ANONYMOUS POPULAR SUMMARY OF SOME IDEAS AND PROPOSALS FROM BARCELONA’S SPONTANEOUS COLLECTIVE OF 27 MAY, FOR DISCUSSION OR INDIVIDUAL AND ORGANISED ACTION FIRSTLY, WE WOULD LIKE TO EXPRESS OUR HEARTFELT THANKS TO THE SÍNDIC DE GREUGES (CATALAN OMBUDSMAN) FOR HIS IMMEDIATE STANCE IN DEFENCE OF THE PEOPLE’S FREEDOM; TO EXPRESS OUR GREAT THANKS TO ALL THOSE PEOPLE, ESPECIALLY THE WOMEN, CHILDREN ELDERLY AND THOSE FROM ALL CULTURES WHO, DESPITE THEIR DIVERSITY AND DIFFERENCES, HAVE COME TOGETHER, IN CALM OUTRAGE, TO TRANSFORM, WITH DIRECT AND EFFECTIVE ACTION, WITH CREATIVITY, WITH CONSCIENCE, WITH GREAT PATIENCE, WITH DEBATES, WITH PARTICIPATION, COHESION, INTEGRATION, MEDIATION, DECISIVENESS AND FIRMNESS, WITH INTELLIGENCE AND RESPECT, IN CONSTANT COOPERATION AND COLLABORATION, WITH A LOVE OF FREEDOM AND MUCH, MUCH MORE… THANKS TO ALL THOSE WHO HAVE MADE THIS DREAM COME TRUE: WE NOW HAVE AN AGORA IN OUR CITY!!! 1 SQUARE 1 AGORA. SO THAT THE VIOLENCE OF ARMED POLICE OFFICERS AGAINST FREE PEOPLE COMING TOGETHER PEACEFULLY NEVER OCCURS AGAIN AND SO THAT THOSE RESPONSIBLE ARE PUNISHED FOR THEIR CRIMES. SO THAT THIS ALWAYS REMAINS THE PLAÇA DE LA PARAULA DEL POBLE (PEOPLE’S WORD SQUARE) AND SO THAT WE KNOW THAT THIS COLLECTIVE STRENGTH HAS ALWAYS EXISTED AND WILL NEVER DISAPPEAR!! IMAGINE that the Plaça de Catalunya was known, individually and/or collectively, as the “La Plaça de la Paraula del Poble” (People’s Word Square). Imagine numerous platforms around the square, with a number of voice amplifiers, turns to speak organised as up to now, thus creating in the Square, on a permanent and indefinite basis, a nerve centre of points of public encounter, for finding out information, for discussion, for exercising the right to public complaint, a temple dedicated to freedom of speech and respect, thereby helping to prevent social conflicts and to resolve existing ones, and also to cooperate and defend ourselves against abuses of power and the serious cuts in civil rights and fundamental freedoms. Well, it’s happening right now!! IMAGINE a public parade made up of all those with information and evidence to help prove the serious crimes and incidents caused by an unnecessary and completely disproportionate order for police action, and to demand that those responsible are held to political and criminal account. Imagine, above all, if everyone proposed measures to prevent things like this from ever occurring again. Well, it’s happening right now!! IMAGINE the creation of a Permanent, Universal and Indefinite Social Forum that was multidisciplinary, open, participative and transparent, which exchanged contacts and opinions, which acted as a mediator to peacefully resolve social conflicts, which took agreed and coordinated action to responsibly and peacefully resolve people’s most important problems, and which ensured that the State always acted on the basis of transparency, social justice and equity. Every year, in May, the GREAT AGORA OF DIVERSITY could meet in the Plaça de Catalunya, also known as the “Plaça de la Paraula del Poble”. This Forum could be used to permanently promote and hasten the transformation of the current democratic system into a true democracy, one which is participative and transparent, in which fundamental freedoms are scrupulously respected by the State and in which everyone is guaranteed to be well informed of their rights and of the great possibilities offered by the system itself to control the different organs of State (legislative, executive and judicial), to ensure that there is a real separation of powers and to demand active social condemnation of any act that contravenes people’s fundamental freedoms. Well, it’s happening right now!! IMAGINE a peaceful circle of people in front of the Catalan Parliament (in Parc de la Ciutadella) protesting against the serious and numerous acts of violence against hundreds of people, protesting against the serious breaches of public order and people’s fundamental freedoms. Well, it’s happening right now!! IMAGINE if we all sent individual and collective documents to parliament, the courts, ombudsmen, the European Court of Human Rights, etc., setting forth our complaints and demands, contributing our constructive suggestions. We have the right to a specific and reasoned response. Well, it’s happening right now!! IMAGINE a peaceful circle of people around the Mossos d’Esquadra and Guàrdia Urbana police stations, asking them to be allowed to freely express their individual opinions and inviting them to report violent officers and to help identify them. Well, it’s happening right now!! IMAGINE a peaceful circle of people around the Generalitat building and Barcelona City Hall, where they take the decisions that affect us all. Well, it’s happening right now!! IMAGINE if everyone went right now to the Police Court to lodge complaints about the violent acts of 27 May, of which they were victims or witnesses, to help establish the facts and ensure the conviction of those carrying out and those behind these crimes. Well, it’s happening right now!! IMAGINE a peaceful circle of people around the Ciutat de la Justícia court buildings at Gran Via 111, Barcelona, where victims’ formal complaints against police brutality and the serious attacks on our individual and collective freedoms are being handled. Well, it’s happening right now!! IMAGINE a peaceful circle of people around the Public Prosecutor’s Office at the Catalan High Court, asking that it investigate the facts, request that the guilty parties are convicted and ensure that the events of yesterday never occur again. Well, it’s happening right now!! IMAGINE a peaceful circle of people around the stock exchange building, all the banks, all the police stations, all the courts, prosecutors’ offices, town halls, etc., as a peaceful, outraged, mass, constructive, transformational protest calling for FREEDOM AND JUSTICE. Well, it’s happening right now!! THE SPONTANEOUS COLLECTIVE OF 27 MAY DOES NOT REPRESENT ANYONE, AND NO-ONE REPRESENTS IT!! IT IS AN INDIVIDUAL ORGANISED REVOLUTION!! THERE ARE NO SPOKESPERSONS, NO ACRONYMS, NO POLITICAL PARTIES!! WE WILL NOT FALL INTO THAT TRAP!! WE ARE INTELLIGENT AND FREE PEOPLE, WE KNOW OUR RIGHTS AND HOW TO ORGANISE TO ENJOY THEM. WE ALSO KNOW THE DUTIES OF THE STATE’S POLITICIANS AND CIVIL SERVANTS TOWARDS THOSE THEY SERVE. WE ALSO KNOW THAT THE CRIMES COMMITTED AGAINST INDIVIDUAL AND COLLECTIVE FREEDOMS SHALL NOT GO UNPUNISHED. DENOUNCE THE PREMEDITATED POLICE IMPUNITY AND THE PASSIVITY OF PROSECUTORS AND THE LEGAL SYSTEM. BE SILENT NO MORE. LET YOUR VOICE BE HEARD!!!!!!