Schedule of Submissions to Draft HIGAP Strategies and Councils

Schedule of Submissions to Draft HIGAP Strategies and Councils Response
No. Submitter
Urban Design
Management on
behalf of various
landowners in
Vineyard Road
CPG on behalf of
landowners at
Williamsons Rd
Urban Design
and management
on behalf of
Woolworths and
TF & A Millett Pty
Objects to industrial and bulky good development on Vineyard Road because:
o Vineyard Road is main entrance to Sunbury
o Need to maintain vista
o Factories and industry will ruin vista
Train station will cause noise issues to residents living around them
Put land closer to OMR for industrial estates
Obeid Drive should be shown on maps/plans
Does not support land around Obeid Drive to be used for employment
Having a bulky goods centre on the eastern side of Vineyard Road will ruin the rural views
of the valley
Concerned over ability and likelihood of achieving an appropriate urban design of a bulky
goods centre that reflects rural entry and appearance
Concern about the traffic on Vineyard Road and position of keeping Vineyard Road at 4
lanes especially as employment and bulky goods uses will bring cars from Diggers Rest
Vineyard Road bridge across freeway needs to be examined – 2 lanes is not enough
Orbital bus route will add to congestion on Vineyard Road
Sound pollution in the valley from trucks will be an issue
Land owners will be stuck in a state of purgatory because of not being able to sell land
General Comments/Support
Acknowledge the increased residential land use along Vineyard Road and change of some
land use that responds to earlier concerns raised about land use conflict
It is crucial that Vineyard Road entry to Sunbury be dealt with in a sensitive and design
responsive manner
Bulky goods and industrial land is not considered to represent the most appropriate land use
and built form outcome to ensure Vineyard Road and the view lines to Bald Hill are
protected and treated in the best possible way
The employment targets in HIGAP are considered ambitious and little consideration has
been given to the availability of employment land in the nearby vicinity, including Diggers
Submitters land should be residential
Maintains view in previous submissions, notably:
o Does not support new activity centres, bulky goods development or any road links that
cross the Jacksons Creek Valley
o Considers that land north of Rolling Meadows should be a “no go zone’
o Green wedge is a priority and should be maintained to protect the rural qualities of
Land at Salesian College should not be used for residential – would destroy historical
Jacksons Valley vista
Main Issues:
A reduction in constrained land on the site is possible with a form of residential use in the
valley below the plateau edge that responds to and protects landscape, vegetation and
habitat value
Design response (figure 5 in submission) should be incorporated into the Sunbury HIGAP
Main Issues:
The identification of a LAC only at the Vineyard Road/Elizabeth Drive intersection should be
classified as a NAC.
Refers to a Macro Plan Dimasi report that states that the elevation of the Vineyard Road
LAC to a NAC would not hold any concerns for other planned centres within the Sunbury
Council Response
Changes to HIGAP
Sunbury requires additional employment land in strategic locations
and a bulky goods precinct which prevents the loss of industrial land
and minimises increased traffic in town centre. This location
represents a highly suitable site for these uses. Development
proposals that do not adequately address the impact on rural
entrance and views, noise and traffic through design controls,
setbacks and landscaping will not be supported. This land is the
closest land within the UGB to the OMR within the UGB.
Sunbury requires additional employment land in strategic locations
and a bulky goods precinct which prevents the loss of industrial land
and minimises increased traffic in town centre. Vineyard Road
represents a highly suitable site for these uses. Development
proposals that do not adequately address the impact on rural
entrance and views, noise and traffic through design controls,
setbacks and landscaping will not be supported. Draft Spatial
Strategy considers that 4 lanes is preferable to minimise connectivity
issues across Vineyard Road but is subject to traffic analysis. Orbital
route around Sunbury is crucial to relieving traffic in Sunbury Town
Welcome support for the changes made around the proposed train
station and Obeid Drive.
HIGAP is underpinned by an Economic Assessment which identifies
a realistic but ambitious jobs target and industrial land requirement.
Sunbury requires additional employment land in strategic locations
and a bulky goods precinct which prevents the loss of industrial land
and minimises increased traffic in town centre. Vineyard Road
represents a highly suitable site for these uses. Development
proposals that do not adequately address the impact on rural
entrance and views, noise and traffic through design controls,
setbacks and landscaping will not be supported.
Draft Strategy has considered previous submission and understands
the concerns raised about the impact on environment, landscape,
views and landscape raised. Draft Spatial Strategy seeks to minimise
this impact. Land north of Rolling Meadows is inside the UGB and
zoned for future development. State Government will not change
Draft Spatial Strategy identifies current Rural Conservation Zoning
on Salesian Land and the need to examine any impacts and benefits
in more detail prior to any development being supported.
Note the identification of additional land. This is an area of high
environmental, visual and landscape sensitivity. Consider that further
landscape, visual and environmental assessment is needed before
development on land below the plateau edge can be confirmed.
Elevation to a NAC is not supported to retain an appropriate
hierarchy of activity centres across Sunbury and reflect wider role of
NACs than retail provision.
Increasing the floor space guide at this time prior to full consideration
of the impacts on other centres is not supported.
Amend HIGAP to clarify that development proposals on
Vineyard Road that do not address the impact on rural views
and traffic will not be supported.
Amend HIGAP to show mixed business and residential
development adjacent to the station and adjoining the Calder
Freeway to align with the Growth Corridor Plans and mitigate
concerns about industrial development at the entrance to
Amend HIGAP to clarify that development proposals on
Vineyard Road that do not address the impact on rural views
and traffic will not be supported.
Amend HIGAP to show mixed business and residential
development adjacent to the station and adjoining the Calder
Freeway to align with the Growth Corridor Plans and mitigate
concerns about industrial development at the entrance to
Amend plans to show Obeid Drive
Amend HIGAP to clarify that development proposals on
Vineyard Road that do not address the impact on rural views
and traffic will not be supported.
Amend HIGAP to show mixed business and residential
development adjacent to the station and adjoining the Calder
Freeway to align with the Growth Corridor Plans and mitigate
concerns about industrial development at the entrance to
No change.
No change.
No change.
No. Submitter
Rolling Meadows
North Residents
South sub-region.
The provision of a NAC at this location should not be placed at risk because of the potential
for a NAC at the possible future train station which is not guaranteed with respect to its
provision, location or timing.
Any retail facility at Sunbury South is dependent on major infrastructure investment such as
roads crossing the rail line – Vineyard Road/ Elizabeth Drive site is not.
The Sunbury South train station, when delivered, will encourage, activate and reinforce the
ability of the South NAC to establish, regardless of the establishment of other activity
HIGAP should not prevent the provision of a NAC at this location. It has a ready and willing
developer that has the capacity to deliver some 580 jobs for Sunbury in the short term.
Their land in the Green Wedge should be included in UGB due to proximity to Calder
Freeway, Train, Melbourne Airport and land is not covered by MAEO
Road is needed from this land to Jacksons Hill
Other areas that are in UGB don’t have infrastructure that this land has
‘Next Steps’ statement at the end of the Spatial Strategy document is misleading as it
implies that the Spatial Strategy will actually determine planning in the Sunbury area.
It would appear that the Hume Council Draft Spatial Strategy, as it applies to our property, is
irrelevant. The DSE and the GAA will determine what the Growth Corridor Plan will look like
and that will underpin the Precinct Plans for the Sunbury area.
Hume Council appears to be suggesting restraint to our use of the property until 2025.
General Comments:
Welcome opportunity to comment but concerned about lack of direct consultation prior to
this stage of the process and lack of consultation with residents in the Goonawarra Estate
given issues of getting local papers.
Clarkefield station is omitted on all HIGAP planning maps
Note that the 15+ year timeframes set in the strategy and agree that planning of this area
should not progress outside of the PSP because is contingent on the train station and
planning costs.
Suggest that current area provides an appropriate and important contribution to diverse
housing need and country town feel
Submit that Lancefield Road should be upgraded prior to any development outside existing
areas not with development
Suggest clear reference should be given to current appropriate restrictions on the UGZ to
ensure uniformed landholders are not involved in agreements with dodgy developers who
give misleading information.
General Comments/Support:
Draft is an advance on previous drafts and shows ecological awareness and sensitivity
Welcome importance and reference given to Inclusion of hilltop, regional parks and the
environmental protection on p19
Development controls of 2 storeys fronting Jacksons creek is welcomed
EcoNetwork Inc.
Contend that 35m either side of creeks is inadequate and confused by requirements
elsewhere in the document
Recommend that 200m either side of Creek is required
Trails along escarpments of Jackson and Emu Creek – this may be achievable but wildlife
corridors need to be a priority
Access points such as car parks etc. will need to be carefully planned .
Flora and fauna survey of Holden Reserve is needed
Emu Bottom Homestead is not mentioned as part of post European history on page 8 – as it
Council Response
Changes to HIGAP
This can be resolved through consideration of a future Planning
Scheme Amendment and reflected in future reviews of the Spatial
Strategy if necessary.
Draft Spatial Strategy includes land south of Watsons Road as a
future location for development but its inclusion in the UGB and its
future development is subject to the outcomes of the Logical
Inclusions Process.
No change.
These Draft Strategies represent Council’s position on the growth of
Sunbury and are intended to guide and shape future development.
Key elements of the Strategies will be incorporated into the Planning
Scheme and along with the Growth Corridor Plans and the PSPs will
form the statutory framework on which decisions about future land
use are made.
Include introductory text to clarify:
that the Spatial Strategy and Delivery Strategy represent
a Council position
Elements will be incorporated into the Hume Planning
The Hume planning Scheme along with the Growth
Corridor Plans and the PSPs will form the statutory
framework on which decisions about future land use are
Clarify that the plans are not to scale and subject to more
detailed planning.
Maps to show Clarkefield Station.
Amend text on development of Lancefield Road
Council has identified a preferred phasing strategy to ensure
coordinated and timely infrastructure provision based on current and
proposed infrastructure capacity to ensure infrastructure can support
Notes input form the Rolling Meadows North Residents Association
and position on rezoning outside of a PSP.
Council has identified a preferred phasing strategy to ensure
coordinated and timely infrastructure provision based on current and
proposed infrastructure with this area identified as part of the wider
Sunbury East area. Early development in East Sunbury is limited by
the capacity of Sunbury Bulla Road and should commence after the
Bulla Bypass has been constructed.
Support amending text on development of Lancefield Road.
Welcomes support for changes to the strategy.
Draft Strategies recognise the need to plan Regional Parks early to
ensure that the range of uses and roles for this land are achieved.
Draft Strategies identify the need for further work to confirm the need
and to examine all options to cross Jacksons Creek in the North and
South to provide an orbital link. This will include an examination of
the impact on the environment.
Draft Spatial Strategy identifies current Rural Conservation Zoning
on land to rear of Sherwood Estate and the need to examine any
impacts and benefits in more detail prior to any development being
Include discussion of Emu Bottom Homestead
Amend Strategy to clarify buffers to creeks needs to
appropriately account for:
Habitat protection
Flood risk
Water quality
Passive open space and walking/cycling opportunities
No. Submitter
Supports many of the proposals within the Draft Strategies
Town Planner on
behalf of client
The Planning
Group Australia
on behalf of
Urban Design
Management on
behalf of Sunbury
and Woolworths
pty ltd,
Council Response
Changes to HIGAP
Draft Strategies recognise the value of the site and need for further
work to be undertaken to confirm its future use, notably a blue print
for tertiary education in Sunbury. A number of potential sites need to
be identified at this stage for a university/TAFE or equivalent to help
ensure such a facility can be provided.
Amend strategy to increase emphasis on the importance of
this site.
Main Issues:
Amend Spatial Strategy text and plans to show business
development on the western side of the rail line along with
commercial and higher density housing.
Amend Spatial Strategy to increase the floorspace in the
future Local Activity Centre on Racecourse Road to
is the oldest homestead in Victoria
Housing development proposed behind Sherwood Estate is inappropriate because of trees
and swift parrot. The lower area of land behind Sherwood Estate should become part of
Emu Bottom Wetlands Reserve
Planning of habitat/wildlife corridors would begin immediately before irrevocable decisions
are made on subdivisions etc.
Opposes both north and south orbital roads on environmental grounds and reluctantly
suggest a third alignment for the southern link further south
Concern over southern link – 4 lanes and buses
The Caloola Facility on Jacksons Hill (formerly VU site) should be used for multipurpose
community facilities, library and learning space as it is the most important significant site in
Could be developed as a cross between the GLC and the Abbottsford Convent
Has ample parking, bus route and is located out of congested town centre
Clients site on Vineyard Road is well suited for high density residential use
The strategy should allow for a strip of commercial uses where directly opposite the west
side of the proposed railway station (e.g. post office, shops and medical uses) that is
proposed backing onto subject land.
The railway line acts as a physical barrier between the residential land to the west of the
railway line, and, the activity centre on the eastern side of the railway line. The provision of
some smaller commercial uses with higher density residential above where directly facing
the train station would allow for efficient use of the land and improved access to services
for residents on the western side of the railway line
the provision of commercial uses on both sides of railway stations is common throughout
Melbourne; the gradual evolution of land around train stations (in themselves hubs where
people congregate) will normally see patrons exit on both sides of the station and rely on
services provided on each side of the station as the commute to and from the station.
Supports Council in preparing the strategy
Agree that higher density development should be supported
adjoining the train station and support the potential of office
development on the western side of the rail line. Other retail or
commercial uses should be complimentary and not defuse the
concentration of activity in the proposed NAC on the eastern side of
the railway line or impact on its viability.
Support the increase in floorspace to 5,000 sqm to align with the
planning scheme amendment request.
Proposes that the LAC on Elizabeth Drive be upgraded to a NAC with total retail floor area
of 5,000sqm including a 3500sqm supermarket.
Refers to an Urbis report which examined the regional and local context of the area and
undertook a trade area analysis of the site. This confirms that there is a current and
immediate demand for additional supermarket floor space within Sunbury and the provision
of a 3,500sqm supermarket on the Racecourse Road site will not negatively impact on the
vitality of the existing Sunbury town centre or the planning of the future retail hierarchy as
envisaged in the HIGAP study.
The lack of a NAC in the Sunbury North Precinct results in a population that will be cardependant and somewhat isolated
Local employment opportunities will be created by a NAC in the Sunbury North Precinct as
encouraged by the HIGAP report.
Given catchments and bike and pedestrian network proposed for the site, many residents
will be in walking distance to the NAC, which would promote healthy community
Racecourse Road Area is considered to be an infill area and could be provided in 1-2 years
subject to current rezoning request.
Elevation to a NAC is not supported to retain a hierarchy of activity
centres across Sunbury and wider role of NACs beyond retail
The location of retail on subject land is desired and supported and could be delivered now.
However GAA timeframes put the required PSP to medium term priority – this will need to
be resolved with council
Site specific amendment is required to allow the delivery of a required supermarket within a
short time frame.
Note Woolworths interest in this area of Sunbury and timeframes
The GAA have not published a timeline for PSPs. Council consider
that the PSP for this area should be a prepared in the short term and
confirm the location of any supermarket.
No change at this time.
No. Submitter
Urban Design
and management
on behalf of
Investment Pty
There is significant difference between the Draft Sunbury Growth Corridor Plan and the
Draft Sunbury HIGAP Spatial Strategy
GAA process shows a MAC on subject land where Councils HIGAP shows NAC, has major
implications for the land owner.
There is a problem of the Hume Council and the State Government running separate
processes for growth area planning in Sunbury
The PSP will ultimately define the urban structure and identify the location for land uses
such as school and alignment of key roads and HIGAP is at a level of detail that is
Concern relating to secondary school site located on land and southern link road. Prefer to
be residential
The large NAC located on the south side of Sunbury Road does not have any schools or
active open scape – this would be a lost opportunity for an integrated development and an
increased catchment for the Secondary School.
The southern road link still needs its need, function and funding to be determined before an
alignment can be identified.
Southern link will provide a short/medium term solution at a large cost that may be nullified
by the OMR
Secondary school should be located with a NAC or MAC and located off the Sunbury Bull
Road as it would be accessible by public transport.
Duplication of HIGAP and GAA process. HIGAP is premature and proposes an urban
structure that may not eventuate.
Urban Design
and management
on behalf of
owners of
Mesh on behalf
of Villawood
Council Response
Changes to HIGAP
These Draft Strategies represent Council’s position on the growth of
Sunbury and are intended to guide and shape future development.
Changes will be made to align with the Growth Corridor Plans. Key
elements of the Strategies will be incorporated into the Planning
Scheme and along with the Growth Corridor Plans and the PSPs will
form the statutory framework on which decisions about future land
use are made.
We note that plans within the draft Spatial Strategy are conceptual and therefore not
necessarily intended to be interpreted literally. We consider the location of a NAC on our
client's site to meet the strategic intent of HIGAP and therefore warrant consideration and
Lack of guidance on timing of client’s site in the Spatial Strategy.
Clients site is well located to be delivered early and in reality is an infill development and
well located with regard to infrastructure
Rural Conservation Zone should be reviewed as part of the PSP as some of this land is
suitable for development
Notes land shown as potential residential. This land is entirely suitable for residential
development and has the capacity to provide a high quality, unique housing product.
The escarpments on client's property, and the present vineyard on the site, may prove an
impediment to the establishment of walking and cycling paths that integrate well with
surrounding activities.
We strongly support and encourage Council to take whatever measures are available to it to
ensure that local GAIC revenue is spent locally, not in growth areas elsewhere in
Needs to identify strategic advantages that Sunbury has (roads and rail etc.) and recognise
that significant population growth is required in order to achieve higher levels of containment
Page 12 – amended to reflect that road link from Sunbury to Craigieburn Road would not
replace OMRR, but would be used in interim
It should be recognised that Sunbury has the capacity to provide for 6,000 lots before major
upgrades are required
Designating other new centres, particularly in East Sunbury should be viewed as
complementary to the operations of the Sunbury Town Centre, as opposed to impacting on
the vitality and viability of the Town Centre.
The Draft Spatial Strategy shows Councils preferred location for a
MAC but will relocate this to align with the GCPs. Council has
identified a preferred location for schools in this precinct which reflect
accessibility criteria and maximise the residential catchment around
the activity centre. These are subject to more detailed planning.
Include introductory text to clarify:
o that the Spatial Strategy and Delivery Strategy represent a
Council position
o Elements will be incorporated into the Hume Planning
o The Hume planning Scheme along with the Growth
Corridor Plans and the PSPs will form the statutory
framework on which decisions about future land use are
Clarify that the plans are not to scale and subject to more
detailed planning.
Southern Link is needed to reduce local and regional travel through
the town centre and will be particularly critical in the years leading up
to the OMR being delivered.
Draft Strategies identify the need for further work to confirm the need
and to examine all options to cross Jacksons Creek in the North and
South to provide an orbital link. This will include an examination of
cost and delivery.
These Draft Strategies represent Council’s position on the growth of
Sunbury and are intended to guide and shape future development.
Changes will be made to align with the Growth Corridor Plans. Key
elements of the Strategies will be incorporated into the Planning
Scheme and along with the Growth Corridor Plans and the PSPs will
form the statutory framework on which decisions about future land
use are made.
Council has identified a preferred phasing strategy to ensure
coordinated and timely infrastructure provision based on current and
proposed infrastructure with this area identified as part of the wider
Sunbury East area. Early development in East Sunbury is limited by
the capacity of Sunbury Bulla Road and should commence after the
Bulla Bypass has been constructed.
Include introductory text to clarify:
o that the Spatial Strategy and Delivery Strategy represent a
Council position
o Elements will be incorporated into the Hume Planning
o The Hume planning Scheme along with the Growth
Corridor Plans and the PSPs will form the statutory
framework on which decisions about future land use are
Clarify that the plans are not to scale and subject to more
detailed planning.
Council supports the early identification of the most appropriate land
for conservation, open space, and walking and cycling within the
area identified in the area shown for the Jacksons Creek Regional
Access, environmental and visual impact need to be considered
before development on land below the escarpment can be
Councils planning for Sunbury recognises the potential of further
population growth to support containment but timely infrastructure,
particularly road and public transport improvements, are required
before significant development can progress.
Councils preferred location for the Major Activity Centre is on
Lancefield Road in the North East of Sunbury. However, the Spatial
Strategy will be changed to align with the approved GCPs.
HIGAP documents recognise the need to undertake more work to
Amend Spatial Strategy to show the location of the MAC on
Sunbury Road.
Amend Strategy to clarify buffers to creeks needs to
appropriately account for:
o Habitat protection
o Flood risk
o Water quality
o Passive open space and walking/cycling opportunities
Amend Strategy to clarify that a distance smaller than 100m
from the escarpment edge will be supported where it can be
No. Submitter
References to Redstone Hill regional park need to be put into context having regard to the
extent of higher order open space that will be available within the Jacksons Creek and Emu
Creek corridors
o Hilltop park area of approx. 78hja is grossly excessive
o Some areas of open space include properties where houses already occupy this
o 26ha has been put forward previously
Minimum setback from creeks of 35m is highly problematic from the Jacksons Creek unless
the requirement does not apply beyond the escarpment
Inconsistency between PSP boundaries and HIGAP boundaries
Hilltop park on Mount Holden may be compromised by the land ownership pattern
Southern link should be assessed for feasibility taking into account a range of
No recognition of the opportunity to deliver a high order active recreation precinct on the
high quality land (page 32.)
References to visual sensitivity need to be tempered by appropriate recognition that the
view lines will change once the land is developed.
Support multi access points along Sunbury Road – however this will be assessed in detail
during PSP
Schools and Activity Centres viewed as preliminary
25dph in proximity to activity centres are too specific
Setback of 100m from the edge of Jacksons Creek will render the affected properties
undevelopable when the area of the POS is also taken into account Performance criteria are
preferred at this stage as opposed to specified setbacks
Potential residential designation on the east side of Racecourse Road is supported. Please
note that the prospect of consideration of this land on a site specific basis rather than as
part of a broader PSP has been presented to Council and the GAA. The site specific
approach is preferred having regard to the isolation of the land.
Specified minimum and average lot size in the Conservation Area is inappropriate pending
detailed site analysis and design response information
The Planning
Group on behalf
of WinCity
Commend Council on a comprehensive strategy to guide the growth of Sunbury and in
setting out a vision for the township long beyond the growth that is currently envisaged by
State Government.
Support is provided for the general spatial portrait that is identified for Sunbury but seek
greater emphasis on the physical divide that Jacksons Creek presents through the middle of
the town creating a spatial disadvantage to the existing communities in East Sunbury.
The development of East Sunbury will provide some balance between east and central
Sunbury in terms of population size, amenity and availability of facilities and services.
Support is given for a Neighbourhood Activity Centre in East Sunbury to provide for the
existing community.
Support is given for medium density development to surround the Neighbourhood Activity
Support design guidance provided for Neighbourhood Centres being street based,
incorporating buildings with active frontages, encouraging height and scale different to
surrounding development and providing a variety of transport modes.
Wincity have prepared a draft design for the future Neighbourhood Centre, this reflects
many of the principles set out and supported in the HIGAP report.
Support is provided for the provision of adequate open space within new developments
General support is given to the Sunbury East Precinct Spatial Plan
HIGAP fails to acknowledge the lack of housing mix in Goonawarra and Rolling Meadows
and the report should reference this
The future service provision at the Goonawarra Centre and that of the new Neighbourhood
Activity Centre on Lancefield Road needs to be investigated.
Wincity suggest a joint working group with Council to determine the level of service
provision existing and needed and subsequently the appropriate spatial delivery of these
services between Goonawarra and the new Neighbourhood Centre. Given the need to
Council Response
Changes to HIGAP
further plan the Regional Parks and the Redstone Hill hilltop park,
taking account of property ownership.
Orbital route around Sunbury is crucial to relieving traffic in Sunbury
Town Centre. The HIGAP Strategies identify the further work
required to progress this planning.
shown to have no visual impact on the views from the creek
valleys and accommodate needs for fire protection, passive
open space and walking and cycling opportunities
Clarify that the plans are not to scale and subject to more
detailed planning.
Performance criteria should be adopted for setbacks from the creek
and escarpment edge.
Density around activity centres should be supported unless shown to
be unviable or impractical.
Minimum and average lots sizes relate to the Conservation
Management Plan area beyond the UGB where controls are needed
to achieve a better land management outcome.
Welcomes support for the Draft Strategies.
Agree that the physical separation makes provision of local service
provision important in East of Sunbury. However, consider that the
other areas of Sunbury would also benefit from early provision of
services. The significant gap in retail provision is noted.
Support the need to identify which services and facilities are best
met in Goonawarra LAC and the NAC on Lancefield Road and
further work between Council and Win City to address this.
Agree that greater reference could be made to potential provide a
greater housing mix in growth areas.
At this stage Council see no need to defer from the current PSP
Council has identified a preferred phasing strategy to ensure
coordinated and timely infrastructure provision based on current and
proposed infrastructure.
Increase emphasis on the potential to deliver greater housing
choice in growth areas.
No. Submitter
Ratio Consulting
on behalf of
Huntly Lodge
Melton Shire
Council Response
Changes to HIGAP
Council has identified a preferred phasing strategy to ensure
coordinated and timely infrastructure provision based on current and
proposed infrastructure with this area identified as part of the wider
Sunbury East area. Early development in East Sunbury is limited by
the capacity of Sunbury Bulla Road and should commence after the
Bulla Bypass has been constructed.
Increase emphasis on the potential to deliver grater housing
choice in growth areas.
Include introductory text to clarify:
o that the Spatial Strategy and Delivery Strategy represent a
Council position
o Elements will be incorporated into the Hume Planning
o The Hume planning Scheme along with the Growth
Corridor Plans and the PSPs will form the statutory
framework on which decisions about future land use are
Clarify that the plans are not to scale and subject to more
detailed planning.
All maps showing Diggers Rest area to show Melton Shire
Council as responsible authority.
Text to also be inserted in the introduction explaining that
Diggers Rest land is in Melton Shire Council area.
Acknowledge need to identify suitable sites for water tanks
and continue to work with Western Water.
prioritise development in East Sunbury to fix the spatial equity problems, this work should be
undertaken as a priority.
Wincity questions the assumptions made around the anticipated start dates of land to the
west, south and south-east of Sunbury
There is an opportunity to consider earlier development within the Sunbury East Precinct
The Sunbury Road upgrade is a critical infrastructure requirement which should be
prioritised above other infrastructure requirements in Sunbury
The Sunbury South East precinct should be split into two which would reflect a true Sunbury
East and a Sunbury South East precinct
Main Issues:
Supports the inclusion of land in Sunbury South East Precinct which aligns with PSP 1075 –
Sunbury East
The strategy should identify the potential commencement of development in this precinct as
2014 not 2017/2018
Some development could occur prior to transport and infrastructure upgrades
Support Wincity submission that outlines capacity in existing services to enable the
commencement of some development of their land in the short term
A critical mass of residential development on the eastern side of Jacksons Creek to enable
the establishment of more facilities and services to serve the eastern areas of Sunbury
Providing for additional household types through the provision of a diversity of housing is
Realignment of south east precinct to include land known as Balbethan Land. This boundary
should be reflected as a new boundary for PSP 1075 and will result in a more consolidated
approach to the planning of East Sunbury, focussed around the communities of Goonawarra
and Rolling Meadows
Generally supportive of the vision and objectives established for part of the Sunbury grow1h
area that is within Hume City Council.
Document still does not acknowledge that the planning of Diggers Rest is the responsibility
of Melton Shire Council until page 51 of the strategy.
Melton Shire Council have invested time in developing plan for Diggers Rest which is
generally reflected in Draft PSP for Diggers Rest.
Agree that greater reference could be made to potential provide a
greater housing mix in growth areas.
At this stage Council see no need to defer from the current PSP
These Draft Strategies represent Council’s position on the growth of
Sunbury and are intended to guide and shape future development.
Councils preferred location for employment land development in
Diggers Rest is adjoining the Calder Freeway but plans will be
changed to align with the approved PSP. Key elements of the
Strategies will be incorporated into the Planning Scheme and along
with the Growth Corridor Plans and the PSPs will form the statutory
framework on which decisions about future land use are made.
It is misleading and confusing for the local community to include a structure for the area that
does not reflect the Diggers Rest PSP that is currently with the Minister for approval.
HIGAP must be altered to reflect and acknowledge the status of the Diggers Rest Precinct
Structure Plan that is currently with the Minister of Planning for approval.
Western Water
St Mary’s
Anglican Church
Growth Areas
WW has identified two of the hills around Sunbury for potential tank sites and will require
careful consideration of visual amenity
Supportive of HCC proposed regional park along Jacksons Creek and is happy to work with
HCC in the development of a master plan for this park
Class A recycled water for residential use will not be available until at least 2018
Class B recycled water can be utilised for sports and parks etc.
Sunbury South is the next area for servicing and given that this land may also be quickly
developed, there are a number of issues with the sewerage system that will impact on its
serviceability – this will need to be resolved
Western Water is committed to working with HCC to implement Sunbury HIGAP
Supports the development of an indoor public space for community events
Welcome input on requirements and preferred timing of infrastructure
upgrades and requirements.
Welcome commitment to delivering recycled water and to work
together to deliver a walking and cycling path within their property.
Note the needs for a large indoor space for community events
Ensure that consideration is given to need for large
community spaces and potential for the performing arts
centre to fulfil this role.
These Draft Strategies represent Council’s position on the growth of
Include introductory text to clarify:
A performing arts centre that is flexibly designed to meet the need for indoor space and
community events in Sunbury and the surrounding area
No. Submitter
HIGAP states that its purpose is to inform the GCPs – which a period for input has already
The status and relationship of the GCPs and HIGAP Strategy should be made clearer
The precinct boundaries in HIGAP do not align with the PSP boundaries for Sunbury
Strategy should make clear that boundaries differ to GAA boundaries and that PSP will
follow State Government boundaries rather than HIGAP ones
Provision rates for schools differ to those used in PSPs – which are set by DEECD.
Schools should be shown as indicative only
Nomination of activity centres is inconsistent with the draft corridor plans – HIGAP should
align with corridor plans if it intends on being background work to PSPs
Exact locations and floorspace of activity centres should wait to be determined at the PSP
Employment areas (industry and business) is inconsistent with draft corridor plans –
eastern edge of Vineyard Road and northern section of Diggers rest is not shown
Station north of Sunbury is inconsistent with corridor plans and should be removed as it will
have flow on effects to the planning of this precinct.
Strategy should be updated to reflect that Bald Hill is contained in Rural Conservation Zone
and is not designated for biodiversity within the draft corridor plan. A PSP will need to
determine the extent of development allowable on this hill.
The land nominated as open space in the north precinct has conservation significance and
it should be acknowledged on the plan.
Employment in Diggers Rest is inconsistent with draft corridor plans and draft Diggers Rest
Requirement to prepare an UDF for activity centres is not consistent with the current GAA
process when preparing PSPs
Questions the ‘District Open Space’ in Sunbury West and suggests this be changed to a
linear open space to provide a buffer between the Calder freeway and housing
Council Response
Changes to HIGAP
Sunbury and are intended to guide and shape future development.
Councils preferred position is outlined in the Draft Spatial Strategy
but changes will be made to the location of employment land and the
location of the Major Activity Centre to align with the approved
GCPs. Key elements of the Strategies will be incorporated into the
Planning Scheme and along with the Growth Corridor Plans and the
PSPs will form the statutory framework on which decisions about
future land use are made.
Support changes to the plans to clarify landscape and environmental
conservation values of different areas.
Agree to wording change relating to UDFs
The open space is active open space for sports ovals or similar uses.
The Draft Spatial Strategy identifies the need to address noise
issued in more detailed planning.
that the Spatial Strategy and Delivery Strategy represent a
Council position
o Elements will be incorporated into the Hume Planning
o The Hume planning Scheme along with the Growth
Corridor Plans and the PSPs will form the statutory
framework on which decisions about future land use are
Amend the Spatial Strategy to show:
o employment land south of Diggers Rest and adjoining the
Jacksons Hill Station; and
o the MAC on Sunbury Road
Clarify that the plans are not to scale and subject to more
detailed planning.
Amend wording relating to the further design work in activity
Confirm that plans are subject to further detailed planning.