Project 1: Creating a collage of things that make up a region 4.1 art Categories: Climate, Animals, Landforms, Bodies of Water, Natural Resources, Vegetation, Population -Stencil word. Cut out magazines for collage, present and post. -each student will have to explain what each one means on a piece of paper. (Summative 1-5) -use thin social studies book and text to clarify what makes up these categories. (Doc camera) -need: Chart paper, magazines, glue. Project 2 Regions readings 4.1 Formative checkmark Finished by October 15. Continuous Clues and Conclusions 4.1 Use this site to categorize things in Alberta into the region categories. To assess put their clue and conclusion on paper Alberta Images Collection: Assessment Flip through picture and ask kids with clipboard 1-5 scale (*formative) Have the kids write it on a piece of paper and hand in (summative) Questions: What are some clues that you see in the picture about the 1.What are some clues in the picture about … a) Natural Resources found here? b) The animals found here? c) The Climate here? d) Landforms here? e) Bodies of water here? f) The people/town, cities here? G) The type of vegetation? 1. Which region in Alberta do you think this picture was taken? Why? 1. Compare and Contrast two pictures of Alberta. Compare: 2. What does this say about Alberta’s Identity? Why? Contrast: 3. I think this picture was taken in the ____ region. Some of the clues I that tipped me off were_______ (3 min) Continuous and for Subs Project 3 4.1 final regions PowerPoint Choose a region create a PowerPoint about it. Hit all 7 criteria Add their voice for audio, and some video of them. Net resources: Animals Done by Report card Project 4 Story Robe 4.2 First people: Stories on stone: La/SS- 1. Students are read and listen to 1st nation stories-(Mr. Arcand, internet, other resources.) 2. Students write a rough draft, edit, good copy, 3. Students create a rough draft story robe on paper 4. Students create the story robe for art project (need material) 5. Students tell about its importance to identity. A Done by Jan 31 4.2 Formative Francophone resource: British roots/govt/law: Métis: Ukrainian: Project 5 European Roots mapping. 4.1,4.2 Students create a map of Alberta including 5 Major rivers, the rocky mountains, the bordering provinces, 5 francophone communities, 5 British Communities, 1 Ukrainian community, 1-other. Scale, legend, compass. Done by Feb 15 Project 6 Alberta timeline wordle 4.2 Note taking from assigned pages regarding; First Nations, Métis, Francophone, British, Ukrainian, Done by report card 2 Resources 4.3 This is a role play town hall (should we build a pipeline) Oil sands and Mapping <QUESTION SHEET NEEDED> Alberta tourism Alberta Time capsule identity 4.3 Project 7 Dinosaur Provincial Park 4.3 LA and SS- Students create a paragraph about why Dino is important Criteria- Identity, Preserving, Laws and what life was like before the laws, other things that should be protected. Done by April 15 Project 8 Amazing race 4.2 Done by June Supplemental Do any of the above activities Spelling words Climate, Animals, Landforms, Bodies of Water, Natural Resources, Vegetation, Population, province, Alberta, City, Computer time 1. 2. 3. 4. Word- saving, places to save, naming, copy paste Region PowerPoint Wordle Timeline Amazing Race