John Smith

Student B 1
Sample Student B
Mr. McCain
Adv. English 9
30 January 201X
I. Introduction - Thesis: The United States is too influenced by Israel, as exemplified by its extensive,
unnecessary monetary and military support.
II. Monetary support to Israel
A. Israel’s need for monetary support
1. Israel needs to defend itself
a. Enemies – 32 nations do not recognize
b. Deaths as a result of terrorism (2002 stat.)
2. Still an emerging nation- only 65 years old
B. Amount of US monetary support
1. The largest recipient
2. Israel’s place in US foreign aid budget
3. Congress does not want to take aid away
C. Israel’s exemption from standard agreements
1. Israel does not have to account for its spending
2. Not reliable on what they spend on
a. Reagan-era cluster bomb incident
b. Settlements in the West Bank
c. Manipulation of refugee funds
III. Military support to Israel
Student B 2
A. US technology and presence in Israel
1. Israel adversely giving away US military technology
a. To China
b. Breach of agreement and behind US’s back
2. US military support within Israeli borders
a. US keeps military in Israel as a protector
b. US supplies Israel with weapons
B. How US military support affects the US
1. US aid during October War
2. 1973 Oil Crisis
3. Israel does not keep military promises
4. Israel spies on the US
5. No trust or record of obedience in the situation
6. Hamas and Hezbollah threats to US
IV. Israel is too successful to need help
A. Military independence
1. Israel does not need US’s help when it can produce its own WMDs
2. Israeli technology – even US uses
3. Military requirement of most Israelis
B. Monetary Independence
1. Success of Israel’s modern economy
2. Secure economy
3. “Preparation for a rainy day”
V. Israel’s legitimacy and ideal relationship with US
Student B 3
A. Israel has the right to exist
1. Created by UN
2. Has many allies throughout world (Egypt & Jordan)
B. Israel needs US as role model and ally
1. Israel is beacon of democracy in Middle East
2. Nations are less likely to attack Israel with US as ally
C. Israel can help US
VI. Conclusion
A. Israel-US friendship should continue
B. US should lessen monetary and military support for Israel
C. Israel is a legitimate nation and can protect itself
D. Benjamin Netanyahu’s quote
E. Hope for peace