Coffee-break template

The Participant
Whiteboard Tools
Virtual Coffee Break Template
Instructions for presenter:
This slide deck is meant to serve as a guide; it is not cast in
• Please include introductions (“head shot” photos of
presenters are very helpful)
• Keep the Elluminate slide in the deck at start or end in case it
is needed
• Build in as much interaction as possible (ideally, every 3
minutes, participants should be engaged in some way).
• If there are hand-out materials, please distribute them
through file share in Elluminate and let Marian know if you’d
like them posted on the LINGOs site.
Virtual Coffee TITLE
Please include a
head-shot of
Presenter names, agencies
Include an ICE BREAKER Activity
Engage participants – set the tone that this will be an interactive
You may want to ask a question that participants reply in chat,
on the whiteboard, or through a poll (or series of polls); make
sure your instructions are clear so participants know what to do.
Introduce your topic
Use as few words as possible. Remember that
Elluminate does not allow ppts to use “reveal” or
slow builds. If you need the slide to change, do that
by putting in an additional slide.
Plan to keep your presentation short, and build
through participation and discussion of Virtual Coffee
Break Participants.
Include interaction w participants
ideal = every 3 minutes
polls, write on whiteboard, respond in chat,
learning games
Transition to presenter 2 or general
Presenter 2 (slides similar to first presenter)
Transition to facilitator for discussion slides
Discussion slides
Include questions to generate discussion
• What questions (What experiences do you …)
• Leave room to write on slides – either activities or
notes of key points
• Consider 1 question per slide
• You may want to have a “plant” to start discussion if
group is shy
Wrap Up
Plan to summarize
Info on resources presented
Include any follow up
Thank presenters!
Save the Date
Include info on upcoming LINGOs events – virtual coffee
breaks, courses, meetings (see and look at events)
DATE – Event
DATE – Event
DATE – Event
DATE – Event