MABTON SCHOOL DISTRICT Parent Annual Notifications District

Parent Annual Notifications
District Pesticide Use Program
Maintaining a healthy and safe environment for your student is important to Mabton School
District. We have an integrated Pest Management (IPM) Program. The goal of IPM is to protect human
health while reducing loss from pest damage. IPM emphasizes prevention and common sense
On occasion, the District has the need to use pesticides in order to economically and effectively
manage vegetation; and insect and rodent pests. Chemical applications are used only when needed
after careful monitoring has indicated that an unwanted vegetation or pest will cause an unacceptable
impact on human health or the environment of the schools.
A 48 hour written notice will be posted in the schools before a pesticide application is applied. If
you are interested in receiving a copy of the 48 hour pre-notification, please fill out the registration form
available at the remain office and return it to your school principal.
Pre-notification requirements do not apply to emergency applications for control of a pest that
poses an immediate human health or safety threat, such as controlling stinging insects. When such an
application is made, normal notification procedures will be followed as soon as possible after an
application is performed.
In addition, signage will be posted of all pesticide applications at the time of application in a
prominent location.
Pesticides commonly used on fields, parking lots and surrounding grounds:
 Round Up Pro Herbicide
 Horsepower Selective Herbicide
 R-11 Spreader activator
 Raid wasp and hornet spray
School district personnel apply pesticides.
Records of all applications to school facilities, annual record summaries and copies of the
chemical Material Safety Data Sheets will be kept on file in the Facilities Department. These are
available for review upon request by calling 509-894-2929, Bill Roettger, Facilities Manager
Notification Regarding Parents’ Rights to Access to Student Records (The Family Educational Rights
and Privacy Act – FERPA)
Each year parents and students need to be reminded of the student’s record policy of the
Mabton School District. Parents of students or 18-year old students who wish to review any or all of the
school records pertaining to the student should contact the building principal for an appointment. The
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records will be reviewed with school personnel and parents may have copies of the records for the cost
of copying.
Record information will not be released to most persons or agencies without written consent of
parents. Nonetheless, it is the policy of this District to forward school records, without parent consent
to schools in other districts to which a student transfers. This is to facilitate the prompt placement of the
student in the new school. However, parents may request a copy of the record. Similarly, without
parent consent the District forwards transcripts or other information requested by high school students
to colleges and other educational institutions to which the students are applying.
For a complete copy of the District’s student record policy (District Policy #3600) contact your
school principal or you may obtain a copy on the District’s website. Parents who have questions or
concerns about the student record policy may direct them to the building principal.
Statement of Nondiscrimination
Mabton School District No 120 complies with all federal rules and regulations and does not
discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex or handicap. This holds true for all students
interested in participating in educational programs and/or extracurricular school activities. Inquiries
regarding compliance procedures may be directed to the school district’s Title IX Officer and/or Section
504 Coordinator, Scott Fisher. He may be contacted at Mabton School District #120, PO Box 37,
Mabton, WA 98935. (509) 894-8952.
Annual Asbestos Notification
The Mabton School District has had its facilities inspected by an accredited asbestos inspector as
required by law. The inspector located, sampled, and rated the condition and hazard potential of all
materials in the district facilities. The Mabton School District is complying with all federal and state
regulations in this area. The District contact person regarding this subject is Minerva Morales,
Release of Director Information
The federal law permits a school district to identify certain information as directory information,
which may be publicly released without permission of the parents. Mabton School District’s Policy
#3250 identifies this information as the following:
1) Name, address, telephone number; 2) date and place of birth; 3) major field of study; 4)
participation in officially recognized activities and sports; 5) weight and height of athletic
teams; 6) dates of attendance; ) diploma and awards received; 8) most recent previous
school attended; and 9) photographs and other similar information.
If you do not want this information released, please complete the form below and return within
ten (10) school days. If we do not receive your notice by that date, we will assume you have no
objection to the release of such information. We believe that is is in the student’s best interest to have
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such information released in school newsletters and community newspapers because of the recognition
it gives them. We make every reasonable effort to protect our students’ privacy.
Denying the Release of Directory Information Form:
I do not wish directory information, as defined in Mabton Public Schools’ records policy,
concerning my child ______________________________ to be released without my prior written
consent. I understand that signing this form will EXCLUDE my child’s name and picture from parent
organization mailing lists, school newsletters and community newspapers, commencement programs,
publications or honor rolls, sports pictures, and other school information about students in the public
Parent’s Signature
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