Terms of Reference Title Interpreter/ Translator Project Number and Title UNDP Biodiversity Projects Contract type: Individual Duty station: Astana Contract term: March 2016 – December 2017 Background: The United Nations Development Programme jointly with the Committee for Forestry and Hunting of the RoK Ministry of Agriculture, are implementing several projects, that form one portfolio and aimed at biodiversity conservation. 1. An international regional project “Building transformative policy and financing frameworks to increase investments in biodiversity management” (BioFin) is aimed at identification of biodiversity conservation trends and finance mobilization. 2. Project “Improving sustainability of the protected areas system in desert ecosystems through promotion of biodiversity-compatible livelihoods in and around PAs” (Desert Project) is aimed to improve sustainability of protected areas in globally significant desert and semi desert ecosystems by expanding geographical coverage, promoting a landscape-based approach and supporting biodiversity-compatible livelihoods in protected areas and adjoining territories. 3. Project “Economic mechanisms of assessment to improve decision making and managing commitments under global environmental agreements” (CB2) is aimed at adaptation of new approaches, that will facilitate to the most efficient decision-making in the field of the development for the global environment. 4. Project “Improving of the national policy on natural resources management, monitoring, conservation and sustainable use in the context of transition of Kazakhstan to green economy” is aimed to support the measures to improve the policy and legislation related to wildlife management in Kazakhstan based on the targets stated in the Green Economy Strategy. 5. Project “Promotion of Green Economy” and “Green Bridge” Partnership Programme is aimed at the analysis and attraction of best practices for providing assistance to the Republic of Kazakhstan in the transition to green economy. The project aims to assist in practical implementation of the Concept for transition to Green Economy by providing support in forming the institutional and legislative framework, which is necessary in development of such "green economy" areas as solar energy, sustainable fisheries and aquaculture, as well as strengthening of international cooperation in the framework of the "Green Bridge" Partnership Programme. 6. UN Joint Programmes in Mangystau and Kyzylorda Oblasts are targeted to improve the welfare and quality of life of population. The aim of the programmes is creation of conditions in Mangystau and Kyzylorda Oblasts for sustainable and equal social, economic and environmental development, as well as improvement of health of local people and health system. Implementation of projects implies conduction of ecological, economic, social studies, development of methodological materials, maps, development of curricula and delivery of training activities, workshops and exchange of experience. Justification: The implementation of the projects will involve international consultants with aim to study, adapt and implement international best practices related to development and implementation of new biodiversity financing mechanisms, set-up and expansion of PAs, landscape planning, implementation of joint management and public-private partnership mechanisms, strengthening of stakeholders capacity. It is expected that experts will work with international consultants’ reports, hold workshops, working meetings and missions in English. Therefore there is a need for an interpreter who will provide written translations and interpretation for quality and efficient communications. Purpose: To foster networking and partnership with international consultants and companies and to provide a quality translation of materials and documents from/into English. Scope of work: 1. Consecutive interpretation up to 270 hours during: missions of international consultants; online conferences; international study tours; 2. Written translations up to 2300 pages: reports and informational materials provided by international consultants within the framework of their contracts; the BioFin work logs; informational reports provided to the regional BioFin group by the Kazakhstan BioFin team; correspondence between the project team and international consultants, international partners and the regional BioFin group; annual, monthly and quarterly reports; evaluation forms for the Project staff; terms of references for consultants and companies; published materials; reports of international consultants from the Czech Trust Fund; reports of international consultants on Project “Providing Assistance to the Government of Republic of Kazakhstan to Implement the Green Economy Transition Concept of Republic of Kazakhstan and Institutionalize the Green Bridge Partnership Programme”; other documents and materials essential for smooth work of projects. Expected results and payment: The payment shall be done upon completion of works in compliance with the results timetable. Translated texts are to be submitted electronically. No. Results Deadline Amount (%) 1 Russian-English and English-Russian translation of current project documentation: (terms of reference, emails and reports of international consultants, evaluation forms for the project staff, articles) is provided. April 2016 10% Interpreting of discussions, presentations during a monthly regional BioFin project Skype conference is provided. Russian-English translation of 2016 1st Quarter (150 words report, semantic report, ROAR, comments to risks) is provided Translation of BioFin Work Books together with comments of international experts is provided. Interpreting during international expert mission for the mid-term evaluation of the Desert Project is provided. 2 Russian-English translation of 2016 2nd Quarter project reports (150 words report, semantic report, ROAR, comments to risks), is provided. June 2016 10% August 2016 10% October 2016 10% Russian-English and English-Russian translation of current project documentation: (terms of reference, emails and evaluation forms for the project staff, articles) is provided. Russian-English translation of BioFin Work Books and comments to them by international consultants (English-Russian translation) is provided. Interpreting of discussions, presentations during a monthly regional BioFin project Skype-conference, during visits of the Czech Trust Fund experts is provided. Translation of reports of international consultants of the Czech Trust Fund is provided. Interpreting during missions of the UNDP Regional Office representatives is provided. 3 Russian-English and English-Russian translation of current project documentation: (terms of reference, emails and evaluation forms for the project staff, articles) is provided. Interpreting of discussions, presentations during a monthly regional BioFin project Skype-conference is provided. Interpreting during other negotiations with international consultants, companies is provided. 4 Russian-English and English-Russian translation of current project documentation: (terms of reference, emails and evaluation forms for the project staff, articles) is provided. Interpreting of discussions, presentations during a monthly regional BioFin project Skype-conference is provided. Interpreting during other negotiations with international consultants, companies is provided. Translation of reports of international consultants for Project "Providing Assistance to the Government of Republic of Kazakhstan to Implement the Green Economy Transition Concept of Republic of Kazakhstan and Institutionalize the Green Bridge Partnership Programme” is provided. Russian-English translation of 2016 3rd Quarter project reports (150 words report, semantic report, ROAR, comments to risks), is provided. 5 Russian-English translation of BioFin Work Books is provided. December 2016 10% February 2017 10% April 2017 10% Interpreting of discussions, presentations during a monthly regional BioFin project Skype-conference is provided. Interpreting during other negotiations with international consultants, companies is provided. Russian-English translation of 2016 4th Quarter project reports (150 words report, semantic report, ROAR, comments to risks) is provided. 6 Russian-English and English-Russian translation of current project documentation: (terms of reference, emails and evaluation forms for the project staff, articles) is provided. Interpreting of discussions, presentations during a monthly regional BioFin project Skype-conference is provided. Interpreting during other negotiations with international consultants, companies is provided. Russian-English translation of 2016 Project Annual Reports and 2017 Annual Work Plans is provided. 7 Russian-English and English-Russian translation of current project documentation: (terms of reference, emails and evaluation forms for the project staff, articles) is provided. Russian-English translation of 2017 1st Quarter project reports (150 words report, semantic report, ROAR, comments to risks), is provided. Interpreting of discussions, presentations during a monthly regional BioFin project Skype-conference is provided. Interpreting during other negotiations with international consultants, companies is provided. 8 Russian-English and English-Russian translation of current project documentation: (terms of reference, emails and evaluation forms for the project staff, articles) is provided. July 2017 10% October 2017 10% Interpreting of discussions, presentations during a monthly regional BioFin project Skype-conference is provided. Interpreting during other negotiations with international consultants, companies is provided. Translation of reports of international consultants for Project "Providing Assistance to the Government of Republic of Kazakhstan to Implement the Green Economy Transition Concept of Republic of Kazakhstan and Institutionalize the Green Bridge Partnership Programme” is provided. Russian-English translation of 2017 2nd Quarter project reports (150 words report, semantic report, ROAR, comments to risks), is provided. 9 Russian-English and English-Russian translation of current project documentation: (terms of reference, emails and evaluation forms for the project staff, articles) is provided. Interpreting of discussions, presentations during a monthly regional BioFin project Skype-conference is provided. Interpreting during other negotiations with international consultants, companies is provided. Russian-English translation of 2017 3rd Quarter project reports (150 words report, semantic report, ROAR, comments to risks), is provided. 10 Russian-English and English-Russian translation of current project documentation: (terms of reference, emails and evaluation forms for the project staff, articles) is provided. Interpreting of discussions, presentations during a monthly regional BioFin project Skype-conference is provided. Interpreting during other negotiations with international consultants, companies is provided. Russian-English translation of 2017 4th Quarter project reports (150 words report, semantic report, ROAR, comments to risks), is provided. Total: 100% Responsibilities: The interpreter shall be responsible for: Timely provision of translation and progress reports to the UNDP Biodiversity Projects Manager; Timely and quality performance of the Terms of Reference; Provision of unconditional compliance with the contact terms and conditions. Skills and knowledge: University degree in English Philology or Translations. Work experience in translating specific texts with ecology, biology and economy terminology and a minimum of 3 years proofreading experience. A minimum of 3 years work experience in interpreting. Work experience in international projects. Knowledge of terminology in the area of nature management economy, biodiversity, ecology, environmental protection, biology in Russian and English. Knowledge of the Kazakh language is preferable. COA (MUST BE INDICATED IN NUMBERS) Project ID Activity Accou nt 00093061 Activity_Kaz10 71300 Amoun t Fund Dept ID Implemen ting Agency Donor 23400 55205 001981 00117 Total: Talgat Kerteshev UNDP Biodiversity Projects Manager __________________________________ signature Victoria Baigazina Programme Associate of Environment and Energy Unit date __________________________________ signature date