September, 2014
Ms. Jacqui Greadington
EOEA President
HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Welcome to all of our new members. We are thrilled to have you as part of our East Orange Education Association family. Please know that
we are here to help you and to support you. We have a lot of talented veteran educators in our school district, so don’t be afraid to reach out
for help. I would like to extend a very special welcome back to our veteran members. I hope you had a relaxing summer, because it is going
to be a busy year.
I don’t have to tell you that these are VERY difficult times for public education and those of us who chose to work in public schools. We
came to that choice, by and large, because we truly CARE about children and their futures. We have been under constant attack … subjected
to constant criticism … and constantly put on the defensive by politicians, pundits and people with an agenda.
Billionaires and Wall Street players see the $650 BILLION that is spent on public education in Americas as a BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY.
So they attack US because we are in their way. But we’re not getting out of their way. We’re standing up to them, and with 200,000
colleagues in New Jersey, and 3 million more across the country, we’re pushing back. Every NJEA member needs to join this fight.
Our EOEA membership makes us part of the most powerful education associations in the county, ECEA; the most powerful union in the
state, NJEA; and the most powerful union in the nation, NEA. Please get to know your Association Building Rep, and talk with him or her
about your interests, your concerns, and key issues.
And finally, STAY ACTIVE, because our strength is in our NUMBERS and in our UNITY. Let’s have a great year!
If a teacher’s Student Growth Objective (SGO) score or a principal/assistant principal’s Administrator Goal score is the sole reason that his or
her summative rating dropped from Effective to Partially Effective or from Partially Effective to Ineffective, the teacher will be eligible to ask
for an expedited review of the rating. In addition, if a teacher’s rating is adjusted through the SGO review, that teacher’s SGO score may be
negated from the principal’s SGO average if doing so improves the principal’s rating from Ineffective or Partially Effective to Effective or
Highly Effective.
These reviews will apply only to the 2013-14 school year and this is the only proposed change impacting 2013-14 evaluation scores. The
proposed steps for this process are as follows:
The qualifying teacher or principal appeals to the Superintendent or designee for reconsideration by February 1, 2015 or within 15 school
days of receiving the summative rating—whichever is later. The DOE will provide forms.
1. The Superintendent must provide an answer to the teacher or principal within 15 school days of receiving the appeal.
2. It the Superintendent agrees with the appeal, the score weight will be adjusted from 15% to 1% and the teacher practice or principal
practice instrument score weight will be increased accordingly.
3. If the Superintendent does not agree, then the teacher has 15 school days following the receipt of this decision to appeal directly to
the Commissioner, who will review whether the annual summative rating was directly caused by the SGO or Administrator Goal
The NJDOE will release forms and additional information in the coming weeks.
(Continued on page 4)
Volume 12, Issue 1
September, 2014
The members of the HSSC (Clarence Osborne; Chair, Patty Jubelt (Carver), Pat Landon (Healy) and Edwin Abrahams (EOCHS) would
like to welcome all EOEA members back for the 2014-15 school year. Hopefully all had a restful and exciting summer.
The Committee’s meeting schedule is as follows for this school year:
September 17 (Wednesday) – Walkthrough of Warwick
October 9 (Thursday) – Follow-up walkthrough of Warwick
November 19 (Wednesday) – Walkthrough of Garvin
December -December 11 (Thursday) – Follow-up walkthrough of Garvin
January 14 (Wednesday) – Walkthrough of Parks
February 12 (Thursday) – Follow-up walkthrough of Parks
March 12 (Thursday) – Walkthrough of Cochran
April 15 (Wednesday) – Follow-up walkthrough of Cochran
May 14 (Thursday) – Walkthrough of Costley
June 11 (Thursday) – Follow-up walkthrough of Costley
The HSSC received one health and safety issue during the summer. It was reported that a water pipe burst in Banneker School. There was
significant damage that the maintenance department was able to respond to. When I contacted the Supervisor of Facilities, Dario Lambkin,
he assured me that the school would be able to open on time. EOEA members are encouraged to contact the EOEA office if there are any
issues of water damage or suspected mold. Have a healthy, safe and secure school year.
NEGOTIATIONS By Clarence Osborne, Chairperson
Welcome back to another school year…..Without a new contract.
That’s right, EOEA members are working under the terms and
conditions of an expired contract. In my tenure as Negotiations
Chairman (the last 6 contracts) the EOEA and the EO BOE have
never started bargaining talks this late. It is disturbing that the Board
members treat the largest bargaining unit in East Orange with such
disdain and disrespect. At the June Board of Education meeting, in
President Jacqui Greadington’s absence, I read a prepared statement
that outlined the steps the Association had taken to begin the
bargaining process.
In September 2013 the Association sent a letter to the Board
requesting information for bargaining as well as dates to begin
bargaining. The Board refused to respond in a timely manner so the
EOEA was forced to file an Unfair Labor Practice (ULP).
Subsequently, the Board provided the information but refused to
respond to our proposed meeting dates.
As an EOEA member you should think about the following;
- Due to the recent changes in health care (Chapter 78) you
are paying the highest percentage of the premium
allowed by law (Tier 4 – upwards of 30% of the
- You are probably bringing home less money in your
paycheck than you were four years ago.
- As educators you are molding the minds of tomorrow’s
future but you are totally disrespected by the East
Orange Board of Education by its lack of action to come
to the table to bargain a new contract.
I implore you to become actively involved in the bargaining
process when the EOEA reaches out for your support.
The members of the Negotiations Team are Jacqui Greadington;
President, Priscilla Burke; Grievance Chair, Elaine Bryant,
Walter Houghton, Jennifer Longo, Deborah Thurmond and
myself as Chairman. Madelaine Colas is our NJEA Uniserv
INSTRUCTION & TRAINING By Deborah Thurmond, Chairperson
As we embark upon the second year of TEACHNJ, teachers should review and modify their required Professional Development
Plans (PDPs) as needed. Teachers are required to accrue 20 hours per year.
Under the TEACHNJ Act, Corrective Action Plans (CAPs) are required for all staff members rated Ineffective or Partially Effective
on their last annual summative evaluation. In this case, the CAP takes the place of the required individual PDP until the next summary
conference, and the activities in the CAP become the priorities for the staff member's professional learning while the CAP is in effect.
The EOEA Instruction & Training Committee strives to provide meaningful professional development workshops for EOEA
members. The following professional development workshops have been scheduled for the upcoming school year:
Wednesday, November 12, 2014 – “Effective Classroom Management – Elementary”
Thursday, December 4, 2014 – “Special Education Today”
Wednesday, March 11, 2015 – “Principles of Professional Learning: Part Three: Team Building”
All workshops will be conducted at the EOEA office, 576 Central Avenue, Suite 206. Workshops will commence at 4:00 p.m.
If you would like to attend a workshop, please contact the EOEA office at 973-672-7331 or see your EOEA Rep.
ECEA Workshop Registration and Payment Update:
The EOEA will no longer accept checks or registration for ECEA workshops. Members should contact the ECEA via to complete an online registration or contact Sandy Linton at 973-736-5650.
ECEA will present the PD workshop “Student Growth Objectives -SGO’s – Doing them Right” on Wednesday, September
17th at the Appian Way Restaurant. A “ScIP and DEAC” workshop will be presented on Tuesday, September 23, 2014. There is no
charge for the workshops, however pre-registration is required for all ECEA workshops. If you are unable to attend the workshop, you
must contact the ECEA office at least 24 hours prior to the workshop to cancel or you will be charged for the full price of the meal.
Volume 12, Issue 1
September, 2014
GRIEVANCE REPORT By Priscilla Burke, Chairperson
Hearings /Responses
Association Wins--A Grievance was filed and WON on behalf of a teacher who was docked because he did not hand in a doctor’s note
after being absent. (Healy/Burton)
1. Grievances were filed on behalf of members who lost increments or were placed on probation/lost increments. Hearings were held
and responses are due.
2. The Association is filing a Grievance that several Administrators are in violation of the new Evaluation Regulations/Danielson. The
meeting will be held on 9/10/14.
3. The Association is filing a grievance that the several Administrators are in violation of the completion of evaluations by the agreed
upon timeframe. Scheduled for 9/10/14.
4. Several Grievances will be filed that a memorandum of a derogatory nature be removed from teachers’ files. (One Hearing was held
this week. We are awaiting results and scheduling for others.
5. A Grievance will be filed on behalf of a teacher who was reprimanded without just cause because of complaints made to
administration by students and staff members. We are grieving because there was never an opportunity to resolve these complaints via
the Complaint Procedure language in the contract. A Hearing was held, but there was no written response from the administrator. It
has been moved to Level III. (Houston) The Meeting was scheduled then cancelled by the Administrator on 9/4/14.)
6. A Grievance was filed for a member who did not receive compensation for covering a class during her lunch period. The
administrator says he did not authorize the member to cover the class. (Garvin)
7. A teacher is grieving that the language for Public Criticism has been violated by his Administrator (Fresh Start HS) A Hearing was
held at Level II and will be moving to Level III.
By Lynn Roberts, Chairperson
NJEA’s 125-member political action committee has voted to
recommend to the National Education Association’s Fund for Children
and Public Education the following endorsements: U.S. Senate: Cory
Booker, D CD-1: Donald Norcross, D CD-2: Rep. Frank A. LoBiondo,
R CD-3: Aimee Belgard, D CD-4: No endorsement CD-5: Roy Cho, D
CD-6: Rep. Frank Pallone Jr., D CD-7: Pending CD-8: Rep. Albio
Sires, D CD-9: Rep. Bill Pascrell Jr., D CD-10: Donald M. Payne Jr.,
D CD-11: Mark Dunec, D CD-12: Bonnie Watson Coleman, D
Election Day is Nov. 4. In order to vote, you must be registered to vote
by Tuesday, Oct. 14. Other important dates include the deadlines to
request a vote by mail (VBM) ballot (Oct. 28 by mail; Nov. 3 in person at county clerk’s office). Go to, click on “Issues &
Action” and scroll to “Elections” for information on registering to vote,
voting by mail, how to find your county clerk’s office, and finding
your polling place.
SOCIAL By Kennette Bailey, Chairperson
WELCOME BACK to all returning members and a HAPPY
HELLO to all new members. September is here and I know
you are excited and ready to start your teaching year with a
As the new Social Chair, I look forward to getting to know all
of you outside of the classroom. I am eager to start the year off
in great spirits and what better way than to have our official
“Back to School Happy Hour”. Please come out and have fun
with your colleagues.
EOEA Happy Hour will be Friday, September 19th, 2014 at
McCloone’s Boathouse
(Hours for Happy Hour 4:00pm – 6:30pm)
**Wishing you Great Success for the 2014-2015 School
MEMBERSHIP By Kathie Osborne, Chairperson
The EOEA welcomes 36 new teachers who joined the Association on August 25, 2014 at the new teacher's orientation. We encourage all
members to reach out to new staff in your buildings and make them feel welcome.
Starting this month all members will receive the new "Review" magazine published by the NJEA. This publication is a combination of the
newspaper and the magazine we received previously. The magazine from the NEA that comes out quarterly will remain the same.
Reminder: New names, addresses and email addresses must be updated with the EOEA office. Central Office does not forward new personal
information to the EOEA. There are several ways to update your new information: Log on to, call the EOEA office, or give
the information to your building rep. If you haven't received the September issue of the REVIEW, more than likely NJEA has a "bad"
address on file. Membership cards will be delivered in October, so please don't delay.
The Membership committee will resume the "restaurant of the month" in October. Please share your favorite. You can email the details to
Volume 12, Issue 1
President’s Message continued from p. 1
September, 2014
P.R.I.D.E. By Donna Jenkins, Chairperson
The ECEA provides many workshops throughout the year. These
workshops are designed to provide training and information to
members. It is also a good way to accrue Professional
Development credits. You will no longer contact the EOEA office
to attend these workshops. We will continue to give flyers to the
building Reps, but you must contact ECEA directly to register.
Please register at You may call 973-736-5650 to
register as well. Preregistration is necessary so that they can plan
accordingly for materials, and give correct numbers to the
restaurants. You must call at least 24 hours prior to the workshop to
cancel or you will be charged the full price of the meal which may
range from $35 to $45.
EOEA Building Reps will be reaching out to members for an
update of your personal email address. As you know, we do not
use the EOSD emails to communicate with members. The October
edition of the EOEA Informer will be electronically sent to
members. We will also use this system to provide our negotiation
updates. Make sure we have your email address so that you won’t
miss valuable information.
By Carla Hinds, Chairperson
Welcome back to a new and exciting year. The PRIDE committee
looks forward to your participation and support in all of our
Things to remember:
At all events offering refreshments and/or gifts, a tabletop sign must be placed on the table. You should display
our banner.
Receipts from Sam’s Club or Walmart are not
For reimbursement you must submit:
The official EOEA sign-in sheet
Original receipts only
A flier and/or program acknowledging EOEA
provided gifts and/or refreshments
All documents by the given deadlines.
Failure to fulfill all of the above requirements will forfeit your
See your Rep for more info.
School Climate
Dion L. Patterson, Chairperson
Welcome back to all members!
The FAST Committee is looking forward to an exceptional year.
Our grant has been submitted to NJEA and we are hopeful that it
will be approved very soon. Included in our proposal this year are
more parent-focused and community-based events. Our book club
is hoping to expand so that it will include teens. We are also
planning a big family event in the later part of the fall.
I’m encouraging all members (not just representatives), to join us
in advocating for our schools in the community. What better way
to demonstrate to the community in which we work, that we care
about them as well their children. In the wake of all the negativity
in surrounding communities, lets show that we can pull together
and a develop relationships in and around the community that
benefit everyone. Truly, together, we can make a huge difference!
I trust that you will have a wonderfully productive school year!
Stand tall and know you are the future makers, world shakers and
we do it well!
Visit our website:
Volume 12, Issue 1
WELCOME to the 2014-2015 academic calendar year.
Since the State of New Jersey Department of Education has new
rules set in place for determining school districts grades under
the Anti-Bullying Bill of Rights Act, the EOEA thought it not
robbery to re-instate the School Climate committee for the
purpose of addressing issues of violence & vandalism in our
schools. Throughout this school year I look forward to getting
valuable feedback from all members regarding issues in their
buildings and developing strategies to help teachers address
these issues. Please continue to check your email for updates on
this topic.
The EOEA INFORMER is the official publication of the
East Orange Education Association
576 Central Avenue, East Orange, NJ 07018
Phone # 973-672-7331
Fax # 973-672-1194
Ms. Jacqueline Greadington, President
Mr. Clarence Osborne, Vice President
Ms. Patricia Landon, Treasurer
Ms. Deborah Thurmond, Secretary
Ms. Joyce McCree, Editor Ms. Donna Jenkins, Reporter