National Quality Framework Education and care service indoor and outdoor space Fact Sheet and Space Measurement Form | May 2015 This information below outlines the indoor and outdoor space requirements for centre -based services operating under the Education and Care Services National Law Act 2010 (National Law) and the Education and Care Services National Regulations 2011 (National Regulations). An approved provider of an education and care service must ensure that for each child being educated and cared for by the service, the education and care premises has at least 3.25 square metres of unencumbered indoor space and at least 7 square metres of unencumbered outdoor space, (regulation 107 and regulation 108). This does not include children being educated and cared for in an emergency under regulation 123(5). When applying for a new service approval, or amending an existing service approval, the approved provider must submit calculations that have been completed by a registered building practitioner (except for an education and care service providing education and care to children over preschool age on a school site, or in the circumstance of an education and care service relocating to alternative premises for not more than 12 months). Who is a registered building practitioner? A registered building practitioner is defined in the National Regulations as (regulation 4): a person who is registered as a building surveyor, building inspector or draftsperson under a law of a participating jurisdiction a person who is registered as an architect under a law of a participating jurisdiction a person who is licensed as a surveyor under a law of a participating jurisdiction a person who is licensed or registered as a building certifier under a law of a participating jurisdiction a person who is accredited under a law of a participating jurisdiction to design buildings that will be used to provide education and care services. Space requirements -indoor space The unencumbered indoor space at the education and care service premises should be provided in accordance with regulation 107 of the National Regulations. In calculating the area of unencumbered indoor space the following areas are to be excluded: any passageway or thoroughfare (including door swings) any toilet and hygiene facilities any nappy changing area or area for preparing bottles any area permanently set aside for the use or storage of cots any area permanently set aside for storage any area or room for staff or administration the area of a kitchen (unless the kitchen is primarily to be used by children as part of an educational program provided by the service). any other space that is not suitable for children. 1 Furniture in ‘home corners’, mobile open shelving offering toys and equipment directly to children, and chairs and tables are not considered to encumber the play space, as they are an integral part of children’s play area and are moveable. The area of indoor space must be exclusively available to the service during the time it is operating. For example, a library or hall that is available to an outside school hours care service on an ad hoc basis cannot be counted as part of the indoor space. The area of a verandah may be included in calculating the indoor space only with the written approval of the Regulatory Authority. A verandah that is included in calculating the area of outdoor space cannot be included in calculating the area of indoor space (regulations 107(4) and (5)). Space requirements - outdoor space The unencumbered outdoor space at the education and care service premises should be provided, in accordance with regulation 108 of the National Regulations. In calculating the area of unencumbered outdoor space required, the following areas are to be excluded— any pathway or thoroughfare, except where used by children as part of the education and care program any car parking area any storage shed or other storage area any other space that is not suitable for children. Regulation 108 outlines the minimum requirements for area of outdoor space in a centre-based service. Approved providers should also consider that the outdoor environment is not only for children to release energy and engage in physical activity, but also for exploration, problem solving and creative expression. As far as possible, it is suggested that outdoor areas should include a variety of area surfaces such as sand, grass, mounds, flat areas and hard surfaces. Circumstances for services providing education and care for children over preschool age For services that provide care and education to children over preschool age, an area of indoor space may be included in calculating the available outdoor space with the written approval of the regulatory authority, provided it has not already been used in calculating the indoor space. Further Information The Department of Education and Training is the Regulatory Authority in Victoria. Phone: 1300 307 415 Email: Web: 2 Area Measurements This form should be used to verify the indoor and outdoor space of an education and care service in accordance with regulation 107 and regulation 108 of the Education and Care Services National Regulations 2011 (National Regulations), at the time of application for service approval – centre-based or application for amendment of service approval. If you require more space to record the measurements, please photocopy additional pages and attach them to the application. Details of education and care service 1. Name of education and care service 2. Address of education and care service premises (PO boxes cannot be accepted) Unit, floor, street number and street name Suburb/Town Postcode State VIC Details of person conducting and certifying the area measurements 3. Title (Mr etc) Family Name Given names Daytime telephone number 4. Is the education and care service premises on a school site providing education and care to children over preschool age or an education and care service relocating to alternative premises for not more than 12 months? No 5. Email address Yes Go to question 5 Go to question 6 What type of building practitioner are you? Building surveyor Building inspector Building certifier Licensed surveyor Draftsperson Architect Other Please specify: What is your registration number? Where are you registered or licensed to practice? Area measurements – Indoor Space 6. Space requirements – indoor space Room number or name (must match the room number or name on the service plans)* Floor area (sqm) Unencumbered area divided by 3.25 sqm. Number of children Office use only (Office use only) Total 3 7. Are there any areas of indoor space set aside permanently for the use and storage of cots? No 8. Yes Go to question 9 Go to question 8 Area/s set aside permanently for use and storage of cots Indoor room number/name provided on floor plan or diagram* 9. Number of cots permanently stored Total floor area (sqm) deducted from area measure Is there any area of verandah space included in the indoor space measurement? No Yes Go to question 11 Go to question 10 10. Please complete Verandah Space (must match the number or name on the service plans)* area (sqm) Unencumbered area divided by 3.25 sqm. Number of children Office use only Area measurements – Outdoor Space 11. Space requirements – outdoor space Outdoor space (must match the number or name on the service plans)* Outdoor area (sqm) Unencumbered area divided by 7 sqm. Number of children Office use only (Office use only) Total 12. Measurements of indoor space being used as outdoor space - only applicable for services that educate and care for children over preschool age Indoor space number provided on floor plan or diagram* Floor area (sqm) Divide area by 7 sqm. Number of children Office use only (Office use only) Total Certification and signature of person conducting measurements I certify that the information in this application is true and correct and the measurements were conducted in accordance with the Education and Care Services National Law Act 2010 and Education and Care Services National Regulations 2011. I confirm that in calculating the areas of unencumbered indoor and outdoor space that areas prescribed in the National Regulations have been excluded. Signature Date X 4