SASA SCHOLARSHIP APPLICATION FORM 2015/16 Please complete this form carefully in TYPESCRIPT for copying purposes. Note that incomplete or handwritten forms will not be accepted. Once the form is completed please sign and return the form to: Jill Inkster, Marketing Recruitment & International Office 71 Southpark Avenue, G12 8QQ Deadline for receipt: Tuesday 17 March 2015 (International Exchange) or Tuesday 24 March 2015 (Erasmus Exchange) Those selected for an interview will be notified by Tuesday 7 April 2015 Interviews will be held early May. PERSONAL DETAILS Surname/ family name Forename(s) Correspondence Address Gender Nationality Student ID Date of birth D D M Degree Title Postcode School (e.g. Law) Home Tel Mobile Email Host University (where you will be studying) Length of time studying abroad Type of Exchange Programme (please tick the appropriate box) International Exchange Erasmus (Europe) Study Abroad Student Ambassador Scholarship Please send any enquiries to M Y Y Y Y SUPPORTING STATEMENT Part of the SASA role is to encourage other students to consider studying abroad. Using no more than 100 words, please tell us how you found out about the study abroad programme and what made you decide to apply for it*. Please give details of any other skills and experiences you have that would be useful during your role as a student ambassador, e.g. position you’ve held in clubs/societies, any volunteer work you have carried out, any sports or activities you have been involved in, etc… 2 Part of the SASA role is to regularly write blogs about your study abroad experience. We would like you to complete the task below. This should be presented in a separate Word doc and handed in with your application form (make sure you state your name on this separate document). TASK A Write a mock of your first blog: 500 words maximum Imagine you have just completed your first month studying abroad. What would you include in your blog? Include any tips and advice you would pass on to other students. Creativity and originality as well as content will be considered REFERENCE Please provide one reference letter from an academic/employer. Reference letters should include the referee’s full contact details (including email address).This should be submitted with the application form or directly from the referee. Applications without references will not be accepted. STUDENT AGREEMENT I have read and understood the guidelines for participation as a Study Abroad Student Ambassador and for payment of the Scholarship. Signature__________________________________________ Date: ____________________ Please print and sign your application then return to: Jill Inkster Recruitment & International Office 71 Southpark Avenue G12 8QQ All candidates will be notified by email by Tuesday 7 April 2015. Please note that unfortunately students who are unable to attend the interview dates in May will not be considered for the scholarship (exceptional circumstances will be considered). 3 STUDY ABROAD STUDENT AMBASSADOR [SASA] SCHOLARSHIP Guidelines for 2015/16 Study Abroad Student Ambassadors (SASA) will work closely with staff in the Recruitment and International Office and School exchange co-ordinators to support and promote the outgoing mobility of University of Glasgow students across campus. Student Ambassadors will also be expected to act as a representative of the University of Glasgow and promote the University at their host partner institution. It is worth noting that all returning study abroad students are already expected to take part in some of the activities outlined below. As a SASA, it is expected that you will take on many additional responsibilities in assisting the Recruitment & International Office to promote the study abroad opportunities to your fellow students. BENEFITS Student Ambassadors will be awarded a scholarship to the value of £500. You will receive 50% of the total sum on your departure (usually in September 2015) and 50% on your return for assistance with the Study Abroad activities and participation at events across campus (usually in December 2016 once most tasks have been completed). Please note that this payment will only be made once all tasks in the contract have been successfully completed. Benefits: Enhance your CV. Improve your networking skills. Strengthen your communication skills and build up your interpersonal skills. Build your confidence and develop presentation skills. RESPONSIBILITES At the host University: As a Student Ambassador it is expected that you will be proactive in the promotion of the University of Glasgow and the city of Glasgow, and set an excellent example as a representative of the University during your stay abroad. You will be asked to: Attend a compulsory briefing meeting prior to your departure to the host University. Write a minimum of 12 blogs about your experience during your stay at the host institution. Guidelines, examples and advice will be given at the first briefing prior to your departure. Supply photographs to the Recruitment and International Office during your time abroad for marketing purposes including the study abroad promotional material (website, brochures or posters). Communicate (via email and facebook) with students who are considering studying abroad in the future. Represent the University of Glasgow at Study Abroad fairs/events organised by the host University. 4 On return to the University of Glasgow: On return to the University of Glasgow students will help the Recruitment and International Office staff with a programme of activities and events to encourage current University of Glasgow students to study abroad. You will be expected to: Attend a compulsory second briefing after your return in September of the next academic session in 2016. Help on a stand at the Freshers’ Fair in September 2016 to talk about your experience abroad and promote the Study Abroad programme. Attend the University’s annual Applicants’ Visit Day in March and Open Days in September and June to highlight the studying abroad opportunities as a reason to choose Glasgow as the first choice destination for HE studies. You may also be required to conduct a presentation on your experience abroad. Assist with brief lecture announcements during the first half of semester one to promote the annual Study Abroad Fair in 2016 which usually takes place in October. Help on a stand in the days leading up to the Study Abroad Fair to promote the fair and the Study Abroad programme. Attend the Study Abroad Fair in 2016 and answer general questions from students about your experience at your host University and the overall study abroad experience. You may also be required to conduct a presentation. Attend small informal events to help and encourage potential study abroad applicants. Complete a student profile questionnaire about your experience which will be added to the student profiles section on the University of Glasgow website. Participate in future promotional videos about studying abroad. This will be published on the website of the University of Glasgow. Communicate (via email and facebook) with students who may have questions about studying abroad. Attend a ‘welcome back’ reception for students who have just returned from their year abroad. ELIGIBILITY Candidates will be required to meet the following criteria: Participate in an Exchange Programme for the full academic year Be a full-time student of the University of Glasgow Be willing to work with the Recruitment and International Office and be proactive in all activities organised by our office to promote the Exchange Programmes Check your emails on a daily basis Be positive and enthusiastic about the studying abroad experience Be highly motivated and self-driven Be willing to attend events during the day, evening or at the weekend outwith your normal study commitments Have strong communication skills Be reliable and set a positive example of the University’s student body. Please note: Selection for the SASA scheme will occur before your study abroad placement is finally confirmed. In the unfortunate circumstances that you are not accepted by the host University for whatever reason, or if you fail your end of year exams, the SASA scholarship will be awarded instead to a student on the SASA waiting list. The Recruitment and International Office reserves the right to withdraw candidates from the scholarship scheme at any time if they fail to adhere to the guidelines. 5 SELECTION CRITERIA If your application is successful we will invite you for a short interview. School diversity and geographical spread of host partners will be taken into consideration when awarding scholarships. To apply please complete the enclosed application form and return it to: Jill Inkster Recruitment and International Office 71 Southpark Avenue G12 8QQ Contact: 6