School of Education 333 South Twin Oaks Valley Road San Marcos, California 92096-0001 Tel: 760.750.4300 Fax: 760.750.3160 Assignment Detail for Breadth of Experience Assignment EDMS 570 | ES Credential Courses | EDMX 575 The purpose of this extended assignment is: a) To meet Standard 15 of the Education Specialist Program (ES) CCTC requirement, and b) To provide candidates with first hand exposure to a broad range of service delivery settings. Through pre-arranged, scheduled and structured visitations, candidates are to engage in focused observation of the varying aspects of each service delivery setting as outlined in the Field Experience Reflection template. A minimum of thirty (30) hours of engaged observation time are to be described by the candidate and verified by the site teacher or administrator on the attached Time Log. Specific courses (i.e., EDMX 622, EDMX 627, EDMX 633) in the ES credential program provide observation opportunities, which are designed to also meet the breadth of experience requirement. Additional visitations are arranged through the Clinical Practice Coordinator. The visitation time log and each reflection are to be digitally stored over the course of the program. To qualify for the Education Specialist credential, the log and reflections evidencing breadth of experience hours are due in EDMX 575 to qualify for a Mild/Moderate Education Specialist Credential. Opportunities provided toward meeting the 30-hour criteria include, but are not limited to the following settings, which provide support to students with Individual Education Programs - Juvenile Court school or an alternative high school - Inclusive urban elementary school - Inclusive middle and high school - Adult transition program Candidates are NOT to make individual arrangements for these experiences. Exceptions must be approved by the Education Specialist Program Coordinator and the Clinical Practice Coordinator. As ambassadors of the CSUSM Education Specialist program, all candidates are to observe all professional courtesies, dress and protocols (e.g., signing in at the front office, make and wear a name tag). These universitycommunity partnerships and professional courtesy visits can be spoiled for future candidates by one inappropriate experience. For EDMX 570, prior to the visits usually occurring in the ninth week of the fall term, groups will be formed and candidates will carpool to the field sites. Candidates are responsible for correct directions and for a punctual arrival. Add-On credential candidates are provided visitation opportunities through the Clinical Practice Coordinator in the fall semester prior to their enrollment in EDMX 575. Add-On candidates are encouraged to carpool and visit in groups, as group visitations enhances the ease and smoothness of the visit and is more efficient for those escorting guests at campus locations. California State University, San Marcos College of Education, Health & Human Services – School of Education EDUCATION SPECIALIST BROAD RANGE of SERVICE OBSERVATION FIELD EXPERIENCE REFLECTION [Insert Semester of Experience] Candidates: Complete this for, and then omit all italicized writing prompts prior to submission Candidate Name: Date(s) of Visitation: Special Education Field Site Information: District or City: School Site Name: Teachers Observed: Special Activities/Settings: Name specific services observed, like PT, OT, Orientation/Mobility, APE Sample Log Format & Required Elements (3 – 4 pages per experience) Summary of Experience 1. Detailed description of the setting(s) in which you observed and participated. Start here… 2. Detailed description of the students in the setting(s). Start here… 3. Describe the activities/events of the day: (Be sure to address each item—use a table if easier—see below) Topic/Student Activities: Highlight at least one specific activity for each observation day Materials: Highlight one material/curriculum each day (essential element) Teaching Methods/Approaches: Highlight a teaching/assessment approach (e.g. literacy or math instruction, behavior support, social skills, Picture Exchange Communication System) Specialists (e.g. OT, PT, SLP): Note and describe your observations of other specialists in action. Time frame Topic/Activity Content Instructional Materials Pedagogy /Differentiation Student Activity Observations Specialists # of Aides Expand table as needed 4. Reflection of Experience: Write a 3 - 6 paragraph reflection about experience. (a) Summarize your overall impressions of your experiences today. What new information did you learn? Did any experience change your thinking or impact you in a particular way? (b) Describe at least two (Education Specialist Mild/Moderate or Moderate/Severe) Teaching Performance Expectations (TPEs) that were addressed in your observation, participation, or experience in this setting, classroom, visitation site. Reflect upon these TPEs, discussing pedagogy, interventions, or activities that specifically address your chosen TPEs. (c) What did you gain from this experience that will impact your teaching and your ability to deliver services to students with disabilities? What skills and ideas might you apply in your own teaching, based upon these experiences? The experiences will likely result in about 2 full pages of description and thoughtful reflection per visitation. 2 College of Education Health & Human Services SCHOOL OF EDUCATION Education Specialist Field Experience Time Sheet As one component of demonstrating achievement of Program Standard 15: Field Experience in a Broad Range of Service Delivery Options, is the requirement to observe and participate in a broad range of special education service field experiences which provide candidates with breadth and depth of exposure and experience in these settings. Candidate commitment to field experience is a minimum of 30 clock hours. Candidate Name Semester _______ 1. School Name/District: Teacher Name(s) Grade Level: __________ Program Type: _______________ Classroom Setting: ____________________________ 2. School Name/District: Teacher Name(s) Grade Level: __________ Program Type: _______________ Classroom Setting: ____________________________ 3. School Name/District: Teacher Name(s) Grade Level: __________ Program Type: _______________ Classroom Setting: ____________________________ 4. School Name/District: Teacher Name(s) Grade Level: __________ Program Type: _______________ Classroom Setting: ____________________________ 5. School Name/District: Teacher Name(s) Grade Level: __________ Program Type: _______________ Classroom Setting: ____________________________ 6. School Name/District: Teacher Name(s) Grade Level: __________ Program Type: _______________ Classroom Setting: ____________________________ Date Arrival Depart time time Total time in class ___________________ ___________________ ___________________ ___________________ ___________________ ___________________ Classroom Activities Observed TOTAL HOURS________ Candidate Signature: __________________________________ Date:____________ 3 Teacher Initials