Current “Hot Topics” in Education April 10, 2013 Parents Allowed to Run Extracurricular Activities A new topic that is being discussed in Mississauga by the Peel District School Board is moving ahead with plans that will allow parents and community volunteers to coach school sports teams and supervise other extracurricular activities The move could help prevent the agonizing disappointment many students experienced this year when Ontario’s public school teachers stopped volunteering to supervise extracurricular activities to demonstrate opposition to government legislation. The political protest of Bill 115 effectively ended sports and other after-school activities for many students at the Peel Board. Currently, according to the Board, liability issues prohibit community volunteers from running activities without some level of supervision by a school staff member. Procedural changes, endorsed by Peel Board trustees at a meeting last night, would change that and see volunteers supervising extracurricular activities in Peel schools covered by the Board’s insurance. However, parents and community volunteers will still be unable to coach at the high school level unless there is a school staff member supervising. Region of Peel Secondary School Athletic Association and Ontario Federation of School Athletic Associations regulations, which govern most all organized high school team sports, require direct teacher supervision. This opens the door for parent involvement beyond fundraising and school councils, said Brampton trustee Steve Kavanagh. There are professional athletes, chess experts and other highly accomplished residents in the community whose knowledge could be of great value to students, he suggested. The procedural changes reinforces the Board’s commitment to ensuring students have an opportunity for a well-rounded educational experience, added Brampton trustee David Green, who noted many other school boards are already allowing community volunteers to run extracurriculars. Under new procedures, principals would have the final word on supervision arrangements and the preference will always be for staff to run activities. The use of community volunteers will be based on need and student interest. Volunteers will require proper record checks and could assist with, but not run, any overnight excursions and only supervise day trips of less than 50 students. The changes will be implemented in September. In February, Susan Hamann, whose son attends Green Glade Public School in Clarkson, appeared as a delegation at a Peel Board meeting. She asked trustees to consider developing a more “sustainable” way to provide students with extracurricular activities. Her request prompted Board officials to look deeper into the idea of parent and community volunteers playing supervisory roles in school activities outside the classroom. REFLECTION I think the integration of parents and community volunteers running extracurricular activities is a great idea. Teachers have a lot of extra work they have to do to prepare for their everyday lessons and then it is also up to the teachers to run or coach the extracurricular activities. If parents or community members are willing to volunteer, it would take some of the work load off of teachers. Obviously, there would have to be some restrictions and guidelines to follow but for the general idea of it, I think it would be an effective idea. Although parents and community volunteers could not coach or run activities at a high school level without supervision, it would still open up many more opportunities for the junior high and elementary students whose teachers just do not have the time to run these types of activities. Having the parents and community members as volunteers would also be a way for the community to get involved within the school and it would allow them to experience the atmosphere of the school firsthand. I think the idea of parents and community members getting involved with the school is great. It gives children more opportunities, it takes some of the work load off the teachers and it is a way for students to gain new experiences. Source sauga/parents-allowed-to-runextracurriculars By : Brady Hennig