Photosynthesis and CR

Questions on Photosynthesis and Cellular Respiration(debrief of videos)
1. Tell what these words mean: aerobic/anaerobic.
2. What is used by cells as their primary energy source? How is the
energy released and then what does ATP become?
3. What is the key cellular process identified with energy
production? How does it occur?(equation)
4. Tell the name of the plants’ principal pigment that it uses to
gather the sun’s energy. Which color does it not absorb?
5. What sac-like photosynthetic membrane is in chloroplasts and
how are they arranged? What part of photosynthesis takes place
6. Where does the Calvin Cycle take place and where is it located?
7. The transport of high-energy electrons is done by what molecules
and what is this process called? Give an example of a carrier
8. The light dependent reactions produce what gas along with
converting ADP and NADP+ to what 2 things?
9. The Calvin cycle is also known as what? What does it produce?
In the presence of 0 2 , glycolysis is followed by what 2 steps?
What is this entire process called?
Describe the purpose and equation of cellular respiration.
In glycolysis, one molecule of glucose is broken in ½
producing what?
How much ATP is needed to get glycolysis working? How
much is produced? What is the net gain?
What are the advantages to glycolysis?
When oxygen is not present, what process follows
glycolysis? What the the 2 types?
What is the equation for alcoholic fermentation? What does
it produce? Give an example.
What is the equation for lactic acid fermentation? Why do
your muscles feel sore from exercising?
The Krebs cycle is the second stage of CR. It requires what
to be present? What does it do? Where does it take place?
What is the purpose of the electron transport chain?
What is the total number of ATP molecules formed during
What is it called when a water molecule is broken in ½?
What is the relationship between the equation for
photosynthesis and the equation for CR?
Answer Key1.aerobic means with air and anaerobic means without
2.ATP, breaking 2nd and 3rd phosphate bond to release energy,
becomes ADP
3. key cellular process = photosynthesis, equation is 6 CO2 + 6
H2O =(light) C6H12O6 + 6 O2
4. chlorophyll=green
5. thylakoids, stacks known as grana, light-dependent reactions
6. stroma, outside the thylakoid membranes
7. carrier molecules, electron transport, NADP+
8. O2, ATP and NADPH
9. Light independent reaction. Sugars
10. Krebs cycle and electron transport chain. Cellular respiration
11. releases energy by breaking down glucose and other food
molecules in the presence of 02.
6 O2 + C6H12O6 = 6 CO2 + 6 H2O + Energy
12. 2 molecules of pyruvic acid, a 3 carbon compound
13. 2 ATP, 4 ATP, 2 ATP
14. process fast! Produce thousands of ATP’s in milliseconds,
does not require O2
15. Fermentation, alcoholic and lactic acid
16. pyruvic acid and NADH = alcohol and CO2 and NAD+ produces
CO2 and alcohol, ex: bread rising
17. pyruvic acid + NADH = lactic acid + NAD+ lactic acid build-up
18. O2, pyruvic acid is broken down in to CO2 in a series of
energy-extracting reactions. Mitochondrion
19. To convert ADP to ATP
20. 36 ATP
21.photolysis or hydrolysis
22. opposite each other