WorldQuest New York 2011 Sample Questions Series 2

WorldQuest New York 2011
Sample Questions
Series 2
The questions that follow are intended to help
familiarize teams registered for WorldQuest
New York 2011 with the question format of the
The questions represent the rounds that will be
featured in the competition, and are drawn from
the Resource Guide found on the WQNY 2011
These questions will be used for samples, only.
Round 6 Practice: African Union
Which country’s internal conflict has
been spilling over into neighboring
A. Sudan
B. Somalia
C. Zimbabwe
D. Burundi
Round 6 Practice: African Union
Which country’s internal conflict has
been spilling over into neighboring
A. Sudan
B. Somalia
C. Zimbabwe
D. Burundi
Source: The Quest for African Unity
Round 2 Practice: NATO
When did NATO first invoke Article
5 of its treaty?
A. Balkan region conflict (1995)
B. Greek Civil War (1949)
C. Terrorist Attacks of 9/11 (2001)
D. Fall of the Berlin Wall (1989)
Round 2 Practice: NATO
When did NATO first invoke Article
5 of its treaty?
A. Balkan region conflict (1995)
B. Greek Civil War (1949)
C. Terrorist Attacks of 9/11 (2001)
D. Fall of the Berlin Wall (1989)
Source: NATO
Round 3 Practice: Afghanistan/Pakistan
Who is the supreme Taliban
A. Mansoor Dadullah
B. Mohammad Omar
C. Hakimullah Mehsud
D. Hafiz Gul Bahadur
Round 3 Practice: Afghanistan/Pakistan
Who is the supreme Taliban
A. Mansoor Dadullah
B. Mohammad Omar
C. Hakimullah Mehsud
D. Hafiz Gul Bahadur
Source: BBC/The Afghan-Pakistan militant nexus
For more information about
WorldQuest New York 2011, please
contact Michael Lucivero at
800-628-5754 ext. 250 or