4251.methods of reproduction

Methods of Reproduction OMM pgs. 113-115
Why is cell division important for multi-cellular organisms? ________________________________________
2. What is the only method of reproduction for single-celled organisms? ________________________________
3. When new __________________ are formed from a single __________________, without the union of male
and female _________ ___________, the process is known as “ _________________ reproduction.”
4. Do multi-cellular organisms undergo asexual reproduction? _________ If yes, give 3 examples, with detailed
explanation including one we have studied. _______________________________________________________
If not, why not? _____________________________________________________________________________
5. Which two organisms, one which we have studied, reproduce with an asexual process known as “budding”?
6. The buds during “budding” will break off and become _______________________________________________.
7. Why is asexual reproduction advantageous? _______________________________________________________
8. Why is asexual reproduction a disadvantage? ______________________________________________________
9. Give an example of a disadvantage to asexual reproduction. __________________________________________
10. What does reproduction enable an organism to do? _________________________________________________
11. Sexual reproduction is accomplished through the union of __________________________ and
12. Meiosis begins like cell division does: a cell that is destined to be a male or female sex cell ________________,
resulting in _____________ cells that are genetically __________________ to it. But in meiosis, a second
nuclear ___________________ follows, with each of the two ______________________ cells dividing again.
During this second division, the members of each pair of ________________________ separate and each moves
Methods of Reproduction OMM pgs. 113-115
into one of the _______________ cells. This means that the new sex cells—the male (sperm) or female (egg)
cells—contain only _______________________ the number of chromosomes as do regular ____________ cells.
They also are no longer genetically ____________________. The same basic process of meiosis occurs in all
__________________ and in _________________ plants. For example, Wisconsin Fast Plant cells normally have
____________ pairs of chromosomes (a total of _____________ chromosomes). When pollen grains or ovules
are formed, each has only 10 _______________ chromosomes. When _______________________ takes place,
the _______________ grain contributes 10 chromosomes and the _________________ contributes 10
chromosomes. The resulting _____________________ has the normal 10 pairs of chromosomes. If the number
of chromosomes in the sex cells were not halved, the organism would __________________ their number of
chromosomes every _______________________.
13. Describe Meiosis (the above description) in your own words. __________________________________________
14. Draw and label the process of meiosis