CALL FOR PROPOSALS CWA 2015 Regional Workforce Development Conference Innovations and Opportunities: The New Game Plan May 12 – 14, 2015 Hyatt Regency Orange County Anaheim, California PROMINENT ROLE OF WIOA IMPLEMENTATION Innovations and Opportunities: The New Game Plan refers to the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA), and the changes that are intended and called for within this new landmark Federal law. All proposers should be mindful of how their idea connects back to some of the challenges and opportunities with implementing WIOA, as well as to best practices that should continue. Since the first Program Year of WIOA begins on July 1st, 2015, we anticipate higher than normal Conference attendance and have made adjustments in our space at they Hyatt accordingly. The Conference will also be the first major gathering in the Western U.S. following the publication of the Proposed Implementing Federal Regulations, anticipated sometime in the Spring of this year that will be released by the U.S. Department of Labor. CONFERENCE STRUCTURE The Conference will allow attendees to customize their learning experiences in a way that matches their learning style and content needs. Proposers should indicate where you think it best fits within this structure. OPEN exCHANGE OPEN exCHANGE is a dynamic forum where new ideas can be shared and debated. Initiated by thought leaders, session participants have the option to join the exchange as they enter the “fish bowl” to provide new and stimulating ideas, provoking novel solutions to persistent challenges faced by workforce professionals and educators throughout the state. These sessions should not use PowerPoints. Rather, proposers will talk about the issue around which they would like to lead a discussion, and facilitate the discussion. Strategic Industry Dialogues Drawing on successful Industry Sector Partnerships, we hope local areas will submit proposals that feature business representatives from healthcare, manufacturing, logistics/ transportation, value added ag, ICT, and other emerging sectors. These sessions ideally will feature industry leaders and allow attendees to engage with business leaders and learn first hand the needs, niches and partnership opportunities that exist within some of our fastest growing and important industry sectors. 1 Peer-To-Peer Learning Attendees vary in their experience level, and benefit from learning about best practices that reflect good, standard workforce practices. We would like workforce professionals, educators, and others to share successful strategies, programs, policies, management practices, etc. and/or lead discussions that respond to important issues in today’s operating environment. Skill Enhancement Training It is intended that these sessions teach specific skills that are immediately applicable to the day-to-day work of attendees, e.g. convening skills, case management skills, planning skills, etc. New Idea Marketplace These short “quickshops” will allow attendees to learn about either new resources (software, weblinks, publications, etc.) or to be exposed to new ways of doing business, i.e. small incremental or large game-changing innovations that they can incorporate into their programs and/or services. WORKSHOP PROPOSAL DEADLINE Due Date: Monday, March 2, 2015 Proposers are encouraged to submit prior to that date. Applicants will be notified by April 1, 2015 as to the outcome and acceptance. CONFERENCE START & END TIMES PreConference Sessions: 9:00 – 11:30 am, Tuesday, May 12, 2015 Conference Begins: 12:45 pm, Tuesday, May 12, 2015 Conference Ends: Noon, Thursday, May 14, 2015 CONFERENCE HOTEL AND HYATT REGENCY RESERVATIONS Hyatt Regency Orange County 11999 Harbor Blvd Garden Grove, CA 92840 Presenters are responsible for their own hotel reservations. We encourage you to make your reservations now. Online Reservations: Hyatt Regency Reservations: 714-750-1234 or 800-916-4339 (toll free) Special CWA rate is $159/ night. Cut off date for room block is Monday, April 13th. Mention the CWA Conference to reserve a room at the discounted rate. ***We reserve a block of rooms at a reduced conference rate. After the block is filled, you will pay a premium price for rooms (if available) or locate lodging elsewhere. CWA has no designated overflow hotels. CONFERENCE REGISTRATION FOR WORKSHOP PRESENTERS All workshop presenters must register for the Conference! 2 We ask your understanding and cooperation in abiding by the following registration policy regarding presenters. and click on the Spring Conference tab. WORKSHOP ONLY RATE: No Charge This applies to presenters who come only to present and then leave the Conference. ONE DAY PRESENTER RATE $300. Presenter is given access to other Conference sessions and functions on the day of your presentation. FULL CONFERENCE PRESENTER RATE $475. Presenter has access to all functions and sessions throughout the entire Conference, including receptions, continental breakfasts, a luncheon, and all refreshment breaks. NUMBER OF ATTENDEES We anticipate that 450 - 500 individuals will attend the Conference. AUDIENCE COMPOSITION Conference participants are engaged both in policy and program implementation related to education, training, employment and business services at the local, state and national level. Attendees work for government, nonprofit and for profit agencies, and education. These include workforce and economic developent departments, community colleges, rehabilitation and county welfare agencies, private schools, K-12, and apprenticeship programs. PROPOSAL TOPICS A wide range of topics will be considered for inclusion into the Conference Program. Some suggestions include: industry sector partnerships; regional planning and regional work; industry recognized certifications and credentials; adult education, literacy, work ethic and soft skills; innovation by design and through evidenced based initiatives; the new work of the Workforce Development Boards; the employment of individuals with disabilities; and recruitment and engagement of out-of-school youth. Other sessions will also be considered that feature career pathway initiatives; pay for performance strategies; bridge programs that link secondary and post secondary training; high school dropout recovery efforts; work based learning opportunities; strengthening program evaluation; new program performance measures and accountability; the efficiency and effectiveness of America’s Job Centers; and other issues anticipated with the implementation of the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act. In general, workforce development covers a large array of programs and initiatives that matter to our businesses, our workers, and our communities. 3 That would include labor market analysis and proper use of labor market intelligence, as well as training that meets industry needs and addresses critical skill shortages. Successes and experiences with supporting the creation of jobs, self- employment and/or small business development are also encouraged. We also welcome proposals from any of our community college partners, including consortium chairs, Sector and Deputy Sector Navigators, technical assistance providers, CTE deans and directors, and the Offices of Economic and Workforce Development (non-credit, not-for-credit and contract education) and from the California State University system. Since we serve a number of specialized populations, sessions addressing these needs are also an important component of the Conference. GENERAL WORKSHOP INFORMATION Workshop length will vary. Please indicate the ideal length of your session in the form below. We favor workshops that involve the attendees in active learning. PowerPoint and lecture presentations should incorporate discussion elements. We encourage panel sessions with different organizations with a mix of ideas, rather than highlighting an isolated success. We recommend no more than 4 individuals on a panel. Proposals which feature commercially available products or services should originate from current users of the service or product and should highlight “promising practices” examples. Sales presentations for products and services are inappropriate for workshop sessions and will not be considered. CWA reserves the right to edit workshop titles and descriptions and to combine similar proposals into one session. Because we receive more proposals than we can accommodate in the limited time and space available, not all proposals will be accepted. AUDIO VISUAL NEEDS Rooms will be equipped with LCD projectors and screens to project PowerPoint presentations and any other video source material (DVD’s, video clips, etc.). Multiple presenters should coordinate their PowerPoint presentation so that they are all on one laptop. We do not supply LAPTOPS. Presenters must bring their own laptop, if needed. ADDITIONAL QUESTIONS Contact CWA Conference Curator, John D. Baker, 512-689-8177; 4 CWA 2015 Regional Workforce Development Conference Innovations and Opportunities: The New Game Plan May 12 – 14, 2015 Hyatt Regency Orange County Anaheim, California WORKSHOP SUBMISSION PROCEDURES Send an email to: (John Baker’s email) SUBJECT LINE: CWA Spring Proposal 2015: your workshop title ATTACH a word document that contains the following items: NOTE: Keep formatting simple. Compose your answers in a WORD document using Century Gothic 11 Point Font. Please do not bold words, use italics or underline, borders or bullets. No extra points for fancy formatting Suggested Workshop Title Presenter(s) Names Please supply names of all presenters with titles and organizational affiliation e.g. Jim Beam, CEO, Greater Bourbon Economic Development Agency Workshop Description (75 words or less) Write a brief, concise description that captures both the intent of the session and what will be learned. This will be used in the Conference Program Preferred Length of your Session: 60 min ( ); 75 min ( ); 90 min ( ) WHERE DOES IT FIT IN THE CONFERENCE STRUCTURE? Strategic Industry Dialogue ( ); Skill Enhancement ( ); Peer-to-Peer Sharing ( ); New Idea Marketplace ( ); Open exChange ( ) PRESENTER(S) CONTACT INFO (for all presenters) Name: Email: Phone (cell or office): Audio-Visual Needs CWA supplied LCD Projector/Screen ( ) Flip Charts (#) ____ Other________________ ( ) Yes, I understand that I will need to register as a presenter at either the special presenter rate, a one day presenter rate, or even if I’m just coming to present and then leaving the Conference (no charge). We do not supply LAPTOPS to presenters. You must bring your own laptops, if needed. MAC users must bring their own LCD Adapter. 5