UN Security Council and North Atlantic Treaty Organization Open Agenda LETTER FROM THE SECRETARY-GENERAL Dear Participants, I would like to welcome you all to EuroAsia Model United Nations Training and Development Conference 2013. My name is Fatma Betül Bodur and I am a junior at Ankara University Faculty of Law. Organized under the auspices of Model United Nations Association of Turkey, as a method to fulfil its mission to familiarize MUN-related activities country-wide; EuroAsia MUN 2013 continues the tradition of eight years to host a wide range of delegates from beginners to be introduced to MUN for the first time; to those who are experienced in MUN, seeking a unique opportunity to develop in the field. This year, nine committees will be simulated in EuroAsia MUN; each chosen delicately to appeal to its participants from different levels and areas of academic studies and interest. United Nations Security Council and North Atlantic Treaty Organization will not have a predetermined agenda item. The delegates will have the discretion to determine their respective Councils’ discussion subjects. This study guide, prepared jointly for both UNSC and NATO, presents a comprehensive overlook to certain international peace and security related issues that occupy agenda and the academic structure of the Committees have been prepared by the respected Under-Secretaries-General Ms. Arzum Koca, Mr. Tunca Bozkurt, Ms. Nezahat Yeşim Yargıcı and Ms. Hazal Aynalı. Prepared by their talent, hard-work and wisdom; the study guide serves as a perfect first step to comprehend the agenda of utmost importance in global scale. I advise the participants to read the study guide thoroughly. You may also check further readings and key documents which are found on our website. As a whole, the documents presented by the Academic Team will provide you the awareness which is required so as to follow the discussions within the Committee and fully enjoy Model United Nations. Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me via bodur@muntr.org. Regards, Fatma Betül Bodur Secretary-General of EuroAsia MUN 2013 EuroAsia MUN 2013 Page 1 UN Security Council and North Atlantic Treaty Organization Open Agenda LETTERS FROM THE UNDER-SECRETARIES -GENERAL Dear Participants, I have the utmost pleasure of welcoming you to EuroAsia Model United Nations Training and Development Conference 2013 and serving as on the Under-Secretary Generals for North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO). Together with fellow USGs Ms. Hazal Aynali, Mr. Tunca Bozkurt and Ms. Arzum Koca, we have prepared a comprehensive study guide which entails the recent events that occurred in the Middle East and Mediterranean region. However, since both NATO and United Nations Security Council are committees apt for experienced delegates further research must be done in order to keep up with the intense debating. NATO, although commonly simulated in Model UN conferences, is a separate body with its own procedure, founding treaty and fundamental values –all for one and one for all-. The Alliance has as its primary objective, collective self-defence. An attack on one member will be considered an attack of all. In addition, in the past two decades the Alliance has been executing operations in order to maintain peace in regions such as Libya and Kosovo. As consequence its significance in the international arena grows day by day. In my humble opinion Model United Nations is a student activity that gives you perspective and practice as one examines the World’s many problems, try and solve them through negotiation and cooperation whilst staying in line with diplomatic courtesies. Therefore I whole-heartedly encourage you to participate to the debate and if you can, lead it and shape it! My Best Regards, Nezahat Yesim Yargici Under-Secretary-General of NATO and UNESCAP EuroAsia MUN 2013 Page 2 UN Security Council and North Atlantic Treaty Organization Open Agenda Honourable Participants, Welcome to the EuroAsia Model United Nations Training and Development Conference 2013. My name is Arzum Koca, I am the responsible under secretary general for SOCHUM Committee and Security Council. I would like to start my letter with thanking the other Under-SecretariesGeneral responsible for NATO and Security Council; Mr. Tunca Bozkurt, Ms. Hazal Aynalı and Ms. Nezahat Yargıcı who deserves the highest amount of appreciation. As the Secretariat of this conference we worked really hard for NATO and SC delegates to live one of their best experiences in their MUN life. Parallel to our high amount of efforts for you and bearing in mind that the Security Council has the most extensive competencies among the main bodies of the United Nations, we expect the delegates of this committee to have the confidence to promote world peace with the help of organizations such as NATO. I am sure that all of you have what it takes to respond to the urgent crisis and to act for the maintenance of peace and security. I am sincerely sure that the following days will pass both hard and at the same time amazing for you. Enjoy every moment and do not hesitate to participate in the debates to change the course of the world. Kind regards, Arzum KOCA Under-Secretary-General responsible for UNSC and SOCHUM EuroAsia MUN 2013 Page 3 UN Security Council and North Atlantic Treaty Organization Open Agenda Dear Delegates, It is my utmost pleasure to welcome you all to the EuroAsia Model United Nations 2013 Training and Development Conference. I am Hazal Çisem Aynalı, the Under-Secretary General responsible for the North Atlantic Treaty Organization committee. I am currently a senior student at Ankara University Faculty of Law. I have been participating in Model United Nations related conferences for three years now. This is going to be my third EuroAsia MUN conference and my first experience as a member of the Academic Team. EuroAsia MUN Training and Development Conference always has a special place for those who are participating in MUN related conferences for the very first time. The first experience of being a delegate, acting like a diplomat, improving public speaking and lobbying skills will never be forgotten. Therefore, I am quite certain that it will be a beneficial and memorable experience for all of us. This year NATO and UNSC have an Open Agenda. Therefore, the committees will discuss the ongoing disputes in Middle East and North Africa along with the updates given. As a whole, the study guide provides you with a great academic content so as to handle the debates during the Conference. With great pleasure, I wish you all a satisfying and successful conference. Hazal Çisem AYNALI Under-Secretary- General Responsible for NATO and SPECPOL EuroAsia MUN 2013 Page 4 UN Security Council and North Atlantic Treaty Organization Open Agenda Respective delegates, It is an extreme honour to welcome you to EuroAsia Model United Nations Training and Development Conference 2013 as the Under Secretary-General responsible for the United Nations General Assembly First Committee and the United Nations Security Council. My name is Tunca Bozkurt and I am a freshman in the Economics department of Boğaziçi University. I have been involved in the Model United Nations since mid-2010 and have occupied different positions in many conferences, mostly as a part of the academic team. As the previous sessions of EuroAsia MUN, this year’s committees have been designed exclusively for newcomers of the Model UN and for the ones who would like to further develop their skills. In this light, this year, the United Nations Security Council will be simulated as a crisis committee. The committee will be supplied with updates and will work to solve the crisis situations. Furthermore, UNSC will work simultaneously with NATO, which will build an interactivity between these two committees. The following guide is a projection of today’s global disputes. Hopefully, with the help of this guide and further research, the topic will be a good opportunity for the delegates to get prepared for the conference. Should you have any questions, please feel free to contact me. Sincerely, Tunca BOZKURT Under-Secretary-General Responsible for UNSC and DISEC EuroAsia MUN 2013 Page 5 UN Security Council and North Atlantic Treaty Organization Open Agenda A. UNITED NATIONS SECURITY ratified by the five permanent members of the Security Council (China, France, the COUNCIL establishing Soviet Union, the United Kingdom, the international organizations (many of which United States) and by a majority of other are signatories.3 Although States now United started Nations specialized agencies) on specific matters that would Primary purposes of the United Nations ensure the cooperation between them in were 1865, that international peace and security; and, to this instruments for settling crises peacefully, end, taking effective collective measures for preventing wars and codifying rules of the prevention and removal of threats to the warfare were signed and issued at the peace and the suppression of acts of International Peace Conference in 1899.1 aggression or other breaches of the peace, The forerunner organization of United and bringing about means of adjustment or Nations, the League of Nations, was settlement of international disputes which conceived during the First World War "to may lead to a breach of the peace.4 Other promote international cooperation and to purposes can be listed as development of achieve peace and security", however it friendly relations among nations and to take terminated itself because of its failure to other appropriate measures to strengthen prevent Second World War.2 universal first multilateral treaties offered to peace; be maintenance achievement of of international cooperation in the solution of When World War II showed the need for an effective international organization to arbitrate disputes, representatives of 50 countries met at the United Nations Conference on International Organization to draw up the United Nations Charter and after many deliberations The United Nations (UN) officially came into existence on 24 international economic, social and other humanitarian problems; and affordance of a centre for harmonizing the actions of nations in the achievement of these common ends. Thus, a general assembly, a security council and an international court of justice were also offered to be established to serve in accordance with these purposes.5 October 1945, when the Charter had been EuroAsia MUN 2013 Page 6 UN Security Council and North Atlantic Treaty Organization Open Agenda which are People’s Republic of China, I. Structure of the Security Council France, Russian Federation, the United a. Members of the Security Council Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern At its establishment in 1945, the Security Council was consisting of eleven memberstates including the five permanent members; but later on, linked to the enlargement of the United Nations, the nonpermanent members number was increased to ten, and accordingly number needed of in favour votes for adopting a resolution changed to nine in 1963.6 Those ten non- Ireland and the United States of America.8 Also a member-state of the UN may participate, without a vote; in the Council’s discussions when that country’s interests are affected; thus even a non-member state may be invited by the Council to take part in the debate without a vote, if they are parties to the dispute that is being considered by the Council.9 permanent members are elected by the General Assembly for two year terms (five b. Voting: the Veto Rights each year); thus the election should be done In the voting system, it is seen that there is a accordingly to the pattern which was distinction between voting on the procedural decided and non-procedural (substantive) matters. at the eighteenth session in resolution 1991 A (XVIII) as: Article 27 of the UN Charter, is the clause a. Five from African and Asian States; that gives the permanent five their veto power by stating that while decisions on b. One from Eastern European States; procedural matters will be made by an c. Two from Latin American States; affirmative vote of at least nine out of fifteen d. Two from Western European and current members, decisions on substantive matters are made by affirmative votes of other States.7 Today the Security Council welcomes the representatives of Azerbaijan, Argentina, Guatemala, Australia, Luxemburg, Morocco, Pakistan, Republic of Korea, Rwanda and Togo as the non-permanent states with the five permanent members EuroAsia MUN 2013 nine members, “including the concurring votes of the permanent members”.10 In order for a resolution to fail other than the usages of the veto power by one of the permanent five, seven countries have to vote against the resolution, abstain or be absent from the Council at the time of voting.11 Page 7 UN Security Council and North Atlantic Treaty Organization Open Agenda II. Competence and Responsibilities of human agencies can make it, war shall be the Security Council made impossible in the future. It is Until the Cold War came to define global inevitable that thinking men, although politics, the Council formed its role as inspired by the same high motives, shall preventing a third world war but after, the differ as to the means to secure permanent Council moved to tackle prevention of peace and equity between nations.” 16 into -Old Colony Trust Company international disputes.12 Accordingly, as The system laid down in Chapter VII goes stated in the article 24 of the UN charter, as follows: the Council, shall first decide Member States have the responsibility to whether a particular situation calls for action maintain international peace and security (Article 39), if such a situation has arisen, it and the Security Council will be the body to may either make recommendations (Article carry out this mission by acting on their 39), take provisional measures (Article40), behalf.13 The Council's other responsibilities or decide on enforcement issues not include recommending the admission of new involving the use of force (Article 41), in members and the appointment of the order to remedy the situation. Moreover, if Secretary-General to the General Assembly the Council considers these measures not to of the United Nations (UNGA) and together be effective, it may authorize the use of with the UNGA, electing the judges of measures involving the use of force, to put International Court of Justice.14 Having an end to a threat or breach of the peace these responsibilities, the Security Council (Article 42).17 can issue resolutions that are legally binding In order to fulfil its responsibility of on all Member States while other organs of maintaining international peace and security; regional conflicts from turning the UN can only make recommendations to and when faced with a conflict, the first the governments.15 action of the Council is to recommend to the a. Chapter VII and Measures to Maintain parties that they reach an agreement through International Peace and Security peaceful means; it may appoint special “Every person in the world capable of representatives, may ask the Secretary- rational thought wishes and hopes not only General to appoint special representatives, for immediate peace, but that, so far as and may set some principles for the peaceful EuroAsia MUN 2013 Page 8 UN Security Council and North Atlantic Treaty Organization Open Agenda settlement of the conflict, may issue The ceasefire directives.18 The Council may also operations depends on the expectations and send UN peacekeeping forces or eventually assessments of the parties, therefore; a UN decide on enforcement actions such as peacekeeping force should be “strictly economic sanctions or collective military impartial”; thus “it must be prejudice to the action. Moreover, Article 29 of the United rights, claims or positions of the parties Nations Charter sets out that the Security concerned.”23 Council may establish subsidiary bodies as c. Use of Force in Peacekeeping Missions needed The use of force in peacekeeping operations for the performance of its effectiveness of peacekeeping functions.19 has two aspects that are parallel to the use of b. UNSC peacekeeping operations force in international law, the first one being To fulfil the responsibility of maintaining the minimum use of force and the second international peace and security, Security one being the use force for self-defence Council keeping only.24 A clear definition of “the use of force operations which are one of the main except in self defence” has been made by the instruments used by the UN to prevent academician James Sloan as: “men engaged war.20 Under the Charter of the UN there is in the operation may never take the initiative not a definition of peacekeeping. While this in the use of armed force, but are entitled to provides a wide range for the peacekeeping respond with force to an attack with arms, to deal with different kinds of threats to including attempts to use of force to make international peace and security, it causes them withdraw from positions which they problems of occupy under orders from the Commander, peacekeeping.21 Although there is not a acting under the authority of the Assembly may establish related to peace the limits definition, there are some limits such as the and within the scope of its resolutions.”25 the III. Use of Force and the Article 2(4) of emplacement and the continuous presence of the UN Charter, Prohibition on the Use of a peacekeeping operation; otherwise it will Force and Exceptions mean domestic The ban on the use of force has often been jurisdiction of the states which is a violation described as the ‘cornerstone’ of the modern requirement of state intervening consent in the of the Article 2 (7) of the Charter. EuroAsia MUN 2013 22 for international system.26 Page 9 UN Security Council and North Atlantic Treaty Organization Open Agenda Article 2(4) of the UN Charter, obliges UN Article 2(4); first one of them is stated in members to ‘refrain in their international Article 51 of the Charter, is available to relations from the threat or use of force states which find themselves to be victims of against the territorial integrity or political aggression:30 independence of any State, or in any other "Nothing in the present Charter shall impair manner inconsistent with the Purposes of the the inherent right of individual or collective United Nations’, stating that in Articles 42, self-defence if an armed attack occurs 43 and Article 51, the Charter recognizes against a Member of the United Nations, two exceptions to this prohibition: forcible until the Security Council has taken enforcement measures within the framework measures of the organization’s collective security system, and the right of self-defence of nations against armed attacks. necessary to maintain international peace and security. Measures taken by Members in the exercise of this 27 right of self-defence shall be immediately Conversely, the Charter regime on the use of reported to the Security Council and shall force, fundamental not in any way affect the authority and importance or even its role as a cornerstone, responsibility of the Security Council under has been anything but static. Faced with the present Charter to take at any time such challenges such as those referred to in the action as it deems necessary in order to preceding maintain or restore international peace and notwithstanding paragraph, its the international community has not formally amended the Charter rules, but has re-appraised them through interpretation. 28 security.”31 b. Collective Security In many respects, the interpretation has produced clear and stable results, but it has also led to processes of adaptation and adjustment in the light of new realities or perceptions.29 With regards to the second exception according to the Chapter VII; Security Council may, if deems necessary, take military actions involving the armed forces of member-states, or with an authorisation a. Self Defence of states which are willing individually or in The law of the UN Charter provides two ad hoc coalitions or acting through regional exceptions from the prohibition expressed in or other international organisations with one EuroAsia MUN 2013 Page 10 UN Security Council and North Atlantic Treaty Organization Open Agenda of them being the North Atlantic Treaty principles Organization (NATO).32 understanding c. Humanitarian Intervention have an accepted definition, it aims at preventing or ending widespread and grave violations of the fundamental human rights of individuals, without the permission of the state within whose territory the force is applied.33 The concept of humanitarian intervention has evolved as a subset of the laws governing the use of force and has very quickly come to occupy an institutional with that regard to sovereignty is the a responsibility falling under the competence of Although humanitarian intervention does not taken governments which implies that governments bear utmost responsibility for the protection of their peoples.37 In case of a situation where a group of people suffering from serious harm, as a result of (a) internal war, (b) insurgency, (c) repression or (d) state failure, generally emerges as ethnic cleansing; and the state in question is reluctant or unable to determine “the principle of non-intervention to the international responsibility to protect.”38 position alongside self-defence and Security Council authorization as a legal and legitimate reason for war although it is Agreement on a shared responsibility to protect means that people who live under the widely accepted as highly controversial.34 threat Bearing in mind that other writers affirm governments, state-sponsored actors or other other definitions; an example can be given non-state actors now have a new tool to as “coercive actions by states involving the battle the often deadly indifference and use of armed force in another State without paralysis of the international community.39 the consent of its government, for the Thus, three particular responsibilities are purpose of preventing or putting an end to mentioned: massive violations of human rights or of genocide from preventing, their reacting own and rebuilding.40 international humanitarian law.”35 e. Fighting Terrorism d. Responsibility to Protect Whether states can use force against Responsibility to protect was established by terrorists based in another country is a the adaptation of the 2005 World Summit crucial discussion. The relevant articles of Outcome by UN.36 the UN Charter have to be interpreted. It is EuroAsia MUN 2013 It envisages a set of Page 11 UN Security Council and North Atlantic Treaty Organization Open Agenda argued that the restrictive approach to anti- Although terrorist force obtaining 20 years ago has founding of the organization in 1949 was come under strain thus as far as collective collective responses are concerned.41 It is no longer countries collectively combat terrorism, use disputed that the Security Council could of weapons of mass destruction and authorize the use of force against terrorists; government however, it has so far refrained from doing populations, leading to a three-pillar task so structure: and more controversially, the the initial idea self-defence, management decades has increasingly recognized a right through partnerships.47 terrorists. 42 This new practice is justified and of collective the NATO civilian defence, international community during the last two of states to use unilateral force against today oppression collective behind crisis security II. History of NATO - Foundations of the Organization and the Washington 43 under the doctrine of self-defence. Bearing in mind the conditions of Security Council Treaty: From the Cold War to Afghanistan action, it remained at least doubtful whether terrorist attacks could have amounted to a threat to, or breach of, the peace in the sense The Organization was founded right after the Second World War ended, in 1949.48 The continental Europe was recovering from of Article 39 UNC.44 effects of a war in the magnitude that 36.5 B. NORTH ATLANTIC TREATY million Europeans died during the 5 years it ORGANIZATION lasted.49 The motives that initiated the I. Introduction signing of the founding treaty were the risk The North Atlantic Treaty Organization of Soviet expansionism and using the (NATO) is one of the most significant influence of the United States to prevent political and military formations in the another war that may arise from European international arena. It has 28 member-states nationalism.50 both in Europe and North America.45 The members-United fundamental idea behind the organization is Kingdom, the safety, security and the freedom of its Iceland, Italy, Norway, Portugal, Belgium, members in addition to the trans-Atlantic Netherlands, and Luxembourg- signed the multilateralism and military cooperation.46 North Atlantic Treaty on April 4, 1949, EuroAsia MUN 2013 The twelve States, Canada, the France, founding United Denmark, Page 12 UN Security Council and North Atlantic Treaty Organization Open Agenda followed by the accession of Greece and he Turkey in 1952 and West Germany in independent.57 1955.51 headquarters were moved to Brussels in Meanwhile in 1950, the Cold War between 1967.58 French troops and fleet were slowly the Soviet Union and the US became an wanted to keep France Consequently more NATO’s withdrawn from NATO’s military structure; Korean however France stayed in the Alliance, and peninsula, as the Korean War took place in the following years became one of the actual armed conflict in the between communist North, supported by the most important states to provide troops in Soviets and the South, supported by the peacekeeping missions.59 US.52 Although a cease-fire was signed In following the war that killed an estimated 2 Czechoslovakia which again alarmed the million Korean civilians, a peace treaty was NATO countries about Soviet expansionism. never agreed on, even now after 50 years.53 However the idea of protecting the status As the Cold War progressed and NATO quo was also in the talks which led to the expanded, in 1955 the Soviet inspired signing of the Helsinki Final Act in 1973.60 Eastern Europe formed the Warsaw Pact, Nevertheless, following the Soviet invasion including East Germany; therefore Europe of Afghanistan, a nuclear war between the was divided by the symbolic line the Berlin Pact Wall drew in 1961. During this period of possibility. In 1982 Spain joined NATO.61 time political and scientific aspects of the By mid 1980s the tension remained; organization grew, in competition with the however, it was clear that the Pact had lost Soviet Union.54 the scientific competition against the West.62 In the 1960s the tensions between the United By late 1980s, the economy of the Soviet States and the Soviet Union grew over a 1968 and the the Soviet Alliance Union was invaded again a Union was collapsing; when East German missile crisis in Cuba, a large scale conflict regime was shaking, the Union did not was avoided in the end.55 In 1966, French intervene.63 On November 9, 1989 the President Charles de Gaulle announced Berlin Wall fell, Germany was united, a France’s withdrawal from NATO because chain of events started that would result with the Alliance was heavily influenced by the the Warsaw Pact and the Soviet Union United States and the United Kingdom56 and dissolved.64 EuroAsia MUN 2013 Page 13 UN Security Council and North Atlantic Treaty Organization Open Agenda Nevertheless, post-Cold War environment in The Operation Allied Force in Kosovo was Europe was not entirely stable, conflict concluded when the United Nations Security sparked up in Yugoslavia as a result of Council formed an interim government in nationalist militarism.65 In response to the the area.70 However the fact that NATO, continuous breaches of humanitarian law, believing a resolution encompassing a NATO carried out a 9-day air campaign in military intervention would not pass from 1995 and later on continued to be active in the Security Council, intervened with a the area with the authorization from the peacekeeping mission United Nations Security Council.66 NATO officials argued that they could not NATO executed its first peacekeeping stay indifferent and observe as human lives mission in Kosovo, where a humanitarian were at stake.71 However, the North Atlantic crisis emerged because of the armed conflict Treaty, in itself, in Article 7, states: between the Kosovo Liberation Army and “Article 7: This Treaty does not affect, and Serbian authorities over the freedom of shall not be interpreted as affecting in any Kosovo. In 1999 NATO started an air way the rights and obligations under the campaign67 without the Security Council Charter of the Parties which are members of authorization.68 The Secretary General made the a press release prior to the Operation, responsibility of the Security Council for the saying: maintenance of international peace and “Let me be clear: NATO is not waging war security.” (North Atlantic Treaty, 1949) against Yugoslavia... The Our objective is to United raised Nations, operation in or the Kosovo questions. primary remains prevent more human suffering and more controversial, since even today, there is no repression and violence against the civilian Security Council resolution condemning population of Kosovo... We must stop an NATO’s authoritarian regime from repressing its Whether NATO, which was initiated as a people in Europe at the end of the 20th self-defence century. We have a moral duty to do so. The peacekeeping missions without the UNSC’s responsibility is on our shoulders and we approval, remains a question, since it is not will fulfil it.”69(Secretary General of NATO, certain 1999) “primary responsibility” of maintaining EuroAsia MUN 2013 unauthorized that intervention.72 organisation although can UNSC execute has the Page 14 UN Security Council and North Atlantic Treaty Organization Open Agenda international peace and security, that Overall, over the course of 60 years since responsibility is exclusive to the Council.73 NATO was founded, the Soviet Union In September 11, 2001 the United States of collapsed (1991) and the possibility of a America was targeted with multiple terrorist world-wide war rising from Europe became acts which were carried out using passenger smaller and smaller as the European planes, Pentagon in Washington and the countries twin towers of the World Trade Centre were Union.78 Therefore following the fall of the integrated in the European hit, leaving thousands dead or wounded.74 In Soviet Union, the Allies gathered in Rome response the Allies invoked the Article 5 of in November of 1991 to develop a new the Washington Treaty –for the first and strategic concept for the post-Soviet Europe. only time in its history- and called for First, NATO focused also on outside the collective defensive action. boundaries of member countries in terms of “At this critical moment, the United States can rely on its 18 Allies in North America and Europe for assistance and support. NATO solidarity remains the essence of our Alliance. Our message to the people of the United States is that we are with you. Our message to those who perpetrated these unspeakable crimes is equally clear: you will not get away with it.” (NATO, 2001)75 NATO then intervened in Afghanistan to capture and detain as many Al-Qaida members as possible.76 In December 2001 the Taliban regime fell, followed by the Security Council initiating International Security and Assistance Force (ISAF), in 2003 the Force was left to the control of the Alliance.77 EuroAsia MUN 2013 intervention and management of crises.79 Second, the role in peace-keeping and stability-building systems was accepted by the Alliance.80 Additionally, as a new phenomenon, the understanding of Partnership for Peace as a key concept was embraced by the Alliance so as to contribute to the notion that the security of the Allies is inseparable from the security of other European nations. With the dawn of the 21st century, NATO started going through a transformation, with more members and new partnerships, missions of peacekeeping and promoting democracy, the Alliance is now in a different place in international security and politics. Enlargement became a priority, new members throughout Europe joined the Page 15 UN Security Council and North Atlantic Treaty Organization Open Agenda Alliance, as the number of member states building measures, theatre missile defence, reached 28: Romania, Bulgaria, Slovakia, logistics, military-to-military cooperation, Slovenia, Latvia, Estonia and Lithuania in defence reform and civil emergencies.84 joined 2004, and Croatia and Albania joined The Istanbul Summit of 2004 took the in 2009.81 Following the 9/11 attacks, 5 progress of the Prague Summit a step further Summits took place, all regarding NATO’s military capabilities: Prague Summit of 2002, Istanbul Summit of 2004, Riga as to strengthening cooperation on fighting terrorism on every level, including intelligence sharing and improvement of Summit of 2006, Lisbon Summit of 2010, technological capabilities to protect civilians and Chicago Summit of 2012.82 from terrorist attacks. 85 During the Prague Summit of 2002, the “NATO Alliance transformation, capabilities in order to adapt to the updating NATO into the 21st century. They changing strategic environment. The new reaffirmed their commitments to each other command structure, the NATO Response on matters such as Iraq and fighting Force, headed for a terrorism. They also initiated the NATO Response Force -a technologically advanced, flexible, deployable, interoperable and sustainable force is and transforming the its Chemical, military Biological, Radiological, Nuclear Deference battalion are progressing. Together, they give NATO much stronger and faster military capabilities.” (NATO, 2004) 86 including land, sea, and air elements ready to move quickly to wherever needed- and matters such as chemical and nuclear weapons, weapons of mass destruction were discussed on.83 In the Riga Summit of 2006 the Alliance reaffirmed their duties in Afghanistan and their commitment to the reformation and modernization of NATO.87 At the 2010 Lisbon Summit in Portugal, the Alliance In 2002, a partnership with Russia was introduced a “New Strategic Concept” founded in order to improve the relations, which is meant to serve as the Alliance’s NATO-Russia Council was initiated in order road map for the next 10 years.88 In addition to fight common security issues such as a new Missile Defence system was approved terrorism, crisis management, non- proliferation, arms control and confidenceEuroAsia MUN 2013 Page 16 UN Security Council and North Atlantic Treaty Organization Open Agenda in order to protect European cities from The North Atlantic Council meets every missile attacks.89 week in a permanent representative level; In 2012 during the Washington Summit, the twice a year at a foreign ministers level; Alliance discussed more than issues such as three times a year at a defence minister level Afghanistan and Iraq, but Middle East and and on some occasions where a summit Syria crisis, cyber defence, energy security, takes place, on a head of state level.94 The fight against terrorism, deterrence and Council is the only body established by the defence capabilities, conventional arms North Atlantic Treaty; it has the authority “Smart and power of decision on any political or Defence” lies at the heart of the new military process and can initiate subsidiary approach of collective defence as it is stated bodies.95 in the Article 7 of “Summit Declaration on “Article 9: The Parties hereby establish a Defence Capabilities: Toward NATO Forces council, on which each of them shall be 2020”. The term acknowledges that represented, to consider matters concerning although development and deployment of the implementation of this Treaty.” (North defence capabilities are primarily national Atlantic Treaty, 1949) tasks, certain capabilities are agreed to be The North Atlantic Council –one of the most possible only with the cooperation of many specific aspects of the organ- adopts Allies working together.91 documents unanimously, as a result, a policy III. Structure of the Organization accepted by the Council will reflect the will The Alliance is governed by the North of all its sovereign member states.96 The Atlantic Council, which meets at different organization has two official languages, levels French and English. The headquarters of control, and and reform.90 NATO chaired by the Secretary General.92 The Secretary General of NATO NATO sits in Brussels, Belgium. is responsible for leading and ensuring the NATO currently has 16 members who decision making processes and is the head of joined the Alliance over the past 60 years, the expanding more than twice its size since its International spokesperson.93 Staff and the chief initiation in Washington: Apart from the 28 members NATO has, there are 22 additional EuroAsia MUN 2013 Page 17 UN Security Council and North Atlantic Treaty Organization Open Agenda countries that participate in the Partnership economic needs of NATO as the defence of for Peace (PfP) program with 15 other the Alliance gets costlier. countries involved in institutionalized V. Relations and Partnership with Russia dialogue programs such as the Istanbul Cooperation Initiative and the It is mentioned above that in 2002 the NATO-Russia Council (NRC) was founded, Mediterranean Dialogue.97 however the relations between the Alliance IV. Smart Defence and the Russian Federation dates back to Introduced in the Washington Summit of 1997.100 An act was signed, founding mutual 2012, smart defence is a concept integrating relations, cooperation and security between the unforeseeable nature of modern conflicts them was signed in Paris, France.101 with the world economic crisis in order to “NATO and Russia do not consider each rebalance the costs of a conflict equitably other as adversaries. They share the goal of between the US and European countries. 98 overcoming From missile defence to intelligence; mostly confrontation everything is included in the Smart Defence strengthening system cooperation.” which prioritization, cooperation. has three pillars: specialization and Prioritization is the vestiges and of competition mutual (FOUNDING earlier and trust of and ACT ON MUTUAL RELATIONS, 1997) keeping national priorities in line with NATO’s priorities in a less-costly way. Specialization is nations, concentrating on their strengths and act in alliance with NATO when it comes to defence budgeting. Cooperation can be strategic, geographic, but in basic means acting together economically, when one’s economy is not able to provide. 99 In addition to this, Permanent Joint Council (PJC) was founded, in order to increase Russian cooperation and mutual dialogue.102 Although the relations got tense during the Kosovo crisis in 1999, where Russia proposed a resolution to the Security Council right after NATO started bombing Yugoslavia –a draft resolution demanding immediate ceasefire which failed 3 votes in The Smart Defence plan was the first of favour, 12 against103– in 2002 the parties many planned initiatives to provide the gathered in Italy and founded the NATORussia Council.104 The change is attributed EuroAsia MUN 2013 Page 18 UN Security Council and North Atlantic Treaty Organization Open Agenda to the September 11 attacks, as in 2001, both towards achieving a true strategic and parties announced their support for the US modernized partnership”.111 as it wages war on terror.105 The NATORussia Council had many aspects that made it different from the Permanent Joint Council. The NRC was to be chaired by the Secretary General of NATO and Russia was deemed equal as NATO members whereas VI. Collective Self-Defence Mechanism through Article 5 of the North Atlantic Treaty “Unus pro omnibus, omnes pro uno!” (One for all, all for one) in the PJC had a NATO +1 structure.106 Alexandre Dumas ‘The Three Musketeers’ Furthermore, the number of the issues NRC Article 5 of the NAT is the legal grounds of and joint committees addressed was more the collective defence principle behind than what was under the scope of the PJC; NATO. In the most basic sense, an attack therefore formation of NRC in such a way against one will be considered an attack extended the cooperation between the against all. As mentioned above, this clause parties. 107 The most significant key areas of was invoked only once, it was by the US, the partnership with Russia are: support for following the September 11 terrorist attacks. ISAF and Afghan armed forces, combating The interpretation of the Article 5 was made terrorism, cooperative airspace initiative, rather widely, incorporating large scale missile defence, non-proliferation and arms terrorist attacks to its scope.112 The exact control, nuclear matters, countering piracy scope of the Article is quite unclear from its and defence transparency, strategy and wording, for example debate has been going reform. 108 on whether a cyber attack or energy cuts can In 2008 the diplomatic relations and the be activities of the NRC were halted because of examined Russia’s consultation- ongoing military action in included. Although under the these Article question 4 can be –security remains if Georgia.109 The relations were restarted a collaborative action can be made under year later.110 In 2010 during the Lisbon Article 5 in the face of these modern Summit the NRC leaders reaffirmed their challenges.113 cooperation by stating they intend to “work Secretary General Anders Fogh Rasmussen stated in a press briefing that invoking EuroAsia MUN 2013 Page 19 UN Security Council and North Atlantic Treaty Organization Open Agenda Article 5 in the face of any modern attack, be reported to the Security Council. Such such as a cyber attack, will be left to the measures shall be terminated when the Allies, depending on the situation. However, Security Council has taken the measures he stated that the NAT mechanism would necessary work more efficiently if it is initially international peace and security.” (North examined under Article 4, and then if the Atlantic Treaty, 1949) Allies see fit, Article 5. He explained this flexibility as: “I mean there is what I would call a 'constructive ambiguity' as regard the use of Article 5. And that's exactly the strength of Article 5 that potential aggressors never know when the Alliance attack against one or more of them in North America and maintain VII. NATO and Afghanistan NATO’s presence in Afghanistan dates back to the terrorist attacks on the United States on September 11, 2001 when passenger aircrafts were kidnapped and crashed into Pentagon in Washington115 leaving nearly “Article 5: The Parties agree that an armed or restore the World Trade Centre in New York and will invoke Article 5.” 114 Europe to shall be 3.000 dead.116 In the immediate aftermath of the attacks -October 2001- a US-led operation in Afghanistan began against the considered an attack against them all and responsible terrorist group al Qaida and the consequently they agree that, if such an Taliban regime which supported them.117 armed attack occurs, each of them, in exercise of the right of individual or collective self-defence recognised by Article 51 of the Charter of the United Nations, will assist the Party or Parties so attacked by taking forthwith, individually and in concert with the other Parties, such action as it deems necessary, including the use of armed force, to restore and maintain the security of the North Atlantic area. In December 2001, a conference in Bonn was gathered with the attendance of the Afghan opposition.118 During the Bonn Conference it was decided that in order to rebuild with international cooperation a UN-mandated international force had to be present and in consequence International Security Assistance Force (ISAF) was created,119 its mandate was limited Any such armed attack and all measures Afghanistan to the security of Kabul.120 Meanwhile the Taliban were forced out of taken as a result thereof shall immediately EuroAsia MUN 2013 Page 20 UN Security Council and North Atlantic Treaty Organization Open Agenda (Rasmussen, 2011)129 power, yet the fighting went on and more ISAF troops were deployed.121 In 2003, NATO was given control over the ISAF troops, and the mandate of ISAF was VIII. Relationship between NATO and the UN Security Council: The UN Charter and the North Atlantic Treaty extended and changed from just protecting in and around Kabul to the entire country.122 Over the course of three years ISAF troops took control over the entirety of Afghanistan taking command in the east from a US-led coalition force.123 In 2009, the number of troops led by NATO in Afghanistan peaked with numbers estimated around 150.000.124 The search for the leader of al Qaida, Osama Bin Laden was pursued by the US all throughout the operations in Afghanistan until 2011, when he was found and killed by US forces in Pakistan.125 Following this and the successes of other operations in Afghanistan, troops are slowly being pulled NATO and the United Nations (UN) are dependent on each other on the matter of maintaining international peace and security.130 The two organizations have been cooperating in this area since 1990s.131 Relations between the United Nations and the Alliance enhanced in 1992 in order to encounter the conflict occurred in Western Balkans where a practical cooperation in the field was needed. From that day on NATO and the UN has cooperated in the field operations in the framework of different aspects of the conflicts such as in former Yugoslavia, Afghanistan, Iraq and Libya.132 back,126 although full withdrawal is due The collaboration between NATO and the December 2014.127 UN and its agencies, is a significant factor in Even though ISAF forces have been lead by NATO for the last 10 years, they consist of soldiers from 50 nations –as of 2012- in addition to the 28 members of the Alliance, a proof of the wide-spread support for the operation.128 order to provide “Comprehensive an Approach” international to crisis management and operations.133 Within this regard, NATO is involved in with various efforts of the UN bodies in order to challenge with the matters of terrorism; the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction “..Afghanistan will one day stand on its own, but it will not be standing alone.” EuroAsia MUN 2013 and their means of delivery; promoting the rights and role of women in conflict; Page 21 UN Security Council and North Atlantic Treaty Organization Open Agenda protecting children affected by armed NATO, refers to the Article 51 of the UN conflict.134 Charter in order to specify the rights of the Such cooperation is also set forth in the legal Allies to take individual actions and the role documents of the two organizations.135 of UN Security Council in the case of an NATO’S legal basis was created by the armed attack.140 Further reference is made in Charter of the United Nations, signed in San the Treaty in Article 7 which indicates that; Francisco on 26 June 1945 by fifty nations, “This Treaty does not affect, and shall not which at the time recognized the overall be interpreted as affecting in any way the responsibility of the UN Security Council on rights and obligations under the Charter of the matters of international peace and the Parties which are members of the United security.136 Correspondingly, the preambles Nations, or the primary responsibility of the of Security Council for the maintenance of North Atlantic Treaty, signed in Washington on 4 April 1949, state that the UN Charter’s scope covers the functions of Alliance. 137 In particular, in the Treaty, it was undertaken that the signatories to agree upon their reliance on the UN Charter. clearly that; “The Lastly, the Article 12 indicates the reviewing of the Treaty after ten years or if requested, considering the new 138 developments on the matter of peace and Along with the Article 1 of the Treaty which expresses international peace and security.”141 security and in the light of UN Charter.142 Parties On 23 September 2008, a Joint Declaration undertake, as set forth in the Charter of the on UN-NATO Cooperation was established United Nations, to settle any international which was signed by both Secretaries- dispute in which they may be involved by General peaceful means in such a manner that declaration international peace and security and justice development in the UN-NATO relationship are not endangered, and to refrain in their which encompasses five crucial points international relations from the threat or use providing “a framework for expanded of force in any manner inconsistent with the consultation and cooperation” between the purposes of the United Nations.”;139 Article organizations’ secretariats.144 of the is organizations.143 seen as a The significant 5 of the Treaty, which encompasses the collective self defence EuroAsia MUN 2013 mechanism of Page 22 UN Security Council and North Atlantic Treaty Organization Open Agenda Despite all the interferences of cooperation, over non-self defensive use of force.151 political arguments remain on the matter of However, the Treaty does not refer any of relations between the UN and NATO.145 It is the matters which exist in the Chapter VIII claimed that some of the UN Member States of the Charter focusing on the “regional consider that NATO is faithful to USA.146 organizations”.152 Thus, it may lead for the Being the organization created by Central Charter to undermine the NATO’s freedom European countries and USA itself, NATO of action since NATO itself is a regional submits to the UN Security Council in organization153 and as it is enforced in the which Russian Federation and China have Article 54 of the Charter that; veto power.147 In a cooperation which is “The Security Council shall at all times be included in the legal documents of the kept fully informed of activities undertaken organizations, such issues make the matter or worth to mention. Moreover, NATO’s in contemplation under regional arrangements or by regional agencies for primary mission which includes collective the maintenance of international peace and self defence is seen as a threat to the security.”154 international peace and security which the UN is struggling for from the very This would lead NATO to take actions only if permission is given by the UN Security beginning of its foundation.148 Council.155 As a consequence, Russian Question of Authorization Federation and PR China would veto all the The provisions of the UN Charter and North alliance decisions.156 Instead of mentioning Atlantic Treaty, specifies that NATO’s those clauses, the Treaty refers to the Article particular field operations are overseen 51 of the Charter which enforces NATO to under report to Security Council after self defence the authorization of Security Council.149 Chapter VII of the UN Charter measures have been taken.157 specifically indicates that use of force which NATO’s 2010 strategic concept includes includes collective self defence or does not that “Alliance is firmly committed to the serve for the sake of individuals, may only purposes and principles of the Charter of the be used on the basis of a Security Council United Nations”, affirming “the primary mandate. 150 Thus, the Security Council is the responsibility of the Security Council for the only body which has de jure authorization EuroAsia MUN 2013 Page 23 UN Security Council and North Atlantic Treaty Organization Open Agenda maintenance of international peace and tension.164 Therefore the governments were security”.158 It also states that NATO will taking violent measures in order to suppress “fulfil its task always in accordance with opponents international law”.159 organizations. Consequently, the methods of Nevertheless, neither NATO’s being a the regional organization as defined in Chapter challengeable by the people.165 VIII of the Charter, nor the explicit II. Arab Spring Movement expression Being the outcome of the combination of of undertaking excluding offensive NATO military from actions without UN authorization, exists in the strategic plan. and governments poverty, non-governmental were unemployment considered and as political repression which are the three characteristics 160 of most Arab countries; the Tunisian uprisings started after the self-immolation of C. OPEN AGENDA a man named Mohamed Bouazizi in front of I. General Overview a government building in 17 December Both in the Middle East and North Africa there were post-colonial autocratic regimes governed by military or reign based rulers.161 As a consequence, there was a 2010.166 Four weeks of protests and demonstrations led the President Zine El Abidine Ben Ali to be forced out in 14 January 2011. strict distance between the governments and peoples. In certain regimes the governments The spread of the news from Tunisia drew their strengths from different aspects through social network triggered Arab world such as by; having the control of natural to take initiative to oust their leaders.167 sources, taking the support of military forces Most of the demonstrations have been met and with securing the domestic political violent responses from the balances.162 Not having democratic elections governments. During the uprisings, more enabled the leaders to protect their status in than 200 people died and more than 90 the governments.163 Within this regard, the people were injured.168 tensions were rising on the grounds of Uprisings were welcomed by Al-Qaida economic instability, income inequality, leaders, stating that "Our mujahedeen unemployment, and religious and sectarian brothers in Tunisia, Egypt, Libya and the EuroAsia MUN 2013 Page 24 UN Security Council and North Atlantic Treaty Organization Open Agenda rest of the Muslim world will get a chance to government.174 The vice-presidents were breathe again after three decades of deemed to be the successors of the suffocation," while Qaddafi condemned the presidents. Hosni Mubarak's predecessor, uprisings.169 Anwar el-Sadat, was assassinated by the The Tunisian revolution was considered as a Islamist groups which opposed to peace with breakthrough numerous Israel.175 Then, Hosni Mubarak acceded and uprisings in various countries such as Egypt, ruled Egypt for almost 30 years until the and inspired Algeria, Jordan, Libya and Syria, which country was overcome by the wave of mass soon was called as “Arab Spring” which is protests, in February 2011.176 seen as one of the most important political a. and social movements in the last decades.170 Mubarak and Causes of a Rebellion III. Egypt Hosni Mubarak was selected as the president Following the withdrawal of Britain from of Egypt for four times for six-year terms.177 Egypt after the Second World War, in 1947, However; he was the only candidate in each the opposing views arose against King and every four elections. As for the last Farouk I who was installed by the British election held in 2005, the constitution was authorities.171 poor changed in order for the other candidates to economic and military performance in the compete against Mubarak.178 Nevertheless, country and corruption, King Farouk was he won the elections again and sworn in for overthrown by a military group named Free his fifth term of presidency.179 Officers with a coup d’état in July 29, Notwithstanding that Mubarak was accused 1952.172 by Being The accused of movement against Before the protests: Rule of Hosni imprisoning critics,180 squelching constitutional monarchy was accomplished opposition parties181 and manipulating the and existing elections,182 from the very beginning of his constitution was abolished and the Free presidency, Mubarak preserved amity with Officers declared Egypt a republic.173 Israel and USA which led him to sharply Although it was a republic, until Hosni suppress Mubarak became the president in 1981, terrorism.183 in July 19, 1953; the Islamic fundamentalism and elections had never been held by the EuroAsia MUN 2013 Page 25 UN Security Council and North Atlantic Treaty Organization Open Agenda Mubarak is usually referred to as Egypt's government had arrested 5,000 to 10,000 modern pharaoh, not in an explicit way but people without trial in 2010.189 quiescently, for the reason that government One of the main issues was that Mubarak critics were consistently imprisoned and did not appoint a vice-president, while freedom of expression was restricted.184 For Article 82 of the constitution enforces that the reason that Mubarak had systematically when the president is not capable of eliminated civil and political institutions, fulfilling his duties, all his executive powers there were no opponent decisions for him to shall be delegated to the vice president.190 negotiate with, therefore a system was Thus the successor of the presidency was a formed which provides opportunity to his contradiction. It was argued that Gamal party and allies to change the policies in Mubarak, one of the two sons of Hosni their will. 185 Mubarak, would come to power after his From 1967 to 2012, with 18 months of father for the reason that he was already in suspension Egyptian charge of various domestic policy making government had used Emergency Law No. matters.191 That would lead the way for the 162/1958 which was enacted after the Six- inheritance of power which was opposed by Day War with Israel.186 The law enforced both left and right political groups in the the legalization of censorship, extension of country.192 police powers, suspension of constitutional Along with the governmental arguments, rights, street police brutality was another issue which was demonstrations and gives the government laid stress on, in Egypt.193 The international the right to imprison one without a reason.187 and national reports show that, under the Based authorization of the emergency law, the in and upon opposition 1980, prevention that, groups the such the of terrorism as and Muslim human rights were being violated by the Brotherhood as a threat to the national police.194 Although the Mubarak regime security, Mubarak extended the emergency denied; it was proven by the videos taken law and manipulated the elections with that torture, assault and abuse were used by arresting activists without trials. 188 Human rights activists estimated that the Egyptian the police to make people confess, take information or without any reason.195 Deployment of Mubarak’s own plainclothes EuroAsia MUN 2013 Page 26 UN Security Council and North Atlantic Treaty Organization Open Agenda officers called Baltageya which caused Muslim Brotherhood was instituted by hundreds of deaths and wounds raised the Hassan el-Banna in 1928 in Egypt as a pan- tension among people.196 Islamic political and social organization.202 With the poor economy, income inequality According to the movement, the main and unemployment, discomposure gradually reasons behind the income inequality, poor increased and it led the situation to get economy and social retrogression in Egypt disordered.197 was the influence of West on the way to the estrangement from the Islamic discipline.203 b. Initial Protests and the Tunisian Influence Therefore, the exact solution is to instil the Qur'an and Sunnah to the order of regular Following the events of self immolation of lives, community and state.204 Within this Mohamed Bouazizi, several demonstrations context, due to the activities of preaching and stepping down of Zine El Abidine Ben Islam, doing charity works and political Ali in Tunisia; it was assumed that the activism, the movement spread across the uprisings were initially to spread to Egypt Arab world.205 on the grounds of having the same basis with Tunisian unrest.198 Hence, weeks later, self immolations occurred in Egypt in order to protest the current situation.199 It led the tension to rise on the way to a rebellion and the first and foremost demonstration was Setting a paramilitary wing after the Second World War, the movement started to practice violent activities such as assassinations and bombings. Hence, it was banned and suspended by the Egyptian government in 1940s.206 planned among activists through social media which was held in Tahrir Square on During the Mubarak era, the conflict 25 January 2011.200 remained still between government and the Brotherhood. Therefore, the movement tried On 25 January, thousands of protesters gathered in Cairo, Alexandria, Suez and Ismailia simultaneously in order to stress the fact that Mubarak is no different than Ben Ali.201 c. to re-enter the political arena and participated in all elections as a part of various coalitions.207 In the elections of 2005, they managed to gain 88 seats in the parliament which was equal to 20% of all, in The Muslim Brotherhood EuroAsia MUN 2013 spite of the repression by the government Page 27 UN Security Council and North Atlantic Treaty Organization Open Agenda and electoral irregularities.208 Thus, along mostly on social media networks such as with being a forceful movement in society, it Twitter and Facebook.219 The following day was now the strongest political opposition the protests continued regardless of the against Mubarak's party.209 After the official ban against it and the police elections, having been selected again, continued its efforts to oppress the crowd Mubarak put pressure on the Brotherhood using tear gas and live ammunition.220 On and imprisoned hundreds of people.210 the 27th of January many reports stated that Once the protests began, the Brotherhood the Internet services were disrupted to stop was involved with individual participation the protesters from organizing more as the but not organizational.211 In the third day of clashes between them and the police grew the uprisings, on 27 January 2011, the more violent.221 The next day Mubarak Muslim Brotherhood declared its support to announced that the government will be the protests.212 As the government made replaced with a new one222, acknowledging more concessions, the Brotherhood took part the protests yet refused to step down from in the demonstrations in a more confident power.223 way.213 During the protests, Mohammed On the 31st of January, 250.000 people Mursi who was a senior Brotherhood leader gathered stated their intension on the protests as; "We regardless are not pushing this movement, but we are shortages in Internet225, the international moving with it. We don't wish to lead it but community, led by United States of America we want to be part of it."214 and the European Union acted in unison and d. Timeline of the Revolution On the 25 of January, the day known as ‘the day of rage’215, 2011 thousands started marching the streets of Cairo shouting 216 , police answered by using teargas and water cannons.217 The protests also spread to Alexandria and Aswan.218 The protesters got organized EuroAsia MUN 2013 of Cairo’s Tahrir the continuing Square224 service a democratic transition in Egypt.226 The following day Mubarak stated th “Down with Mubarak” called for in he will not run for presidency in the upcoming elections but would not step down from power.227 February 4th, known as the ‘Day of the Departure’, the opposition consisting of thousands protestors, gathered in the Tahrir Square as the uprising continued.228 The next day the leaders of the Page 28 UN Security Council and North Atlantic Treaty Organization Open Agenda leading party started resigning from their governmental functions235, suspended the posts, one by one, including the son of constitution236 President Mubarak, Gamal Mubarak.229 The parliament.237 As a consequence the military Egyptian Health Minister stated 11 were rule began in Egypt that would last until the dead, the United Nations stated that 300 30th of June, 2012 when the new President might be killed since the initiation of the Mohamed Morsi was inaugurated.238 In the protests.230 On the 6th of February, the meantime, the two houses of the Egyptian Muslim Brotherhood made a statement that parliament were elected with the vast the group: “has decided to participate in a majority of the seats allocated to the Muslim dialogue round in order to understand how Brotherhood and Islamists, rather than serious the officials are in dealing with the secular, liberal and leftists.239 demands of the people”.231 On the 10th of Following these events, a new assembly was February Mubarak stated he will transfer gathered to draft the new constitution, yet its some of his powers to the Vice-President, proceedings got hampered when the Liberal yet refused to step down.232 However the parties and the Church-members of Egypt following day, after 18 days of violent mass protested and not attended sessions in the protests, Mubarak resigned from his duties face of the overwhelming majority and as the President of Egypt, leaving the pressure of the Islamists.240 The date of the governmental duties to the Army.233 constitutional referendum was set as the 15th Subsequent to the resignation of the 30-year- of December 2012, prior to it, more than old ruler, celebrations started in Egypt, the 100.000 protesters walked to the Presidential state announced it will keep its current Palace, asking the cancellation of the obligations under international treaties as constitutional process.241 The referendum, Tahrir Square was being cleared out of however, took place with a low turnout and protestors, signs and tents.234 63% of the voters in favour of the new e. and dissolved the constitution.242 Post-Revolution Egypt The Supreme Council of Armed Forces On 25th of January, 2013 Tahrir Square was (SCAF), a group consisting of generals from filled again with protestors, on the second- the Egyptian Army, took over the year anniversary of ‘the day of rage’, this time to protest President Morsi of the EuroAsia MUN 2013 Page 29 UN Security Council and North Atlantic Treaty Organization Open Agenda Muslim Brotherhood243, who has been the military regime253 in various places in unilaterally giving himself immunities, such Cairo, The Muslim Brotherhood called for as excluding his decisions from under the the continuation of the protests.254 On 14th of scope of judicial review.244 During January July, 170 people were killed in the clashes in 2013, more than fifty people were killed as Ramses Square, Cairo.255 protests got violent one more time.245 In the As of October 2013 the military rule following continues as Egypt remains unstable.256 The six-month Brotherhood-dominated period Muslim government military regime, having suspended the extended its power as 13 of 27 governors constitution and overthrown the only non- were elected from Islamist groups.246 On the military President to be democratically th 30 of July 2013, a year after Morsi was inaugurated 247 elected in Egypt in the past 60 years, is , massive protests consisting subjected to criticism as whether it would of millions of people around Egypt against bring back the authoritarian elements of the the Morsi government erupted, and sixteen Mubarak regime.257 people were killed in the clashes outside the Muslim Brotherhood’s headquarters in IV. Libya a. Cairo.248 On the 3rd of July, 2013 the military headed by General al-Sisi took control with an Before the protests: Colonel Muammar Gaddafi and 40 years of his rule organized coup d’etat, suspending the Libya is a North-African Mediterranean constitution.249 Morsi was taken to an country and it has been independent since undisclosed location and is being held under 1951, following a colonial-era under Italy’s house arrest.250 The head of the Supreme control who took over from the Ottoman Court of Justice of Egypt, Adly Mansour Empire in 1911.258 In 1959, significant was sworn in as an interim-president.251 amount of oil was discovered, making In August 2012 the most violent clashes, where 600 people were killed252, occurred between the security forces and the supporters of Morsi and the Muslim Brotherhood who were camping in protest of EuroAsia MUN 2013 Libya, under the reign of King Idris, very wealthy.259 In 1969, Idris was forced out of power by a military coup d’etat260 under the leadership of a young Colonel named Muammar Gaddafi who then came to Page 30 UN Security Council and North Atlantic Treaty Organization Open Agenda power.261 Col. Gaddafi followed a pan-Arab members on the plane and 11 on the socialist agenda which led him to nationalize ground.270 Two Libyan intelligence officers a major part of the economic activity, were suspected to have an involvement in including the oil industry.262 In 1970, bases the deadly terrorist attack and Gaddafi belonging to the United Kingdom and the refused to hand them over.271 In 1992 the United States of America were shut down.263 United Nations Security Council announced In 1977 the state name of Libya was sanctions against Libya and the regime was changed from Libyan Arab Republic to shunned by the international community.272 Great Arab Although weakened by the sanctions, it took Jamahiriyah.264 From the beginning of the 7 years of military embargoes and reduction 1980s tensions grew between Libya and of all diplomatic relations for Libya to hand USA, in 1981 USA shot down 2 Libyan jets over the 2 suspects, on the terms that they flying over the Mediterranean.265 In 1986 a would be tried in a third party's Court.273 In nightclub in 2001 one of the suspects was found guilty Socialist People's Berlin Libyan which was most commonly crammed with USA soldiers was by bombed.266 USA claimed there were clear Netherlands.274 In 2003, Libya officially indications that the attack was organized by accepted the responsibility of the Lockerbie Libya.267 The same year, President of the bombing USA, Ronald Reagan when answering a compensation to the 270 families.275 question on Libya and Gaddafi said “we Following the know that this mad dog of the Middle East Lockerbie has a goal of a world revolution, Muslim towards the West softened; in 2003 the fundamentalist revolution...” 268 the Scottish and court paid set $2.7 events bombings, up billion relating to Libya’s in as the attitude 5 days after government announced it would dismantle this statement the US bombed Tripoli and unconventional weapons, weapons of mass Benghazi, destruction.276 bombing. in response to the Berlin In 2004 Libya paid 269 compensation $35 million for the nightclub in Berlin,277 In 1988, a Pan Am passenger Flight 103 bombing and in 2006 going from London to New York was blown diplomatic relations with the US were up as it was flying over Lockerbie, Scotland, restarted.278 killing all of the 259 passengers and crew EuroAsia MUN 2013 Page 31 UN Security Council and North Atlantic Treaty Organization Open Agenda In 2008 Gaddafi spoke at a conference in education and healthcare, incomes were low Columbia University, New York, stating: and the wealth provided from the vast oil "There is no state with a democracy except sources was in the benefit of the government Libya on the whole planet."279 The same officials and the elite.284 year, Secretary of State of the US, On 15th of February 2011, the protests Condoleezza Rice visited Libya as an burning through the Middle East reached indication of the level of diplomatic Libya, when human rights activist Fethi relations reached and Libya was the Tarbel was arrested.285 On the 17th of president of the Security Council in its February 2011, ‘day of rage’286or ‘the day of monthly rotation and Gaddafi addressed the the revolt’287, widespread anti-authoritarian United Nations, first time since he took over protests started in Benghazi, Ajdabiya, in 1969. 280 Overall, by the time the Arab Darnah and Zintan, government forces Spring began, although relations with the responded international community were strained from reportedly killing a dozen protestors.288 By the terrorist act, at the time the Arab Spring the 20th of February the anti-Gaddafi movement started, the Gaddafi regime was rebellion had taken control over Benghazi289 working and violent clashes continued.290 On the 21st towards a more cooperative by opening fire at them, diplomatic approach.281 of February, Gaddafi vowed to crush the b. rebels uprising against him.291 On the 26th of Protests, Clashes and the Security Council Response February, the United Nations Security During the last years of Gaddafi’s rule, Council, in unanimity, passed resolution Libya was shunned from the international 1970 under Chapter VII, initiating an arms community embargo to Libya, referring the situation to because of the Lockerbie bombing, putting a big strain on the the International Criminal Court and economy. In the meantime the government freezing the assets of Col. Gaddafi and his was also heavily criticized for corruption immediate family members.292 The National and income inequality.282 The freedom of Transitional Council was founded on the speech in Libya was inadequate and books 27th of February with wide-participation were being burned.283 Although the socialist from the rebel forces, shortly followed by a government provided free water, electricity, EuroAsia MUN 2013 Page 32 UN Security Council and North Atlantic Treaty Organization Open Agenda declaration stating it is the sole On March 19th, the French military was the representative of Libya.293 first to strike Libyan government targets300, For the following 15 day period, the followed by British and American action violence increased and no one seemed to under the name Operation Odyssey Dawn.301 have the upper-hand.294 On the 17th of It was not until 22nd of March when NATO March, the United Nations Security Council, took the first step by enforcing the arms passed resolution 1973 under Chapter VII.295 embargo via sea as NATO ships in the Resolution passed with 10 votes in favour Mediterranean started searching ships and and 5 states abstaining –Russia, China, preventing mercenaries to transmit weapons India, Germany and Brazil.296 The resolution or any related material to Libya.302 By the condemned the “gross and systematic 31st of March, the Alliance had taken control violation including over all the international operations under enforced the scope of the Security Council Resolution disappearances, and torture and summary 1973, under the name Operation Unified executions”297 and authorized all states to Protector.303 arbitrary of human rights, detentions, take measures necessary to protect civilians and initiated an enforceable no-fly zone. The intense fighting went on for a couple of 298 months, as NATO continued air-strikes. By “4. Authorizes Member States... acting the end of August, Tripoli was captured after nationally days or through regional of violent fighting.304 By mid- organizations or arrangements... to take all September, 2011, it was clear that the necessary measures... to protect civilians Gaddafi regime was in its last days.305 The and civilian populated areas under threat of British Prime Minister and French President attack in the Libyan Arab Jamahiriya, visited Libya, welcomed by cheering big including Benghazi, while excluding a crowds.306 In the meantime an interim foreign occupation force of any form on any government was formed by the National part of Libyan territory...”(United Nations Transitional Council and recognized by the Security Council Resolution S/RES/1973 United Nations General Assembly on 16th of (2011))299 September.307 Even though the rebels had effectively taken control of the entire country, the last strong-hold of Gaddafi – his EuroAsia MUN 2013 Page 33 UN Security Council and North Atlantic Treaty Organization Open Agenda hometown Sirte- fell October 20th as the Since there are many different militia groups Colonel himself was captured and killed.308 in different areas of the country with On October 31st Operation Unified Protector different backgrounds and agendas, some of was ended as all ships belonging to the them integrated to the governmental system, Allies left Libyan waters to return home.309 it is not possible to determine a single cause c. of the on-going power struggle in Libya.315 Post-Civil War Libya However it is clear that the Libyan central Following the 8-month armed conflict and the immediate withdrawal of international forces, Libya was left to function on its own, filled with weaponry, small arms and the devastation of a large scale civil war. 310 The National Transitional Council, after 10 more months of control over the ‘liberated’ state, left the power to the elected General National Congress in August 2012. 311 The most significant problem faced by the new government of Libya was around 1.700 government does not have the authority or the means to control all of the groups316 and the recent abduction of the prime minister is proof.317 The powerless state of the government is mainly due to the fact that following Gaddafi’s fall, law enforcement mechanisms, such as the police force could not be re-established.318 Since the government cannot achieve it on its own, it relies on the militant groups for maintaining local security.319 groups of militia emerging from the rebellion against Gaddafi.312 Militia in the East blocked the government oil facilities and some international trade The disarmament of these groups has been a great concern. Recently the militia blocked government functioning at the highest level when the Prime Minister Ali Zeidan was kidnapped and held hostage for a few hours in October 2013.313 The militia previously seized government building in order to pass a law banning Gaddafi-era officials from serving.314 ports for the duration of a month, costing the oil-dependent Libya an estimated $130 million.320 Following the violent overthrow of the 40-year-old dictators, some local groups want recognition and position for their losses, some groups have Islamist agendas, some are said to have connections with al Qaida and groups in Benghazi where the protests started, state their pre-revolution marginalization did not change.321 EuroAsia MUN 2013 Page 34 UN Security Council and North Atlantic Treaty Organization Open Agenda On a more international note, there have within a couple of months, first by Sami al- been reports that Gaddafi’s arsenal is being Hinnawi326 -colleague of al-Zaimy-, then by smuggled out of the country to conflicted Adib areas close by, such as Mali, the Gaza strip undermined civilian rule and resulted in and even Syria.322 This is an indication of 1951 in the complete seizure of power of al- the instability throughout the country as the Shishakli. He ruled the country until 1954 problems relating to proliferation, not only and then was removed from the presidency affect by another coup.328 the fragile dynamics of post- al-Shishakli.327 The last coup revolution Libya, but the entire region in the After the fall of al-Shishakli, the civilian aftermath of the ‘Spring’. rule was restored but it was to face instability again, generated from abroad. V. Syria The fall of Al-Shishakli’s supported political I. Pre-protests a. From the independence to the United manoeuvring among competing groups, which led Arab nationalists and socialists to Arab Republic Syria gained independence in 1946 from come to power. France. Following the independence, its From 1946 –the independence- to 1956, economy grew fast. However, Syria suffered within ten years, the state had twenty from political instability until the late different cabinets and drafted four different 1960s.323 Two years after the declaration of constitutions, independence, Syria got involved in the abovementioned political instability.329 Arab-Israeli War against the lately-founded Martial law was declared in Syria during the State of Israel, which ended up with the Suez Crisis of 1956, following the Israeli signing of an armistice agreement with invasion of the Sinai Peninsula and the Israel in July 1949 as the last Arab intervention of the British and French country.324 troops. In November 1956, Syria signed a Three years after gaining independence, the pact with USSR, with which Syria provided democratic a footing for communist influence within the rule ended with a US- which exchange for the supported325 military coup led by Hussni al- government, Zaimy. This was the beginning of a “coup equipment.330 This advancement increased loop”, as two coups followed the first one the Turkish security concerns regarding the EuroAsia MUN 2013 in reflects military Page 35 UN Security Council and North Atlantic Treaty Organization Open Agenda South-eastern borders and Socialist Ba'ath Party, the National Council especially Iskenderun, a former land of for the Revolutionary Command (NCRC), Syria, with a possibility for an attempt to composed retake the land.331 During this high-tension Nasserists and Independents, was founded to period, communists gained more power over rule the country. However, the Military the Syrian government and military and the Committee, to ensure a complete command heated debates within the United Nations of power, made the decisions on the agenda were the only effective solution to the threat of NCRC before its meetings.337 of war.332 b. First Ba’athist government The everlasting instability in Syrian politics The Syrian coup in 1963 took place in the proceeded after the coup staged in 1954. The next month of the Ba’ath coup in Iraq, similarity of Syrian and Egyptian policies which led to a consideration of the and more importantly the wave of Pan- possibility of a federation with Egypt, as in Arabism paved the way towards Syria and the failed attempt of the United Arab Egypt forming a union.333 334 On February 1, Republic, and Iraq controlled by the Ba’ath. 1958, presidents of Syria and Egypt An agreement was adopted in Cairo on April announced the creation of the United Arab 17, 1963, for a referendum on the question Republic. of the tripartite union to be held in The union did not last for a long time due to September 1963. However, due to serious economic difficulties and political clashes335 conflicts in the policies of the parties, the and collapsed in practice with Syria plan for a tripartite federation was laid aside seceding from the union. The seceding and the new governments in Syria and Iraq, occurred in the wake of the coup and then both occupied by the Ba’aths, started to Syria was re-established as the Syrian Arab work on the opportunities of a bipartite Republic.336 The political instability shaped union, the following 1.5 years with several coups government in Iraq in November 1963.338 reaching its highest level on March 8, 1963. In May 1964, President Amin Hafiz of the With the coup in 1963, which resulted in the NCRC seizure of power by the Military Committee constitution, establishing a National Council of the Syrian Regional Branch of the Arab of the Revolution (NCR), a legislature with EuroAsia MUN 2013 of Turkey of until 12 the Ba'thists overthrow promulgated a and eight of the provisional Page 36 UN Security Council and North Atlantic Treaty Organization Open Agenda appointed members from mass organisations ceasefire and the hostilities ended in a –such as labour unions-, a presidential meeting of the Arab League in Cairo.344 council with vested executive power and a The Syrian retreat led to a conflict in the cabinet.339 Ba’ath Party between an extremist military c. Second Ba’athist government wing and a moderate civilian wing. On February 23, 1966, a group of military d. Baath Party under Hafez al-Assad officers staged an intra-party coup in Syria. In November, 1970, after having observed a The putschists340 imprisoned the ousted power struggle between Salah Jadid and President Hafiz, dissolved the cabinet and Hafez al-Assad, a bloodless military coup – the National Council of the Revolution and Syrian Corrective Revolution– was staged, finally revoked the provisional constitution. led by the Defence Minister Hafez al-Assad. On March 1, a regionalist and civilian Having the civilian party leadership ousted Ba’ath government was formed. The coup and the presidential seat assumed by Hafez was al-Assad, he began his term of office with described by its leaders as a "rectification" of Ba'ath Party principles.341 efforts With the Six Day War, taking control of the infrastructure for his government and hence Golan Heights from Syria, Israel weakened to consolidate control.345 Therefore, the 173- the radical socialist government formed by seated People’s Council was gathered. The to create an organisational Syria Ba’ath Party had 87 seats in the Council, catastrophically intervened with a great while the other seats were divided among amount of troops, equivalent to a regiment, minor to the Trans-Jordanians during the Jordanian organisations”.346 In March 1971, Assad’s Civil War, also called as Black September. presidency was confirmed for a 7-year term Syria claimed the attack to be on behalf of by a national referendum. To broaden the the Palestinian Liberation Organisation.343 base of his rule, Assad formed the National Jordanian counter attack resulted to the Progressive Front in March 1972, a coalition detriment of the Syrian side and hence of parties led by the Ba’ath Party, and local Syrian forces retreated. With the swift fall- councils for Syria’s 14 governorates were back of Syria and due to the strength of the established with elections. In March 1973, a Jordanian side, the Palestinians agreed to new constitution went into force, which was the 1966 coup.342 EuroAsia MUN 2013 In 1970, parties and “popular Page 37 UN Security Council and North Atlantic Treaty Organization Open Agenda shortly followed second Lebanese forces as proxy powers. Claimed parliamentary elections for the People’s to be an occupation, Syrian presence in Council.347 Lebanon lasted until 2005, with a heavy- On October 6, 1973, which happened to be handed influence over Lebanese politics.350 the holy Yom Kippur holiday of Jews and It is also claimed that the abovementioned the Ramadan holiday of Muslims at the Syrian same time, Syria and Egypt staged a surprise colonisation.351 This claim is based on the attack to the Israeli-occupied territories, fact that about a million Syrian workers, namely the Sinai Peninsula and the Golan who are more preferable over Palestinian Heights, which started the Yom Kippur Arabs and Lebanese workers due to their War.348 The element of surprise did not demand for lower wages, moved to Lebanon change the result that Egypt and Syria lost to search for jobs with the encouragement of their initial gains in a warfare of three weeks the Syrian government. Furthermore, the and the Israeli occupation continued. Lebanese government granted citizenship to In early 1976, Syria was given two mandates over 200 hundred Syrian residents in the to intervene in Lebanon: the first was given country with a Syrian pressure.352 by the Lebanese President Elias Sarkis due Despite the ever-increasing power of the to the disadvantageous proceeding of the authoritarian regime, fundamentalist Sunni Lebanese Civil War for the Maronite Muslims rejected the fundamental values of Christians, while the second was given by the secular Ba’ath rule and objected to be the Arab League.349 First, the Syrian troops ruled by the Alawites, whom they consider were involved to prevent the Christians from heretical. The ultraconservative Muslim being overrun, but then it turned to the Brotherhood led an armed insurgency beginning Syrian against the Ba’ath government from 1976 to presence in Lebanon. During the following 1982, when the fundamentalist opposition 15 years of the Lebanese Civil War, which was crushed by the government, causing ended with the Taif Agreement, Syria thousands of dead and wounded.353 This led struggled both for maintaining control over to a serious decrease in anti-government Lebanon and for undermining Israel in the protests during the rest of Hafez al-Assad’s southern parts of Lebanon, through the term of office. of the EuroAsia MUN 2013 by the 30-year-long presence was an act of Page 38 UN Security Council and North Atlantic Treaty Organization Open Agenda Syria’s relations with the Arab states and the receiving 97.29% of the total votes in the Western World marked a dramatic change in elections was elected the new President.358 the last 10 years of Hafez al-Assad’s term, From the death of Hafez al-Assad in July after Syrian participation in the US-led 2000 to August 2001, an intense debate on coalition against Saddam Hussein.354 Syria political and social issues took place in the attended the Madrid Conference of 1991, Syrian politics –Damascus Spring–, with convened by USA and USSR to start a peace numerous political forums emerging and process involving Israel, the Palestinians, having groups of like-minded people meet in Lebanon and Jordan along with Syria. Then private houses to debate the abovementioned Syria had face-to-face negotiations with issues.359 The most famous forums were the Israel which failed to reach a result.355 Riad Seif Forum and the Jamal al-Atassi Following the Council elections in 1998, Forum. Bashar al-Assad, able to speak violent protests and armed clashes took English and French and married a British- place in Latakia and were generated by the origin woman, was said to have “inspired long-running feud between Hafez al-Assad hopes for reform”. However, the Damascus and his younger brother Rifaat, who Spring was concluded in August 2001 with attempted to stage a coup in 1984 but was the imprisonment of ten leading activists eventually expelled from the country. who had called for democratic elections and Opposition sources claimed that the clashes civil disobedience.360 resulted in hundreds dead and wounded.356 II. International and internal tensions in Hafez al-Assad died on June 10, 2000, by a the rule of Bashar al-Assad heart attack, after a rule of 30 years. On October 5, 2003, Israel bombed a site e. Bashar al-Assad near Damascus, claiming “the site was a Following the death of Hafez al-Assad, the terrorist training facility for members of People’s Council amended the constitution Islamic Jihad361”, which is contradicted by so that the required minimum age for the the Islamic Jihad claiming the site was not in presidency be 34 instead of 40, which use, and the Syrian government claiming the allowed Hafez’s son, Bashar al-Assad, to be site was on a civilian area.362 This bombing eligible for the nomination by the Ba’ath was condemned by European governments party.357 On July 10, 2010, Bashar al-Assad EuroAsia MUN 2013 Page 39 UN Security Council and North Atlantic Treaty Organization Open Agenda and considered as “a violation of cliquish” and to be the main reason of the international law and sovereignty rules”. current crisis. It further called for the The US Congress adopted the Syria implementation of a democratic regime.368 Accountability and Lebanese Sovereignty On September 6, 2007, a Syrian military Restoration Act in December 2003, to stop facility was bombed with no claim of taking alleged Syrian support for terrorism; end responsibility. Syria accused Israel for the Syrian presence and domination in Lebanon; bombing; Israel in response claimed the stop of indicated site to be a nuclear facility with a weapons of mass destruction; attempt to military purpose, which was denied by block Syria’s illegal oil import from Iraq Syrian authorities.369 and end illegal shipping of military items to In late 2008, US Special Operations Forces anti-US forces in Iraq through international carried out an attack to the Syrian territory sanctions.363 from Iraq. The attack was called “criminal The riots occurred in al-Qamishli in 2004 and terrorist”, claiming all the casualties was a catastrophe for an increase in ethnic were civilians, by the Syrian government. tensions.364 According to Kurdish sources Meanwhile, the target was alleged to be a and Amnesty International, several people network of fighters from foreign origins who participated in the protests were arrested and travel to Iraq via Syria to join Iraqi nine people were killed.365 insurgency against the US-led coalition in Syria’s alleged development 366 In June 2005, thousands of Kurds demonstrated in the Iraq and the Iraqi government.370 same city to protest the assassination of III. The Structure of the Opposition371 Sheikh Khaznawi, a Kurdish cleric.367 As a Throughout the process, the civil war in result, a policeman died and four Kurds Syria has slowly changed in content more or were the less becoming an international conflict with publicised, the participation of multi-national actors prepared by leading opposition figures and and involvement of international factors led by Michel Kilo –a Syrian Christian therein. This concluded as a slight variation writer and a human rights activist-. The in Declaration criticised the Syrian government comparatively minor change in the image of to the regime. injured. Damascus be In October Declaration “authoritarian, EuroAsia MUN 2013 was 2005, totalitarian, and the opposition profile with a Page 40 UN Security Council and North Atlantic Treaty Organization Open Agenda The main combatant force of the opposition Brigade and al Nusra Front have manifested is the Free Syrian Army which has been suspicion on its reliability.376 Yet, FSA reportedly active since the 29th of July, represents the main fighting power and the 2011.372 It was mostly formed by the military only officially-regarded military recourse to personnel who defected from the regime’s be supported by the countries in attention.377 military to join the rebellion. In the The FSA officially gives political support to beginning of the upheaval, it adopted the the tactics of guerrilla warfare, but by the time Revolutionary and Opposition Forces.378 with its increasing power and influence, it Furthermore, the Syrian National Council has started to occupy cities, towns and (SNC) was founded on August 23, 2011 with villages in some critical regions within the contribution of mostly the Muslim Syrian territories. The FSA has been alleged Brothers-oriented with war crimes and crimes against dissidents and other parts of the opposition humanity for several times, which caused its centres of Syria, who fled the country, being credibility to be questioned by the world located in Istanbul, Turkey. Even though the community373 like kidnapping, torture and SNC expressed its concerns regarding the execution as some components of the militarization of the movement, it has been opposition publish on the internet.374 The generally supporting the armed activity situation is summarized by the words of against Sarah Leah Whitson, Middle East director Libya became the first country to recognize of Human Rights Watch in her open letter to the SNC as the only authority of Syria, while the leaders of the Syrian opposition: “The the USA, the UK and France recognized it Syrian government’s brutal tactics cannot as the only official representative of Syrian justify abuses by armed opposition groups. people alongside with several UN members. Opposition leaders should make it clear to On 11th of November, 2012 the SNC agreed their followers that they must not torture, to be part of a rather umbrella organization kidnap or execute National the for politicians, regime. several Post-revolutionary any with relations and forming up the National Coalition for Syrian collaboration with radical Islamists and Revolutionary and Opposition Forces.379 jihadists like Ahrar al Sham, al Tawhid The recently formed coalition has a council EuroAsia MUN 2013 Its opposition Syrian under circumstances.375 other Coalition units involved, Page 41 UN Security Council and North Atlantic Treaty Organization Open Agenda consisting of 63 members in total and 22 a hundred government delegates, including members from the SNC. from the US, France, Britain and the Gulf Its stated goals were: countries, have gathered in the Moroccan city of Marrakesh to unveil measures to 1. Preserving national sovereignty support the newly formed Syrian group.384 and independence of decisions Some particular powers like China and 2. Preserving geographic unity Russia refrained from this recognition 3. Preserving the people's unity progress.385 4. Emphasising a The USA386, UK387, the Turkey388, Spain, Saudi Arabia, Qatar, political Bahrain, Oman, Kuwait , and the UAE389 transition can only begin after recognized "Bashar al-Assad and the symbols the coalition as the sole legitimate representative of Syrian people, of his regime are brought down", as France took a further step recognizing and "those responsible for the the organization as the future interim spilling of Syrian blood are brought government of Syria.390 The remaining to trial" member states of Friends of Syria accepted 5. Emphasising the importance of the terms of recognizing the coalition as a establishing a civil, pluralistic and legitimate representative with the Assad democratic state. 380 regime as well. The Free Syrian Army also supports the Another prominent actor within the civil war National the is the PYD which represents the armed wing , while the jihadist fractions of the Kurdish presence in the northern part fighting in Syria aiming to found an Islamic of the country. It is considered as a terrorist state unanimously rejected the recognition organization by Turkey, USA, NATO and Coalition 381 opposition of the coalition. 382 as most of Further, the organization European Union due to its affiliation with named Friends of Syria, with its 130 PKK. The main argument of the party is delegates from different countries declared having autonomy under the banner of a that they recognized the coalition as the democratic Syria, even if the will of legitimate representative of the Syrian independence is also mentioned. Yet, its people on 12 December 2012. EuroAsia MUN 2013 383 More than political stance is slightly complicated due Page 42 UN Security Council and North Atlantic Treaty Organization Open Agenda to its ideological and armed collisions with their discontent with the newly-published both the FSA and the regime.” constitution which made no reference to IV. Political Islam in Syria391 Islam; following this wave of unrest, a “When Bashar al Assad became the Head of State on 17 July 2000, hopes of the reformers were high. Assad put forward a policy of development and modernization in Syria. For instance, more than 600 political prisoners were released in October 2000. The Islamist question and its political implications for Syria have become especially remarkable since the fall of Baghdad in 2003392.These developments enabled the creation of a national platform which brought together secularists and conservatives. Recently, in contravention of the repression on the Muslim Brotherhood under the United Arab Republic with Egypt (195861393), there had been no major clashes with the state. However tensions increased following the military coup of 1963, when the Baath party took power. In 1964, clashes took place around the Sultan mosque in Hama, and were followed by a series of arrests. In 1967, the Muslim Brothers organized demonstrations, following the publication of an article in an army journal considered to be blasphemous394. At the reference was introduced as had been expected.395 The political tension led to an armed rebellion by Sunni Islamists in 1976 to last until 1982, centring in Hama and Aleppo in the north of the country. The insurgency was suppressed by the series of actions which were called the “Hama Massacre” in February, 1982.396 Since the roots of the current opposition are also composed of the elements of radical Islamist movement in a serious percentage, the international community started to take the fact into consideration while specifying policies over Syrian issues including both parties. For instance, Russia expressed her concerns for the threat of a possible radical Islam take-over in Syria, reminding the examples in Iraq and Libya397. On 1 November 2012, US Secretary of State, Hillary Rodham Clinton mentioned that they would not let the radical Islamists “hijack” the revolutionary process in Syria.398 399” V. Demographic roots of the problem Syrian demographic structure is a mixture of different ethnic roots with several religious beliefs. Arabs form the 90% of the beginning of 1973, the Brothers also showed EuroAsia MUN 2013 Page 43 UN Security Council and North Atlantic Treaty Organization Open Agenda population; Kurds form a 9%, Turcomans, Some member-states supported the idea of Assyrians, an intervention, while some others did not. Armenians and Circassians 1%.400 This dichotomy could be seen among the Among the Muslims, 90% of the total members of the Security Council as well, population, 74% of the population is Sunni especially among the permanent members. Muslim, while the 16% is Alawites -which The permanent members USA, UK and includes the al-Assad family-, Ismailis, France attempted to produce a resolution for Shi’a and the Druze. The other 10% the authorisation of such an intervention; practices Christianity.401 however Russia and China vetoed several The mix characteristics of the Syrian resolution proposals.405 So far, the Security demographics is one of the main roots of the Council has succeeded to produce three ongoing Civil War; both the government and resolutions: the opposition accuse each other of using Resolution 2058 renewed the mandate of the sectarianism in obtaining further support and Supervision recruiting militia.402 In addition, it is certain recommendation of the Secretary-General. that the opposition is supported by many With the UNSC Resolutions 2042 and 2043 multi-national armed groups, which express of the year 2012, the United Nations themselves Supervision as radical Islamists and 2042, 2043, Mission Mission and 2118. upon in the Syria was jihadists.403 established to carry out observations on the The world community and Vatican are also implementation of the six-point peace plan concerned about the future of the Christian of Kofi Annan.406 In late September, the minority in the country who had to change Council agreed on a resolution regarding their locations due to the ongoing conflict. Syrian VI. United Nations involvement so far Taking as a basis the Resolutions 2042 and Right after the civil war started, on March 2043, and the General Debate of the Sixty- 18, 2011, Ban Ki-moon –UN Secretary- Eighth Session of the United Nations General- called the use of force of the Syrian General Assembly; the Security Council regime adopted a resolution that gives the Syrian against “unacceptable”.404 EuroAsia MUN 2013 the protesters as chemical weaponry problem.407 government time until June 30, 2014 to Page 44 UN Security Council and North Atlantic Treaty Organization Open Agenda destroy all of its chemical weapons. The VII. Chemical Weapon Problem resolution also included a transition plan.408 The first reported use of chemical weapons "For many months, I have came at 02:45 local time on 21 August in said that the confirmed use Ein Tarma, east of the centre of Damascus, of chemical weapons in and again at 02:47 in Zamalka, an adjoining Syria required a firm, united district.412 Under a deal struck by the United and response. States and Russia, the Organisation for the Tonight, the international Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW) community has delivered. A (which is the implementing body of the red light for one form of Chemical Weapons Convention (CWC)) weapons does not mean a sent experts to Syria after a sarin gas attack green light for others. This killed is not a license to kill with Damascus in August.413 conventional weapons. All The CWC aims to eliminate an entire the violence must stop. All category of weapons of mass destruction by decisive the guns must fall silent.” – than 1,400 people near prohibiting the development, production, Ban Ki-moon, SecretaryGeneral more acquisition, stockpiling, retention, transfer 409 or use of chemical weapons by States Parties The United Nations supports the convention thus states Parties, in turn, must take the of the Geneva II Middle East peace steps necessary to enforce that prohibition in conference to be held in Geneva in late respect of persons (natural or legal) within 2013, which aims to stop the ongoing their jurisdiction.414 conflict, organise a transition period and post-conflict reconstruction. The dates of the conference have not been announced and it has been postponed for several times, which causes a decrease in hopes for a possible success from the conference.410 The conference is referred to by Bashar al-Assad A unique feature of the CWC is its incorporation of the 'challenge inspection', which means that under this procedure, States Parties have committed themselves to the principle of 'any time, anywhere' inspections with no right of refusal.415 as having no success factors.411 EuroAsia MUN 2013 Page 45 UN Security Council and North Atlantic Treaty Organization Open Agenda The experts, supported by the United requirements for the citizens of both states Nations, aim to oversee destruction of for travelling in between were removed420 chemical weapons production and mixing and a bilateral free-trade treaty came into equipment in Syria by November 1, and deal force in 2007 enhancing the economic with all chemical weapons materials by the relations.421 end of June 2014.416 In the immediate aftermath of the initial "The Syrian Arab Republic submitted to the skirmishes between the Syrian government OPCW declaration and the rebel forces, massive numbers of covering its chemical weapons programme" refugees started fleeing towards the 822 km which long Turkish-Syrian border.422 According to its formal "includes initial a general plan of destruction for consideration by the OPCW the Executive Council", an expert said in a Management Directorate, the number of statement thus it followed as "Syria's refugees exceeded 600.000 as of October submission is in line with the deadline".417 2013.423 In addition to the on-going refugee On 7 October United States and Russia problem the relations between the two stated that they are "very pleased" with the Middle-Eastern states which were pre-civil progress weapons war on the mend have gotten tense disarmament.418 Although world's worst following skirmishes in the border area.424 chemical weapons attack in 25 years may The tension raises the question whether not be repeated in Syria both Assad's forces Turkey, a NATO-ally, in the case where the and rebels continue to kill with conventional conflict accelerates, would take the matter to weapons daily.419 the North Atlantic Council in order to in Syria's chemical Turkish invoke VIII. Syria and Turkey Disaster Article 5 of and the Emergency Washington Treaty.425 The relationship between Syria and Republic of Turkey (Turkey) is significant During the to the dynamics of the region, especially crackdown in Syria in 2011426 Turkish when the current civil war in Syria is minister concerned. Turkey and Syria were on good Davutoglu, visited Damascus, demanding terms prior to the civil war in Syria: visa the halting of the violence against the for very beginnings foreign affairs, of the Ahmet protesters.427 President al Assad said he EuroAsia MUN 2013 Page 46 UN Security Council and North Atlantic Treaty Organization Open Agenda would not "not relent in pursuing terrorist As the Turkish and Syrian navies searched groups" in order to ensure the safety of for the 2 missing crew members on the Syrian citizens.428 In October same year, plane,436 Turkish authorities stated that the Turkey suspended all treaties and its plane was shot down in international air financial issuing space after it accidentally entered Syrian sanctions until a peaceful and legitimate airspace for a brief amount of time,437 in government is founded.429 These actions addition to this, the plane was unarmed,438 followed similar ones from the Arab League was marked as Turkish439 and it was and other members of the United Nations in executing response to the many violations of human authorities remained to their statement as to, rights.430 During the earlier periods of the shooting down the plane was an act in conflict, Turkey’s role was moderating and accordance with the laws that govern such conciliating, yet following the unresponsive situations440 and the plane crashed 1km from attitude of the Syrian government, this role the Syrian coastline441 well within its changed.431 territorial waters and it was unidentified.442 On the 22nd of June, 2012 Syrian military Prime Minister of Turkey, Recep Tayyip officials stated they shot down a Turkish Erdogan in response stated: "A short-term warplane as they were flying over Syrian border violation can never be a pretext for territorial an attack".443 dealings waters, with Syria, violating Syrian a training mission. Syrian airspace.432 Syrian authorities said the plane In the meantime Turkey invoked Article 4 of was flying at a very low altitude, at a high the North Atlantic Treaty and called upon speed. 433 the Alliance for a military consultation.444 An announcement followed from the Turkish authorities after an emergency On the 26th of June NATO issued a statement condemning Syria’s actions: “We meeting in the office of Prime Minister consider this act to be unacceptable and Recep Tayyip Erdogan;434 it briefly said the condemn it in the strongest terms. It is incident will be examined and that the Turkey will take the necessary steps.435 another example of the Syrian authorities’ disregard for international norms, peace and security, and human life.”445 In July 2012, the bodies of the two pilots were EuroAsia MUN 2013 Page 47 UN Security Council and North Atlantic Treaty Organization Open Agenda recovered from the seabed.446 President al banned each other’s aircrafts from their Assad expressed that he ‘wished the shoot respective airspaces.458 down did not happen.’447 On 3rd of October In 2012 a shell from Syria landed in Akcakale recognized the National Coalition of Syrian a town in Turkey near the Syrian border Revolutionary and Opposition Forces as the killing 5 civilians, two women and three legitimate representatives of the Syrian children. 448 Turkey in response opened artillery fire on targets determined by radar. 449 November people.459 In 2012, Turkey December 2012, officially NATO announced its decision to deploy Patriot In addition the Turkish Parliament batteries in Gaziantep, Kahramanmaras and went into emergency session450 and passed a Adana, cities close to the Syrian border460 bill authorizing cross-border military action and in Syria. 451 NATO stated that the shelling “is strongly condemned by, all Allies.” 452 The United Nations Secretary General Ban-Ki Moon requested the countries to show restraint and aim for political resolutions.453 Prime Minister Tayyip Erdogan stated Turkey does not want war and the response fire was a warning yet adding that Turkey would not ‘shy away from war if provoked’.454 the deployment was finished in February 2013.461 In 11th of May, 2013, two cars bombs exploded in Reyhanli, Hatay a Turkish town near the Syrian border.462 The attack made history as one of the most deadly attacks in the last decade,463 killing 46 people and leaving 100 wounded.464 Following the attack, minister of foreign affairs, Ahmet Davutoglu said the matter and deaths: "The attack has nothing to do with the Syrian Following the incident, Turkey intercepted a refugees in Turkey; it's got everything to do plane heading to Damascus from Moscow with the Syrian regime".465 466 and carrying 30 passengers.455 This was due to the fact that the aircraft was suspected to carry military materials.456 Turkey stated that some material was confiscated before the plane was allowed to leave as Syria accused Turkey of air piracy.457 Both states EuroAsia MUN 2013 Syria rejected the accusations, the information minister Omran al-Zohbi stated that "Syria did not commit and would never commit such an act because our values would not allow that".467 Page 48 UN Security Council and North Atlantic Treaty Organization Open Agenda "stop all violence from any side in order to IX. International responses protect the Syrian citizens".472 However, the i. Arab League Syrian government has not honoured this The Arab League is concerned about the civil war from its beginning. In August 2011, the Secretary-General Nabil Elaraby took note of the escalating violence and military operations especially in Hama and Deir al-Zor and called upon the government to “stop all acts of violence”, while acknowledging the “chance for the reforms announced by the President Bashar alAssad to be accomplished”.468 By the end of August 2011, the Arab League agreed on condemnation of the crackdown, calling for an end to the violence and “asked the Secretary-General of the Arab League to carry out an urgent mission to Damascus and transmit the Arab initiative to resolve the crisis to the Syrian leadership".469 It further agreed on urging respect for the Syrian people's right to see political, social and economic reforms.470 These agreements are part of the Arab League Action Plan. The Syrian government rejected the statement of the Arab League with a “strong formal protest memorandum”, claiming that the League has violated its Charter.471 After a meeting with Bashar al-Assad in agreement, considering the ongoing acts of violence of the government.473 After warnings and calls, Syria’s membership was suspended.474 The League further warned the Syrian government with economic and political sanctions and taking the matter to the United Nations Security Council. On December 19, 2011, the al-Assad government agreed to permit foreign observers from the Arab League to monitor the progress in Syria in removing troops from protest areas, free political prisoners, and negotiating with dissidents. The mission was in accordance with the Arab League peace plan aimed to resolve the Syrian crisis. The monitors were appointed and supported by the Arab League.475 The monitoring mission was criticised because of its head, Mohamed Ahmed Mustafa alDabi, who was criticized to have tolerated the incidents of genocide, which is investigated by the International Criminal Court. Currently, Syria’s membership is suspended and the Syrian National Coalition has been early September, the Secretary-General stated that the Syrian government agreed to EuroAsia MUN 2013 Page 49 UN Security Council and North Atlantic Treaty Organization Open Agenda granted the official representation of Syria Along with the extensive support to the within the League476 Syrian government, Iranian policy aims to ii. European Union ensure, The European Union has condemned the collapses, that it can continue to “pursue its government actions since the very beginning vital interests ..., using parts of Syria as a of the conflict. Catherine Ashton, the High base as long as the Syrian opposition fails to Representative of the Union for Foreign establish full control over all of Syrian Affairs and Security Policy, issued a territory”, bearing in mind the possibility statement on March 22, 2011, right after the for the al-Assad regime to be ousted and conflict had started, and condemned the opposition forces will come to power.479 480 violent iv. People’s Republic of China and repression, called for political in case the al-Assad regime dialogue and called upon Syria for respect to Russian Federation its international commitments to human Stances of China and Russia are an rights and fundamental freedoms.477 important iii. Iran involvement. So far, they have vetoed The involvement of Iran in the Syrian crisis resolutions in the Security Council on the has close links to the continuity of Iranian Syrian issue, therefore these two countries influence in the Levant. The Syrian crisis can be considered as the reasons of the has directly threatened this influence; hence inability of the Security Council to act Iran conducts an extensive effort to keep firmly towards the Syrian crisis. Bashar al-Assad in presidency. China has close links to Syria thanks to The supporting efforts include trainings, economic reasons; China is the third largest military aspect of the international assisting pro- importer of Syria.481 While some base the militias. The Chinese disapproval to an intervention evolvement of the supporting efforts into an authorised by the UN Security Council on expeditionary training mission is a notable these economic reasons, others have another fact reflecting Iran’s desire and capability to basis: China does not want to reprise what project happened in Libya and Côte d'Ivoire after supplies government and shabiha military borders.478 force outside of its the UNSC-authorised interventions.482 "A political solution is always the only realistic EuroAsia MUN 2013 Page 50 UN Security Council and North Atlantic Treaty Organization Open Agenda means to resolve the Syria issue," Chinese upon al-Assad to settle for the consequences Foreign Minister Wang Yi said. of the total rejection of his regime by the As for the Russian Federation, along with Syrian people and to leave power, for the sharing greater interest of Syria and the unity of his the aforementioned concerns regarding the cases of Libya and Côte people.486 d'Ivoire, economy, military and politics can UK provided the opposition forces with be counted among the motives of the intelligence share487 and non-lethal military disapproval to such an intervention: aid as "the right thing to do" and that will (1) Economy and military: Russia is the "help save lives".488 main arms supplier of Syria; the in-between arms contracts of Russia and Syria is worth at least $4 billion as of 2011.483 The Tartus Naval Base has a key role for Russia, serving as the only base that ensures Russian presence in the Mediterranean. On August 29, 2013, a motion failed in the House of Commons of the UK to determine if the UK will take part in an action with the US against the use of chemical weapons by the Syrian government.489 (2) Politics: Russia aims to shape the Middle vi. United States of America East region and expel the US power from The United States of America has a very the region.484 clear stance on the Syrian crisis. Right after Russia cooperates with the United States of the beginning of the civil war, USA imposed America to maintain peace in Syria. To this sanctions on Bashar al-Assad and six other end, the Framework for Elimination of seniors following the crackdown of the Syrian protesters.490 Chemical Weapons has been approved by both sides, following the USA has repeatedly condemned the al- chemical attacks in Ghouta.485 Assad rule for its alleged tyrannical actions. v. United Kingdom USA has even backed the idea that the The policy of the United Kingdom is similar current regime has lost its legitimacy and to that of the USA, as a close partner and a therefore shall step down.491 co-member of NATO. USA is among the few governments which In late August 2011, UK issued a joint recognise the National Coalition for Syrian statement with France and Germany, to call Revolutionary and Opposition Forces as the EuroAsia MUN 2013 Page 51 UN Security Council and North Atlantic Treaty Organization Open Agenda sole legitimate representative of the Syrian solving people. democracy. Cooperating with Russia, USA Moreover, USA once attempted to make the approved the Framework for Elimination of UN Syrian Chemical Weapons, which led to the Security Council authorise an intervention to Syria. Now, it is more into the conflict with means of Security Council Resolution 2118.492 BIBLIOGRAPHY 1 United Nations. 2013. History of the United Nations. 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