March - Tidewater Community College

Student Success Committee Meeting
Date: March 13, 2013
Time: 3:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m.
Location: Portsmouth Campus, Provost Conference Room
Members in attendance:
Michele Barnes, Virginia Beach – Counseling
Marilyn Hodge, Virginia Beach – Chair
Joseph Joyner, Norfolk – Faculty
Janet Taylor Magee, Virginia Beach – Student Activities Coordinator
Mica Powell, Norfolk – Student
Naomi Riddick, District – LRC Staff
Kinji Ridley, Virginia Beach – Student Services Staff
Ted Tyler, Portsmouth – Counseling
Marc Wingette, Chesapeake – Faculty
Call to order
The meeting was called to order at 3:11 p.m.
Minutes approval
The minutes were distributed for review and corrections were noted. A motion to
approve the minutes with corrections was made, seconded and approved.
Old Business
 Early registration proposal document discussion began.
 Naomi Riddick distributed the Revisions commented that the document had been
written in the previous president’s style. She noted that “late registration” should be
eliminated in the wording of the document.
 A new Introduction to the proposal was drafted and is as follows:
o The Student Success Governance Committee met during the 2012-13
academic year to continue its charge of developing a comprehensive early
registration proposal for Tidewater Community College.
o After extensive research, including analysis and comparative data from other
VCCS colleges, we offer the following revised proposal for early registration
dates and the elimination of late registration.
 Dean Hodge suggested that the early registration dates go into the document to be
set up like a table or chart and not be included as an attachment.
Spring 2014
Summer 2014
Fall 2014
October 21st – November 3rd
April 14th – April 27th
April 14th – April 27th
November 4th – January 12th
April 28th – May 18th
April 28th – August 20th
It was decided that Implications would be listed as the next heading and under each
office listed there would be a paragraph of explanation. The following are the
implications and the person(s) assigned to write the narrative after meeting with
personnel in the perspective offices:
o Scheduling – Michele Barnes
o Enrollment – Dean Hodge
o Tuition deadline dates – Ted Tyler
o Financial Aid – Kinji Ridley and Sivia Jones
o Veteran Affairs – Jan Taylor
The next heading will be Conclusion and Dean Hodge volunteered to get that
narrative written.
Changes to the Attachment A portion of the original document would include an
update of the 2012-2013 committee members and Attachment B would include the
newly decided early registration dates.
The Faculty Advising sub-committee distributed an outline and the faculty advising
documents from Northern Virginia Community College (NOVA), GPS for Success:
Teaching and Learning through Academic Advising and Advising Guide for Faculty
Advisors. Marc Wingette commented that faculty buy-in is the most difficult part of
the process and he suggested the committee members read and review the GPS for
Success: Teaching and Learning through Academic Advising document.
Dean Hodge asked Marc for a synopsis of the document.
Marc said that he saw issues with the first year–TCC would have students meet with
Counseling for the first year; NOVA does it differently and students are assigned a
faculty advisor immediately.
Dean Hodge mentioned that TCC has hired First Year Success advisors, so we
would depart from the NOVA model in that regard and have our students begin with
their faculty advisors after 30 credit hours have been completed.
Ted Tyler pointed out the 30 credit hour impact on developmental students and
asked about the time period.
Some suggestions/comments were made:
o Run as a pilot first – Marc Wingette
o Involve faculty in the first year experience – Michele Barnes
o What about certificates and general education degrees? When they hit 30
credit hours they are finished – Kinji Ridley
o Career and Technical degrees would go directly to faculty advisors – Michele
o Those going for AAS degrees would go to faculty advisors early; those with
AS degree would go to First Year Success advisors for the first year and a
faculty advisor for the second year. – Dean Hodge
o Healthcare curriculums are based on preadmission and would have to stay
with the First Year Success program. All campuses would need to be uniform
in our approach. – Ted Tyler
Dean Hodge asked for approval of the defining framework for early registration, as
discussed. A motion was made, seconded and approved.
Marc Wingette continued his synopsis by saying that NOVA lays out roles for support
personnel and what they are expected to do. TCC would need to modify it and train
faculty appropriately. NOVA started faculty advising this spring, but they rolled it out
sparingly with the proposal and timeline.
Dean Hodge asked Marc to summarize NOVA’s approach.
Marc said that faculty would need administrative rights into SIS to be able to sit down
with individual students with the proper information to advise them.
Joe Joyner suggested that faculty might need to have SIS Counseling Advising
Security Group.
Marc talked about advising transfer students and asked how the advisement would
take place with faculty members who have limited knowledge of college transfer.
Michele said that faculty would have to look at transfer schools’ criteria for transfer
Dean Hodge acknowledged that part of the problem would be having counselors
assigned to specific divisions. Counselors could mentor specific divisions and act as
liaisons. She suggested we adopt the CUNY model for release time for one three
credit course.
Ted Tyler pointed out that Financial Aid is enforcing the SAP rule and that there is no
way for faculty to know if a student is on suspension.
Dean Hodge said that the Virginia Beach Campus has a SAP advisor, Donna
Richards, and SAP students cannot be misadvised. She pointed out that faculty/staff
should have notification for SAP and Veteran Affairs.
Dean Hodge asked if the committee would want to make the recommendation that
faculty advisors be offered an incentive.
Joe Joyner asked about incentives for adjuncts citing that we have two certificate
programs using adjuncts – music and personal trainer. Discussion ensued:
o Michele pointed out that those are non-degree career studies.
o Kinji mentioned retail management as another and Ted commented that
career studies are usually for people being told to go to school.
Marc Wingette continued with his summation of NOVA’s faculty advising by stating
that part of the process is determining who or who does not get assigned faculty
advising. Discussion ensued:
o Michele Barnes talked about her previous experience at Valencia Community
College and said that it was easier to manage.
o Dean Hodge reiterated that there needs to be an incentive. In looking at the
NOVA model for academic planning, faculty advisors are not just involved in
straight advising and she suggested putting a spin on it to call them faculty
o Marc said that faculty played a role with the identity of the connection to the
o Kinji supported this by stating that this will increase student and faculty
engagement and it would serve to build important relationships.
o Kinji said that students will wait for an advisor if they are grouped and on a
o Dean Hodge suggested that we replace the word mentor for faculty advisor
and she referenced the NOVA document (p.10).
o Student, Mica Powell, was asked her preference and her response was
faculty mentor.
o Dean Hodge asked if the committee would want to make a recommendation
that this proposal follow the NOVA model (p. 10–11).
Michele Barnes suggested the model be piloted on each campus
Fall 2013 through Fall 2014.
 Dean Hodge recommended that different departments be chosen for
different campuses and the departments selected would be based on
the representation from the committee.
Dean Hodge asked the committee members to read/review the NOVA document
prior to our next meeting on April 3rd. The task for this meeting will be to present the
individual proposals based on the NOVA model and each committee member will be
asked to present their individual proposals for faculty advising.
Ted Tyler suggested that we do an evaluation form and Dean Hodge concurred that
there must be an assessment tool in our proposal.
Discussion ensued about adding an additional meeting to the committee schedule
and the following was decided:
Additional committee meeting will be held on Thursday, April 11th at the District
Office. Committee members were asked to come to the meeting with a one-page
typed outline of their ideal faculty advising program.
Next Meeting on the committee’s permanent schedule will be held in the Provost
Conference Room on the Virginia Beach Campus on Wednesday, April 3rd from
3:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m.
Meeting adjourned.
Respectfully submitted by,
Janet Taylor Magee
Committee Secretary