
Critique 3 Class Web sites
Your Name Alyssa Mendoza
Name of person whose web site you are critiquing Tuan Pham
Web site URL:
You will need to post your critiques in cis311/finalsite/critiques by Friday May 9th. That way
people can use your critiques to improve their sites.
Download the critique form.
Do three critiques of the people that follow you alphabetically the class site list:
If you are at the end of the alphabet, critique people starting at the beginning of the list.
Upload your critiques to your Website in cis311/critiques.
Upload one word document containing your critiques to Blackboard by Midnight.
A detailed, thoughtful critique gets a better grade.
If the person did not do a Website, simply state that at the top of your critique.
Meanings of letter grades that you assign during the critique:
Below average, has problems
Very good (above average)
Fails or is not available
Average, fulfills
N/A Does not apply to this web page
First Impressions:
What are you first impressions of their site?
I really like the background and the gradient on the navigation bar (or at least it looks like a
List 3 words that describe the site.
Simple, Minimal, Easy
What is the main thing that the developer wants you to do on the site?
Learn about different countries that the developer has traveled to (I think?)
Is this site name/logo/artwork appropriate?
There is no site name/logo available but the background is appropriate
Assessment /Letter
Suggestions for improvement
Name the page you are
discussing in this column
I knew that it was about
What is easy
travel but not really sure
for you to tell
what it is in regards to
what this site is
travel. B
Don’t forget to put the name of the
site at the top, even if it is still under
construction. Also I love the welcome
quote, but you should mention what
you want the user to do.
How easy is it
to locate the
The main content/objective
main objective is right on the first page. A
(content) of the
Just clarify the main objective a little
Was the
content of the
Even when the site is under
construction, at least add a little
snippet to say what content would go
there (i.e. This is where content about
Albania goes!)
The content was
meaningful and related to
the page I was on. A
Is the important The content/placeholder for
content located content is towards the top
Maybe add a little padding in your
towards the top of the page, so yes. A
section? The text is right at the edge.
of the page?
Logo, if any in
upper left
corner of page
– linked to the
index page.
clear and
Uses clear
language to
guide the user.
No logo. N/A
Navigation is very simple
and clear, but could
definitely use an “About”
page or “Contact” page. B
Navigation: no
dead links
All links work. A
Obvious what
are navigation
How can you
tell what is
The “Home” link lets you
know where the navbar is. I
could tell that the image in
the gallery was also
clickable because of the
word “gallery”. A
I like the drop down navigation but
just a heads-up, it’s not a responsive
design (if you make the window
smaller, you can’t really use the
Maybe add a border/hover effect to
the image in the gallery to give more
of a hint to click on it? Or even a
sentence that says “Click on an
image to enlarge”
Visited links
All links look the same. N/A I don’t mind the links not looking
look different so
different after being clicked.
user can tell
what pages
they visited?
Layout neat
and clear with
no distracting
The color of the gallery
section stands out a lot, like Maybe tone it down a bit? Or
a very stark contrast. B
harmonize the colors a little more?
Kept to a
No scrolling necessary. A
content is not
cut off when the
page loads.
Clear Visual &
Contrast – do
different things
look different?
As I mentioned, the gallery
looks different but the
contrast is a little harsh on
the eyes. B
Repetition –
The theme is the same
throughout. A
through the site
Alignment –
Are text and
divs aligned?
The footer, navbar, and
sections don’t quite match
up. The text in the footer is
sitting weird (and very low, I
just now noticed it). C
I’m guessing the image in
the gallery is just a
Proximity – Are
placeholder, but otherwise,
like items
it doesn’t go with every
page. B
Page <titles>
help user
where they are
on the site?
Visibility of
visited links
against the
color or
The title is the same the
entire time. Also I just
realized that it has the
name of the site! A
Actually, these line up well when the
window is smaller, but your site
should be more responsive and line
up, no matter the size. My advice is
to use % instead of px and try to line
them up that way.
Maybe the gallery should be its own
Text is easy for
users to scan
and grasp
words, uses
Text is
presented in a
way that is
easy to scan?
Bullets or lists
There’s a weird formatting
error with the text—
whenever an apostrophe is
used, it comes out as weird
characters on the screen.
Otherwise, it’s fine. B
Short paragraphs, easy to
read through. A
Text is
separated from
edges of
Needs some padding, the
text runs right against the
elements & has edge. B
space around it
(use of
Does the site
look adequate
in different
Just fix the apostrophes
Maybe like 1% padding? At least right
and left.
In Chrome, the background
stretches to fit the page. In
Firefox, the background
repeats. Looks strange in
Firefox. B
Last Impressions:
What are three biggest things this person could do to improve their site?
Add more content, make more responsive, work with colors
Please rate the Website on these three criteria.
Creativity: B
Impact: B
Effort: B
Overall Grade: B