North Middlesex University Hospital NHS Trust WORKFORCE DEVELOPMENT AND EDUCATION COMMITTEE TERMS OF REFERENCE Version: 1.0 Ratified by: Trust Board Date ratified: July 2013 Name of originator/author: Board Secretary Name of responsible committee/individual: Workforce Development and Education Committee Name of executive lead: Director of People and Organisational development Date issued: August 2013 Review date: August 2014 Target audience: 1 1 AUTHORITY 1.1 The Workforce Development and Education Committee is constituted as a Standing Committee of the Board. Its constitution and terms of reference shall be as set out below, subject to amendment by the Board. 1.2 The Committee derives its powers from the Board and has no executive powers, other than those specifically delegated in these Terms of Reference. 1.3 The Committee may not delegate powers to any sub-committees unless expressly authorised to do so by the Trust Board. 1.4 The Committee is authorised by the Board to investigate any activity within its terms of reference. It is authorised to seek any information it requires from any member of staff and all members of staff are directed to co-operate with any request made by the Committee. 1.5 The Committee is authorised by the Board to request the attendance of individuals and authorities from outside the Trust with relevant experience and expertise if it considers this necessary. 1.6 The Committee is authorised by the Board to engage the services of a specialist advisor where it is deemed necessary. 2 PURPOSE 2.1 The purpose of the Committee is to maintain a strategic overview of the Trust’s workforce, educational and organisational development arrangements of the Trust with a view to assessing their adequacy to provide a positive working environment for staff, to enable the provision of high quality care and good clinical outcomes for patients. 2.2 As part of its role the Committee will oversee and where appropriate challenge and scrutinize: 2.3 The statutory and regulatory compliance assurance and monitoring arrangements pertaining to workforce, education and Research Strategy Development The assurance to support the Trust’s compliance with Foundation Trust requirements relating to workforce The development and delivery of the Trust’s Workforce, organisational Development and Education Strategies The staff engagement initiatives and the associated measures of effectiveness from one annual period to another. 2 3 MEMBERSHIP 3.1 The Committee shall be appointed by the Board, and shall be composed of : Two non-executive directors The Director of People and Organisational Development Medical Director The Director of Operations Deputy Director of Finance Deputy Director of Human Resources Deputy Director of Organisational Development Director of Medical Education 3.2 The Chair of the Committee shall be a Non- Executive Director appointed by the Trust Chairman in discussion with the Board of Directors. If the Committee chair is absent from the meeting, another Non executive Director will preside as chair. 3.3 The Chair will on occasions where it is deemed appropriate, invite other Non Executive Directors to attend meetings. 3.4 Other Directors or officers of the Trust may be requested to attend all or part of any meeting as and when appropriate. 3.5 The Board Secretary will ensure the Committee is properly constituted and advised, enabling it to fulfil its collective responsibility. 3.6 Non Executive appointments to the Committee shall be for a period of up to three years, which may be extended for a further three year period, subject to agreement of the Board Chairman.) 4 REPORTING RESPONSIBILITIES 4.1 The committee will report to the Board through a Chair’s assurance report which will also incorporate matters for escalation to the Board, where appropriate. 4.2 The committee shall make whatever recommendations to the Board it deems appropriate on any area within its remit where action or improvement is needed. 4.3 The Committee will receive regular assurance reports from its subgroups as part of a mechanism of ensuring the sub- Committees are discharging their roles effectively. The following Groups shall report to the Workforce Development and Education Committee: o Trust Policy and Terms and Conditions Group o Trust Health, Work and Wellobeing Group 3 o Trust Education, Learning and development Group o Equality and Diversity Promotion Group 4.4 The sub-committee assurance reports will incorporate progress against the annual workplan, details of risks reviewed as well as matters for escalation 5 QUORUM 5.1 The Quorum necessary for the transaction of business shall be four members, including one non executive director and the Director of People and Organisational Development, (or their nominated deputy) and one other member. A duly convened meeting of the Committee at which a quorum is present shall be competent to exercise all or any of the authorities, powers and discretions vested in or exercisable by the Committee. 5.2 6 FREQUENCY OF MEETINGS 6.1 The Committee shall meet on a bi-monthly basis and otherwise as required. 7 NOTICE OF MEETINGS 7.1 Meetings of the committee shall be summoned by the secretary of the committee (at the request of the Committee Chairman, or at the request of external or internal auditors if they consider it necessary.) The Board Secretary or their nominee shall undertake the role of secretary to the Committee. 7.2 Unless otherwise agreed, notice of each meeting confirming the venue, time and date together with an agenda of items to be discussed, shall normally be forwarded to each member of the committee and any other person required to attend, no later than five working days before the date of the meeting. Supporting papers shall be sent to committee members and to other attendees as appropriate, at the same time. 8 MINUTES OF MEETINGS 8.1 The secretary shall minute the proceedings of all meetings of the committee, including recording the names of those present and in attendance. 8.2 The secretary shall ascertain, at the beginning of each meeting, the existence of any conflicts of interest and minute them accordingly. Minutes of committee meetings shall be circulated promptly to all members of the committee and, once finalised, to all members of the Board. 9 DUTIES 9.1 The duties of the Committee can be categorised as follows: 4 9.2 Strategic oversight 9.3 The Workforce Development and Education Committee will oversee the development and implementation of workforce, organisational and development strategies, with the aim of ensuring the workforce and organisational development strategic direction is sufficiently aligned to enable the achievement of the organisation’s objectives. In undertaking this work the Committee will: 9.3.1 Annually review the Workforce, Organisational Development, Research and Education strategies, taking into account national and regional strategies and requirements. 9.3.2 Monitor implementation plans associated with the strategies on a regular basis, requesting further actions from executive members of the Committee where appropriate. 9.3.3 Scrutinise, challenge and receive assurance on the appropriateness of key medium term- long term workforce planning assumptions feeding into the integrated business plan. 9.4 Statutory compliance 9.4.1 Specifically the Committee will: 9.4.2 Scrutinise and assess the effectiveness of the organisation’s arrangements for complying with the NHS Constitution, in relation to staff rights and pledges 9.4.3 Annually review workforce related policies and procedures 9.4.4 Regularly review the arrangements in place to evidence the organisation’s compliance with the Equality Act in relation to the following Undertaking of Equality Impact Assessments Monitoring of the Equality Delivery System Action Plan The maintenance of a Single Equality Scheme. 9.4.5 Regularly review the assurances to support the Trust’s compliance with the Health and Social Care Act 2008, in relation to compliance with outcomes: Outcome 12 – Requirements relating to workers Outcome 13 - Staffing Outcome 14 – Supporting workers. Where appropriate the Committee will review assurances at Clinical Business Unit (CBU) level, and undertake monitoring of associated action plans. 9.4.6 To monitor the organisation’s compliance with NHSLA requirements relating to workforce and associated policies 5 9.4.7 Review the action plans associated with local and national staff surveys, tracking progress on key findings through relevant directors. 9.5 Risk and performance Management 9.5.1 The Committee will regularly review workforce information to monitor compliance with : Statutory and mandatory training compliance Sickness absence target levels Internal staff survey results Appraisal information Employee relations cases i.e. disciplinary, grievance, etc 9.5.2 In the event that performance falls below accepted levels, the Committee will request further action from Executives within a set timeframe. 9.5.3 The Committee will review the Workforce, Organisational Development and Education risk register as a standing item, monitoring the implementation of key controls and the delivery of action plans. 10 MONITORING EFFECTIVENESS 10.1 The constitution, terms of reference and progress of the Committee shall be reviewed annually, and revised, if appropriate, as part of the organisation’s progression to Foundation Trust status. 10.2 The Committee will review its own performance and terms of reference to ensure it is operating at maximum effectiveness and recommend any changes it considers necessary to the Board for approval, on an annual basis. The self assessment of the Committee will form part of the assurances to support the Annual Governance Statement disclosure. 10.3 The Committee will establish an annual work programme which will be submitted to the Board for approval as part of the assurance arrangements. 10.4 In particular, the annual programme coverage will incorporate all key areas within the Committee’s duties, as set out in section 9 of its terms of reference. 6