Gumdrop Bridge

Gumdrop Bridge
Your goal… build a bridge! Has to fit over 10 to 12 inch span. Time: 10
Need to know: is there a weight limit (is it able to support); length (10-12
inches); width (about 2-4 inches); going over land or water(going over milk
choc); what will the bridge be used for (cars, & trucks) is there a cost limit
(maybe because there is not unlimited source of funds); what kind of weather
(rain, high winds, lots of sun);
Schedule October 5th
Technology in a Bag 8:30-9:00
 Lesson One 9:00-10:00 *Break
 Lesson Two 10:00-11:00
 Lunch 11:00-12:00
 Lesson Three 12:00-1:00
 Lesson Four 1:00-3:00 *Break
 Club Business 3:00-3:15
 Survey 3:15-3:30
Technology in a Bag
examine everyday examples of technology.
 discuss how these objects were designed
to solve problems.
 discuss the materials that objects are
made of.
Lesson One Moodle
MCPSS Moodle
Lesson One
read the story Javier Builds a Bridge.
 learn about various types of bridges.
 talk about what civil engineers do for
their jobs.
 become familiar with the Engineering
Design Process.
Solving the problems of the 21st Century
Growing Science Thinkers
◦ Analyzing problems systematically
◦ Applying Inquiry to learn
 Creating with Technology
◦ To communicate fully, clearly, and creatively
◦ Develop logical thinking
 Engineering is Problem Solving
◦ Engineering design process
◦ Solve problems and think critically
 Math is the language and the tool
◦ Iteration and conditionals
◦ Coordinates, variables, and random numbers
What is the problem?
What have others done?
What are the constraints?
What are some solutions?
Brainstorm ideas.
Choose the best one.
Draw a diagram.
Make lists of materials you will need.
Follow your plan and create it.
Test it out!
Talk about what works, what doesn't, and what could work better.
Modify your design to make it better.
Test it out!
Lesson Two
examine several different structures and
observe how each is affected by a force.
brainstorm and implement some engineering
solutions to prevent forces from causing a
structure to fail.
discuss how civil engineers work to
counteract the forces (pushes and pulls) on
a structure in order to make it stronger and
more stable.
Educator Resources on MOS
Bridging a Gap
Educator Resources
Lesson Three
create three different types of bridges (beam,
arch, and deep beam) out of index cards.
test each type of bridge to see how much
weight it can support and how adding weight
affects the structure of the bridge.
examine the materials available to them for
designing their bridges and brainstorm how
they might use each material in their bridges.
Lesson Four
use the Engineering Design Process to
design a bridge made from paper and
other materials.
 test and improve their bridges using the
evaluation criteria of strength and stability.
Lesson Four
will encourage students to…
identify and implement the steps of the
Engineering Design Process.
utilize what they have learned about different
bridge types and the properties of different
materials to inform their bridge designs.
test the strength and stability of their bridge
designs and analyze test results.
“Improve” their bridge designs, based on testing
results and analyses.
Club Notes
Lesson 4 * bring packet to the December
Meeting for Review
 Invoices *downloaded from Wiki and turned in
at the December Meeting
 T-shirts *Order from Mobile Screen Print
 BEST Forms *Kept on File for school year
*Send me a BEST count by October 25 at 3:30
 Applications *Kept on File for school year
*Email a Roster to Your Area Facilitator by
October 26th
 Wiki updates *due within one week.