2014 – 2015 Chemawa Middle School PBIS Handbook 1 Chemawa Middle School Student & Parent PBIS Handbook Table of Contents: Page 3 Mission & Vision Statement Page 4 PBIS Overview Page 6 Behavioral Matrix Page 8 Minor Offenses Page 9 Major Offenses Page 10 Minor Classroom Behavior Tracking Form Page 11 Safe Seat Reflective Essay 2 Chemawa Middle School Student & Parent PBIS Handbook Chemawa Middle School Beliefs WE BELIEVE that Chemawa Middle School will provide the opportunity for students to learn in an environment that will foster respect, responsibility, safety, and kindness between staff and students. WE BELIEVE Chemawa Middle School will help students develop skills that will aid in the total development of the character of our students; fostering citizenship and fairness. WE BELIEVE the staff of Chemawa Middle School is committed to the education of the students and will do whatever it takes to assess and promote the success of all students. WE BELIEVE the success of Chemawa Middle School rests with the collaboration and support between staff, parents, students, and community when implementing the shared mission and vision of Chemawa Middle School. Chemawa Middle School Mission Statement Our mission as a school is to motivate, support, and educate our students, parents and the community so that each child is able to reach his/her academic potential. We do this by keeping lessons relevant and engaging, monitoring progress frequently and collaborating as a staff to refine our efforts and focus on student success. Our ultimate goal is to prepare our students to attend college and increase their capacity to compete in the global work force. 3 Chemawa Middle School Student & Parent PBIS Handbook Positive Behavioral Interventions & Supports (PBIS) In our efforts to establish Chemawa Middle School as a safe, welcoming and purposeful learning environment, we have implemented a program called Positive Behavioral Interventions & Supports (PBIS). PBIS actively encourages students to achieve their academic potential while also behaving with good character. At Chemawa the focus is on teaching and encouraging appropriate behavior in all areas of the school, concentrating on the instruction of 4 key areas. Respect, Responsibility, Safety, and Kindness. Students who are respectful, responsible, safe and kind act appropriately so they maximize their learning opportunities and do not detract or interfere with the learning opportunities of their classmates. Students are actively involved in learning what the 4 mean and look like in all areas of our school through activities, lesson, demonstrations, videos and role-playing. In addition to learning the 4, teachers and staff will recognize and reward students for better-thanexpected behavior. Staff issues tickets called Cougar Paws to students when they observe them in the act of exceptional behavior. The Cougar Paws can be used for a weekly raffle where students can earn a variety of items, privileges, and special access to school activities. PBIS Schools PBIS Schools emphasize a school-wide system of supports that include strategies for defining, teaching, and supporting appropriate behavior. The goal is to design the most effective learning community possible with the best outcomes for all students. Attention is focused on creating and sustaining school-wide, classroom, and individual systems of support. Unlike how schools have typically responded in the past – discipline in response to student misbehavior – PBIS teaches behavioral expectations and rewards students for following them. The goal is to establish a climate in which appropriate behavior is the norm. Classroom Management The key to a positive and effective learning environment is sound classroom management that addresses all aspects of the classroom. Routines will be taught to students at the beginning of the school year and revisited until it is clear that all students understand the routines and are able to perform them. Areas that may be addressed include getting the teacher’s attention, using the restroom, sharpening a pencil, turning in work, and any other routine that takes place on a daily basis. These procedures should be in writing so they may be utilized in the event that a guest teacher is needed in the classroom. The techniques used by educators for addressing when a student fails to abide by classroom expectations are unique to each teacher. Although it is impossible to anticipate all possible 4 Chemawa Middle School Student & Parent PBIS Handbook situations, general plans will be in place for dealing with any behaviors that detract from the learning environment and will be used consistently. This will be the first line of defense in dealing with inappropriate behaviors that are considered to be minor. Note: students who persistently disrupt learning with minor offenses may require administrator involvement. What if the routines and procedures are not effective? Routines and procedures are implemented to address behavior in a proactive manner. At times this is not enough or not effective. When all attempts to deal with a behavior using the staff member’s classroom management plan have been ineffective and the behavior is still of a minor nature, staff members may choose to implement a Safe Seat. A Safe Seat is a time-out of sorts that allows the students to reflect on and respond to the inappropriate behavior. Consistently repeating minor offenses may be escalated to a major offense. Major Incidents Some behaviors and incidents require more immediate solutions and/or the attention of an administrator. To determine if a major incident report was required please reference the descriptions on pages 7&8 of this handbook. Referral forms must be completed on-line and submitted to the principal. The student will be sent to the office. The administrator will speak with the student and contact the parent if needed, and determine an appropriate consequence. When a student returns to class they will be welcomed. A variety of factors are taken into account while processing a major report, therefore, the consequences that arise will vary from student to student. Important In order to create an environment conducive to learning we must remember that discipline procedures are not the answer to problematic behavior. It is the positive relationships we build as a learning community between students, families and staff that help eliminate these unwanted behaviors. Punitive measures have little effect on student behavior and are more likely to increase instances of inappropriate behavior. The Chemawa Middle School staff strives to create a positive environment by making connections with our students and families. Children learn best in the context of positive relationships and a safe, comfortable atmosphere. Our staff will explain appropriate behavior and procedures throughout the year. They detail why it is important and encourage all students to be respectful, ready and responsible. By teaching students the necessary social skills for future success we set out students on a course to be lifelong learners and successful citizens. It is our job to ensure that students learn the skills needed to survive and thrive in society. This means developing students that excel in reading, math, writing, and being good citizen. 5 Chemawa Middle School Student & Parent Behavior Matrix Respect Classroom Be on time Safe Honor the flag Be in your seat and prepared to work before the bell rings Respect school property Push your chair in Keep your desk area clean Stay on task Respect the right for others to have a quality education Bring a pen/pencil Remove hats upon entering the classroom Use quiet voices and appropriate words/actions Put away earphones and keep phones away and silent Hallways Responsible Use quiet voices Bring paper, binder, notebook Bring charged computer/ device Answer adult questions appropriately Keep backpacks bags, and binders out of the aisles Ask permission to get out of seat Use appropriate word choice Acknowledge greetings Use kind words Disagree politely Enter, exit, and wait appropriately for each class Smile Walk without distracting others or classrooms Only go where you are assigned to go Say please and thank you Keep liquids/food away from electronic devices Bring Chemawa Planner Move towards your destination Greet others with a smile Help others in need Bring homework/class work Keep area clean Keep hands and feet to yourself Sit appropriately in your chair Kind Allow students to get to class safely Respond to teacher/classmates Use appropriate word choice and actions. Greet others politely Walk on the right Office Area Follow adult directions and be courteous Use quiet voice and wait your turn Bring signed planner/pass to enter Stay in assigned area Report to office only when necessary Acknowledge greetings Say please and thank you Report to/remain in designated areas Wait patiently until someone can assist you Enter/remain in the office without disturbing others Lunch/ Breakfast/ Snack Area (Common Area) Follow adult directions Put your trash in the garbage cans Use good manners Walk quietly to get your food Wait your turn in line Keep your table and floor area clean Use quiet voices Remain seated Say please and thank you Clean up/pick up spilled food and drinks Use appropriate word choice Acknowledge greetings Stay at your table Know your ID number Keeps hands and feet to yourself Clean up after others Leave immediately upon being dismissed Eat as soon as you arrive at school/beginning of lunch Library Respond quickly and politely to adult requests Use a quiet voice Wait quietly in line to check out Show your planner/pass to the librarian Walking only Use appropriate tone when asking for help Have materials you are returning with you All food must be eaten before entering the library Wait your turn Have your planner filled out Treat books with care Push chairs in and pick up after yourself 6 Locker Rooms Use quiet voices Use your own locker Place bags/clothes inside lockers and out of aisles for safety Secure locker after each use Respect others’ privacy Know your locker combination Keep locker and locker area clean Speak politely to each other Keep hands, feet, and objects to self Keep electronic devices in a locked locker Gym/P.E. Fields Follow adult directions Speak respectfully to each other. Front of the School (Before and After School) Acknowledge greetings with eye contact Leave gym/P.E. area when/as directed. Use P.E. equipment appropriately Follow rules of good sportsmanship Keep your campus clean Enter and exit quietly . Use appropriate word choice Leave gym/P.E. area promptly Keep hands, feet and objects to yourself Walk quietly Use sidewalks Say please and thank you Use appropriate word choice. Follow directions, and traffic, and safety laws Follow adult directions Use quiet voices and appropriate word choice. Stay in designated areas Only cross street at crosswalk Leave when you are asked to leave Keep hands and feet to yourself Wear a helmet when riding a bike, scooter and skateboard Restrooms Consider others’ privacy Use trash receptacles Keep surfaces clean and do not deface school property Notify staff of problems Use restroom during breakfast/passing period/lunch time Use facilities as intended Flush Use restroom supplies appropriately Assemblies Follow adult directions Use a quiet voice Stay with your designated class Drills Follow adult directions Use quiet/polite voices Only students with a pass will be allowed to use the restroom during class time During lunch, students may only use 700 restrooms Go directly to and from the restroom Keep hands and feet to yourself Show appropriate, quiet attention Stay quiet while waiting Wait to leave until dismissed Keep electronic devices off and put away Use designated stairs when walking up/down the bleachers Use appropriate applause Walk to your destination Model expected behaviors for others Use appropriate applause Remove hats upon entering gym Wait patiently if the bathroom is full (3 students allowed in the restroom at one time) Stay with your designated class Leave materials in classroom Remain silent Know your destination Keep hands and feet to yourself Stay alert 7 Assist others if necessary Chemawa Middle School Student & Parent PBIS Handbook Minor Offenses: Classroom Managed Language Lateness Calling Out Put Down Throwing objects Refusing to work Minor dishonesty Tone/Attitude Inappropriate comments Electronic devices Food/gum/drink PDA (Public Displays of Affection) Running in hall Not coming to class prepared Missing homework Defiance/disrespect/insubordination Notes: Minor offenses are handled by the classroom teacher. Minors are dealt with quickly and efficiently. Minors are documented. Multiple minors for the same behavior can lead to Progress Monitoring Card A specific number of minors will lead to a Major Minors should be followed up with parent contact Minor Incident Report: Record incident on Minor Classroom Behavior Tracking Form when student does not respond to pre-correction, re-direction, or verbal warning. Once written, notify parent with phone call or email. Take concrete action to correct behavior (i.e. assign detention, complete behavior reflections writing, clean desks). Whenever possible, have the corrective action(s) correspond to the behavior being corrected. 8 Chemawa Middle School Student & Parent PBIS Handbook Major Offenses: Office/Administrator Managed -Weapons Fighting or aggressive physical contact Chronic minor infractions Aggressive language Threats Harassment of student/teacher Truancy Smoking inside the building Vandalism (significant) Alcohol Controlled substances / Drugs Gambling Theft Lewd notes Repeated backtalk Dress code - 3 minors for same offense, from same teacher Notes: Administrator determines consequences Possible administrator consequences: o o o o o Detention Wednesday School Saturday School Suspension (in or out of school) Loss of privilege 9 Chemawa Middle School Student & Parent PBIS Handbook Chemawa Minor Classroom Behavior Tracking Form Student:_____________________________________________________________ Incident Type (check one) Stealing Disruption Property Misuse Cheating Inappropriate Language 1st Step Date:______________________ Defiance Other (describe)___________________________ Time______________ Give Warning / Restate the expectation and / or rule. 2nd Step Date:______________________ Intervention Time______________ Possible Others Motivation Involved (Check One) (Check One) Avoid Adult None Re-teach Expectation Phone Parent Avoid Peer Peers Seating Change Loss of Privilege Avoid Task Staff Peer Mediation Verbal Cue Obtain Adult Attention Teacher Safe Seat Extra Time Spent Obtain Items/Activities Substitute Obtain Peer Attention Unknown Other Other___ (Check one) Student Conference Time Out/Away Student Contract on task on task Other______ Curricular Don’t Know_____ Modification ____________ 3rd Step Date:______________________ Intervention Time______________ Possible Others (Check one) (Check One) (Check One) Student Conference Student Contract Avoid Adult None Re-teach Expectation Phone Parent Avoid Peer Peers Seating Change Loss of Privilege Avoid Task Staff Peer Mediation Verbal Cue Obtain Adult Attention Teacher Safe Seat Extra Time Spent Obtain Items/Activities Substitute Obtain Peer Attention Unknown Other Other___ Motivation Time Out/Away Involved on task Other______ on task Curricular Don’t Know_____ Modification ____________ 4th Step Date:_________________ Time:______________Refer to the office by submitting this form 10 Chemawa Middle School Student & Parent PBIS Handbook Safe Seat Reflective Exercise Do not write on this sheet. Copy the underlined statements below on your sheet of paper. Complete the statements using complete sentences. In your own words describe what you did in class, what effect your actions had on the students and the teaching in the classroom, and what you can do to make sure this behavior does not occur again. REFLECTIVE EXERCISE 1. I am a Cougar of Academic Excellence, one who is respectful, responsible, safe and kind. I am having to do this reflective exercise because today in class I… a. (What did you do that resulted in your teacher giving you this reflective exercise?) 2. (Choose one of the three following statements. Copy the underlined part and complete it in your own words. Give at least two (2) examples that complete the statement you choose.) a. My actions, which I have described above, show I was not RESPECTFUL because… b. My actions, which I have described above, show I was not RESPONSIBLE because… c. My actions, which I have described above, show I was not SAFE because… d. My actions, which I have described above, show I was not KIND because… 3. When I interrupted the teaching in the classroom the students in my classroom started to… a. (How did the students in your class behave as a result of your actions?) 4. Because of my actions the teacher had to stop teaching and… a. (What did the teacher have to do with the class AND with you when you did what you did?) 5. My teacher wants me to be successful in the classroom, to earn good grades and to behave correctly. Tomorrow and the rest of the school year, I will not repeat the behavior I did today because instead I will… a. (What can you do as a student in the class to make sure you do not behave like this again?) Meet with your teacher to discuss what you have written. 11