
Philosophy 1
Statement of Philosophy
Mark Windham
ED 512
Mr. Kenneth Thornbrough
November 7, 2010
Philosophy 2
Educators today have a big responsibility in that they are the ones who are teaching the youth
who will be the future leaders of our country. Children learn in many different ways and it is up
to the individual teacher to find the way that best reaches each of today’s youth. As educators,
we are responsible for making sure that our children get the education they need to make them
responsible contributors in society.
Philosophy 3
I believe that learners need to be contributing to the lesson. Therefore, I will strive on including
students in learning process by providing them the necessary information so that they will be
able to respond to questions during class. Students learn best when they are part of the process,
not when they just sit in class and listen to others talk.
I believe that learners should be viewed as changing, growing individuals, with lessons adapted
to their backgrounds and experiences. Therefore, I will strive on including references to the
lesson with situations that they are able to relate to. People want to be able to connect to a lesson
with items that interest them and that is the educator’s best way to connect with the student.
I believe that learners should ask and answer questions, handling objects, role playing, and so
forth. Therefore, I will strive on encouraging students to ask questions and letting students
answer others’ questions. Students have inquisitive minds and want to know more. Encouraging
students to ask questions lets them question why and how things are done and lets them answer
others’ questions to gain more confidence in their knowledge.
I believe that lessons should be presented as “developing, changing” truth. Therefore, I will
strive to show how just because a topic is presented in a textbook in one way does not make it
the only way. Education, just like other aspects of life, is changing every day and should be
reflected in our teachings.
I believe that teachers should ask learners to apply lesson content to cases, scenarios, situations,
and problems. Therefore, I will strive to tie my lessons in life-like scenarios and situations that
students can relate to. Students comprehend lessons better when they can tie it into an
experience that are going through or has happened to them in the past. Memorizing facts might
help students prepare for an upcoming test, but there is not much chance of them remembering
these facts much longer after this point.
I believe that lesson content should be functional and useful for the learner immediately or in the
near future. Therefore, I will strive to tie lessons into situations that students will be able to
relate. In order to be successful, lessons need to be tied to a student’s life in a way that they can
relate. Students want to know how the things they are learning today can be used in their lives
and it is up to teacher to show them.
I believe that curriculum should be planned, connected to the course of study and curriculum
guides. Therefore, I will strive to come to class everyday prepared to present the best lesson I
can. As educators, we cannot expect our students to get the most they can from a lesson if we
are not prepared to give them our best. Students can tell when teachers are unprepared for a
class and this bad example just sets a bad tone from the start of the class.
I believe that curriculum can be both presented in a formal and informal fashion. Therefore, I
will strive to make class the best learning experience possible. The classroom should be a place
where students feel comfortable to express their opinion in a relaxed setting. At the same time,
Philosophy 4
the teacher is responsible for being the leader of the room and keeping order.
I believe learners should be able to inquire about meaning, with gradual intervention by the
teacher. Therefore, I will strive to encourage students to question things they do not understand.
If students do not question things they do not understand, they either go away not knowing the
answer or believing what someone said.
I believe that questions are mostly divergent, with more than one correct answer. Therefore, I
will strive to encourage students to find different solutions by thinking out the many ways a
problem can be solved. Problems in life can be handled in more than one way and thinking this
same way in the classroom only promotes better thinking skills.
I believe that the teacher should be progressive, innovative, and experimental in the classroom.
Therefore, I will strive to implement and use different strategies in the classroom to find ways to
reach every student in the classroom. Innovation and experimenting in the classroom encourages
the same from students who look up to teachers as role models.
I believe the teacher should be accepting in the classroom. Therefore, I will strive to be
accepting of different strategies and techniques to be used in the classroom. Education is an
ever-changing profession in trying to reach students and teachers must be accepting of new
strategies in order to stay ahead.
Teachers have to flexible in the classroom in order to reach the many different kinds of learners
they will have in their classroom. I believe that I will be an experimentalist and cognitivist in the
classroom because I believe that there are many ways to get through to a student and there is
more than one way to answer a question. Education is a constant-changing profession and I want
to help make a difference in the lives of children.