Adaptive, Intelligent, and Mobile Control of Artificial Pancreas (AIM-CAP) The AIM-CAP group is an interdisciplinary team of researchers from School of Engineering and School of Pharmacy, pursuing integration of engineering approaches into biological and medical sciences. The group primarily investigates closed-loop control of artificial pancreas based on engineering methods, including machine learning, simulation, and optimization, to help patients with diabetes mellitus. Diabetes mellitus (DM) is a serious and widespread disease currently affecting 30 million people in the United States. DM is caused by either failure of human body’s ability to produce insulin (Type 1) or defects in insulin secretion by pancreatic beta-cells and insulin action in the peripheral tissues (Type 2). If left untreated, DM can cause serious complications such as cardiovascular disease, stroke, kidney failure, foot ulcers, and damage to eyes. Treatments including exercise, diet, hypoglycemic pills, and insulin often are not sufficient to mitigate the symptoms of the disease or prevent its progression over time. An artificial pancreas (AP) capable of continuously monitoring and adjusting blood glucose levels through closed-loop control, thus maintaining a normal range of glucose levels (70-130 mg/dl) at all times, will be an improved treatment for the disease. One of the largest hurdles in developing an AP is the creation of an individualized algorithm capable of calculating insulin doses from blood glucose readings and controlling a pump to deliver the appropriate doses of insulin. Our AIM is to develop Adaptive and Intelligent control algorithms using Mobile devices, which provide more accurate, effective, and individualized control for each patient and ease the management of blood glucose level. Principal Investigators Hoo Sang Ko, Ph.D. (Industrial Engineering) Guim Kwon, Ph.D. (Pharmaceutical Science) H. Felix Lee, Ph.D. (Industrial Engineering) Graduate Research Students Sakineh Esmaeili Saeid Bahremand Duygu Durak Michael Brenner Research Topics 1. Simulation of glucose-insulin homeostasis model As a step toward developing algorithms for an AP, this project applies simulation technology with a mathematical model of glucose-insulin homeostasis in order to study the interaction between glucose and insulin in healthy and diabetic mice and rats. We first gathered data experimentally using intra-peritoneal glucose and insulin tolerance tests on mice and rats in various stages of diabetes progression. We applied a dynamic hybrid simulation method to the mathematical model with a set of fixed parameter values (8 rate constants) to predict glucose levels over time. Then we incorporated an optimum search method into the simulation in order to find the best estimates for the 8 parameters. The predicted data fit accurately to the observed data for healthy, pre-diabetic, and diabetic mice, validating the use of the mathematical model with the optimum search method for mice and rats at different stages of diabetes. Examination of the rate constants may provide insights into which parameters are most affected by the progression of diabetes and thus how tightly a control algorithm needs to be calibrated to maintain proper control. 2. Prediction and control of AP using machine learning techniques In the past decade, control algorithms for AP have been developed based on traditional methods such as PID control and Model Predictive Control; however, these methods were not effective enough due to variability in metabolism between or within individuals. This project aims to develop an adaptive algorithm using Artificial Neural Networks (ANN) to predict blood glucose level (BGL) in DM patients. Glucose level data collected from DM rats using CGM are used along with other inputs such as insulin injection and meal information to develop the ANN for each individual. In a preliminary study, the ANN prediction model performed well with an error rate of less than 5 mg/dL (2%) for 5-minute prediction and about 15 mg/dL (8%) for 30-minute prediction. A closed-loop control algorithm based on another ANN is being developed on top of the ANN prediction model can be used for closed-loop control of BGL of T1DM patients to maintain BGL within normal range and thus avoid hypo-/hyper-glycemia. 3. Mobile applications for closed-loop control of AP (based on Duygu) AP is composed of three components: continuous glucose monitor (CGM), insulin pump, and control algorithm involving both. So far, developing and testing control algorithms were conducted in very limited settings as the algorithms had to be implemented in desktop or laptop computers wired to a CGM and an insulin pump. This limitation complicated real-time closed-loop control of AP. This project aims at developing a mobile app to implement AP control algorithms for continuous monitoring, prediction and control on a user-friendly interface with ubiquitous access. The mobile app collects CGM data and manually entered glucose intake and exercise level. The app transmits the data to a remote MATLAB/.NET server, where the control algorithm computes appropriate level of insulin injection based on the data received. Since the algorithm is housed and running in the remote server, the mobile app only needs to provide means to access the control algorithm, which makes it easy to develop and test a variety of control algorithms. Finally, the output from the remote server is sent to the mobile app and then to the insulin pump in AP. These steps are repeated to realize the closed-loop control. The mobile app has been developed as an Android app to collect data and to communicate with the server. The server runs the algorithm as well as other management services for communication and monitoring.