Colorado Department of Education EDAC Committee EDAC

Colorado Department of
Education EDAC
March 4th 2016
9:30 AM – 2:00 PM
Colorado Talking Book Library
180 Sheridan Blvd.
Denver, CO 80226
Meeting called by:
Educational Data Advisory Committee
Type of meeting:
Scheduled Data Review Meeting
Jan Rose Petro
Note taker:
Dennis St. Hilaire
Dennis St. Hilaire
David Schneiderman
Lynn Bamberry
Norm Alerta
Natalie Morin
Mike Porter
Rick Tanski
Dennis St. Hilaire
Marcia Bohannon
Janece Rogers
Janet Dinnen
Don Anderson
Nikki Johnson
Wendy Wyman
Jan Petro
Agenda topics
General Business
February 5th 2016 EDAC Minutes - Approved
Data Pipeline Advisory Role – Concern about some districts not being notified about Data
Services presentation at road show.
Retreat Date: June 10th in Leadville Colorado
Update Approval
 DSP-101 Funding Assistance to BOCES – Missing allocation form – Approved
 DMC-102 EDIS – Educator Identification System – Approved
 DMC-101 RITS – Record Integration Tracking System – Approved – Concern about
transgender reporting – Office of Civil Rights will not allow for this reporting at this time.
 ASMT-104 NAEP Assessment E-File Collection – Approved
State Legislation
 HB-16-1171 Sunset CO Special Education Fiscal Advisory Committee
 HB-16-1198 Computer Courses Fulfill Graduation Requirements
 HB-16-1204 Allow Concealed Carry on Public School Grounds
HB-16-1222 Supplemental Online Education and Blended Learning Resources – EDAC will
like a definition for blended learning.
 HB-16-1234 State Assessment Selection and Local Flexibility
 HB-16-1253 Current Year Adjustment to School Finance
 SB-16-101 School Board Ethics Commission
 SB-16-104 Incentives to Build Number of Rural Teachers
 SB-16-105 Adjustments to Performance Evaluation Systems
 Kindergarten School Readiness – At the last state board meeting a vote was taken for reporting
students either by aggregate or student level and a decision was not made. At the March board
meeting there might be another vote to resolve which way districts will report. EDAC would
like the data reported on an individual student level. Aggregating the data would cause extra
work for the districts.
 Consolidated Application was going to present to EDAC but canceled at the last moment.
Federal Programs will present on March 18th.
 POL-111 Alternative Education Campus Designation – It was asked that this collection be
brought back from the February EDAC meeting for some clarification. EDAC quickly
approved. There were some issues with dates on the forms.
30 Minutes
CGA-185 Gifted Education Universal Screening
and Qualified Personnel Grant
Kim Burnham
Overview: The program supports the foundational programming elements of universal screening and
qualified personnel. It was the intent of the General Assembly that: Evidence-based practices support
instruction and the social-emotional development of gifted children; and Each gifted child is educated in a
rigorous learning environment and culture that develops the child's area of exceptionality and coordinates
programs and services among available support systems. Through this opportunity, administrative units
may apply for funds to offset the cost incurred when; Conducting universal screening no later than second
grade; Conducting a second screening in conjunction with creation of the ICAP; and Employing a
qualified person to administer the gifted program and implement the program plan.
Discussion: EDAC discusses the funding of this grant. It is unusual comparted to most RFPs.
Conclusion: Approved
30 Minutes
CGA-161 Education for Homeless Children and
Youth Program (McKinney-Vento)
Kim Burnham
Overview: The intent of the McKinney-Vento Education for Homeless Children and Youth grant is to
remove all education barriers facing children and youth experiencing homelessness, with an emphasis on
educational enrollment, attendance and success.
Discussion: There was a discussion about the demographics of the students and their living situation. The
narrative must be confidential to protect the identities of students.
Conclusion: Approved
30 Minutes
CGA-170 Migrant Education Program
Kim Burnham
Overview: These grants assist states in improving educational opportunities for migrant children through
the provision of direct supplemental services to ensure migrant students succeed in school, graduate from
high school and make successful transitions to postsecondary education or employment.
Discussion: There were some discussions some decline in funding because of demographic changes.
Conclusions: Approved
30 Minutes
PI-101 US Department of Education Annual Data
Collection for McKinney-Vento Homeless
Education Title X Part C of ESEA.
Dana Scott
Overview: This annual data collection for the McKinney-Vento Education of Homeless Children and Youth
Program is mandated by the U.S. Dept. of Education. Every LEA must participate in the data collection in order for
Colorado to be compliant with the federal mandate.
Discussion: EDAC asked that language updated to include any assessment could be used. Take the
language from PI-111 concerning assessments. Small edits found.
Conclusions: Approved
30 Minutes
PI-111 McKinney-Vento Education of Homeless
Children and Youth Program- End of Year
Dana Scott
Overview: The End of Year Report is a requirement for districts/BOCES who receive supplemental funding
through the McKinney-Vento Education of Homeless Children and Youth Program. The report ensures federally
required monitoring and compliance for the grant program and this provision is included in sub grant agreements.
Discussion: Small edits recommended.
Conclusions: Approved
30 Minutes
DMC-111 Data Pipeline Staff Profile Interchange
Annette Severson
Overview: The staff interchange contains the staff demographics, background and current assignment(s) data
which are used for the following required snapshots: Human Resources, Special Education December Count and the
Teacher Student Data Link.
Discussion: No comments
Conclusions: Approved
30 Minutes
DMC-120 School Discipline and Attendance
Annette Severson
Overview: The collection of School Discipline and Attendance (SDA) data allows CDE to create School
Accountability Reports.
Discussion: No comments
Conclusions: Approved
30 Minutes
DMC-118 Data Pipeline – Teacher Student Data
Annette Severson
Overview: In order for CDE to accurately link teacher and student data it is essential for CDE to have all the
information necessary on students and teachers. This information focuses on the courses the teachers taught, the
courses the students are taking and the outcomes of those courses.
Discussion: No comments
Conclusions: Approved