FET-LOR UPDATE GETTING STARTED WITH OUR BIG PROJECT June 2013—Issue 1 I00 Fet-Lor Update Getting started with our Big Project ABOVE: OUR CURRENT BUILDING HIGHLIGHTS Our Big Project Gets Started Fundraising is in full swing at Fet-Lor as we are set to start the first phase of our big project. Fet-Lor’s current facilities are falling down so we need to build a new youth centre facility, and have planned a new and ambitious programme to make the best possible use of the brand new space. The first phase is the construction of a separate nursery to the rear of the building, and construction has begun to make this a reality. Building work is due to be complete by October 2013, giving us an ambitious timeframe in which to raise the necessary funds for phase 2 of the build. We are confident that with the continued support of our sponsors and increasing fundraising effort we will be on track to begin phase 2 by the beginning of 2014. The separate nursery will increase our rental income threefold, thus increasing our capacity to run a more ambitious programme and reach more young people in north Edinburgh facing multiple deprivation. Phase two is the complete demolition and reconstruction of our current building. This will not only respond to current shortcomings in accessibility, safety, and energy efficiency, but will also provide a platform for a new model of youth work. The new centre (design concept is pictured right) will have improved sporting and training facilities, a climbing wall and much more. It will no longer be shared with a nursery, and so can be dedicated to improving the lives of young people. This will be done by bringing in partners, like the Prince’s Trust and Aberlour, who will have a presence in the new building and bring national programmes to these young people who are most in need. Issue Date New Building Plans for the new building are complete, phase 1 begins in June and fundraising for phase 2 is well underway. The space will also afford us the opportunity to implement a plan for increased focus on entrepreneurialism and enterprise by young people who have difficulty transitioning into the traditional job market. The next edition of this newsletter will give further details of the plans that are in the works for social enterprise at Fet-Lor, so watch this space! We will continue to run our proven successful programme of traditional youth work, accredited activities such as Duke of Edinburgh and Youth Achievement Awards, work with vulnerable groups, and strong integration with local and community partners for maximal lasting effect on the young people and community we serve. Bike-A-Thon Planning and consultation phases coming to completion for Fet-Lor’s first social enterprise. We hope it’s the first of many! FET-LOR UPDATE GETTING STARTED WITH OUR BIG PROJECT | Issue 1 What the Young People have been doing Young people have been busy over the past few months helping to plan for the new building, completing accredited courses, inspiring others and getting involved in their communities. We are so proud! They have been involved with the Greenspace Trust planting wildflowers and Fet-Lor takes part in a spray painting art onto local cycle tracks scheme to improve the (pictured right). infrastructure of the Our special needs group has just completed their Gold Expedition for their Duke of Edinburgh’s Award. That is an incredible achievement for any young person. You can check out videos of the experience on the Fet-Lor Youtube Channel (www.youtube.com/FetLorYouth). local community. COMMUNITY FUNDRAISING Young people from Fet-Lor Showed their support for the new building by raising funds, wearing funny outfits and cycling for Fet-Lor. On May 31st, 2013. They raised money and community support and it was fantastic day out Huge thank you to Loretto School for providing the bikes! CHECK OUT THE PHOTOS ONLINE AT: E-mail facebook.com/fetloryouthcentre Fet-Lor into the 21st Century Social Media and Fet-Lor Social Media Roundup @FetLorYouthCLub www.facebook.com/ fetloryouthcentre www.youtube.com/ fetloryouth www.justgiving.com/fetloryouthclub www.fetloryouthclub.org.uk fjewi few Fet-Lor has been busy improving the way we communicate with donors, partners, and our community. That means that we’ve been building up our online connectivity and we’ve been broadcasting some of the great work we do using social media. Young people from Fet-Lor are getting involved in using social media for marketing, which gives them yet another opportunity to build up their repertoire of employable skills with Fet-Lor, all while helping us to reap the rewards of social media for the third sector. 2