Appendix S2. Abundance and biomass of spider communities from nocturnal and diurnal surveys NOCTURNAL SURVEYS Results of nocturnal surveys (see methods in the main text) for abundance and biomass of spider families living upon vegetation and ground (leaf litter), between control and exclusion treatments. Table 1. Result of generalized linear mixed effects models (GLMMs) testing the effects of allochthonous aquatic resources on the abundance and biomass of the main predatory spider families living upon vegetation and ground (nocturnal surveys). Abundance Biomass z P z P Anyphaenidae -1.97 0.048 -1.12 0.262 Araneidae -1.97 0.048 -2.58 0.009 Sparassidae -0.236 0.814 -1.16 0.247 Theridiidae -2.13 0.033 -2.59 0.009 Araneidae 0 0.999 - - Ctenidae -1.91 0.057 -1.96 0.050 Pisauridae -0.52 0.602 -1.09 0.270 Theridiidae -1.35 0.180 - - Main predators Vegetation Ground DIURNAL SURVEYS Results of diurnal surveys (see methods in the main text) for abundance and biomass of spider families living upon vegetation and ground (leaf litter), between control and exclusion treatments. Several analyses were not run because of zero inflated datasets. Table 2. Result of generalized linear mixed effects models (GLMMs) testing the effects of allochthonous aquatic resources on the abundance and biomass of the main predatory spider families living upon vegetation (diurnal surveys). Abundance Biomass z P z P Anyphaenidae -0.21 0.840 - - Araneidae 0.90 0.37 - - Salticidae -1.34 0.180 - - Theridiidae 1.44 0.149 - - Salticidae - - - - Carabidae - - - - Pseudoscorpiones - - - - Main predators Vegetation Ground A Mean abundance (No. indiv./g) 0.3 Control Exclusion 0.2 0.1 0.0 Anyphaenidae Araneidae Salticidae Theridiidae B Mean abundance (No. indiv./g) 0.04 0.03 0.02 0.01 0.00 Salticidae Carabidae Pseudoscorpiones Fig. 1. Mean abundance (± SE) of each predatory family living upon vegetation (A) and ground (B) between control and exclusion treatments. * significant difference at α<0.05 (GLMM); ns or blank: non-significant difference. A Mean biomass (mg/g foliage) 0.5 Control Exclusion 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 0.0 Anyphaenidae Araneidae Salticidae Theridiidae B Mean biomass (mg/g leaf letter) 0.015 0.010 0.005 0.000 Salticidae Carabidae Pseudoscorpionida Fig. 2. Mean biomass (± SE) of each predatory family living upon vegetation (A) and ground (B) between control and exclusion treatments. * significant difference at α<0.05 (GLMM); ns or blank: non-significant difference.