1 - Davis School District

Welcome to the Latin American Revolution Webquest!
A Webquest is an interactive search for information on the internet. Using the internet, it
will be your task to explore the revolutions that sought Independence for countries in
Latin American throughout the 19th century. You will be given a series of questions to
answer and specific places in which to locate the information. Each section in the
taskbar on the left indicates specific questions to be answered or tasks to be completed.
On the worksheets you have been given you will record the answers to the questions or
the tasks indicated. Each task or series of questions has a heading which matches one
of the tabs on the sidebar. Within each section the questions will appear on the site with
the corresponding hyperlinks to help you find the information. At the end of class you
will hand in the completed packet that outlines the Latin American Revolutions. Starting
at the introduction section on the sidebar, progress through each of the additional links
completing the questions or tasks on your journey. Feel free to ask any questions and
good luck on your quest!
¡Viva la revolución!
Causes of Revolution
As in France, the Latin American revolutions were caused by several factors.
Also as in France the disparity between the small number of people with
power and wealth and the poverty stricken masses without political influence
provided a situation ripe for revolution. Using the Following Link, identify the
social issues that existed in Latin America that led to Revolution.
1) How could this system alone lead to Revolution?
2) What Actions taken by Napoleon inflamed this situation and why?
2) Identify 4 additional causes of the Latin American Revolutions.
Haitian Revolution
The Island of Saint Domingue had long been a prize in the French empire,
and by 1789 it produced nearly 40% of the world's sugar. The island was
home to roughly 500,000 enslaved African who outnumbered white plantation
owners and free blacks 10-1. In order to maintain control, white plantation
owners used brutal tactics to scare their slaves.
When in 1789 Revolution broke out in France, revolutionary forces began to
emerge amongst whites, free blacks and different groups within the slave
populations. Using the ideas of "The Declaration of the Rights of Man" and
other important revolutionary doctrine, would-be revolutionaries on Saint
Domingue petitioned the National assembly for autonomy. In response, the
National assembly granted the colony power over local government, but the
act's vague language led to different interpretations on the island and what
had been an independence movement broke into war between white planters
and free blacks. The chaos and inspiring events of the French Revolution led
to an all out slave revolt. Slave Revolt that began in 1791 was led by a man
named Toussaint L'Ouverture and would set the colony and its slave
population on the road to independence and Freedom!
1) Who was Toussaint L'Ouverture?
2) What did he accomplish?
3) How was he betrayed and what happened to him?
After Toussaint's death, one of his generals took over the fight, and when
Yellow fever claimed the lives of much of the army Napoleon had sent to
restore order, and he was distracted by conflict in Europe, Jean- Jacques
Dessalines declared the colony, now Haiti, an independent country on
January 1, 1804.
4) Haiti became the world's first?
5) What were some problems the new nation faced after its founding?
Revolution Begins!
The vast differences between social classes, the introduction of enlightenment
ideas, and the inspiration of the French Revolution set the stage for revolution
in Latin America, but the forces in motion needed one more event to trigger
their move for Independence.
1) Describe how Napoleon's invasion and conquest of Spain in the Peninsular
War of 1808 triggered the Revolutions in Latin America. (3rd Paragraph)
The Peninsular War 1808-1814
Libertadores in South America
Once revolution had begun in South America in countries such as Venezuela
and Argentina, the people's seeking independence needed their best leaders
and a unified effort to defeat the much more powerful Spanish and loyalist
Armies. Luckily Venezuela, which declared independence in 1811, was home
to Simon Bolivar, a brilliant military mind and experienced statesman who
had spent time in Europe, and had witnessed firsthand the success of
democratic principles in the United States on a trip in 1807. To the South,
Jose de San Martin led the forces of Argentina when it declared
Independence in 1816. Martin's more reserved demeanor made him a hero to
his troops, and his youth in Europe did not dampen his loyalties to Argentine
Independence. To better understand the role these men played in their
nation's quest for independence use the following resources.
1) Pick one characteristics and one experience of Simon Bolivar that made
him a good leader and explain why you chose these two.
2) Why is Simon Bolivar called the George Washington of South America?
3) How did Simon Bolivar and Jose San Martin Work together to achieve
Independence in South America?
Revolutions Throughout Latin America
Throughout Central America and in Portugal's colony of Brazil, Independence
movements sprang up in reaction to the anger of underprivileged and
underrepresented classes inspired by the model of the French Revolution and
enlightenment ideals. As in South America, bold leaders and commitment
from the people saw an end to colonial rule. Whereas clear military struggle
had won victories for the peoples of South America, royal intrigue and
infighting complicated the road to independence for Mexico and Brazil.
Choose one of the following struggles for independence.
1) Mexican war of Independence 1810 - List and briefly describe two major
causes, 3 important figures, 4 important events, and the results.
2) Brazil's rode to Independence - Outline the peculiar series of events that
led to Brazil's independence
Dom Pedro I (First emperor of Brazil)
Effects of the Revolutions
Despite the hope brought by Independence and the best efforts and example
of some of the leaders of the new nations, the goals of the revolutions of
equality and unity largely went unfulfilled. The fierce sense of Independence
that had led to victory over colonial overlords, would cause divisions between
the new nations and destroy Simon Bolivar's dreams of a Gran Columbia in
South America. Soon after Independence, the unworldly reigns of government
were grabbed by men who did not share the sense of equality that had ignited
the revolutions.
Consequences of Independence:
1) Who were the caudillos and what type of government did the set up for the
new countries of Latin America?
2)What was the Monroe Doctrine and how it show the U.S. "controlling" Latin
America? (First Paragraph)
3)What happened to the dream of Political unity? (New Nations Confront
Old and New Problems- Political Fragmentation) Political Disunity
Using the Maps below, compare Latin America before and after the Independence movements of the 19th
List Three Changes you see between the areas?