section 206 structural design - Main Roads Western Australia

STRUCTURAL DESIGN ................................................................................... 2
FOUNDATION INVESTIGATION ......................................................................................... 2
W ATERWAYS INVESTIGATION ......................................................................................... 2
206.2.1 Introduction ............................................................................................................. 2
206.2.2 Hydrology ............................................................................................................... 3
206.2.3 Hydraulics ............................................................................................................... 3
206.2.4 Waterways Investigation Report ............................................................................ 3
BRIDGE DESIGN ............................................................................................................ 3
206.3.1 Introduction ............................................................................................................. 3
206.3.2 Structural Design Standards .................................................................................. 4
206.3.3 Preliminary Design ............................................................................................... 11
206.3.4 Full Design Calculations ....................................................................................... 12
206.3.5 Design Verification ............................................................................................... 12
206.3.6 Lighting Design ..................................................................................................... 13
206.3.7 Design Summary and Final Design Report .......................................................... 13
206.3.8 Bridge Drawings ................................................................................................... 13
206.3.9 Design of Temporary Works ................................................................................ 14
Structural Design Models ................................................................................. 15
Onsite Design Check ....................................................................................... 15
RETAINING W ALLS ...................................................................................................... 15
SIGN GANTRIES AND CANTILEVER SIGNS ..................................................................... 15
APPENDIX 206.1 – BRIDGE DESIGN CRITERIA ........................................................................ 16
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The Principal will appoint a Bridge Engineer to be the liaison officer for the Project.
To ensure the Project fully meets the Principal's requirements this officer shall be
kept fully informed on all matters and aspects of the work.
Foundation Investigation
The Consultant shall determine and carry out all foundation investigation
considered necessary for the design of the Works including any testing required,
either in-situ or laboratory.
Foundation Investigation for bridge works shall be carried out in accordance with
Part 3 of AS 5100 Bridge Design Code.
Borehole logging shall be carried out by an experienced engineering geologist or
geotechnical engineer.
Borehole Information Drawings shall be prepared to present the results of the
foundation investigation and shall be included in the Contract Documents as
"Information for Tenderers" (refer Section 209 Tender Documentation).
The results of all foundation investigation work shall be made available to the
Principal’s Representative. The core samples must be kept safely for a period of 5
years minimum and be accessible to the construction tenderers.
Waterways Investigation
<The Waterways Investigation described below is for fairly extensive waterway
analysis. The investigation could be less than that, or not required, or may have
been done by the Principal.>
<If the waterway investigation is extensive and/or critical, it may be necessary to
have a review earlier than the 85% review.>
<Provide any appropriate details to suit.>
<Specify the serviceability level for the particular Project which may also need to
conform to Water Corporation, or river authority requirements, and/or have
backwater limitations.>
206.2.1 Introduction
Waterways investigation shall be in accordance with the AUSTROADS
publication, "Waterway Design - A Guide to the Hydraulic Design of Bridges,
Culverts and Floodways", and "Australian Rainfall and Runoff – A Guide to Flood
Estimation" and shall be carried out only by companies satisfying the
requirements of the “Eligibility To Tender” Special Conditions of Tendering
Clause 1.
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206.2.2 Hydrology
The Consultant shall carry out flow estimation for Average Recurrence Intervals
(ARIs) of 2, 5, 10, 20, 50, and 100 years.
Acceptable flow estimation techniques, including computer modelling, shall be
used. Design flows are to be checked against historical flood events, if available.
Where the waterways are gauged, flood frequency analysis techniques are to be
used. Before commencement of the analysis, the Consultant shall obtain from
the Principal’s Representative any available flood data at the site.
206.2.3 Hydraulics
Hydraulic analysis shall be carried out to compute the following:
bridge/culvert/floodway size, type and configuration;
stage/discharge and backwater curves;
velocities in the natural channel and through the structure;
estimated depth of scour;
scour protection, if required;
dimensions, locations and sizes of guide and levee banks and other
associated works;
possible modes of failure under overtopping conditions.
The serviceability for Highways and Main Roads shall conform to AUSTROADS
standards and shall be confirmed by Principal’s Representative for any site
specific requirements. In general, bridges shall pass the 50 year flow and
culverts and floodways be passable for the 20 year flow.
206.2.4 Waterways Investigation Report
The Consultant shall prepare a Waterways Report incorporating all details of
hydrology, hydraulics and information required to complete the Design Criteria
Sheet at Appendix 206.1.
Bridge Design
206.3.1 Introduction
The proposed bridge will cross ................................................................................
The proposed superstructure will be ............. metres wide between kerbs and will
be in the order of ............. metres long.
The design Consultant must satisfy the requirements of the “Eligibility To Tender”
Special Conditions of Tendering Clause 1. The design requires the involvement
of suitably qualified and experienced personnel in an office in Perth, Western
Australia, to facilitate technical review by the Principal's Representative for the
duration of the design contract.
<Complete to suit>
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<If any drilling already carried out, insert suitable reference, and provide
details in suitable format, and where information is located>.
The scope of the bridge design work to be carried out under this Commission
shall include:
Preliminary design.
Final design.
Design verification.
Submission of design reports.
Design summary and load rating.
Minor works contracts.
<Example only - amend as required>
The Principal’s Representative will provide to the Consultant, in both hard copy
and electronic form, copies of standard details and standard designs as
appropriate for this Project. Refer also to Structures Engineering Branch’s
Document No. 3912/02/01-17, Bridge Branch Design Information Manual, and
Document No. 3912/03/00, Bridge Branch Design Manual.
206.3.2 Structural Design Standards
The bridge shall be designed in accordance with the Australian Bridge
Design Code AS5100 (Code), as modified below.
The numbers used in this section refer to clause numbers as used in
various parts of the Code and are prefixed with BDC and a number to signify the
part number of Bridge Design Code AS 5100.
Structures located on highways, main roads or designated Heavy Haulage
Routes shall be designed to Group 2 Vehicle 4 and Group 2 Vehicle 5 heavy load
platform vehicles in addition to (i) above; unless otherwise specified by the
Engineer Bridge Loading.
For details of these special vehicles refer to Structures Engineering Bridge
Branch Design Information Manual Document No. 3912/02
BDC 1 - 9.3 Bridges Over Navigable Waterways
Dimensional clearances for the bridge are XX m horizontal and XX m vertical.
BDC 1 - 9.4 Road Bridge Carriageway Widths
The bridge width must be based on the following minimum configuration:
No. of lanes:
Cross section:
XX m shoulder + XX x XX m lanes + XX m median +
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Shared path:
XX x XX m lanes + XX m shoulder
XX m on XX side of bridge
XX m on XX side of bridge
BDC 1 - 9.6 Horizontal Clearance To Substructure Components Of Bridges
Over Roadways
The face of any support, apart from columns located in the median, must be set
back from the ultimate edge of the nearest traffic lane in accordance with Figure
12.1 in Main Roads Structures Engineering Branch’s Document No. 3912/02-1
‘Bridge Branch Design Information’.
BDC 1 - 9.7 Vertical Clearance Over Roadways
The minimum unobstructed vertical clearance, with due allowance for settlement
and for the addition of a further 50 mm of asphalt, must not be less than XX m.
BDC 1 - 9.11 and 9.13
Pedestrian Bridges And Bicycle Paths
The clear width between handrails must be XX m. Vertical clearance over
roadways, with due allowance for settlement and for the addition of a further 50
mm asphalt, must not be less than XX m.
Design of shared path bridges must cater for the disabled in accordance with
Main Roads’ Disability Service Plan and AS1428 Design for Access and Mobility.
BDC 1 - 9.12 Pedestrian Subways (Dual Use Underpasses)
Design of shared path underpasses must have a clear width of at least XX m at
the base, a height of not less than XX m, a width at the widest part of not less
than XX m and a cross sectional area of not less than XX m2. Design must also
cater for the disabled in accordance with Main Roads’ Disability Service Plan and
AS1428 Design for Access and Mobility.
BDC 1 - 10 Road Traffic Barriers
The Bridge Design Code AS 5100 shall be used for the design of all medium level
performance road bridge traffic barriers. Main Roads’ standard barriers that are
deemed to comply with the respective Code Performance Levels shall be used.
BDC 1 - 11.3 Collision From Railway Traffic
Where possible, bridges over rail shall comprise a single clear span.
Collision loads as defined in the Code shall be applied to all support elements
(piers and abutments) in accordance with Code requirements.
Abutment walls shall not be box type but near linear (parallel to railway alignment
in plan) to remove the danger to the train from a head-on collision with the
abutment sidewall. Where only box type abutments are possible (i.e. with a
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return angle of > 20 degrees), protection must be provided against a head-on
impact through the provision of a deflection wall.
Reinforced soil abutments are acceptable provided that the superstructure is
supported in a manner that is independent of the mechanically stabilised earth
(MSE) wall and its retained backfill. However, MSE walls cannot be considered
as contributing to the impact resistance unless the backfill is cement stabilised for
a minimum width of 1.2m and for the full height of the wall.
MSE walls may be designed and used as abutment wingwalls.
Simply supported multi-span structures over railways must satisfy the following
bridge supports (piers including any infill walls and abutments) must
be designed to resist railway impact loads in accordance with Code
requirements; and
following a detailed risk analysis carried out in accordance with
AS/NZ 4360 and AS/NZ 3931, the risk acceptance criteria for the
structure must be tolerable or negligible (as defined in Figure 3).
Acceptable Risk for Bridges over Railways
Frequency of N or more fatalities per year (F)
ALARP - As Low As Reasonably Practical
Number of fatalities (N)
Figure 3: Risk Acceptance Criteria
BDC 1 - 12 Pedestrian And Bicycle-Path Barriers
Where a structure, such as a retaining wall, head wall or wingwall, presents a
vertical or near vertical face 1.5 m or more in height and it would be likely that a
person could gain access to the upper edge of the structure, a pedestrian
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restraint system such as a monowills 2-rail barrier shall be installed close to, or
on top of the structure.
A risk assessment shall be carried out for the protection screen requirements for
objects falling or being thrown from bridges in accordance with Main Roads’
assessment procedure outlined in the report titled “Risk Management of Hazards
on Pedestrian Overpasses”.
Protection screens adjacent to traffic lanes, emergency breakdown lanes or
parking lanes, shall have a minimum setback derived using Table 4.5 of Road
and Traffic Engineering Branch’s Document No. D06#26105, Assessment of
Roadside Hazards. The values in the table can be extrapolated for lower speeds
but not for a smaller vehicle or hazard height.
BDC 1 - 14 Drainage
The drainage system must be designed so that a minimal amount of water flows
across Deck joints.
All bridge drainage pipes whether external or internal must be of durable material,
must be corrosion and fire resistant, and must be concealed from public view.
Free draining scuppers through bridge Decks will not be allowed on new
All drainage structures must be vandal proof and accessible for cleaning,
operational and maintenance purposes.
BDC 1 - 16 Utilities (Services)
Where possible, services must be concealed from public view within the bridge
Superstructure, and adequate provision must be made for future inspection,
maintenance and possible replacement.
The Contractor must obtain the agreement of the relevant Authority or private
owner in writing to the conditions contained in Utility Services in Road Reserves Policy and Guidelines available from the Roads and Traffic Engineering
Standards section of Main Roads’ website.
Spare ducts comprising two 100mm conduits must be provided on each side of
the bridge terminating with capped ends beyond the deck and approach slab.
BDC 2 - 5.3 Superimposed Dead Load
Road bridge structures with an open graded asphalt wearing surface must be
designed for a total asphalt thickness of 100mm. All other road bridges must be
designed for asphalt surfacing 75mm thick.
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BDC 2 - 10.2 Collision Load From Road Traffic
All Columns in the median and adjacent to shoulders must be designed to resist
traffic impact forces, regardless of whether they are protected by safety barriers
or not.
BDC 2 - 14 Earthquake Forces
The Earthquake design parameters must be based on the requirement of Senior
Engineer Structures Circular SES 01/08 - Earthquake Interim Design Rules,
which is available on MRWA website under Standards & Technical.
BDC 2 - 14.3.2
Earthquake Forces - Bridge Classification
Earthquake effects shall be considered given the bridge classification Type XX.
BDC 2 - 21 Construction Forces and Effects
For the design of precast concrete bridges and incrementally launched
prestressed concrete bridges the following standards shall apply during the
construction stage:
Dead Load
As per Code
Launching Live Load
1kPa on all deck surface
5.0kN/m on steel nosing
Differential Temperature
70% of Code values
Wind Load
70% of Code values (with note added in the
construction Specification that lifting and
launching is not to be carried out during strong
Differential Settlement
- As specified by designer (shall be monitored
and controlled during construction), but in no
circumstances more than 25mm.
For pile foundation design, the designer must nominate the testing requirement
and the value of geotechnical strength reduction factor (Øg) to be used in the
design at 15% design stage, which must be approved by Senior Engineer
Structure prior to proceed with the detail design. The designer must specify the
minimum pile penetration and estimated toe RL information on the drawings.
BDC 4 - 5 Functions of Bearings and Deck Joints
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The bridge deck slab shall be continuous between abutments, without deck joints.
BDC 4 - 12.1 Elastomeric Bearings - General
Where the use of elastomeric bearings is proposed bearings must be selected
from Appendix A of the Code.
BDC 4 - 12.6.7
Fixing of Bearings
Bearings must be restrained in position by recessed pockets in concrete
Substructures or by mechanical devices.
BDC 4 – 17
Deck Joints
For small to medium movements prefabricated rubber extrusion type joints
between heavy reinforcing angles shall be used. For larger movements,
alternative types of joint, such as a multi-element joint shall be used. Bonded
steel/rubber type joints shall not be used. Joints must not inhibit the proper
placement of concrete.
If finger plate expansion joints are used, then long term concrete shrinkage must
be considered. Allowance must be made in the design to cater for simple and
economical re-setting of the expansion gap during future maintenance work. The
gap between finger plates must not present a hazard to cyclists.
The modular expansion joint must not generate a significant increase in average
noise levels. If a modular expansion joint is proposed on the bridge and the joint
is located within a 2km radius from residential development, then the joint must
be fitted with noise reduction system.
Where the deck joint is attached by bolts cast into a concrete substrate, fully
tensioned high tensile bolts must be used. Where the deck joint is attached by
bars cast into concrete, flat bars must be used.
BDC 4 - 17.5 Deck Joints - Drainage
Deck joints must be designed to ensure the joint is watertight over the full width of
the Deck.
Prefabricated extrusion joints must be turned up directly behind the carriageway
kerbs to maintain the same installation depth from the deck or superstructure
surface and to contain runoff. Joints in shared path bridges or across raised
parts of the deck or superstructure including paths, medians and parapets must
be waterproofed using a recessed steel cover plate. Deck or superstructure
crossfall must be designed to prevent water leakage or spillage from the deck or
superstructure at the joints.
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The following requirements are applicable to both superstructure and
substructure design.
BDC 5 - 2.8 Cracking
Where bridge elements are fully restrained from expanding or contracting
horizontally due to shrinkage or temperature, e.g. for concrete bridge girders
where webs and flanges are not cast in a single pour, then minimum
reinforcement requirements for horizontal reinforcement for crack control must be
in accordance with clause BDC 5 – 11.6.2.
BDC 5 - 4.3 Exposure Classification
Protective surface coatings must not be taken into account in the assessment of
the exposure classification.
BDC 5 – 6.2.1
Strength and Ductility
Only normal (N) grade reinforcement will be permitted.
BDC 5 – 13.1 Stress Development of Reinforcement & 13.2 Splicing of
The requirement for stress development and splicing of reinforcement must be in
accordance with Senior Engineer Structures Circular 01/12 which is available on
MRWA website under Standards & Technical.
No modifications required.
1. Reinforced Soil Walls
Reinforced soil walls must be designed in accordance with AS 4678, Earth
Retaining Structures.
Load bearing reinforced soil structures must comprise precast concrete facing
Polymeric material used as reinforcing strips for load bearing reinforced soil
structures must satisfy the following conditions:
(i) The reinforced soil wall system must be approved by Senior Engineer
(ii) The reinforced soil wall system must be an approved RTA NSW
system used only for the applications listed, refer RTA specification
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R57, Appendix R57/E available on-line at; and
(iii) There must be 150mm minimum clear cover from the front of the
concrete panel to the geosynthetic reinforcement embedded in the
Where mechanically stabilised earth (MSE) panels are used for the bridge
abutments or retaining walls, the superstructure must be independently supported
on piles or columns founded below the reinforced soil block. Piles and columns
must be fully fixed at the connection to the sillbeam, if used, and in all cases
designed to carry full abutment bending and axial loads, with provision for up to
1.0m loss of MSE wall backfill under the top of the piles or columns for the full
width of the superstructure.
The MSE panels must extend to the underside of the superstructure with
minimum clearance sufficient to enable the maintenance and replacement of the
2. Precast Prestressed Concrete Beams
If precast prestressed concrete beams are used, no more than 50% of the
prestressing strands must be debonded at any section, including beam ends, in
order to prevent the development of intersecting horizontal cracks between the
strands. Debonding of adjacent strands must not be permitted.
3. Median Columns
All columns in the median and adjacent to shoulders must be designed to resist
traffic impact forces, regardless of whether they are protected by safety barriers.
4. Access for Inspections and Maintenance
Design shall consider discretely located access/steps to the
substructure/underside of the bridge to assist in safe future inspection and
maintenance by experienced personnel.
206.3.3 Preliminary Design
Great importance is attached to carrying out adequate Preliminary Design to
ensure that all alternatives are considered, constraints identified and the most
appropriate design selected.
The Consultant shall investigate a number of alternative proposals for the project.
The proposals shall generally conform to the geometric and other constraints
contained in this Brief, but shall not be restricted regarding construction materials
and methods.
Each proposal shall pay due attention to aesthetics and shall be suitably
supported with general arrangement drawings, construction details and cost
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estimates. For aesthetic requirements reference can be made to RTA’s Bridge
Aesthetics Design Guidelines.
Structures must be carefully designed and detailed to ensure long-term durability.
As a minimum, durability standards and guidelines for the various materials and
components used in all permanent structures must be in accordance with the
Bridge Code. All construction and contraction joints and locations where precast
elements abut or join must be waterproofed with a heavy duty sheet membrane.
The membrane must run under and return up the back face of kerbs. The
waterproofing must be in accordance with Main Roads’ (TDP) Specification 875,
Waterproof Membrane.
The following design options shall also be investigated:
the requirement or otherwise for falsework support;
a single span structure with solid abutments, or incorporation of pier
design for high collision loads (e.g. bridge spans a railway which cannot
be disrupted for long periods);
 an incrementally launched structure (e.g. where structure spans a busy
road, a river or railway);
availability of construction materials to suit program timeframes; and
delivery of materials to site.
Selected surfaces of structures must be treated with non sacrificial anti-graffiti
coating in accordance with Main Roads’ (TDP) Specification 908, Anti-Graffiti. As
a minimum, the extent of surfaces to be treated is all bridge abutments (full
height), all bridge columns (full height), all parapets on abutments and
approaches which are within 3.0m of finished ground level, all retaining walls (full
height) except for faces abutting private property, all underpass walls and soffits,
all noise walls and screen walls (full height) on both sides except for faces
abutting private property, all concrete traffic barriers except surfaces on the
superstructure visible in elevation view and any part of the superstructure which
is within 3.0m of finished ground level. Consideration must be given to aesthetics
when determining limits of coating.
A Design Criteria Sheet shall be completed by the Consultant (refer Appendix
206.1) and included in all design reports.
206.3.4 Full Design Calculations
Following completion of the Preliminary Design and agreement on the type of
structure to be adopted, the Consultant shall carry out full design calculations for
the structure in accordance with the requirements of this Brief.
206.3.5 Design Verification
Prior to signing and submission of final drawings an independent check of all
aspects of the structural design shall be carried out by a suitably qualified and
experienced Engineer who was not involved in the design.
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The Principal may also arrange for a proof check of the design either by the
Structures Engineering Branch or an independent authority appointed by the
206.3.6 Lighting Design
The Consultant shall design lighting to the bridge carriageway and/or walkways in
accordance with Main Roads' standards and utilising standard Main Roads'
components. Refer to Section 205.9 Street Lighting.
206.3.7 Design Summary and Final Design Report
At the completion of the design the Consultant shall carry out load rating of the
bridge and also provide, as one of the Drawings for the bridge, a Design
Summary Sheet, in accordance with Structures Engineering Branch Document
No. 3912/02-2, Design of New Structures and Document No. 3912-02-4, Load
Rating Existing Bridges.
The Consultant shall also provide the information required for the Bridge
Inventory database in accordance with Structures Engineering Branch Document
No. 3912/02-15, Inventory and Construction Information.
206.3.8 Bridge Drawings
All Bridge Design Drawings shall be produced to microfilm standards on A1 size
sheets using Structures Engineering Branch’s Standard Titleblocks. Drawings
shall be produced in accordance with Structures Engineering Branch Document
No. 3912/04, Drafting Information and Practices Manual. Drawings shall conform
to the CAD standards, requirements and prototype details as detailed in
Structures Engineering Branch Document No. 6706-02-2228, Guidelines on
Presentation and Format of Drawings. The current edition of “Drafting
Information and Practices Manual” will be made available to the Consultant as an
uncontrolled copy upon request to the Principal’s Representative. The
“Guidelines on Presentation and Format of Drawings” is available on-line.
To gain a familiarity with the standards and drawing requirements a Bridge “type
example” hard copy set of Bridge drawings may be supplied upon request to the
Principal’s Representative or Drafting Principal’s Representative (Bridges).
The final Drawings for the Project shall be signed in the "Approved" box by a
Director of the Principal's staff, a Partner or other senior member of the
Consultant's staff to certify that the design and an independent design check
have been carried out in accordance with this Brief.
The final signed and dated copy of all documents plus hard and disk copy of all
drawings associated with the Bridge works shall be delivered to the Structures
Information and Standards Manager, 3rd Floor Main Roads Don Aitken Centre,
for microfilming and long term storage. Disk copies shall be on 100% error free
media to the completion requirements of Structures Engineering Branch
Document No. 6706/02/2228, Guidelines on Presentation and Format of
Drawings, and shall be compatible with the AutoCAD version currently in use by
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Structures Engineering Branch. Full size (A1) signed and dated hard copies of
drawings shall be supplied to microfilm standards. The Consultant shall also
supply an A2 reduced copy of the Tender documents prepared under Section
Phase 1 – Preliminary Design
Where bridge designs are included in the commission, General Arrangement
Drawings shall be prepared for all alternatives considered.
Phase 2 – Detailed Design
The drawings shall include the following:
Contract Cover sheet.
Index Sheet.
General Arrangement.
Earthworks and Services (May be included in General Arrangement).
Bore Information.
Geometric Data.
Reinforced Concrete drawings.
Prestress Drawings.
Bearing Data and Installation details.
Beam Fabrication and Installation details.
Traffic Barrier, Parapet Panel and Parapet railing details.
Piling details.
Expansion Joints and Approach Slabs details.
Construction Sequence.
Design Summary (For refurbishments - may be included in the General
<Example only - amend list as required>
Phase 4 – Final Submission
The principal of the company who is authorised to take responsibility for the
technical content shall sign and date the drawings at this time.
206.3.9 Design of Temporary Works
Where applicable, the design of temporary works shall be in accordance with AS
3610 - "Formwork for Concrete" and the Occupational Safety and Health Act,
1984 (WA).
No temporary restriction to existing vertical clearances or temporary reduction in
the load carrying capacity for heavy vehicle movements is permitted.
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206.3.10 Structural Design Models
Electronic copies of all structural design models used in the analysis shall be
provided in accordance with Survey and Mapping Section’s Guideline “Data
Lodgement” Document No. 67-08-119.
Onsite Design Check
The Consultant shall peg the apron design levels of culverts and the abutment
locations of new bridges for inspection by the Principal’s Representative.
Retaining Walls
Retaining walls and other associated structures must be designed in accordance
with the relevant sections and supplements of the Bridge Code, modified as
described in Section 206.3.2. All retaining walls not covered by the Bridge Code
as defined in AS 5100.1, Clause 1 must be designed in accordance with AS 4678
Earth Retaining Structures.
The footings of any retaining wall located on a boundary must be located
completely outside the abutting property. Such footings must be designed and
located such that the face of the wall is as close as practicable and parallel to the
Materials and appearance of retaining walls on private property boundaries must
be approved by the property owner.
Sign Gantries and Cantilever Signs
All gantries and cantilever signs must be designed in accordance with the
relevant sections and supplements of the Bridge Code, modified as described in
Section 206.3.2. Support columns and support beams of gantries must be
square or rectangular box sections. The surface finish colour must be 'Brunswick
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CRITERIA SHEET NUMBER .......................................... DATE ............ /............/............
ROAD NAME .................................................................. RD CLASS.................................... REGION .................................................
PROJECT ....................................................................................................................................................................................................
SPAN CONFIGURATION ....................................................................... ABUTMENT CHAINAGES/SLK ...............................................
WIDTH BETWEEN KERBS ....................................... m FOOTPATH WIDTH .................................... m SKEW ................................
MINIMUM CLEARANCE REQUIREMENTS - VERTICAL ........................................................ HORIZONTAL ........................................
VELOCITY (m/sec)
R.L. (m)
SOIL TYPE ....................................................................... TYPE OF FOUNDATION .................................................................................
ALLOWABLE BEARING PRESSURE (SPREAD FOOTINGS) AVERAGE ................................kPa PEAK ..................................... kPa
DESIGN CRITERIA (PILES) ..................................................
TYPE OF PIER ..................................................................................... PIER COLLISION LOADING .....................................................
TYPE OF STRUCTURE ....................................................................... MATERIALS AND CLASS ..........................................................
(Design Code ..................................................... )
TYPE OF HANDRAIL / TRAFFIC BARRIER ...............................................................................................................................................
TYPE OF EXPANSION JOINTS ..................................................................................................................................................................
TYPE OF BEARINGS ..................................................................................................................................................................................
FUTURE WIDENING ...................................................................................................................................................................................
SPECIAL REQUIREMENTS .......................................................................................................................................................................
SUBMITTED BY ...............................................................
DATE ............/............./..............
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APPROVED BY ...............................................................................
DATE .........../............/...........
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All edits to downloaded Briefs shall be tracked (most word processing software
allows this to be done automatically). Deletions shall be struck through e.g.
example. Insertions shall be in italics e.g. example. If all information relating to a
clause is deleted then the clause number should be retained and the words
"NOT USED" should be inserted.
The proposed documents with tracked changes shall be submitted to Main Roads
for review, prior to printing the final batch of documents. When this final printing
is carried out, changes are saved and the tracked changes option is to be turned
The Custodian of this section of the Brief is Mr Adam Lim (Structural Design &
Standards Engineer) ph: 9323 4457.
Design Loads for the Movement of High Wide Loads
If structures are required to be designed to cater for the additional loads imposed
due to the movement of High Wide Loads then the following paragraph should be
added under the heading “BDC 2 – DESIGN LOADS” in Clause 206.3.2
Structural Design Standards.
BDC 2 - 6 Road Traffic
Additional design loads for the movement of High Wide Loads shall be in
accordance with Road and Traffic Engineering Branch’s ‘Guide to Design and
Operation of High Wide Load Corridors’ Document No. 05/9235.
Clause 206.3.5
Design Verification
If the optional Design Verification Clause is included in the Brief then
Clause 206.3.5 Design Verification needs to be amended accordingly.
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