
17th JUNE 2015
“What 3 things would you like to see flow out of today?”
Group facilitated by: John Hawkins
1. Work together to understand the real needs of Reading and our skills so that we
can prioritise what God is calling us to do
2. Develop a strategy to tackle and prevent depression and anxiety in our town
3. Encourage health care for the elderly in our churches
Group facilitated by: Danni Malone
1. RCN centrally providing training to churches
a. Mentoring
b. Substance misuse
c. Cinnamon volunteer training
d. Governance
e. Signposting
2. Use of church-owned building or land
a. Unlocking land value
b. Commercial opportunities generating additional resources into church activities
c. Use of premises and equipment
3. Centralised website or premises where all local faith-bases projects advertised
a. Section for advertising need
b. Geographically based
Group facilitated by: Alan Magness
1. Communications & Connecting the networks of local groups:
a. Church leader networks, Children’s Centres, Primary Schools, GP’s
surgeries, etc.
b. Facilitated by Reading BC Neighbourhood workers
2. Recruiting new volunteers
a. Developing material to inspire others
b. Work with Reading Voluntary Action’s (RVA’s) Volunteer Centre
c. Use Reading BC communication channels e.g. Council Tax bills
3. Recognising vulnerable groups
a. Start with (Dis)abilities
b. Develop a programme of education, awareness, overcoming fear, training
c. Run events to pull networks of interested people together (“Action
Learning” – link to Local Strategic Partnership (LSP) priority focus
d. Roll out to other vulnerable groups e.g. refugees, mental health, exoffenders etc
Group facilitated by: Joy Atkins
1. Housing
a. pre-fab housing to meet urgent need
b. consortium of landlords
c. building community as well as houses
2. 18 – 30’s aspiration/support: noticeable gap in Council provision
3. Hurdles to jump through/some restrictions imposed by RBC on faith groups who
just want to do stuff
Group facilitated by: Dan Heyward
1. How do we facilitate housing/bedroom requirements in advance of fostering
process need: can there be “approval in principle” to take risk out of housing
2. How to encourage/increase awareness of supported lodging scheme for young
people coming out of care
3. How do we increase pressure or help to provide
a. drug and alcohol recovery resources for women in Reading
b. support for men suffering domestic abuse
Group facilitated by: Pads Dolphin
1. Directory of services and facilities
2. Celebration of what’s happening in Reading
3. “Open Doors” – each church acting as an outreach centre (Hosting of local service
providers and giving out information)
Group facilitated by: Lorraine Briffitt
1. Mental Health: surprise from group that this area hadn’t been raised more.
a. Discussion around how to support young people with anxiety / stress;
suggested mindfulness classes in primary schools and
b. Support/mentoring in secondary schools for older youth (including
mindfulness classes)
2. Homelessness: general positive response from group that this is now a
recognised priority for statutory services.
a. Shortage of property to build on: discussed church lands possibilities
b. Shortage of ethical landlords: discussed consortium of church/faith groups
purchasing properties & running as small ethical NFP business
3. Narrowing the gap between prosperity & poverty: potential solutions found in
connecting churches/faith groups with business & with council:
a. Can RBC put prerequisites on new/existing businesses that invests in the
local community & increases opportunities for NEETs, deprived areas etc
b. Churches/faith groups engage more strategically with individuals from their
‘congregations’ who’re in business. Link businesses with local social action
organisations which strategically meet the needs identified by RBC
“generating a change /shift in the social conscience of our communities”