March – April 2015 - Partnerships For Innovation

Director’s Activity Report: December – January to date
Submitted by: Erika Volker
May 4, 2015
 Attended WIA Tri-County Youth Council Meeting
 Conference Call with Oregon Dept. of Education regarding Nebraska’s reVISION process
 Assisted Dr. Stu Bernstein (UNL) on the development of a student Project Management Conference,
connected him with Omaha Benson for students to design the logo and conference name: @ UNO
Scott Conference Center, November 4 2015 (looking at how to broadcast to other locations across the
 Met with Jeff Cole and group regarding how to integrate more STEM and IT into after school
 Co-presented with Rich Katt at Northeast Community College Principals Meeting regarding Career
 Met with Kuder regarding updates to Nebraska Career Connections
 Assisted NDE with interviews for Perkins Data position
 Facilitated and managed the Nebraska: Think IT career awareness day
 Facilitated Part 4 of reVISION for Bennington Public Schools
 Attended Westside Career Advisory Committee
 Participated in ESU 1, 8 & 17 Perkins Advisory Council meeting
 Facilitated conversation among External Funding Applicants regarding statewide College Readiness
working summit (update: it was determined that PFI would fund each application separately this year,
PFI staff will assist with the Developmental Education Conference logistics and planning)
 Met with Omaha Chamber to align future work regarding IT talent pipeline
Met with Dr. ReNae Kehrberg regarding the facilitation of Standards Based Grading Practices in Omaha
Public Schools (agreed to facilitate conversations for professional growth)
Met with Matt Rezac from Sherwood Foundation to provide overview of Career Academies and how
they can be a tool for schools to link with local workforce development initiatives
Presented at the Nebraska ACT Conference on Rule 47: Career Academies
Met with Dave Ludwig from ESU CC regarding collaborative opportunities
Facilitated Wall-to-Wall Career Academy conversation with Plattsmouth CTE teachers, generated notes
and follow up with district leadership
Met with Outward Bound Omaha and PFI Co-Chair to review PFI LC Teambuilding Activity scheduled
June 2
Meeting development with OPS Administration on Grading Practices Meeting
Attended WIA Tri-County Youth Council Meeting
Webinar with UNO and NDOL regarding redevelopment of H3 website (weekly meetings scheduled)
Meeting with Terri Rowenhorst from NROC regarding updates and alignment to college readiness
(EdReady opportunities)
Meeting with Kris Coan regarding professional development opportunities for high school teachers at
MCIT in June
Facilitated Project Lead the Way Business Panel Discussion at PLTW Spring Conference
Met with Phip Ross regarding Developmental Education Conference expectations, logistics and
Facilitated first OPS Grading Practices Committee meeting
Met with Southeast Community College and Lincoln Public Schools staff regarding Rule 47
Met with Nebraska Community Foundation president and CFO regarding Rule 47 and how it can be a
tool for community developers to engage high schools in workforce development initiatives
Attended Regional Technical Assistance meeting (RTAM) and first day of AQUESTT Conference
Met with CCPE Executive Director on collaborative opportunities
Met with Cathy Lang from Accelerate Nebraska regarding collaborative opportunities
Facilitated follow up conversation with Plattsmouth Staff regarding wall-to-wall Career Academies
Presented to OPS School Board regarding Grading Practices Committee Facilitation
Will attend WIA Tri-County Youth Council Meeting
Will attend NCE Staff Meeting
Will attend ESU CC Business Council
Will facilitate second OPS Grading Practices Committee meeting