December 14, 15 - City of Holyoke


Historical Commission December 14, 2015

City Hall Annex – 4 th Floor Conference Room

Meeting called to order at 6:35 pm


Commissioners: Co-chair Olivia Mausel, co-chair Joseph Paul, Paola Ferrario,

Alexandra Puffer, James Sheehan, Intiya Isaza-Figueroa

Associate Commissioners: Jean Jonker

Public: Associate City Solicitor William Newcomb, Richard Ahlstrom, Peter


Motion by Commissioner James Sheehan to review November 9 meeting minutes at

January meeting

Seconded by Commissioner Alexandra Puffer

All in favor

Discussion of meeting minutes from September 29, 2015

Additional materials should not have been presented and attached after a meeting is closed to the public, in the future the commission will leave hearings open when accepting new materials

Commissioner Intiya Isaza-Figueroa motioned to accept the 9/29/15 minutes as amended

Seconded by Commissioner Alexandra Puffer

All in favor

Introduction to Associate City Solicitor William Newcomb

Changes to demolition delay ordinance

 Can keep hearing open up to 45 days after application, after close of hearing a 14 day decision period begins

 Increasing the ordinance – could start process by contacting city council o Examples of other communities: Northampton has a flexible up to 12 month delay

 William Newcomb suggest sending a proposal to city council, law department can draft an order to put in legal form before it goes to city council

 Commissioner Joe Paul asked about seeking a zoning change for intended use of property before demolition

 William Newcomb shared updated by-laws from January 7, 2015

 Work into by-laws which alternate commissioner would vote incase of absence of a commissioner (suggestions are pre-determined first/second/third or by seniority.)

 Commission will be alerted for any demolition, complete or partial, or a historic building

Associate City Solicitor William Newcomb left the meeting at 7:05pm.

Commissioner Paola Ferrario suggested a sub-committee to work on moving forward the proposal of a 12-month demolition delay.

Update on 123 Sargeant Street

Commission is offering suggestions to Scott Williams to avoid demolition

Re-cap of Macris workshop on December 12, 2015

Another meeting will happen in February; volunteers were assigned areas to collect data from

Commissioner Intiya Isaza-Figueroa took notes on Saturday and will share them and will set up the Dropbox account for the commission

Inventory update is necessary for applying to grants

Update on Parsons Paper

Commission received a project notification from Tighe & Bond, to use the one remaining building for business, clean up remaining rubble, and demolish burnt building.

Waiting to determine whether of not there is a request for acceptance letter from commission.

Update on 246 Lyman Street Rehabilitation Project

Mayor Alex Morse thinks it should go to housing court first. Legalities of having minors working on the project were also brought up. He suggests researching how schools conduct these projects. (Examples are Wakefield, and other vocational schools.) Research will then be presented by the commission.

Infrastructure Day with civil engineers

Want to do an event in Holyoke because of canals and dams

Event date: Saturday, May 14, 2016

Associate Jonker stated at on May 2, 2017 Mr. Elizur Holyoke would turn 400 years old. She suggests The Historical Commission may consider beginning to plan something to celebrate this.

Holiday Home Tour Project

Commissioner Intiya Isaza-Figueroa motioned to vote to pursue the project, seconded by Commissioner Alexandra Puffer. All in favor.

Commissioner Alexandra Puffer will create a project brief, Gantt chart, and determine next steps.

Letter regarding the Greater Holyoke YMCA’S Special Permit Request

A letter written by Co-chair Commissioner Joe Paul was amended and approved by the commission after a motion by Commissioner Intiya Isaza-Figueroa, seconded by

Commissioner Alexandra Puffer.

Commissioner Sheehan motioned to adjourn the meeting.

Commissioner Puffer seconded the motion.

All in favor.

Meeting ended at 8:00 pm

Respectfully submitted by Commissioner Alexandra Puffer
