From Route 1 - Capital Horse Shows Association

April 13 and April 27 2013
12214 Ashcake Rd, Ashland, Va.
DIRECTIONS - From 95 - take the Lewistown Rd exit turn east to stop sign turn left onto Ashcake
Rd farm is 5 miles on the right.
From 64 - take the 623 exit turn north we are 10 miles on the right
From Route 1 - turn west on Ashcake Rd farm is 2.8 miles on the right.
From Route 33 - the intersection of Route 33 and Route 623 the farm is 3.7 miles on the left
Manager: Cindy Carson (804)798-2003 Fax (804)798-6353
Course Designer: Melissa Haley
Concession: Skyline Farm
Secretary: Jennifer Dzielak
Announcers: Will Denton & Suzanne Hogg
Ring 1: 4-13 Meg Rhoades
Ring 2: 4-13 Joyce Ainsworth
4-27 Joyce Ainsworth
4-27 DeDe Shumate
Entry fees:
$ 45 per division
$ 23 Individual class
$30 Medal classes
$ 10 post entry fee - pre-entries close MONDAY before show
$ 40 stalls - limited - must be cancelled THURSDAY before show
$ 5 Office fee
$ 25 Schooling fee (Friday Schooling) to be paid Friday
*Pre-entries must be recieved and include a copy of your coggins by Monday before show or post entry will apply*
Rules: This show is open to all competitors. It is a member show of the Capitol Horse Shows Association and a VHSA
Associate show. The show will be run in accordance with the VHSA rules with the exception of fence heights. Six
ribbons will be awarded in each class. A Championship ribbon with an award and a Reserve ribbon will be awarded in
each division. A horse or pony must have shown in at least one over fences class to be eligible for the under saddle class
of that division. Equitation will have a posted order. A negative Coggins report is required of all horses and ponies on the
show grounds. All exhibitors must wear ASTM/SEI approved helmets at all times when mounted. Junior riders must
be supervised by an adult at all times. All owners and riders must sign a waiver of liability stating that Coventry Farm
will not be responsible for any accidents. An adult must sign for all juniors. Show Manager reserves the right to refuse
entry, change the schedule, combine classes and change the judge.
1. Adult Pleasure Horse walk, trot, canter
2. Adult Pleasure Horse go as you please
3. Adult Pleasure Horse walk, trot, canter
4. Junior Pleasure Horse walk, trot, and canter
5. Junior Pleasure Horse go as you please
6. Junior Pleasure Horse walk, trot, and canter
7. Special Hunter 2’6” no jog
8. Special Hunter 2’6” no jog
9. Special Hunter under saddle
10. Sm/Med/Lg Pony Hunter over fences 2’3”,2’6”,2’9”
11. Sm/Med/Lg Pony Hunter over fences 2’3”,2’6”,2’9”
12. Sm/Med/Lg Pony Hunter under saddle
13. CHSA/VHSA Pony Equitation
14. VHSA Pony Medal
15. Schooling Hunter 2’9” no jog
16. Schooling Hunter 2’9” no jog
17. Schooling Hunter under saddle
18. Open Hunter 3’ & 3’3”
19. Open Hunter 3’ & 3’3”
20. Open Hunter under saddle
21. Green Hunter 3’ & 3’3”
22. Green Hunter 3’ & 3’3”
23. Green Hunter under saddle
24. VHSA Adult Equitation on the flat
25. Junior Amateur Schooling 2’9” no jog
26. Junior Amateur Schooling 2’9” no jog
27. Junior Amateur Schooling under saddle
29. CHSA/VHSA Adult Equitation 3’
30. CHSA/VHSA Children’s Equitation 3’
31. VHSA Adult Medal
32. VHSA Children’s Medal
33. Adult Amateur Hunter 3’
34. Adult Amateur Hunter 3’
35. Adult Amateur Hunter under saddle
36. Children’s Hunter 3’
37. Children’s Hunter 3’
38. Children’s Hunter under Saddle
39. Pre-short stirrup walk
40. Pre-short stirrup walk, trot
41. Pre-short stirrup walk, trot, jump position
42. Short Stirrup walk trot
43. Short Stirrup walk, trot and canter
44. Short Stirrup over fences 18”
45. Short Stirrup over fences 18”
46. Pleasure Pony walk, trot, and canter
47. Pleasure Pony go as you please
48. Pleasure Pony walk, trot, and canter
49. Special Hunter 2’
50. Special Hunter 2‘
51. Special Hunter under saddle
52. Children’s Pony Hunter over fences 2’& 2’6 no jog
53. Children’s Pony Hunter over fences 2’& 2’6 no jog
54. Children’s Pony Hunter under saddle
55. Children’s Pony Equitation over fences 2’ & 2’6
56. Children’s Pony Equitation over fences2’&2’6
57. Children’s Pony Equitation on the flat
58. VHSA Junior Equitation on the flat – 14 and under
59. VHSA Junior Equitation on the flat – 15-17
60. CH/AA Hunter Equitation fences2’ 2’6”no jog
61. CH/AA Hunter Equitation fences2’ 2’6”no jog
62. CH/AA Hunter Equitation on the flat
63. CH/AA Hunter over fences 2’ & 2’6” no jog
64. CH/AA Hunter over fences 2’ & 2’6” no jog
65. CH/AA Hunter under saddle
66. Green Pony Hunter over fences
67. Green Pony Hunter over fences
68. Green Pony Hunter under saddle
******Special Hunter has been split 2’6 will ride in Ring 1 and 2’ will ride in Ring 2
****** Depending on entries the Ponies may be moved to Ring 2…
California warm-up (un-judged course B) each horse and rider combination may participate in
ONE warm-up class at each show. You must inform the starter know before entering the ring that
you are doing course B as a warm-up..