UNIVERSITY OF NOVI SAD FACULTY OF AGRICULTURE 21000 NOVI SAD, TRG DOSITEJA OBRADOVIĆA 8 Study Programme Accreditation MASTER ACADEMIC STUDIES Animal science Table 5.2 Course specification Course: Biotechnology in non-ruminant nutrition Course id:3МST1I13 Number of ECTS:6 Prof Dr Miloš Beuković Dr Dejan Beuković Teacher: Course status Elective Number of active teaching classes (weekly) Lectures:2x15=30 Practical classes: Precondition courses None 1. Educational goal Other teaching types: Study research work:2x15=30 Other classes: Introduce students to the methods of biotechnology applied in modern nutrition non-ruminants 2. Educational outcomes The formation of professionals with academic qualifications who has significantly broadened and deepened knowledge necessary for understanding the scientific basis of biotechnology in non-ruminants nutrition, as well as the expertise to work in scientific laboratories and research centers, institutes and colleges in the area of application of modern biotechnological methods in nutrition non-ruminants.. 3. Content Theoretical classes: Introduction - The role and importance of biotechnology in the modern diet non-ruminants. Biotechnological methods function of sustainable production and nutrition. Modern Biotechnology in food and ecology. Biotechnological methods in preparation nutrient mixture and Methods of improving the nutritional value of feed and mixture: extrusion, micronization, hydrothermal treatment, pelleting. Organically bound trace elements in our diet. Modern additives in the diet: Probiotics, Prebiotics, Phyto-biotics, mannan oligosaccharides, Adsorbents enzymes as additives and role in improving the nutritional value of feed. Naturally occurring amino acids and the peptides in the diet. Fermented foods, the impact on the nutritional value of medical status and use less valuable nutrients. Biotechnology in the diet of some species and categories of non-ruminants. Needs in nutrient materials and biotechnology in poultry nutrition. Practical teaching methods of determining digestibility. The calculation and correction biological value protein. use the concept of an ideal protein. Introducing students to the sweep of modern methods of biotechnology methods in the design feed for certain species and categories of non-ruminants Field exercise. 4. Teaching methods Lectures, Practical classes Pre-examination obligations Knowledge evaluation (maximum 100 points) Mandatory Points Final exam (izabrati) Lecture attendance Yes 10 Test Term paper Yes Yes 15 30 Theoretical part of the exam/Oral part of the exam/Written part of the exam-tasks and theory Mandatory Points Yes 45 Literature Ord. 1. Author M. Bedford, G. Partridge 2. B Chiba, L. I. 3. B Kamalakar, R. B., and L. I. Chiba 4. Abdel-Fattah Z M Salem Title Enzymes in farm animal nutrition, 2 edition, Sustainable Swine Nutrition Early dietary amino acid restrictions and subsequent and overall pig performance and physical and sensory characteristics of pork. Nutritional strategies of animal feed additives Publisher Year CABI Wallingford 2010 Wiley-Blackwell, A John Wiley & Sons, Inc., Hoboken 2013 Feedinfo News Service Scientific Review, Global Data Systems 2010 Nova Science Publishers, Inc., Hauppauge 2013