RELIGIOUS EDUCATION CURRIUCLUM YEAR LEVEL: 7 FERTILE QUESTION: Term Year On Whose Shoulders Do We Stand? CLASS CONTEXT Students with special needs/focus (students with different or non-religious backgrounds) – Events – Other Considerations RE STRAND/S Sacred Text, Beliefs, Church Content Descriptors STOT12 Ancient Israel STNT17 Formation of the Gospels STCW8 Founders of religious communities BEWR8 The origins of the monotheistic traditions CHCH6 The origin and establishment of the Christian church, Dealing with challenges Legacies CHPG8 The structure of the Catholic Church in Australia ASSESSMENT: a depth study focusing on the early Church significant task related to the school charism &/or founding story design and creation of a “shoebox Church”, or part of a Church. LEARNING AND TEACHING SEQUENCE Core Area One: Where did our story begin? Week No.s 1-3 Inquiry Phase Tuning In Activity/Experience/Differentiation RESOURCES - ICLTs Israel – Before & After Christ Pose the question: Where did our story begin? Explore what is our ‘story’ and challenge students to drill down into the origins of the school story – Catholic story-early Christianity – ancient Israel Identify sources of information that can tell us of the origins of our story in Ancient Israel Identify the parts of the bible that reflect the story of Ancient Israel and the parts that reflect the story of 1sr century Judaism Monotheistic Religions Brainstorm with students to identify the three Abrahamic Religions and discuss what they have in common Students access Understanding Faith 11. Journeys Shared (Pt 3 Abraham)and follow the activities related to Abraham’s life Understanding Faith 11. Journeys Shared (Pt 3 Abraham) Students access as an introduction to the three religions. They construct a Concept Web to explore features of the three religions, then use this information to construct a T-Juncture to highlight commonalities between the religions . Finding Out & Sorting Out Abrahamic religions intro website: Abrahamic Religions Concept Web & T-Juncture template Ancient Israel Create an annotated timeline (digital or other) to sequence key historical events and periods of Ancient Israel Bible Timelines in class bibles Divide class into pairs to create a concept web (digital or other) that identifies key information about and significance of some festivals (e.g. Passover Exodus 12 – 14; Hanukah 1 Maccabees 4:52-59 and 2 Macccabees 10: 5-8;) and religious practice (e.g. sacrifice – Leviticus 4:35, 5:10; circumcision-Genesis 17; JubileeLeviticus 25) in Old Testament texts Concept Web examples Graphical Timeline Activity Scripture: Historical, Social and Cultural Contexts Module p 38 Contrast these with a concept web of a school or Church feast or festival or religious practice which recognizes something significant in our faith Formation of the Gospels Students collaboratively develop a retrieval chart outlining some contextual information about each Gospel (e.g. time of writing, audience, purpose, depiction of Jesus, structure). Access information through fact cards / NRSV Youth Bible Author’s Audience Activity Scripture: Historical, The origins of the Christian church Fact Cards from the previous Author’s Audience Activity. Create an annotated timeline (digital or other) to sequence key events of the first century of the Christian Church Social and Cultural Contexts Module p 12-18 Useful Websites: Understanding Faith Stage 4 4.Early Christianity The origins of the monotheistic traditions Working in groups to complete a retrieval chart of the core beliefs of The three Abrahamic religions - Christianity, Judaism or Islam (e.g. How do they describe God? What are some daily practices they have? Are there rules that they must follow? Is there a key figure who they look to for guidance?) Abrahamic Religions: Useful Websites: See attached Resource List Communicating Following are three options that could be used as significant assessment pieces: 1. Students undertake a depth study focusing on the early Church. Topics could include: women and the early Church key figures in the early Church persecutions of Christians organization and structure of the early Church Research Grid Pro-forma Thinking Tools for the Enquiry Classroom The ‘fish’ symbol in the early Church 2. Students could undertake a depth study on one of the three Abrahamic religions. In the study students generate focus questions that shape their research and access a range of book and on-line sources. Evaluating and Reflecting 3 Create a three panel brochure that identifies and details three leadership positions in the early church. On the flipside of the brochure marry these three with corresponding leadership positions in the Church today. Information detailed should highlight both the change and continuity of the positions over time and include the roles and responsibilities of the position; any distinctive dress or symbols of office; any illustrations that support the information. The brochure can be electronically generated and created or the given template may be utilized. Useful Resource: As part of the depth study, students respond to and evaluate: the availability of resources significant new learnings what they found surprising or interesting in their research how they could improve on their research techniques and presentation of information How Did I Go? Refection Activity Understanding Faith Stage 4 4.Early Christianity Brochure Template Core Area Two: The Shoulders of Our Founders Wks: 4-6 STCW8 Founders of religious communities Religious Knowledge and Deep Understanding The writings and key messages of the founders of religious orders influence the way of life of religious communities (e.g. prayer life, apostolate, dress, spiritual practices, beliefs, symbols, daily life). Skills Analyse and explain how the way of life of religious communities has been influenced by the writings and key messages of the founders. Identify & explain change and continuity in the life of religious communities over time and place. The knowledge and skills component of the this core area with be shaped and determined by the particular charism and founding story of each individual school e.g. MacKillop or Mercy tradition LEARNING AND TEACHING SEQUENCE Core Area Three: Where did our story begin? Week No.s 7-10 Inquiry Phase Tuning In Finding Out & Sorting Out Activity/Experience/Differentiation RESOURCES - ICLTs Divide class into three groups & pose these scenerios: 1. I am a young person wanting to become a Catholic. 2. I am a priest wanting to start Rosies in town 3. I am a Bishop part of an international committee on social justice. Answer questions in each scenario such as: Who would I go to see? What is the role of this person? Where is this person situated? Brainstorm words related to the organization and structure of the Church: diocese, parish, Bishop etc Dioceses of Queensland On a Map of Queensland, students mark the five dioceses of Queensland. Using a retrieval chart, students access information about each diocese through Diocesan websites: name of bishop, number of parishes, number of Catholic Schools, names of centres in each Diocese, Diocesan Crest. Access the Toowoomba Diocesan website to identify Catholic Services available in the Diocese. Brainstorm other services connected to the Catholic Church available in the region (e.g. St Vinnies). After discussing the range of services provided, the students use the retrieval chart to itemise the service offered to the community. Reaching Out Activity Church: Unity & Diversity Module p 12-13 Leadership in the Catholic Church Students name and investigate the variety of roles and responsibilities within the leadership structure of the Catholic Church in Australia (i.e. deacon, priest, bishop, archbishop, cardinal). Leadership Activity Church: Unity & Diversity Module p 25 Using a selected graphic organiser (e.g. to create a symbolic representation of the variety of roles and responsibilities within the leadership structure of the Catholic Church in Australia . Cultural Influences Students explore cultural and historical influences evident in church communities within the Australian Catholic Church and across the Oceania region, responding to questions such as “What does the Church building look like?”; ‘What cultural influences can be seen in the way some of the Sacraments are celebrated?” Church Design Activity Church: Unity & Diversity Module p 27 Many Faces of the Church Activity Church: Unity & Diversity Module p 40 Communicating Evaluating and Reflecting Students form learning teams of four and design and create a “shoebox Church”, or part of a Church e.g. altar, suitable for the Australian cultural lifestyle and history. They may choose to design a Church suitable: For the beach For the rainforest regions To reflect the indigenous people of our land For our outback For suburban life For a particular cultural group As part of their presentation of their shoebox church, students respond to and evaluate: significant new learnings what they found surprising or interesting in their design how they could improve on their design and presentation Strengths & drawbacks in working in their learning teams Church Design Activity Church: Unity & Diversity Module p 27 ABRAHAMIC RELIGIONS CONCEPT WEB Judaism ABRAHAM Islam Christianity Judaism ABRAHAMIC RELIGIONS T-JUNCTURE Judaism Islam Christianity Festivals of Ancient Israel Israel Why: the altar was rededicated because the Gentiles had desecrated it When: twenty fifth day of the month of Kislev in the year 148 (164BC) Rededication of the Altar 1 Maccabees 4: 52-59 Where: on the new altar in the Temple in Jerusalem Length of Festival: eight days Festival practices: Hymns sung to harps, lutes & cymbals People bowed down to worship & praise God People brought burnt offerings & offered fellowship & thanks offering Festivals of Modern Catholicism Israel When: Why: to remember and honour the patron saint of our school and who we are as a school community 19th March each year (or as close to that date) Feast of St Joseph Where: in the School hall & grounds Length of Festival: one day Festival practices: Celebration of Mass in the school hall Sausage sizzle shared lunch ‘Running of the Brothers’ Stawell Gift Rotational ‘fun activities afternoon’ in mentor groups ABRAHAMIC RELIGIONS WEBSITES RESEARCH GRID Focus Questions Sources What I already know __________________________________________ __________________________________________ __________________________________________ __________________________________________ __________________________________________ __________________________________________ __________________________________________ 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__________________________________________ __________________________________________ __________________________________________ __________________________________________ __________________________________________ __________________________________________ __________________________________________ __________________________________________ __________________________________________ __________________________________________ __________________________________________ __________________________________________ __________________________________________ __________________________________________ __________________________________________ Name: _________________________________ Date: _____________________ Topic: __________________________________ The three best things about my work are: ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ The most important thing/s I learned was/were: ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ One thing that surprised me: ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ My work could have been better if: ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ Teacher’s Comment: ___________________________________________________________________________ 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