SCIENCE TECHNICIAN 37 hours per week, 39 weeks per year

37 hours per week, 39 weeks per year
Salary: S6-S11: £10,802-£12,742 (actual)
We are seeking to appoint a Science Technician to help with the smooth running of
the Science Department at the Sleaford site. Experience is desirable, but training
and supervision will be provided. The successful candidate will have a keen interest
in Science.
The successful applicant will be able to work on their own initiative, but also as part
of a team. A willingness to be flexible and a cheerful disposition are also required.
Main Purpose of the Job
To provide technical support in the Science Department.
Main Responsibilities, Tasks and Duties include:
Making up solutions
Assembling apparatus
Delivering equipment to rooms
Collecting, checking and returning equipment to stores
Taking care of laboratory equipment and apparatus
Carrying out and arranging for maintenance and repair of resources
Constructing and modifying apparatus
General laboratory cleaning (bench surfaces and fixed equipment)
Cleaning laboratory sinks, emptying/supervising the emptying of sink traps
Organising and storing chemicals and equipment
Stocktaking chemicals and/or equipment
Caring for plants and animals
Trialling practical activities
Carrying out risk assessments for technician activities
Providing technical support to staff and students, including health and safety
Assisting in practical classes
Carrying out demonstrations
Carrying out health and safety checks on laboratories, prep rooms and stores
Safety checks of laboratory equipment, Health and Safety equipment and
other items
Additional Details
The Science facilities are really excellent. There are sixteen laboratory spaces that
are all recently built. The laboratories are spacious and well-equipped. Support for
the laboratories comes from a team of dedicated Science Technicians. The budget
for Science is generous and reflects our high commitment to the subject and its
importance within the curriculum. There are computer facilities and whiteboards in
every laboratory. In addition, there is a purpose-built electronics suite.
Science at KS3 consists of 3 x 60-minute lessons. They are designated ‘Science’ in
Year 7 and Year 8. In Year 9, students start to follow their KS4 pathway with
specialist Biology, Chemistry and Physics teachers. At KS4, we offer Edexcel Core
Science in Year 10 and options to follow Additional Science or Separate Sciences in
Year 11. Applied Learning options are available to selected students. At post-16 we
offer Physics, Biology, Chemistry, Human Biology, Applied Science and Electronics.
This year, the Department has introduced BTEC Applied Science as an alternative to
the academic AS Science courses.
Achievement in Core Science has been above the national average in most years.
Last year saw a fall from the 2012 figure of 80% passing the two Science GCSE
equivalent, to a disappointing 50%, as more students tackled the GCSE paper. The
pass rate in 2013 for those taking Chemistry, Physics and Biology as single Sciences
was 100%. 80% of Year 10 passed the core exam in GCSE Science in 2013. The
Science staff are working very hard to return the pass rate to a higher level.
The Department has high expectations of behaviour and achievement and this is
reflected in the students, who are well motivated and show a high level of interest
and concentration. The Department offers extra-curricular clubs and activities which
include a well-attended Science Club and a variety of trips for all key stages.