Reading Strategies Interventions All students, K-2, will improve their reading and comprehension by a minimum of one year’s growth as evidenced on the DRA2. All students, 3-5, will improve their reading and comprehension by a minimum of one year’s growth as evidenced on the SRI. Multi-tiered system of supports and extended day and year and instruction as needed Economically Disadvantaged PD Focus Special Education Students Student / Staff Mentor Program SIOP Extended Day & year Teacher Consultant Instructional Coach SIOP English Language Learners Student / Staff Mentor Program SIOP Extended Day & year Push In by Teacher Consultant Double/Triple Dipping Paraprofessional Accommodations Close Reading WIDA Can Do Descriptors Student / Staff Mentor Program Double/Triple Dipping SIOP Extended Day & year Bilingual Resource Teacher Accommodations Teacher Consultant Instructional Coach Language & Literacy Student / Staff Mentor Program Outside referrals SIOP Extended Day & year Parent Contract Double/Triple Dipping 1:1 conferring with paraprofessional, teacher, Instructional Coach Response to Intervention plan designed by RTI committee & Classroom teacher Accommodations Data driven instruction Home visits Aligning and Unpacking the Common Core State Standards Integrated technology across the curriculum Close Reading strategy Thinking maps Integrated curriculum (music, art, P.E. etc.) Project Based Learning Use of mentor texts. Literacy link books for Math, CAFÉ, 6+1 Writing Extensive classroom libraries Teacher for Hire Assemblies will be provided to support our academic curriculum. Academic and social language including Brick and Mortar words Online resources Connecting reading to writing, speaking and listening for a minimum of 80% of the school day. Oral language non-negotiables for students and teachers Leveled books, Book Room Curriculum Crafter Rubicon Atlas Promethean Boards Mind Up 80-20 Philosophy 80% kid discourse, 20% direct teacher instruction 4:1 Philosophy SIP – Reading Activities Bottom 30% Writing Strategies Interventions All students will show a minimum improvement in writing by an average of 2 points on each trait as evidenced on the 6+1 District Writing Prompt. Multi-tiered system of supports and extended day and year and instruction as needed Economically Disadvantaged Special Education Students Student / Staff Mentor Program SIOP Extended Day & year English Language Learners Student / Staff Mentor Program SIOP Extended Day & year Push In by Teacher Consultant Double/Triple Dipping Paraprofessional Accommodations WIDA Can Do Descriptors Bilingual Resource Teacher SIOP Student / Staff Mentor Program Parent Contract Double/Triple Dipping Extended Day & year Accommodations Bottom 30% PD Focus SIOP Close Reading Language & Literacy Aligning and Unpacking the Common Core State Standards Student / Staff Mentor Program Parent Contract One on One conferring with teacher, paraprofessional, Instructional Coach Response to Intervention plan designed by 3D committee and Classroom teacher Outside referrals SIOP Extended Day & year Parent Contract Double/Triple Dipping Response to Intervention plan designed by RTI committee and Classroom teacher Accommodations Integrated technology across the curriculum Activities Language and Literacy Use of sentence stems The 4 language domains will be thoughtfully used throughout writing lessons to teach for transfer of knowledge. Concept Word walls as well as Brick and Mortar words will be displayed in the classroom All students will be taught the writing process. Thinking maps, portfolios, varied resources, and appropriate vocabulary Use of mentor texts for CAFÉ, 6+1 Writing, classroom libraries Teacher for Hire Curriculum Crafter Rubicon Atlas Special area teachers will reinforce writing skills during their lessons Online resources Mind Up School wide writing prompt based on whole school experiences Gender specific high interest topics 80-20 Philosophy 80% kid discourse, 20% direct teacher instruction 4:1 Philosophy SIP – Writing Numeracy Strategies Interventions All students, 2-5, will improve their math score by a minimum of one year’s growth as evidenced on Star Math. All students, K-5 will show proficiency on the end of the year district common assessment. Multi-tiered system of supports and extended day and year and instruction as needed Economically Disadvantaged Special Education Students Mentoring Program Manipulatives SIOP Accommodations English Language Learners Push In by Teacher Consultant Mentoring Program Manipulatives SIOP Accommodations PD Focus Eight Mathematical Practices SIOP Language & Literacy Bilingual Resource Teacher Accommodations Manipulatives Parent Contract SIOP WIDA Can Do Descriptors Student / Staff Mentor Program Double/Triple Dipping Extended Day & year Math Workshop Math Discussion Discourse Bottom 30% Outside referrals Accommodations Manipulatives Parent Contract SIOP Student / Staff Mentor Program Parent Contract One on One conferring with teacher, paraprofessional, Instructional Coach Extended Day & year Double/Triple Dipping Response to Intervention plan designed by RTI committee and Classroom teacher Integrated technology across the curriculum Activities Eight Mathematical Practices Use of math discussion / discourse Math Workshop School Math Leaders Use of Everyday Math Games Teacher for Hire Assemblies will be provided to support our academic curriculum. Special area teachers will reinforce basic math skills during their lessons. All students will practice basic math facts as well as create and work on story problems. All students will practice measurement, estimation, graphing, time, fractions, number line, and money activities related to real-world experiences. Academic and social language including Brick and Mortar words Online resources Curriculum Crafter Rubicon Atlas Mind Up 80-20 Philosophy 80% kid discourse, 20% direct teacher instruction 4:1 Philosophy Math Workshop kits from PTA SIP – Numeracy Science Strategies Interventions All students, grades 3-5, will show proficiency on the district common assessments for each unit. Multi-tiered system of supports and extended day and year and instruction as needed Economically Disadvantaged Staff/Student Mentor Program Mentoring Program Accommodations SIOP Science Exploration Materials Special Education Students Staff/Student Mentor Program Push In by Teacher Consultant Mentoring Program SIOP Accommodations Science Exploration Materials English Language Learners Staff/Student Mentor Program Bilingual Resource Teacher Accommodations SIOP WIDA Can Do Descriptors Student / Staff Mentor Program Parent Contract Double/Triple Dipping Extended Day & year Science Exploration Materials Bottom 30% PD Focus SIOP Language & Literacy Teacher collaboration Activities Two or more CAFÉ mini lessons per week related to science themes All students will be taught how to investigate concepts using the scientific process Thinking maps, think aloud strategies, and appropriate science vocabulary. Science Resource/Planning Room to facilitate meaningful and targeted lessons Special area teachers will reinforce basic science skills during their lessons. Academic and social language including Brick and Mortar words Science Literature books in Media Center to connect stories / real world concepts Greater selection of science fiction and non-fiction books for Daily 5 Read to Self Teacher for Hire Curriculum Crafter Rubicon Atlas Online resources Promethean Boards An increase in science vocabulary in the four domains, reading, writing, speaking, and listening Field Trips, in school and out of school Mind Up SIP – Science Staff/Student Mentor Program Outside referrals Accommodations Manipulatives Parent Contract SIOP One on One conferring with teacher, paraprofessional, Instructional Coach Extended Day & year Double/Triple Dipping Response to Intervention plan designed by RTI committee and Classroom teacher Science Exploration Materials Integrated technology across the curriculum