The Seven Most Beautiful Castles in Japan - Unsri

The Seven Most Beautiful Castles in Japan
Castles first appeared throughout Japan in the 15th century, during the era of the warring
states. Warlords erected small, wooden castles on mountain tops, to defend against the
frequent attacks of that time. After the unification of Japan, under Nobunaga Oda, castles
started getting a lot bigger and more beautiful. Even after many centuries, Japan’s
castles still mesmerize tourists with their unique architecture and feudal charm.
7. Matsue Castle
[Photo Credits]
Often referred to as Matsueo, or the “black castle”, Matsue Castle is one of just
a few original Japanese castles, dating back to the feudal period. Its construction began in
1607 and was completed in 1611, during the rule of Horio Yoshiharo. In 1875 all the
buildings in the castle were destroyed, except the keep itself and now remains the only castle
in the Sanin region.
[Photo Credits]
Built after the last Japanese feudal war, Matsue Castle has never been under siege, but
it’s still a very strong structure, able to withstand a full scale attack. Seen from the
outside Matsuejo appears to have five levels, but in reality, its Momoyama watchtower
design hides six stories.
6. Kumamoto Castle
[Photo Credits]
Kumamoto Castle is located in the Kumamoto prefecture and, together with Himeji and
Matsumoto, is considered one of the three premier castles in Japan. It was constructed in
1607, by the Kato Clan and was one of the largest and best fortified structures of its time.
[Photo Credits]
In 1877, Kumamoto Castles became a victim to Japan’s last civil war. Following a 53day siege, during a clash between an army of former samurai and the new Meiji government,
the castle was burned to the ground. The structure we see today is a concrete reconstruction
of the old Kumamoto Castle, dating back to 1960.
5. Nagoya Castle
[Photo Credits]
Constructed at the beginning of the Edo period, Nagoya Castle soon evolved into one of the
most important castle-towns in Japan and is now its fourth most important city. During World
War II the castle was used as a military headquarters and prisoner camp, but was almost
completely destroyed during an air raid, in 1945.
[Photo Credits]
Nagoya Castle was rebuilt in 1959, but most of its precious artifacts were lost together with
its original structure. Reconstruction of the entire castle complex will be completed in 2018.
Meanwhile, tourists can visit the impressive museum set up inside the Nagoya Castle keep.
4. Okayama Castles
[Photo Credits]
The Crow Castle or karasu-jo, as the Japanese call it, was built in 1597 and was known as
the Golden Crow Castle due to its gilded roof tiles. The original Azuchi-Momoyama style
structures of Okayama were destroyed by an air-bombing in World War II, so the keep had to
be reconstructed out of concrete, in 1966.
[Photo Credits]
Located on the Asashi River, in Okayama, the Crow Castle maintains its feudal look, but is a
modern building featuring air-conditioning and elevators. Tourists visiting Okayama Castles
can learn a lot about its interesting history from the many exhibits displayed inside the keep.
3. Osaka Castle
[Photo Credits]
Osaka Castle is considered one of the most important structures in Japan, believed to have
played a major role in the unification of Japan, under Hideoyoshi Toyotomi. Built in 1583,
atop a tall stone foundation to protect it from attackers, Osaka Castle was the largest castle
of its time.
[Photo Credits]
The original castle was destroyed two times, during the 17th century. Tokugawa troops first
burned it down in 1615, but it was rebuilt by Tokugawa Hidetada, during the 1620s. Lightning
stuck the main keep and it again burned to the ground in 1665. The present structure was
built in 1931 and miraculously survived the frequent air-raids of WWII.
Osaka Castle is now one of the most important tourist attractions in Japan, especially during
the cherry blossom season, when thousands of tourists flock to see the 600 cherry trees in
its lawn garden.
2. Matsumoto Castle
[Photo Credits]
The history of the beautiful Matsumoto Castle dates back to the Sengoku period, when it was
just a fort known as Fukashi Castle. It is one of the 12 original castles in the country and
listed as a National Treasure of Japan.
[Photo Credits]
Built in the 16th century, the Matsumoto Castle keep has survived the test of time, thanks to
the efforts of Matsumoto residents. It was going to be demolished during the Meiji
Restoration, when feudal castles were considered archaic and useless, but influential locals
started a successful campaign to save it. Due to a structural defect and neglect, the keep
was close to collapsing, but, thanks to local efforts, funds were gathered for its renovation.
Matsumoto Castle, unlike most Japanese feudal castles, is build on a plain, rather than on a
hill or mountain top.
1. Himeji Castle
[Photo Credits]
The most famous and visited castle in Japan, Himeji Castle is considered the prototypical
Japanese castle, featuring many elements associated with feudal Japanese castle
architecture. It was originally built in 1346, at the bottom of Himeji Mountain and was
expanded during the rule of Hideyoshi Toyotomi, at the beginning of the 17th century.
[Photo Credits]
Like many other castles in Japan, Himeji was bombarded twice by the Allied Forces, during
World War II, but suffered no major damage. Post-war restoration began in 1956 and is now
one of the most important tourist destinations in Japan.