluid excreted from the body 3-3: Calculation of the flow rate 3-4: Solutions given intravenously 4:Instruction 4-1: Study the overview carefully. 4-2: Learn briefly the modular unit of this package. 4-3: perform the pre-test of this unit. *. If you get (9) degree or more, you will not need to learn This modular unit.in this case you must contact with your Teacher to inform him about your result. * . But when you get less than (9) degree in this test,you Will need to continue learning this modular unit. . 4-4: After you study this modular unit. You must do the post-test *. If u get (9) degree or more , you must go to learn the second modular unit. *. In case you get less than (9) degree, you must return to the same unit in order to learn and understand the steps which you need. *.after you complete the studying, perform the post test examination for checking B:Performance objectives After studying this modular unit, you should be able to: 1-know fluid intake and output 2-method introduce and excreted of fluid in the body 3-calculation of flow rate 4-list of the solutions given intravenously C: Pre-test Put a circle around correct statement 1. fluid intake necessary to enable the doctor to maintain normal salt and water balance 2. All fluids introduce into the body int. intravenously 3. urine, vomit, perspiration, excreted from the body 4. Calculation of flow rate by Total time for infusion in minutes *drop/ml gtt(min) 5. solution given intravenously include isotonic, hypotonic, medication, blood. D:The modular unit of this package 1.General view about fluid intake and output This is necessary to enable the doctor to maintain normal salt and water balance of the body in many medical and surgical conditions where food and fluid cannot be taken orally 2.Fluid introduce to the body & fluid excreted from the body a- Fluids introduce into the body orally intravenously subcutaneously rectally b-Fluids excreted from the body urine vomitus perspiration diarrhea 3. Calculation of flow rate Total time for infusion in minutes*drop/ml Gtts(min) e.g infuse 1000 ml of 5% dextrose water in (2(1/2)) hours if drop factor is 10 gtt =1000*10 =66.7 drop/min 150 gotts/min 4. Solutions given intravenously 1. Fluid& electrolyte -isotonic -hypotonic 2.medication 3.Blood C: Post-test Put a circle around correct statement 1. fluid intake necessary to enable the doctor to maintain normal salt and water balance 2. All fluids introduce into the body int. intravenously 3. urine, vomit, perspiration, excreted from the body 4. Calculation of flow rate by Total time for infusion in minutes *drop/ml gtt(min) 5. solution given intravenously include isotonic, hypotonic, medication, blood. KEY OF ANSWERS A circle around the correct statement (1) (3) (4) (5) REFERNCES (1)Smith &Chips, Medical surgical nursing / philadiliphia 2000 (2)Perry Potter, clinical nursing skills, Techniques, fifth edition Mosby 2004 THANKS FOR YOUR LISTENING Minstry of higher education& scientific research Foundation of technical education Learning package in field of FUNDEMENTAL OF NURSING Presented to the 1st. class students of institute of medical technology-baghdad /department of anesthesia Designed by :Batha Mahdi Hassan 2009-2010 A: OVERVIEW 1:Target population This learning package had been designed to the first year students in the anesthesia department of the institute of medical technology-Baghdad. 2:Rational This (unit) will aid those who want to learn the basic nursing concepts that apply to the health field. It is also intended for students who have little or no science background. 3. Central ideas 3-1: Definition of suctioning 3-2: purpose of suctioning 3-3: indication of suctioning 3-4: Type of suckers 3-5: important point about suction airway 4:Instruction 4-1: Study the overview carefully. 4-2: Learn briefly the modular unit of this package. 4-3: perform the pre-test of this unit. *. If you get (9) degree or more, you will not need to learn This modular unit.in this case you must contact with your Teacher to inform him about your result. * . But when you get less than (9) degree in this test, you Will need to continue learning this modular unit. 4-4: After you study this modular unit. You must do the post-test *. If u get (9) degree or more , you must go to learn the second modular unit. *. In case you get less than (9) degree, you must return to the same unit in order to learn and understand the steps which you need. *.after you complete the studying, perform the post test examination for checking B: performance objectives After studying this modular unit, you should be able to: 1-Define suctioning 2-List the purpose of suctioning 3-Know indication of suctioning 4-list type of suckers 5-Describe the important points about suction air-way C: Pre-test A. put a circle in front of the right sentence:1)suctioning is the aspiration of secretion from a.trachea b.mouth c.larynx d.(a+b+c) 2)purpose of suctioning a.to provide oxygen b.to prevent sputum retention c.to prevent blockage of airway d.(b+c) 3)important point about suction a.perform suction as necessary b.suction time should exceed 15 sec c.provide 11% O2 before suction B.fill in the blank with correct answer Type of suckers include a)…………………. b)…………………. c)………………….. D:The modular unit of this package 1.Definition of suctioning Is the aspiration of secretion from mouth and trachea and larynx, often through a rubber or polyethylene catheter connected to suction machine or wall outlet. 2.purpose of suctioning a.to prevent sputum retention b.to prevent subsequent infection c.to prevent blockage of airway 3.Indication of suctioning 1-the patient with an endotracheal tube 2-the patient with tracheostomy 3-unconscious patient 4.Types of suckers a.manual suckers, can operate by power source or manually b.electrical sucker c. gas suckers 5. Important points about suction a.monitor heart rate, blood pressure b.suction should not exceed 15 sec c.perform suction as necessary d.provide 100% O2 before & after each suction e.record color & quantity of sputum aspirated C: Post-test A. put a circle in front of the right sentence:1)suctioning is the aspiration of secretion from a.trachea b.mouth c.larynx d.(a+b+c) 2)purpose of suctioning a.to provide oxygen b.to prevent sputum retention c.to prevent blockage of airway d.(b+c) 3)important point about suction a.perform suction as necessary b.suction time should exceed 15 sec c.provide 11% O2 before suction B.fill in the blank with correct answer Type of suckers include a)…………………. b)…………………. c)………………….. KEY OF ANSWERS A) 1.D 2.D 3.A B) A.manual B.electrical C.gas REFERNCES (1)Smith &Chips, Medical surgical nursing / philadiliphia 2000 (2)Perry Potter, clinical nursing skills, Techniques, fifth edition mosby 2004 THANKS FOR YOUR LISTENING Minstry of higher education& scientific research Foundation of technical education Learning package in field of FUNDEMENTAL OF NURSING Presented to the 1st. class students of institute of medical technology-baghdad /department of anesthesia Designed by :Batha Mahdi Hassan 2009-2010 A: OVERVIEW 1:Target population This learning package had been designed to the first year students in the anesthesia department of the institute of medical technology-Baghdad. 2:Rational This (unit) will aid those who want to learn the basic nursing concepts that apply to the health field. It is also intended for students who have little or no science background. C: Central ideas 3-1: general view about unconsciousness 3-2: symptoms 3-3: causes of unconsciousness 3-4: nursing management 3-5: DO NOT(instruction) 4:Instruction 4-1: Study the overview carefully. 4-2: Learn briefly the modular unit of this package. 4-3: perform the pre-test of this unit. *. If you get (9) degree or more, you will not need to learn This modular unit.in this case you must contact with your Teacher to inform him about your result. * . But when you get less than (9) degree in this test, you Will need to continue learning this modular unit. 4-4: After you study this modular unit. You must do the post-test *. If u get (9) degree or more , you must go to learn the second modular unit. *. In case you get less than (9) degree, you must return to the same unit in order to learn and understand the steps which you need. *.after you complete the studying, perform the post test examination for checking B: Performance objectives After studying this modular unit, you should be able to: 1-Define unconsciousness 2-list the symptoms 3-list the causes of unconsciousness 4-mention nursing management 5-instruction(DO NOT) C:Pre-test *put a circle in front of right sentence: 1-unconsciousness is when person is unable : a)to hear b)to respond to light c)to respond to people and activities d)(A+B) *list (6)symptoms for unconsciousness *causes of unconsciousness include: 1)………………………… 2)………………………….. 3)………………………… 4)…………………………. 5)…………………………. *answer with true or false 1.you can give drink to unconscious person 2.don't place a pillow under the head of an unconscious person 3.leave the unconscious person alone. Note:compare your answer with key at last page. D:The modular unit of this package 1.general view about unconsciousness Unconsciousness is when a person is unable to respond to people and activities, this is called a coma or being a comatose state. 2.symptoms -does not respond to touch, sound or other stimulation -confusion -inability to speak or move parts of his or her body -incontinence -stupor -drowsiness 3. Causes of unconsciousness -metabolic, diabetic, uremia -infection, meningo-brain abscess -drug -trumatic -hypoxemia -brain tumors 4.Nursing management of unconsciousness patient 1.observe level of consciousness 2.position of the patient may be flat on the back with the head to one side 3.check vital signs 4.observe the urine 5.mechanical ventilation 6.nutrition(I.V) 5. DO NOT A. Do Not give an unconsciousness person any food or drink B. Do Not leave the person alone C. Do Not place a pillow under the head of an unconsciousness person D. Do Not slap an unconsciousness person face or splash water on the face to try to revive him C:Post-test *put a circle in front of right sentence: 1-unconsciousness is when person is unable : a)to hear b)to respond to light c)to respond to people and activities d)(A+B) *list (6)symptoms for unconsciousness *causes of unconsciousness include: 1)………………………… 2)………………………….. 3)………………………… 4)…………………………. 5)…………………………. *answer with true or false 1.you can give drink to unconscious person 2.don't place a pillow under the head of an unconscious person 3.leave the unconscious person alone. Note:compare your answer with key at last page. KEYOF ANSWERS * circle in front of right sentence: © * Symptoms for unconsciousness -does not respond to touch, sound, other stimulation -confusion -Inability to speak or move parts of his/her body -incontinence -stupor -drowsiness * causes: -drug -metabolic -trumatic -hypoxemia -brain tumors *True or False -false -true -false REFERNCES (1)Smith &Chips, Medical surgical nursing / philadiliphia 2000 (2)Perry Potter, clinical nursing skills, Techniques, fifth edition mosby 2004 (3)spring house corporation nursing procedures pb.1992 THANKS FOR YOUR LISTENING Minstry of higher education& scientific research Foundation of technical education Learning package in field of FUNDEMENTAL OF NURSING Presented to the 1st. class students of institute of medical technology-baghdad /department of anesthesia Designed by :Batha Mahdi Hassan 2009-2010 A: OVERVIEW 1:Target population This learning package had been designed to the first year students in the anesthesia department of the institute of medical technology-Baghdad. 2:Rational This (unit) will aid those who want to learn the basic nursing concepts that apply to the health field. It is also intended for students who have little or no science background. 3. Central ideas 3-1: general view about medication 3-2: kind of drug action 3-3: variable influencing of drug action 3-4: routes of drug administration 3-5: parentral administration of drug 3-6: nursing responsibilities for patient during I.V infusion 3-7: medication administrated rectally 3-8: absorption of drug action 3-9: distribution of drug B: Performance objectives After studying this modular unit, you should be able to: 1-Define medication 2-list purpose of giving medication 3-mention kind of drug action 4-list route of drug administration 5-list parentral administration of drug 6-mention nursing responsibility during I.V infusion 7-mention rectal administration of medication 8-describe the absorption and distribution of drug 4:Instruction 4-1: Study the overview carefully. 4-2: Learn briefly the modular unit of this package. 4-3: perform the pre-test of this unit. *. If you get (9) degree or more, you will not need to learn This modular unit.in this case you must contact with your Teacher to inform him about your result. * . But when you get less than (9) degree in this test, you Will need to continue learning this modular unit. 4-4: After you study this modular unit. You must do the post-test *. If u get (9) degree or more , you must go to learn the second modular unit. *. In case you get less than (9) degree, you must return to the same unit in order to learn and understand the steps which you need. *.after you complete the studying, perform the post test examination for checking C. Pre-test *put a circle in front of the right sentence 1-medication is a substance given to people only 2-medication is a chemical substance used to relief symptoms of diseases 3-purpose of giving medication for cure 4- purpose of giving medication for cure, diagnosis, preventive treatment *list six right of ensure safety in drug administration *Match column (A) with column(B) (A) (B) 1.influence of drug action a. palliative 2.therapuetic effect b.suppositary 3.given rectally c. age & weight 4.when the medication is>2cc d. I.V 5. Passes into the blood stream(directly) e. I.M D. the modular unit of this package 1-General view about medication Medication:- is the chemical substance used to relief the symptoms of disease or prevent disease. *Purpose of giving medication:1-for diagnosis e.g: tuberculin test 2-for cure e.g: antibiotic 3-for prevention e.g: vaccines 4-for treatment e.g: a)palliative e.g:paracetol b)to supply deficient substance e.g:vitamin *The six right of ensure safety 1-right patient 2-right dosage 3-right time 4-right method 5-right effect 6-right drug 2-kind of drug actions 1) Therapeutic effect includes: *palliative *curative *supportive *substitutive *chemotherapeutic *restorative 2) Toxic effect 3) Allergic effect 3- Variable influencing of drug action *age and weight *sex *genetic factor * psychological factor * illness & disease *time of administration * environment 4- Routes of drug administration a) oral b) rectal c) sublingual d) topical (1)dermatologic (2)instillation (3)inhalation e) parenteral 5- parenteral administration *subcutaneous injection : forcing medication by needle into the loose tissues under the skin(45 degree) Site of injection:- on the upper arm below the shoulder e.g: insulin, vaccine *intradermal :-is the injection of a small amount of fluid into the dermal layer of the skin (15 degree) Purpose of intradermal:- 1)for diagnostic 2)for preventive 3)for treatment *intramuscular :- forcing of medication into muscle tissue(90 degree) Purpose of intramuscular :- 1)when the drug may be irritating to subcutaneous tissues 2)absorption through muscles is faster than subcutaneous 3)when the medication is more than(2cc) *site of I.M injections 1.ventrogluteal site 2.dorsalgluteal 3.vastus lateralis 4.rectus femorus 5.deltoid muscle. *Intravenous injection :- forcing of medications directly into the vein(45 degree) Purpose:- a)when very rapid action b)for diagnostic tests c)when the medication cannot be given by other method. Site of injection :- a)basilic vein b) median cephalic vein c)saphenous vein d) dorsalis pedis vein e)venous network on back of hand 6. Nursing responsibilities for patient during I.V infusion *maintenance of a sepsis *comfort of the patient *position of the patient arm, the arm is often placed on a paddle arm board *rate of flow calculated *observation for sign of reaction such as inflammation *ambulation of patient *record of the administration 7. Medication given rectally Rectal medication are absorbed by a way of the gastrointestinal tract *kind of medication given rectally:1-suppository made of glycerin, lanolin wax 2-liquid form 3-enema *effect of rectal method :- 1)systemic effect 2)local effect 3)both local & systemic *contraindication of medication per rectum:1-in rectal surgery 2-rectal diseases 3-diarrhea 8. Absorption of drug action The processes by which a drug passes into the blood stream 1)intravenous 2)intramuscular injection 3) subcutaneous 9. Distribution of drug 1. vascular organ 2. Kidneys 3. Liver 4. Brain C. Post-test *put a circle in front of the right sentence 1-medication is a substance given to people only 2-medication is a chemical substance used to relief symptoms of diseases 3-purpose of giving medication for cure 4- purpose of giving medication for cure, diagnosis, preventive treatment *list six right of ensure safety in drug administration *Match column (A) with column(B) (A) (B) 1.influence of drug action a. palliative 2.therapuetic effect b.suppositary 3.given rectally c. age & weight 4.when the medication is>2cc d. I.V 5. Passes into the blood stream (directly) e. I.M KEY OF ANSWERS * (2) (4) *Six right -right patient -right dosage -right time -right method -right effect -right drug * 1) C 2) A 3) B 4) E 5)D REFERNCES (1)Smith &Chips, Medical surgical nursing / philadiliphia 2000 (2)Perry Potter, clinical nursing skills, Techniques, fifth edition mosby 2004 (3)spring house corporation nursing procedures pb.1992 THANKS FOR YOUR LISTENING